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What Should Be in the Patch?

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One more request for a formation option during setup: after selecting a platoon (by double clicking on the HQ), allow a "formation" option in the available order menu to set the entire platoon up in a "V", wedge, echelon left, echelon right, line and column.

Even if everyone has different unit placements they favor within each of these formations, it would still be a huge timesaver, especially with large point sized battles.

[ October 06, 2002, 02:52 PM: Message edited by: Agua ]

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1) Enable use of the mouse wheel (configurable to either change view, zoom in, or tilt camera)

2) Make the SHIFT key speed up the screen scroll speed. In other words, as you move around the battlefield you get the slow speed. When you hold shift, you get a fast camera speed like you do when you press the camera buttons. I know you can side scroll with the shift but this is redundant when you can side scroll with at the bottom of the screen edge.

3) Track down and squash the TCPIP Game data transfer lockup bug that is still present (happened the other day)

4) Question: Does arty falling in MUD (soft ground) cause LESS damage to nearby troops then arty falling on hard ground? It should.



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Originally posted by mPisi:

When setting waypoints, allow the backspace key to delete the last waypoint, while the mouse is active for setting the next waypoint. CMBO allowed this, while in CMBB the backspace key doesn't do anything when the mouse is setting the waypoint. Enabling the backspace key allowed quick corrections of waypoints, especially when right-clicking to add a number of waypoints in a row.

I second this heartily! I loved that feature and though it's not anything like a disaster that it is not included in CM:BB, it is nevertheless a loss that is not directly replaced by some other interface improvement (as far as I have seen).

If possible, it would be great to have it back smile.gif


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Originally posted by TeAcH:

1) Enable use of the mouse wheel (configurable to either change view, zoom in, or tilt camera)

I strongly agree that the mouse wheel should be used. Myself, I'd like to see it used to adjust camera height.
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Here is my current list of fixes which I think are quick fixes, not causign major work:

- Quickbattle menu entry ground conditions

- editor->units->unit->ammo level: make right mouse key

increse/descrease by 10

- editor>units->unit: make a button to go to next unit without first

going to the previous screen

- the default of pre-battle casulties should probably be zero, too

many people get confused about missing units

- When splitting squads, the second half always counts as dead with

regards to victory points.

- the slow turn rate of standing vehicles does not match with the fact

that an initial turn into (but not from) movement is executed much


- allow the backspace key to delete the last waypoint even while you

are in the middle of plotting, like CMBO did

- add an option to have every autosave stored to a different filename

- showing quickbattle parameters: the client will see what the random

settings came out to be before ouchasing, the host does not

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I would like to see the movement speed and or tiring rate of infantry moving through trees investigated. Right now, it is the same as clear. The same goes for inf movement through mud.

Also, the LOS of infantry hiding in bushes, rough, wheat etc is not effected by this terrain, no matter how far the LOS is traced through it. How about if hiding in wheat, brush, etc is the same as hiding behind a wall, with the LOS blocked?

Also, steppe has very little concealment advantage over clear (maybe 15%). Could this be increased to, say 25%?

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Vehicle's moving along 'rotate to' lines (if this is a bug as opposed to an occasional glitch). Used to happen in CMBO a lot, not sure if it's recognised as a bug in that or CMBB and if it is, if it's fixable. Hapened with me and a T34 in Close Encounter (CMBB).

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Hmmm. I haven't noticed any galling bugs, so I'll lay out some possible feature requests.

In no particular order:

(1) A time-left display when reloading. Hopefully this wouldn't be too hard. Granted, it might be mostly an issue w/ a certain incredibly rare 70-ton heavily-armored assault mortar...

(2) When an aircraft gets shot down, it might be handy for a message to appear... especially if it's your own, since you can't select the enemy AA gun and get a kill report until the game is over. Might depend on FOW et al -- who would know when a plane goes down? Hmmm.

(3) A 'Back' button in QB design would also be rather nice, although not crucial since you can start over.

(4) Given the sheer variety of units one can select, it's would be even more useful to be able to get the 'I just hit enter' statistics on a unit then.

(5) Hm, would it be possible for the game to indicate how much delay, on Turn 1, a spotter would have if he does /not/ order a prep barrage, just so the player knows whether or not it'll be basically useless if he doesn't?

(6) Prep barrages -- possibly should be more flexible, based on QB/scenario design. e.g. set to "Turn 1 prep barrage allowed", "Prep barrage must be ordered during SETUP phase", "No prep barrage". The second case might apply when arty had to be planned with poor prior intel/recon, and the third might hamper a defender versus an unexpected surprise attack. This might be an awful lot of work depending on how the engine works, 'tho.

(7) It would be nice, come AAR time, to be able to figure out how many casualties minefields and aircraft gave, so one can try to figure out which justified their points. For minefields, this just means that they have to be selectable, and that cas stats are tracked, which hopefully isn't a huge problem. For aircraft, this means that either there needs to be a way to bring up, say, a window listing the aircraft and losses they inflicted, or some other way to select them to get info.

This is mostly an issue for AP mines... especially with EFOW and pre-battle casualties, it may be rather unclear whether or not the mines actually inflicted significant losses or not.

