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I would like to point out that this day is a public holiday in this Workers Paradise and that, while I certainly owe the Oz-grog Fox a file since forever, Ethan owes me a file since Forever plus One.

Hugs n' Hate,


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Time for a May singsong:

O lusty May (c.1545)

O lusty May with Flora quene,

The balmy drop's from Phebus schene,

Preluciand bemes befoir the day,

Befoir the day, the day,

Be that Diana growis grene,

Thruch glaidness of this lusty May,

Thruch glaidness of this lusty May.

Than Esperus that is so bricht,

Till wofull hairt's castis his licht,

With bank's that blumes on ev'ry bray,

On ev'ry bray, the bray,

And shur's ar sched furth of thair sicht,

Thruch glaidness of this lusty May.

Birdis on bew's of ev'ry birth,

Rejosing nott's makand thair mirth,

Rycht pleasandly upoun the spray,

Upoun the spray, the spray,

With flurissing's our feild and firth,

Thruch glaidness of this lusty May.

All luvaris that ar in cair,

To thair ladeis thay do repair,

In fresch mornyng's befoir the day,

Befoir the day, the day,

And ar in mirth ay mair and mair,

Thruch glaidness of this lusty May.

Of all the moneth's in the yeir,

To mirthfull May thair is no peir,

Hir glistring garmound's ar so gay,

Hir garmound's gay, so gay,

Yow luvar's all mak mirrie cheir,

Thruch glaidness of this lusty May.


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Oh we're having a sing along Persephone?

Let me 'ave a go = dedicated to our own Pommie braying donkey!

We're happy little Vegemites

As happy as can be.

We all enjoy our Vegemite

For breakfast, lunch and tea.

Our mother says we're growing stronger every single week

Because we love our Vegemite.

We all adore our Vegemite.


I feel somewhat moved. *sniff*


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Guest PondScum

Hurray, hurray, the first of May,

Outdoor f*cking starts today...

Also, Lorak, I must protest! Your page has me down with ZERO losses. This is a base and vile accusation. While a knight I have lost to mon petite liege Dalem, and in my squirehood I lost to his evilness Berli.

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Originally posted by Boo_Radley:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by dalem:


Please add

Croda - El Supremo Poop-Head of the First Order

M'Lud Croda. As I am already engaged in battle with that mentally unbalanced Hee-Haw reject known as dalem, is there anything specific you would like me to do to him? Beyond ripping him asunder, that is. That's pretty much a given. Shall I make his defeat as bitter as a salt filled pancake laid upon the body-politic of a great nation? Shall I assemble his cleaned bones into an amusing free-form sculpture? Do you wish him to bring you breakfast in bed dressed in a skimpy French maid's costume?

Your wish is my command.</font>

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Originally posted by Mace:

Oh we're having a sing along Persephone?

Let me 'ave a go = dedicated to our own Pommie braying donkey!

We're happy little Vegemites

As happy as can be.

We all enjoy our Vegemite

For breakfast, lunch and tea.

Our mother says we're growing stronger every single week

Because we love our Vegemite.

We all adore our Vegemite.


I feel somewhat moved. *sniff*


Mace doing a sing-song about Vegemite. Kinda makes my bowels feel moved...
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Originally posted by CMplayer:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by PondScum:

my squirehood I lost to his evilness Berli.

That sounds really sick, somehow.

Please, PondScum, there are some things we don't have to share with the group.</font>

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Aussie, Aussie, Aussie, Ouch! Ouch! Ouch!


Player Banned After Testicle Biting

May 01, 2002 08:48 AM ET

MELBOURNE (Reuters) - Former Sydney Swans Australian Rules player Peter Filandia was suspended for 10 matches on Wednesday after pleading guilty to biting an opponent's testicles during a game last week.

Filandia, 31, was playing for Port Melbourne against Springvale in the Australian Football League's feeder competition, the Victorian Football League (VFL).

St. Kilda AFL player Chad Davis, playing for Springvale, suffered a perforated scrotum and lost a small amount of blood, a club doctor told the VFL tribunal in Melbourne. He also needed a tetanus injection.

