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Sir, the Traditions of the Peng Challenge Thread are Rum, Sod-Off, and the Lash!

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by OGSF:

A setoop? fer tha' rubbish? Ye call tha' taunting? Ah'd sooner saind a setoop tae a shaved weiner dog which ha' bin garrotted wi' Joe Ah cudnae play ye wi' mah troos sae soggy Shaw's underpant elastic an' laift ain tha fields o' France till at's sae bloated at's blotchy skin shines ain' tha burnin' rays o' tha stankin' sun. Ah's rather eat worms than saind tha vomit garglin' leeks o' yoo a setoop Jimmy! Ye're a scab encrusted, runny nosed slurper wi' a slight limp laddie, an' af'n ye think ye'll gi a setoop fer tha pathetic attaimpt ye kin clamp ye haid batween ye bum cheeks an' await ye naixt prrrogeny!


What did he say?

I don’t speak the language of the subservient wankers who live in a hellhole that even the Romans didn’t want.

Class? Anyone?

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Lorak! me brother and only friend! If there is anything I can provide for you and yours, don't hesitate to ask!

As the Cesspool's Semi-Official Town Drunk, I can score you things that most assuredly will take the pain away and promote quick healing!




Welcome back, Larry... and thanks.

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Who is this Lorak guy and why are all these old farts so excited about him being back?

And I think that the gassbag Justicar should spend a little less time preening and a little more time enforcing. To wit:

Croda Bolded my name on page one. Now I may be a scum sucking newbie, but I have paid some slight amount of attention to the goings on here and it seems to me that an SSN such as me does not get bolded. I am not supposed to get BOLDED, just ignored.

And this Yaknothodonothons guy. I don't know. I think he is a serial killer type. He is able to control his impulses as long as there is some light and a few witnesses. Never seen a serial killer crazy enough to bag a victim in front of a cop. They know right from wrong so they ain't crazy.

Speaking of crazy. I am CRAZY about Microsoft!!! I especially LOVE WINXP. It totally ROCKS. If you have not tried it yet by all means scrap your iMacs and toss out those old Win9x beasts. Mr Gates has blessed us with a TRULY WONDERFUL PRODUCT this time. Honest.


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Sorry to butt in here again so soon but something about the thread title bothers me...

Something about the Olde Ones being Scotch drinkers. Wouldn't touch RUM on a dare. Well, maybe Peng would but that's because he is a drunk. Or so they say. But I seem to recall a thread waaaaay back before the time of the MTB when Tipple was the thing and Berlio said "Scotch"

What do Garden Gnomes drink? Fairy Juice?

That's just another name for.....RUM!!!


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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Lord General MB:


Im leaving the MBT, for reasons obvius. I'm taking the addive set forth by many of the 'pools patrons (i.e. SOD OFF). I shall return at a later date, bu tplease do not rush me...

Byby poolers....<hr></blockquote>

Anybody know this guy?

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IL-2 Update!

Sorry (not really) to intrude again but just wanted to let you know that I got online with Treeborscht 155 and his gang of loonies WITH Roger Wilco and I had a blast ... mostly blasts from LaaG5's, Yaks, hell maybe even a P-39 (though I think I scared the hell out of him a few times before he screamed for help). In short, if you haven't yet responded to the request for Air Cess, the CessPool IL-2 Squadron, shoot me an email pronto. This has a LOT of potential folks.


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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Gates-slut:

And this Yaknothodonothons guy. I don't know. I think he is a serial killer type. He is able to control his impulses as long as there is some light and a few witnesses. Never seen a serial killer crazy enough to bag a victim in front of a cop. They know right from wrong so they ain't crazy.<hr></blockquote>

Flakes-Hut me breakfast cereals are me own affair but for the record random stabbings at me corn flakes is no indication of an unstable personality... well, not before me encounter with the "veterinary"... protect thee innocence, fair Mates-Buff from these scurvy blaggards


[ 01-09-2002: Message edited by: Yeknodathon ]</p>

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Coming back to the MBT thread after a prolonged absence always gives new meaning to the words, "plus ca change, plus c'est la meme chose", as well as "so much k-wrap, so little time."

I am heartened that Lorak is back, as the waitress down at the Awful House had about lost her one good tooth for frettin' about him. I will note that some people will do anything to see the LOTR in a multiplex with Dolby™ Surround Sound. Still it was well done, Larry, and you deserve the hero's welcome that Mrs. Lorak no doubt provided you.