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Well I never played cmbo.But when back spacing off the last way point hit the hotkey ya want and add the new waypoint.Unless ya one handed this is a pretty simple operation.Maybe in patch they will let ya point at the map and allow an instance tranference of ya overall plan to ya combat units and click!Now ya can set back and watch the battle unfold without ever having to do anything. tongue.gif J/k had to rib. :D

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In the 'Purchase Units' screen, I'd like to be able to use the arrow keys to scroll.

But even more than that, I'd love to use the 'Delete' key instead of having to click delete with the mouse.

AND... to use the ctrl/shift keys to select multiple units i may want to delete from the roster.

[ October 06, 2002, 06:48 PM: Message edited by: Ultraman ]

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Originally posted by mPisi:

When setting waypoints, allow the backspace key to delete the last waypoint, while the mouse is active for setting the next waypoint. CMBO allowed this, while in CMBB the backspace key doesn't do anything when the mouse is setting the waypoint. Enabling the backspace key allowed quick corrections of waypoints, especially when right-clicking to add a number of waypoints in a row.

I find this most irritating. I only have the demo and don't have the game yet, so I figured this was a demo quirk that is fixed in the final game. I am surprised to find out that this part of the game system was changed in the game itself. Why change something that isn't broken?

Might be a matter of taste but I wholly support the request made by mPisi, I might get used to it in the very long run (didn't get used to it so far) but currenmtly I find it rather annoying every time I find myself unable to edit my plotting with a simple backspace keystroke.

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Originally posted by Rickovich:

The backspace key DOES delete the last waypoint ya just need to hit what type of move order hotkey ya want then click with the mouse.What is hard or annoying about that?The extra key stroke?Sheesh..... :confused:

Yes. And you drop out of the whole plotting sequence.

It is fine that you don't have a problem with it, but at this point in time whiner-whiners like you become annoying. Did you ever count how many people stated this one as one of their top priorities? Did you consider that it may make a difference, and not only for a minority of players, even if it doesn't bother you yourself?

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Good I like annoying.It does not drop ya out of the sequence.You still have unit selected.Press a hotkey then a mouse click and you are there.The fact is he said make the backspace key active which in fact it is.Mayhap I dont know what you guys are saying.'Cause I can't see any problem at all.Other then grumpy folks getting panties in a wad over me saying sheesh.So sheesh! ;)

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Maybe I am confused :confused: (it wouldn't be the first time smile.gif ).

I'm on a Mac and I do ALL my plotting with hotkeys. Its easy M-Move F-Fast, and U-Hunt (ok thats the tough one ;) ) for every new way point I want I hit a hot key and place it with the mouse (click) then I hit another hotkey (usually the same one) for the next waypoint. Then if I need to delete one I use the handy dandy delete key on the Mac. smile.gif

I wish I understood what all the fuss was about here?

is it from folks who are clicking and dragging? to make waypoints? Does the delete key not just delete the last way point, or just hit the space bar?

Is this the same as it is in CMBO? Has it changed in the release version of CMBB from CMBO?

Why does backspace/ delete not work to delete only the last waypoint? :confused: is this a Mac/PC thing or am I just clueless on this issue?

Thanks smile.gif

-tom w

[ October 06, 2002, 11:05 PM: Message edited by: aka_tom_w ]

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Originally posted by aka_tom_w:

is it from folks who are clicking anf dragging? to make waypoints?

You're close. If I read it right, the complaint is from folks who use multi-button mice and use the right button to set waypoints. Now they are in the same position as those of us who use single-button mice. They don't like it.



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Originally posted by redwolf:

<huge> - showing quickbattle parameters: the client will see what the random settings came out to be before purchasing, the host does not</huge>

ABSOLUTELY! It sucks that if I start the QB and set random terrain, I have to purchase my units without any clue as to the terrain I will be facing, where as my opponent will get to see the fact the terrain is very hilly with wet ground and hordes of trees, making my IS-2s useless and his Gebirgsjagers well nigh unstoppable!


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Originally posted by aka_tom_w:

Maybe I am confused :confused: (it wouldn't be the first time smile.gif ).

I'm on a Mac and I do ALL my plotting with hotkeys. Its easy M-Move F-Fast, and U-Hunt (ok thats the tough one ;) ) for every new way point I want I hit a hot key and place it with the mouse (click) then I hit another hotkey (usually the same one) for the next waypoint. Then if I need to delete one I use the handy dandy delete key on the Mac. smile.gif

I wish I understood what all the fuss was about here?

is it from folks who are clicking and dragging? to make waypoints? Does the delete key not just delete the last way point, or just hit the space bar?

Is this the same as it is in CMBO? Has it changed in the release version of CMBB from CMBO?

Why does backspace/ delete not work to delete only the last waypoint? :confused: is this a Mac/PC thing or am I just clueless on this issue?

Thanks smile.gif

-tom w

tom, open cmbb, and give a unit a series of waypoints in cmbb. then hit something like 'M' but don't click anywhere. (so you still can move the line around to place the last waypoint and it says stuff like 'open ground' or 'scattered trees'). now pretend your last waypoint sucked. then hit backspace 5 or 6 times like i usually do. then get annoyed, hit spacebar, then hit backspace, then redo waypoint. in cmbo this sequence was: realize last waypoint sucked, hit backspace, redo waypoint.
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