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A witty Peng Challenge and other Oxymorons

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Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

Let's not be bothering poor Stuka with his spelling errors, he is, after all, a product of Australian schools and all that goes with that ...

Sigh, too true, too true.

It was the 8th grade before we were allowed to even pick up a pencil, of which there was only one between 65 of us.

Before that we just hit rocks together and painted on cave walls with coloured clay.

I got my first shoe in 9th grade but it was only a left shoe, had no laces and the sole was missing so in effect it was a piece of leather I used to balance on top of my foot. It was so kewl to be the best dressed kid in class.

The years passed and eventually I got into an Australian University, where we got to stick glitter onto sticks and wave them about a bit.

With such an Uber-education you'd think I would be above the snickering and pointing of fingers by smarty-pants foreigners.

But I'm not.


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Originally posted by Elvis :

I will NOT lose to ANY SSN. Love and kisses,

Having been elevated to the lofty perch of serf, you can commence losing at any time. And you know where to put those kisses wanker.

P.S. I hope you were dead tired at work today. I got to sleep in.

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Berli and Goanna,

Received the set-up and just wanted to say thank you so very, very, very, very, very bloody much. Looking over my troops, I couldn't help but notice that you seem to have neglected to give me any poodles. I also don't see any telemarketers or rodeo clowns. I only hope that you were as generous with my adversary as you were to me. If that is indeed the case, then I imagine I shall be fighting against mimes and the traveling roadshow cast of "Pump Boys and Dinettes".

So once again, thank you, thank you, thank you.

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oooOOOOGah! oooOOOOGah! oooOOOOGah!


To all and sundry and all the ships at sea, be advised that the Justicar of the Peng Challenge Thread will be in YOUR city on the following dates. Please bring your own camera for your Official Photo With The Justicar as well as the Official Justicariate Libation (pretty much anything alcoholic) and Official Justicariate Companionship (pretty much anything female and human ... pretty much ... on second thought, Hanns might be reading this so never mind).

March 25 - 27: Kansas City

April 1 - 3: Des Moines

April 7 - 12: Minneapolis*

Don't miss this opportunity to "Get To Know The Justicar"! Not all dates may be available as the Justicar is a busy man and/or may be asleep.


*Please contact Seanachai for details as he will be coordinating the activities in Minneapolis.

[ March 19, 2002, 07:21 PM: Message edited by: Joe Shaw ]

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Originally posted by Joe Shaw:


Don't miss this opportunity to "Get To Know The Justicar"! Not all dates may be available as the Justicar is a busy man and/or may be asleep.

Just look for an old guy wearing a helmet with lengths of aluminium siding under his arm.
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Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

oooOOOOGah! oooOOOOGah! oooOOOOGah!


To all and sundry and all the ships at sea, be advised that the Justicarrot Plague of the Peng Challenge Thread will be in YOUR city on the following dates.

March 25 - 27: Kansas City

April 1 - 3: Des Moines

April 7 - 12: Minneapolis

Please contact Seanachai for details as he will be coordinating the disinfecting squad


Phew! Thanks for the warning, Mr Xia. I'll make sure I'm nowhere in the vicinity......

Thnaks again,


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Begin transmission:

CRODABURG The Unquenchable.

Move six;

Have lost 7 tanks of various types and a few trucks. Three of my AT gun squads are gibbering in their foxholes and several squads have drowned in their baptism of fire AND THE HITS KEEP HAPPENIN'!

On the flip side, R_Leete of the dancin' feet has managed to lose 4 pillboxes, 2 bunkers and 4 AT guns. On top of that, several of his machine gun nests have had very large eggs dropped on them.

I just know he has a terrible surprise in store for me when I get to the top of the plateau. How? Because he said, "I have a terrible surprise waiting for you at the top of the plateau." Except he didn't say "plateau". I said that to dress it up a bit.

:Transmission ends

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Originally posted by Boo_Radley :

Except he didn't say "plateau". I said that to dress it up a bit.

Nope. Never did take no stock o' them dang foreign type words. We is true blue 'mericuns in this here country. Nuthin' but good ol' Inglish fer me. Yessiree, bob.
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Originally posted by Stuka:

Sigh, too true, too true.

It was the 8th grade before we were allowed to even pick up a pencil, of which there was only one between 65 of us.

Before that we just hit rocks together and painted on cave walls with coloured clay.

I got my first shoe in 9th grade but it was only a left shoe, had no laces and the sole was missing so in effect it was a piece of leather I used to balance on top of my foot. It was so kewl to be the best dressed kid in class.

The years passed and eventually I got into an Australian University, where we got to stick glitter onto sticks and wave them about a bit.

You're lucky!

You obviously went to one of the Exclusive Aussie schools.


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Originally posted by R_Leete:

Nope. Never did take no stock o' them dang foreign type words. We is true blue 'mericuns in this here country. Nuthin' but good ol' Inglish fer me. Yessiree, bob.

Good Lord. I'm in a battle with Ernest P. Worrell. Oh the shame, the shame. So tell me, Whenever you see "Deliverance"...does it make you homesick?
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Originally posted by Hiram Sedai:

I truly enjoyed the little verbal battle between Kitty and MrHappy. I agreed with MrHappy by the way.

Oh yes, That was fun in a 'mass slaughter and execution' sort of way.

I have fond memories of threatening to pull Mr Happy's ***censored*** above his ***censored*** and ***censored***.

Of course this was in response to he calling Kitty and I a bunch of ***censored*** ***censored*** that was ***censored*** ***censored*** ***censored***.