Filandia told the tribunal he could not breathe when he became entangled with Davis and bit him as a reflex action.

However, Filandia did not know which part of his opponent's body he had bitten, he said.

"It was a split-second decision," Filandia told reporters after the hearing.

Tribunal chairman Eddie Power ordered Filandia to undergo player counseling before resuming playing.

In a similar case last year, former rugby league international John Hopoate was banned by the Australian National Rugby League for 12 weeks after poking a finger up the backside of an opponent.

Hopoate was sacked by his club Wests-Tigers but joined rival club Northern Eagles in June 2001.


And people wonder why were glad thier on the other side of the ocean...


[ May 01, 2002, 05:47 PM: Message edited by: Lorak ]

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Guest PondScum
<font size=-1>Originally posted by CMplayer:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr /><font size=-1>Originally posted by PondScum:

my squirehood I lost to his evilness Berli.

<font size=-1>That sounds really sick, somehow.

Please, PondScum, there are some things we don't have to share with the group</font></font>

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I've been rather out of touch, the last few days, and I know how that upsets you lot, so I've decided to do one of my infrequent 'game updates'.

Noba: How glad I was to hear that this spectacular Aussie pillock's daughter had just married, and married outside the country. Besides the positive happiness of the nuptial couple, this means that perhaps the generation to come will redeem Noba's genetic heritage, and produce an individual that will prove to be a capable CM player.

Mind, our game is pretty much completely dull. He shells me, I shout 'Ow, my arm!', he continues to maneuver to come up with some devastating ploy to sweep aside all opposition. In the meantime, hopefully his daughter is filled with bliss, and thinking of Alexander the Great. Thinking very heavily about Alexander the Great.

Chrisl: I hate him. I've always hated him, and it's games like this that help me to come to grips with my hatred, and see it for the positive, life-affirming force it actually is. Hatred of Chrisl is like planting a garden. You sow the seed, and, after much labour, attention, and experience, you reap a rich harvest of hatred that is as beautiful as it is multi-hued. You could call in botanists to catalogue the ways in which I hate Chrisl.

It's not that he's doing that well in our game, I just seriously hate him

And don't get me started on Goanna, that toad, who designed this map.

Slapdragon: Of course, I hate Slapdragon. Everyone bloody hates him. You have to take a bloody number to hate him, and if you should forget yourself and inadvertently hate him out of turn, someone will punch you right in the kidneys for usurping their place in the queue for righteously and pre-eminently hating him. This is a man so hated that people will actually become angry and hateful towards each other in their aggessive and competitive need to hate him first, and foremost.

That said, I'm only doing so-so in our game, and that at the expense of him very kindly and helpfully pointing out to me at length how gamey and ahistorical I've been. I'd try and eke out another few dribbles of hatred for him, except that he's right. I'm forced to admit, I've done horrible things.

At first, I thought of surrendering as an act of contrition. But, after mature consideration, I've decided to wait until the end of the game and then get really, really drunk, and then call him at 3 AM and tell him my life story until he caves in and forgives me. I can't imagine it will take beyond Middle School before he's begging for the chance to exonerate me.

Michael Dorosh: Picture it if you can! Grog versus Bard, Bard versus Grog! Each one teeth-gritting, steely eyed, intent on survival! Each one determined to not merely defeat the other, but to humiliate him! Each one filled with hatred and violent purpose!

Dorosh is attempting to seize the hilltop that comprises my left flank. He has poured out the blood of his troops like water to gain this height. Rampaging Croc's spewing flame stride across the hilltop. German AGs and ACs maneuver to destroy them. Troops shift, die, and new units come forward.

Dorosh is a very nice chap, but he's yet to call me anything truly foul in one of our email exchanges. I worry about him, truly I do.

Moriarity I will defeat him. As is right, and just. He makes good maps, though, and came up with a very interesting concept for this game. It was like one of those training exercises. He emailed me: There are no VLs. We'll base victory on the number of units crushed and annihilated. Imagine every enemy unit is Bauhaus.