Also heartening was Hiram's news about his sis. Best of luck from here on out.

Less heartening is the Gnome's plan to come over to London to sort out Mr. Peng, Y.H., proprietor of the Hunan restaurant of ineffable goodness. I will be in London for a few more days yet, and the thought of being w/in 5 miles of Seanachai for any period of time plays hell with my digestion. "There can be only one," he says, but Mr. Peng, Y.H., being a Buddhist, might disagree with you.

Those of you expecting turns from me, which is to say Geier and, if he still cares to, Lorak, can look forward to them sometime late next week.

The rest of you can sod off, unless like Andreas you have recently bought me alcohol, in which case do carry on.

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You will notice the subject here. One of the ears you see in these pictures is already hanging above my mantle. The other is soon to follow. I have offered a means of contest to the offending pup's owner (perhaps the pup's pet, who really knows?). I'm sure he will not fail to disappoint.

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Mace:

No time for that for you, young man!

OGSF and I are still waiting for that scenario you promised us a couple of months ago!!!!


oh ya I forgot that I'm making a scenario for Loudmouth and Stinky here.

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I'm tired of my handle. I mean really freaking sick and tired of it. Any of you creeps can suggest a better one? I'm looking for something special, with pizzazz and style. Something that expressess the real me. But I'm at a loss...

In other business: Hannsel you are a priggish, moronic, git-faced, scumsucking, turn non-returning, tactically-challenged bag of pyook that should have been returned by its mother the day it was born. And on top of all that you're AWOL. Are you busy wallpapering your fallout shelter? Rewiring your jeep? Buying a beanbag chair at IKEA? Drinking MILK? Send us a frigging turn so we can get the war over by Easter. And to think you showed such promise...tsk tsk.

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by CMplayer:

I'm looking for something special, with pizzazz and style. Something that expressess the real me. But I'm at a loss...


have you thought of IMADUFUS? no? hmm ok

try these on for size

they aren't taken anymore

Gunny Bunny

SS Peiper

have fun.

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by CMplayer:

I'm tired of my handle. I mean really freaking sick and tired of it. Any of you creeps can suggest a better one? I'm looking for something special, with pizzazz and style. Something that expressess the real me. But I'm at a loss...


I've always been partial to Lenny.

You look like a Lenny.

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Gates-slut:

And this Yaknothodonothons guy. I don't know. I think he is a serial killer type. He is able to control his impulses as long as there is some light and a few witnesses. Never seen a serial killer crazy enough to bag a victim in front of a cop. They know right from wrong so they ain't crazy.

Speaking of crazy. I am CRAZY about Microsoft!!! I especially LOVE WINXP. It totally ROCKS. If you have not tried it yet by all means scrap your iMacs and toss out those old Win9x beasts. Mr Gates has blessed us with a TRULY WONDERFUL PRODUCT this time. Honest.


Gates-slut, you don't have to worry about Yackednowyodels...I have already rendered him completely harmless. Maybe you shouldn't go anywhere alone with him just in case...but you two have so much in common both being SSNs.

I'm going to give you a special tip: If you want the Olde Ones to like you, be sure to put lots of smileys in your posts...MrPeng especially loves them.

P.S. Microsoft sucks!!!!!


[ 01-09-2002: Message edited by: Patch ]</p>

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Gates-slut:

Who is this Lorak guy and why are all these old farts so excited about him being back?


Shut up you feckin' SSN. Don't force me to turn Mace loose on you. He's a professional shodder you know and he hasn't had his shots as of late.

Now, go away.

By the way.....Welcome back Lorak....I still loathe and hate you.

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

IL-2 Update!

Sorry (not really) to intrude again but just wanted to let you know that I got online with Treeborscht 155 and his gang of loonies WITH Roger Wilco and I had a blast ... mostly blasts from LaaG5's, Yaks, hell maybe even a P-39 (though I think I scared the hell out of him a few times before he screamed for help). In short, if you haven't yet responded to the request for Air Cess, the CessPool IL-2 Squadron, shoot me an email pronto. This has a LOT of potential folks.


Sweet Mary, and all that is holy! Did you say IL-2?! I didn't know old farts, especially you Joe, had the required reflexes to play that game. I specifically remember reading on the side of the game box that being under the age of 40 was a requirement. It also mentioned something about being able to wipe one's own ass, but I am giving you the benefit of the doubt here...

Anyway.. I will be shooting an e-mail your way soon.


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