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The peng challenge: escape from Stalingrad?


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Guest PondScum
Originally posted by OGSF:

Any Kanniget tha's rude tae a lassie ain tha Pool can plah "human feckin wave" agin mah MG-34 laddie.

And you know EXACTLY how that feels, don't you, you gamey outerboard-sniffing accent-dropping bastige. You think I don't REALIZE that you're currently leading that human wave - or what's left of it, after a few bursts of lead and some light mortaring - with your company HQ? That's the MOTHERLAND you're defending there, boyo. Your HQ units should be leading from the rear, behind a nice wall of PPshD's, pour encourager les autres.

PS When your tin cans finally reach the treeline we're going to see who's packing CANNISTER.

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quote:By Doubting Thomas.


~Thursday 3 August~

123 lbs., thigh circumference 18 inches(honestly what is the bloody point), alcohol units, 0, cigatettes 25 (excellent, considering), negative thoughts: approx. 445 per hour, positive thoughts 0.


Aww come on, I may be dumb, but i ain't that dumb.

Bridget Jones!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I'm sure everyone got that one.

[ September 02, 2002, 08:16 PM: Message edited by: BARBELLA ]

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Originally posted by PondScum:

You think I don't REALIZE that you're currently leading that human wave - or what's left of it, after a few bursts of lead and some light mortaring - with your company HQ? That's the MOTHERLAND you're defending there, boyo. Your HQ units should be leading from the rear, behind a nice wall of PPshD's, pour encourager les autres.

Ye gamey German choosin', balanced force buyin' ink stain on a lip! Tha Company Commander go' there firrrst cos all tha raist o' tha gutless weasels shat their troos an' fell doon afore he did!

Where's mah stankin' bombers????

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Originally posted by Panzer Leader:

Ach! You win, me leetle loverly. (Agony Aunt?) I am v. pleased to meet you, me'mselle, and me heart would fair BURST if your posts became grammatically sound and spellingly accurate. Unt, in addition, I would weep for joy if'n you were able to go above and beyond the pale and delve into realms of entertainment.

mayhap there is hope for you yet... nah
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BurnMeAgain said:

Actually, you are a delusional twit with some severe psychological problems, but who' keeping score

Ha! You're wrong. I'm a TESTOSTERONE FUELED delusional twit, and Roxy is the only one on this account with severe psychological problems. Well, Stephanie and Ginger too; but they don't post here.

Treeburst155, Squire to Senior Knight Moriarty, Defender of Lost Causes (me, Roxy, Stephanie, Ginger, and Imelda)

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No, my wife has the whole set, and I might eventually read them but first I would have to really pump up on the testosterone by re-reading some M. Moorcock or somfink. Have you?

Actually, that's a lie. I accent my military history with SF/Fantasy and I've been wanting to reread the Eteranl Champion series for a while now. I just finished rereading one of my other favorites: Gene Wolfe's Torturer series. Next up, Mervyn Peake's Gormanghast!

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Originally posted by OGSF:

Ye stankin' lecherous currs'. Didnye knoo hoo tae greet a wee lassie ain tha Pool yet? Ah thought wae waint through thas crrrap wi' Roxy (bolded, kiss mah spotty arrse)? Pillocks.

Any Kanniget tha's rude tae a lassie ain tha Pool can plah "human feckin wave" agin mah MG-34 laddie.


An' Ah didnae care af'n at's noo a lassie, ye didnae knoo tha' yet!

Go Jimmy Go!


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Guest PondScum
Originally posted by OGSF:

Where's mah stankin' bombers????

Leave Stuka out of this.

In the meantime, let's all admire that brewed-up T34, shall we? Wasn't Mr Molotov nice? And it's SUCH a shame that your brave Urrraaahhh'ing boys can't come join my lads in the woods for a niceSeanachai-style singsong. Running back to the Volga, you say? Oh dear. He's not THAT bad.

Editted to note that, deary me, there goes another T34.

[ September 03, 2002, 01:29 AM: Message edited by: PondScum ]

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Originally posted by PondScum:

Leave Stuka out of this.


And I'm not 'stanking' either, thank you very much Mr ODSF.

I happen to bathe twice a day and on both occasions apply a squirt of Brut 33 under the old wing roots and a dab of 'Georgio Armani' just behind the engine cowl.

Its no wonder that the Oberleutnants Jolie and Richards just can't keep their hands off me.

But jealousy's always been your downfall hasn't it OFSD? Well, that and your fascinating skin condition of course.

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Meandering thru the personal identity confusions running amok, the trans-gender, bi -machinations, and out and out perfidy, I shall hence forth be known as Hedwig which makes as much sense as anything in these last, the last iterations of a once great edifice.

Truly I have no farther to look than the corpulent mewlings scrived herein to understand why it has been so hard to keep up with the new homeys. Sheesh. Not like the old days (grumble) yeps them were post that one could rap your super ego around and not worry about who was fondling your id, as it seems hereabouts.

never mind me I am a broken and pathetic old man. makes friendf Hiram positively the spokes-infomercial for the Power of Positive Thinking

Aye Absolam, Absolam, the far country does cry for you, Yet are you worthy? Not by the looks of it.

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Meandering thru the personal identity confusions running amok, the trans-gender, bi -machinations, and out and out perfidy, I shall hence forth be known as Hedwig which makes as much sense as anything in these last, the last iterations of a once great edifice.
JD, that's not you posting as BARBELLA, (spelt, not bolded) is it? We know you have your problems...(you must get new pills) but this is really over the top. And you are mistaken, it's not the end, but the end of the beginning...or sumfink like that.


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Originally posted by Berlichtingen:

CMBB doesn't make my computer kick me in the yarbles like CMBO did. Completely ruined the game for me

Hell, if they wan't a kick in the yarbles I'll be happy to give them a hand....or is that a boot?

Anyhow, It's part of the morale building and good-deeds type thing expected of we Knights of Peng.


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