Silly sod might have had a chance if he hadn't added that last. I'm crushing him. I've never forgotten my hatred of Bauhaus and the several completely unfair and unrealistic defeats he's subjected me to.

R Leete is currently shivering in a cold garage with a skilsaw in his hands shouting "They think me mad! Mad! I'll show them madness!" His wife is indoors weeping, and trying to work through the Michigan State bureaucracy seeking help for a loved one via various counseling services. The problem lies in ascertaining which Automative Company is responsible for which Program. My understanding is, it's dependent on which type of tank the poor madman is attempting to build, and it's currently unclear whether Chevy or Ford administers the program for lunatics attempting to build working Tiger I models.

Agua Perdido is missing in action. Presumed drunk.

ciks is doing well. No, you don't know him. I was rude to him on the Outer Boards, and without just cause, and we're playing a game. Piss off.

Finally both Stuka and AussieJeff are waiting for new scenarios from me. I feel for them, I truly do. Well, not so much for Stuka, who's beaten the ****e out of me in 3 of our 4 games, but I do feel for him. Mostly with a Rapala in my hand.

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Posted by the Dribbling Gnome:

Noba: How glad I was to hear that this spectacular Aussie's daughter had just married, and married outside the country. Besides the positive happiness of the nuptial couple, this means that perhaps the generation to come will confirm Noba's Royal genetic heritage, and produce an individual that will prove to be a capable CM player that will kick me in the head upon request.

Mind, our game is pretty much completely dull. He shells me, I shout 'Ow, my arm!', he continues to maneuver to come up with some devastating ploy to sweep aside all opposition. In the meantime, hopefully his daughter is filled with bliss

You sir are a cad. A blatant attempt to skew reality has resulted in your badly placed troops being readied for the slaughter. Patience. We WILL kick your head again.

Slapdragon: Of course, I hate Slapdragon. Everyone bloody hates him. You have to take a bloody number to hate him, and if you should forget yourself and inadvertently hate him out of turn, someone will punch you right in the kidneys for usurping their place in the queue for righteously and pre-eminently hating him. This is a man so hated that people will actually become angry and hateful towards each other in their aggessive and competitive need to hate him first, and foremost.
You sir are even more of a cad. That is my Liege that you are slandering. Worse, I can't even call you out on it. I'm a;ready on the way to humiliating you, so what good would it serve.



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The Bard:

And don't get me started on Goanna, that toad, who designed this map.

Oh, let's do. Nice to see I can bring misery to your life even when I am not at contest with you personally. Right, and don't forget to mention that I wore you out like a two year old's plastic drum in, what is it, all three or four of our previous matches? The pealing of your cries of shock and horror still echo in my daydreams.
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Just a small point, sire. I'm in Rochester, New York , not Michigan. The very city with the highest unemployment in the nation at the moment. I suppose we gotta be famous for something.

You may laugh now, but I know. Deep down, you, too, want to ride on the badass Tiger. Seeing as you are currently working as an "artist for the state" (drawing unemployment) perhaps you'd like to journey into my neck of the woods and help bring the beast to life. I promise I won't let the cat bury you in the garden, honest.

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Guest PondScum

Yes, let's all get started on Goanna. Try repairing that CMBO machine a little bit faster, eh? I've got some more Flying Dustbins O' Doom to fling your way.

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Originally posted by PondScum:

Yes, let's all get started on Goanna. Try repairing that CMBO machine a little bit faster, eh? I've got some more Flying Dustbins O' Doom to fling your way.

Oh, we probably should'nt gang up on Goanna. I mean, the guy's Ozztraylyun, right? That in itself is a tremendous burden. I can imagine that dealing with that harsh reality on a daily basis would turn even a strong, well centered person into the emotional equivalent of a community theatre version of Blanche Duboise, staggering from room to room in a stained housecoat. Tattered slippers shuffling across the dusty carpet, holding the back of his hand to his forehead saying in a voice cracked by madness, "I have always depended on the kindness of strangers."

Not a pretty sight.

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