Oh, and who can forget when Kitty said that she'd stick a ***censored*** right up his ***censored*** ***censored*** ***censored*** thus resulting in ***censored*** ***censored*** ***censored*** and a shiney ***censored***.

Those were the days!


[ March 19, 2002, 11:35 PM: Message edited by: Mace ]

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We have become rather enamoured of our beertendress at the SLBrewing co. Allison, while not SI swimsuit issue calibre, has her own brand of bueaty going for her. That fact and that she seems to not recoil in horror when I sit at her bar has lead me to believe that were I the filthy and underhanded cheating type, I could "score" with dear Allison. I will be seeing her everynight this week. at least those that she is on duty - I have fallen for the beer she pours as well as her. Coincidence? I think not. I have fallen in love with almost every woman who has ever stood behind a bar and poured me drinks. Some say it is the alcohol. I say "WHO CARES!?" I will gladly fall in love with the next pulchritudinous pitcher pourer I see.

The "High Speed internet access" promised by my hotel has been weighed in the balance and found wanting. it is in fact merely a port in the phone through which I can feel free to dial any ISP I choose and pay an arm and a leg in hotel phone fees. The Koala Tea Inn at SLC has made an eternal enemy of MrPeng. I was expecting the BROADBAND port where one pays a flat fee for 24 hours of goddam FAST internet - one where I could fire up the ol VPN in to work and bask in the glory of the MBT simultaneously. But NO.

So, MrPeng will be calling Mr Shaw tonight to arrange for hostilities to commence on the morrow. Unfortunately the bottle of Scotch I smuggled into town is almost gone. Joe had better be prepared for a Sober and Hostile Peng.

We have made contact with Old Foul Joe over the phone and have been assured that an additional bottle of scotch will not be needed - at least not to appease the Justicar. So we will be satisfied with some lighter stuff. Perhaps we can convince the loverly and talentled Allison to spot us a few bottles of Polygamy Porter from behind the bar.

We are off to ravage our new found lustable object, that is if she does not object too strenuously, or with pepper spray or something similar. Wish me luck. I will need it.

chrisl aka wussl has refused to send back either of the two choices I have given him in the battle for my Name - and therefore I RECLAIM it with malice aforethough, extreme prejudice and a squeeze of lemon and a lick of salt.

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Originally posted by MrPeng:

We have become rather enamoured of our beertendress at the SLBrewing co. Allison, while not SI swimsuit issue calibre, has her own brand of bueaty going for her. That fact and that she seems to not recoil in horror when I sit at her bar has lead me to believe that were I the filthy and underhanded cheating type, I could "score" with dear Allison. I will be seeing her everynight this week. at least those that she is on duty - I have fallen for the beer she pours as well as her. Coincidence? I think not. I have fallen in love with almost every woman who has ever stood behind a bar and poured me drinks. Some say it is the alcohol. I say "WHO CARES!?" I will gladly fall in love with the next pulchritudinous pitcher pourer I see...

...We are off to ravage our new found lustable object, that is if she does not object too strenuously, or with pepper spray or something similar. Wish me luck. I will need it.

Originally posted by MrPeng:

Joan, the flight attendant dubbed me "Trouble Maker" when all that I had done was request a beer at a reasonable time of day and begged a second .025 ounce bag of honeyroasteds as I had missed the fantabulous breakfast burrito. For christ's sake I even had the right change for the damn beer. As she wheeled that damn cart away she dipped her fingers in ice water and flicked them at me. A minishower of pent-up server aggression against an innocent man "trouble maker" indeed. I think she was flirting at me. the way is seems that older women of all stripes are wont to flirt at me. Like the hideous beast at Glueks in Minnie Soda by gods the damn wishkey is rising in me gullet just thinking about that one.

Now, I have, indeed, witnessed the phenomenon of Mr Peng abroad, as it were. Peng has, in fact, the sort of off-beat, slightly vacuous 'not quite sure what's going on, where's the next round' good looks that you simply do not expect from him. But women, even young and attractive women, respond to him in a positive manner. Our waitress that night at Glueks positively leaned over, and into Peng, so as to present her charms in the most sympathetic way. And she was kind to him, and smiled, which is more than an aging drunken lecher like Peng could normally hope for.

But where the fate of Peng is most clearly revealed, is with older, serious drinking women. Peng is quite right about the woman in Minneapolis. She was making a serious play to engage the attention of our favourite curmudgeon. Not that Peng noticed. It was Berli and I who pointed out 'Jesus, Peng, that woman's waving at you'. After one quick, terrified glance, Peng started gulping beer at even more than his normal rate.

I am here to tell you, dear friends, this woman was a bit scary. Not many women show up in a German Brew-pub in Minneapolis in late October wearing only plunging neckline leotards and tights. And she was at least as old as the ÜberGnome, and I'm older than two of our States (Hawaii and Alaska dutifully send me birthday cards each year). Not that she didn't have a pert and very feminine build on her. The scary part was when you caught her eyes and found they were as flat and un-responsive as a slot machine, and just as calculating. Not to mention that she looked like she didn't simply come to bars, but that she was as native to them as the timberwolf is to boreal forests, and was there for pretty much the same predatory purposes.

So there were Berli and I, nudging him, and saying Peng, Peng, she's waving and smiling at you, lad! And Peng, staring straight ahead and smiling at his stein, was saying 'yes, I'm sure she is, and that sort of smile is the last thing some scuba divers ever see. Shut up, you two bastards, and stop pointing at me and smiling at her. I did not come to Minneapolis to serve as some sort of human sacrifice!'

How we laughed.

[ March 20, 2002, 01:17 AM: Message edited by: Seanachai ]

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