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One Challenge in the Life of Peng, De Son of a Vich....

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Originally posted by Malakovski:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Aposotol:

Odio todo esto de Peng, por suerte pocos podran entenderlo...

Sodo offo.</font>
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Originally posted by Aposotol:

Odio todo esto de Peng, por suerte pocos podran entenderlo...

El pajaro, mas stupido, sabe' volar.

Estoy orgulloso de ser, Argentinio.

[ November 07, 2002, 07:34 PM: Message edited by: Nidan1 ]

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Originally posted by Nidan1:

El stupido.
Got that right at least.

You can <big><big>S-o-d-d-o o-f-f-o t-o-o</big></big>.

[ November 07, 2002, 08:33 PM: Message edited by: Mike ]

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Dear Nibbles - being he lackwitted Kiwi that I am that makes me an intellectual giant anywhere else, so if a message fits then feel free to insert it without lubricant!

Seeing as how you were quiet capable of copying someone else's idea I felt that doing so would be a good way to communicate at your level - maybe then you'd understand.

I guess I was wrong - perhaps I should shout it louder and slower?

Still here?? I guess another Sod Off won't help, but it's always worth a try.

<big>Sod off</big>, and have a nice day.

[ November 07, 2002, 09:12 PM: Message edited by: Mike ]

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alrighty then

well seems like I have found a new land in which my particular brand of loathing is more appreciated. It's called "ZDNet" and it is a wonderous place filled with people actually dumber and more irritating than beta testers, grogs and Echo. REALLY!

So I am posting things there these days- funny though none of the locals have challenged me to a game of CM - either BO or BB. Perhaps they just aren't "in the know" aboot such things. Mebbe tomorrow I post a link and we can all go over there and tell them what we think eh?

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Originally posted by MrPeng:

alrighty then

well seems like I have found a new land in which my particular brand of loathing is more appreciated. It's called "ZDNet" and it is a wonderous place filled with people actually dumber and more irritating than beta testers, grogs and Echo. REALLY!

So I am posting things there these days- funny though none of the locals have challenged me to a game of CM - either BO or BB. Perhaps they just aren't "in the know" aboot such things. Mebbe tomorrow I post a link and we can all go over there and tell them what we think eh?

Have I told you lately, that I hate you?
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Originally posted by Mike:

Dear Nibbles - being he lackwitted Kiwi that I am that makes me an intellectual giant anywhere else in New Zealand, so if a message fits then feel free to insert it without lubricant!

Seeing as how you were quiet capable of copying someone else's idea I felt that doing so would be a good way to communicate at your level - maybe then you'd understand.

I guess I was wrong - perhaps I should shout it louder and slower?

Still here?? I guess another Sod Off won't help, but it's always worth a try.

<big>Sod off</big>, and have a nice day.

Mike-you-idiot ! You spelt QUITE wrong. Or was that intentional to make an opposition to your shouting... or somefink ?


Edited to upset the balance of the universe.

[ November 08, 2002, 04:33 AM: Message edited by: Noba ]

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Originally posted by MrPeng:

well seems like I have found a new land in which my particular brand of loathing is more appreciated. It's called "ZDNet" and it is a wonderous place filled with people actually dumber and more irritating than beta testers, grogs and Echo. REALLY!

So I am posting things there these days- funny though none of the locals have challenged me to a game of CM - either BO or BB. Perhaps they just aren't "in the know" aboot such things. Mebbe tomorrow I post a link and we can all go over there and tell them what we think eh?

Oh goody! An excursion!!

Should I bring a cut lunch? Oh and will there be drinks and games to play?!

Oh, I'm all excited now.


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Originally posted by Malakovski:

{Or to put it even more plainly, it's as much about the blather as the battles. If that's not your cup of tea, don't try to drink it.}

I post not out of malice or blatant obsessive ignorance but I post out of a wish..nay a desire to have my teeth kicked into my mouth in any form of QB.

I realize now the foolishness in my attempt to avoid certain types of QB and for that all I can say is SOD OFF at least I tried.

