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Quid Nomen Tuum Peng? (The Challenge)

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Originally posted by Baguette Boy:

Oooo,Whats this strange place i've found. Is it the mickey mouse club?? can i join?, Free baguettes for everyone. :eek:

[Peers out from somewhere damp and secret, and with a bellowing *honk*, places an order]

I'll have triple thistle on thistle with carrot mayo. Nettles, gimme nettles sprinkled on the top... not too much, must taste me thistles.


Did I see a young thing with GIANT THISTLES?


[ October 20, 2002, 05:57 PM: Message edited by: Yeknodathon ]

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Originally posted by Nidan1:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Baguette Boy:

Oooo,Whats this strange place i've found. Is it the mickey mouse club?? can i join?, Free baguettes for everyone. :eek:

Who left the door open again? Anything can wander in then.</font>
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Originally posted by Baguette Boy:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Nidan1:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Baguette Boy:

Oooo,Whats this strange place i've found. Is it the mickey mouse club?? can i join?, Free baguettes for everyone. :eek:

Who left the door open again? Anything can wander in then.</font>
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Originally posted by Nidan1:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Baguette Boy:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Nidan1:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Baguette Boy:

Oooo,Whats this strange place i've found. Is it the mickey mouse club?? can i join?, Free baguettes for everyone. :eek:

Who left the door open again? Anything can wander in then.</font>
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Originally posted by Baguette Boy:

You seem a little hot under the collar, is everyone as friendly as you in here?


Leave now.

Hie thee hence from this place. Let not your shadow tarry upon our doorstep. Remove yourself from our proximity. Flee from this scene as if the white wolves of the north were nipping at your heels. Allow the oceans to seperate us.

Go elsewhere.


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Originally posted by Yeknodathon:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Baguette Boy:

Oooo,Whats this strange place i've found. Is it the mickey mouse club?? can i join?, Free baguettes for everyone. :eek:

[Peers out from somewhere damp and secret, and with a bellowing *honk*, places an order]

I'll have triple thistle on thistle with carrot mayo. Nettles, gimme nettles sprinkled on the top... not too much, must taste me thistles.


Did I see a young thing with GIANT THISTLES?


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Originally posted by YK2:

Shouldn't you be in bed by now Baguette Boy.

This place will rot your mind. :D

Amongst other things .......

So, for your own wellbeing beat gut boy I suggest you -


Sir AJ

[ October 20, 2002, 08:57 PM: Message edited by: AussieJeff ]

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Originally posted by Boo_Radley:

AJI hear you chattering away like an enraged squirrel who's lost his nuts, but that does not negate the fact that you still owe me a turn.

You sent me turn #17. I sent you turn #18. THREE FRIGGIN' TIMES!!!! Clean the wax outta yer ears so 's you can HEAR WHAT I'M SAYING LAD!!!

*squilch* *gloop!*

There. That's more like it. You should always listen closely to what your betters have to say...




[ October 20, 2002, 09:08 PM: Message edited by: AussieJeff ]

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Hmmmm, Briquette Boyo has an email address, check ... but no location so, down check. Oh I know, his email clearly places him in the UK but dash it all, Rules are Rules. Without a location I'm afraid we'll be forced to ignore him ... thank Gawd for that.


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<center><big>The Doom of Panzer Leader</big>

- or -

Pride Goeth before a Fall</center>

Behold, he who posted in hubris thus:

You see my Power as it were, is to make SSNs curdle, stop sending turns, retreat first from the MBT then the forum as a whole, and finally life itself as they invariably die before turn ten. Here is a short list of SSN Slaughters (a few of the ones I can remember):

Col. Sander


Stalin Organ


There were others, oh yes, but their names fade...

Before turn ten, I can feel it.

We threw the iron dice of destiny, and he found his answer thus:



He is consigned to the docket of shame.

Schadenfreude for the rest:

Boo is on his last leg, and I think that one is broken, too. His armor is gone and his end will come to meet him soon.

Berli, the Evil One, as you name him, traded a dozen T-34's for two Marders, and surrendered, granting me 96% of the victory. He vows revenge.

Nidan1, drunk with optimism at knocking out an armored car on turn one, has henceforth walked the road of blunder, as one tank after another falls to the Tigers, unavenged.

Papa Khann needs to call uncle Bill and get his MSNcrapmail working again.

Pondscum has ignored my challenge to a rematch, to remove the dark question of the draw from our honor. His manhood is sullied by such behavior.