So send me whatever kind of gamey abomination you may want to create. I will play ANYTHING, yes, in my desire to get beaten up I might have lost parts of my brain functions. I will even play as miserable Romanians if you wish. But dont ever again talk to me about tea, for I hate that filthy substance. Especially with milk...who wants to drink something that looks like it was scooped up from the Ganges river?

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Originally posted by AussieJeff:

Hahaha! These Poms just make you wanna weep tears of joy, eh Macey? Lets start a book on this one. I'll take the following odds -

30/1 on that Hayden scores over 300 runs

50/1 on that the Aussies score over 600+

100/1 on that the game lasts no more than 3.5 days

1/1,000,000 against that the Poms will win

Sux to be a Pommie cricketer......


Nice work on the prognostication front Aussie Jeff. Have you thought about applying for the recently advertised Chief Soothsayer post? No, really, you should - good rates of pay, all the entrails you can eat - the perks are considerable.

I'll send through the Bankrupt (Old Git) papers after tea on Saturday shall I?

I mean 8 wickets for a mere 128 runs is just so.............English!

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Originally posted by Nestor:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by AussieJeff:

Hahaha! These Poms just make you wanna weep tears of joy, eh Macey? Lets start a book on this one. I'll take the following odds -

30/1 on that Hayden scores over 300 runs

50/1 on that the Aussies score over 600+

100/1 on that the game lasts no more than 3.5 days

1/1,000,000 against that the Poms will win

Sux to be a Pommie cricketer......


Nice work on the prognostication front Aussie Jeff. Have you thought about applying for the recently advertised Chief Soothsayer post? No, really, you should - good rates of pay, all the entrails you can eat - the perks are considerable.

I'll send through the Bankrupt (Old Git) papers after tea on Saturday shall I?

I mean 8 wickets for a mere 128 runs is just so.............English!</font>

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Originally posted by AussieJeff:


{A pre-emptive strike in lieu of Leeeee-oh!}


[Edited for the sheer thrill of it...]

While I used to think you had to work at being such an idiot, I've become convinced that you come by it congenitally.
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OK, which one of you goat-boys works for MSN? I know one of you does and I just have a question for you concerning MSN. Just a teensy question that I'm sure won't tax your third world, cave dweller's mentality.

Ready? Here it is: How is it that the masses haven't risen up and just driven you and your ilk right over a cliff? Can you answer me that, Sparky? And at what point will you stop calling it a "Tech Support" department and call it by it's real name, mainly, "Lester and Eugene's Dept. of Drooling Imbeciles and Inbred Mutant Fey Nazis"? Just curious.

[serious] As MSN is still screwing with me and I am unable to access the internet from home, NO TURNS FOR YOU![/serious]

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Gamey Gnome Update:

Yes, the ÜberGnome is in fact the gamiestist of all Gnomes! Or in simpler words....He's a gamey bastard!

I see he hasn't posted and bragged about how he beat little ol' me in CMBO! His evil little Gnome troops brutally attacked my cute happy little pixel soldiers and killed a bunch of them. That was so mean! His little tricky Gnomes would take off their pointy red hats and put them behind the bushes so it looked as if they were still there, and they would sneak around and come up behind my little troops, and my poor innocent soldiers were unaware of the evil little creatures lurking around them. Yes, Gnomes can be evil.

Well, Mr. ÜberGnome, I will now join the Aussies in their quest to Crush All Gnomes! Since you are the only Gnome on this forum...Be afraid little Gnome....be very, very afraid!

You big bully with a pointy red hat!



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Originally posted by Boo_Radley:

[serious] As MSN is still screwing with me and I am unable to access the internet from home, NO TURNS FOR YOU![/serious]
Has anyone seen a sadder commentary? Boo_ "cough" duh?, the beauty of living in the free world...well Ohio then....is freedom of choice. There are hundreds of ISPs that can handle E-Mail, some of them actually do it for free!!! Why don't you try the Technical tips forum for answers, or better yet, tie some weights around you, crawl into a burlap sack, and jump into a body of water, spare us the details.
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