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Originally posted by Malakovski:

<center><big>The Doom of Panzer Leader</big>

- or -

Pride Goeth before a Fall</center>


While I would normally APPLAUD any SSN crushing Mouse underfoot, you should understand that you did not consign him to the Docket of Shame.

He did that to himself long ago.

Oh yeah, Pondscum has no manhood to sully, so no great accomplishment there, either.


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Originally posted by MrSpkr:

While I would normally APPLAUD any SSN...

Clearly, you have lost more than your vowels in long, dark hours skulking in this thread.

Had you been paying any attention, you'd have noted that upon entering the pool I was immediately enserfed, on the grounds of overflowing wit, and just as quickly taken to squire by one Seanachai, in your very own Bardic House.

Gt t tgther, y dmnd fl. nd fnd yr fckng vwls.

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Originally posted by Malakovski:

Had you been paying any attention, you'd have noted that upon entering the pool I was immediately enserfed, on the grounds of overflowing wit, and just as quickly taken to squire by one Seanachai, in your very own Bardic House.

He was SERIOUS about that? Are you sure he hadn't been partaking of ubergnome punch?



Oh well, it could be worse -- you could be Mouse.


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Originally posted by Seanachai:


Can't we just adopt in its entirely that lovely Irish drinking song, "Bugger Off"?

You know...


Bugger off, you bastards bugger off!

Bugger off, you bastards bugger off!

Like a heard of bloody swine who refuse to leave the trough,

You'll get no more this evening so you bastards bugger off!

Verse 1:

You've been a lovely audience, but my how the time does pass.

Now don't you all be letting that door hit you in the ass.

You've been a splendid audience, but enough is enough.

We'd take it very kindly if you'd all just bugger off.


And so on.

Sums the thread up nicely.

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Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

Now look, if you're going to BOLD names, then do it right!

Now look, if you're going to go around trying to spank people for violating some rules you made up so you'd have something to do around here, you might try to show a little consistency.

Since the rules you made up to lend the appearance of meaning to your existance aren't coveniently posted anywhere, I've no recourse but to follow the examples I find around me. MrSpkr bolded Mouse, so what am I to do? Immitate an idiot, or no? Since it's a thread full of idiots, I assume he's got it right.

Glad I won't be hearing from you again for awhile.

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Guest PondScum
<font size=-1>Pondscum has ignored my challenge to a rematch, to remove the dark question of the draw from our honor. His manhood is sullied by such behavior.</font>
Our honor? OUR honor? You keep your steenkin' honor to yourself, philosopher-boy. I am currently at war with your liege Seanachai, and hence have attained the zen-like calm of one accustomed to waiting eons between turns. To get... involved... in another messy conflict with someone who - how did Goanna put it? - returns turns with the speed of a rabid watervole, would put me digestion at serious risk. Alternatively, you could get the gnostical gnome to return a sodding turn.

Talking of which, Yeknod! Yes, you, you thistle-chewing ungulate. The dark minions of CDV must have made it to the wastelands of Scunthorpe by now. So where are your cossack riders, then? Where is Lord Raglan when you really need him? Into the valley of death, my friend. And send a setup, too.

<font size=-1>Oh yeah, Pondscum has no manhood to sully, so no great accomplishment there, either.</font>
Still running from the battle, MrSpkr? Berli does these drive-by insults with so much more panache. Well, actually, he doesn't, but he's still got my immortal soul in hock, so he made me say that. Bastage.
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Originally posted by PondScum:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr /><font size=-1>Pondscum has ignored my challenge to a rematch, to remove the dark question of the draw from our honor. His manhood is sullied by such behavior.</font>

Our honor? OUR honor? You keep your steenkin' honor to yourself, philosopher-boy. I am currently at war with your liege Seanachai, and hence have attained the zen-like calm of one accustomed to waiting eons between turns.</font>
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Guest PondScum

See? SEE? You posted that response in six minutes. You're not a philosopher, you're a roomful of freakish little refresh-monkeys. Oh, sure, a third of the monkeys have their hands over their eyes, and a third have their hands over their ears, but the other third only have ONE hand over their mouths, and with the other one they're busy pounding those refresh keys.

Now, if the goddam refresh monkeys could get their liege and master to send me a sodding turn, maybe I'd look more kindly on that nasty little obsession they have with a draw - about which, incidentally, I am STILL feeling very Russian.

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