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Something's Rotten in the State of Oregon

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I've got this QB going with an esteemed comrade from Oregon (you know, the place with the Ducks {that's Ducks with a capital "D", lot's of places have ducks with little "d"s} but I digress). So I'm playing this guy from Oregon, and I think he pulled a gamey on me. I'm noticing that he's done something that must have caused the game engine to do a woozy or something.

First off, he knocks the hell out of my Super Pershing with consecutive shots from his two King Tigers. Now that frosted me, because I spent a lot of points on that indestructible tank, and the first thing it did was become destructible. After that, his KTs swing around and knock out my 90mm Bofors, which had gotten kills on a flak vehicle and a howitzer so I guess the trade wasn't too bad. But now it gets crazy.

I tried rushing two jeeps straight down the center of the map, but both of them went 50m and reversed into cover. No matter how many times I pushed them up the map they turned right around. Now one is dead. How am I supposed to flush out his hidden guns without jeep rushes? Stinking Poles just don't know how to drive.

So anyway, his next move is to blow the hell out of the assault boat I placed on the top of a hill to draw fire. I didn't think they actually blew up, but this didn't last long. It took flak fire from every corner of the map and ended up in a pile of sawdust in about 20 seconds. That stunk. And when the hell did the French use assault boats anyway? That shouldn't even be on the list!

As I'm waiting for my 8 inch arty to fall on the town in the valley (where the flags are) he begins to decimate my battery of 10 2 inch mortars with flak fire. (Those flak guns mow things down, don't they?) I fired a good 100 rounds of mortar fire and hit crap. The ballistics must be jacked up. Someone had a great post in another thread about modelling sound with guns and I think that's why my mortars didn't hit anything but sod.

So now he's pushing his entire SMG company with flak support up the hill where I'm lying in wait for him with my flamethrower WASP things, but his flak already chewed one up from across the map. I've got about 8 PIAT teams trying to catch his Lynx, Whirblewind, and flak trucks in a crossfire.

At this point, I'm counting on my rushing of the left edge of the map with my Brit Paras.

So here's my point: Does anyone think that he's playing gamey? I mean, crap, those flak guns are overpowered. He shot up my Super Pershing with KTs, used some sort of Force Field to repel my Polish Jeep Rush, decimated my blind 2 inch MortarMen, and is now blowing up my Flamethrowing Tanks. I know he's doing something, but I can't put my finger on it.

Can anyone give me any ideas?


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Just in case I ever decide to play an internet match - this is a fair warning. I will play gamey. You're welcome to play gamey against me. I say, "if it's in the game, do it." And by game I mean "game engine," not some abstract concept about what a "combat game" constitutes.

This is because:

1) I really don't know any better. I'm not a grog, I'm a gamer.

2) My aim with CMBO is to play a game that is realistic, not model realism with a game.

Of course, this isn't really an annoucement, more a question: am I alone in thinking this way? Is my attitude simply a reflection of the commercial success of CMBO - and, who is really the minority? The casual player who never visits these forums, or all you guys (God bless ya) who find it unacceptable that the buttons on the jacket of the 57th polish battaltion are the wrong size? [and that is stated with a sense of admiration, not sarcasm btw]

I suspect, of course, that there are two camps here - which really is a testament to how good CMBO is - casusal gamers and serious war gamers. I wonder what the total division of CMBO players really is - 50/50? 90/10?

And how do I get into one of these newbie tournaments? And will I get flamed for playing gamey?

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Originally posted by Croda:

Can anyone give me any ideas?

Sure, you made some purchase errors. Next time buy nothing but 2" mortars. Get about 100 of these guys, and let half of them area fire the enemy till they run out of ammo. Then while the other half keeps suppressing the enemy, the out of ammo half rushes 'em. Works every time.
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So there's this fella I'm playing that apparently decided to build the ark (ok, Assault boat) on top of a friggin' mountain! What, does he think it's going to flood? It only rains that much in Oregon (where we have ducks and Ducks aplenty).

What I don't understand is how all of his mortars and 8 inch artillery failed to kill my SMG platoons. Perhaps they were decimated by my dual 150mm rocket barrage?

Any-who, this fella seems to have more piats than Doan's has little pills. I'm not worried, though, because everyone knows that the King Tiger is impervious to piats. Piat. Kinda sounds like a bodily function, you know? (Come to think of it, I had one hell of a bazooka this morning; It was almost a pin in the panzerschreck).

So, now I've got my king tigers surrounded by Poles, Brits and Frenchman. I think they're fine.

I managed to keep his jeeps at bay with my Whirblewind and Ostwind, and he's running low on flame vehicles. This is a good thing, because I currently occupy a dry wheat field.

My question is, should Politely deride him for choosing such gamey units?

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Originally posted by murpes:

Of course, this isn't really an annoucement, more a question: am I alone in thinking this way?

What you described sounds perfectly fair. I'll bet lots of people feel that way. And even those of us who would like to play historically make mistakes. I got chewed out once by an opponent for not buying any tanks. He had a KT and it didn't have any armor to shoot at!
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Originally posted by Croda:

I tried rushing two jeeps straight down the center of the map, but both of them went 50m and reversed into cover. No matter how many times I pushed them up the map they turned right around. Now one is dead. How am I supposed to flush out his hidden guns without jeep rushes?

Gamey? Hello Kettle? This is Pot, you're black!
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Sure. The Gamey Bastard. Next time stitch him up good. Here's the secret: As Allies - buy SMG squads. That will surprise the hell out of his gamey arse when he sees the 'bad' guys in feld grey coming right back at him.

Never forget: it's a free market and everyone has a price.

I got this idea from a history book that I once half read. I think that it was called Catch a Mocking Bird or something by someone called Joseph Hello or something.

Apparently buying enemy units was quite common in WWII because everyone had a share.

If you can't beat em, join em.

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Originally posted by Croda:

I've got this QB going with an esteemed comrade from Oregon... and so on.

After a not so good day, nothing like a post like this to make you laugh without being able to stop…hahaha…hahahaha… I’m almost crying…. :eek:

Oops, maybe I should cry, what have the world come to! :rolleyes:

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So now this fella charges a Wasp right between my King Tigers, about 30 meters apart. He flames one of them. They both rotate and track him as the brave little Wasp that shouldn't scurries in close. I watch in horror as the two turrets track towards each other, aiming for the little hornet. My sphincter clenches as one KT let's loose a round and, You guessed it, Blammo! No more Wasp. I think the secondary explosion almost took out my kitty. They both came through unscathed (though the Wasp crew came through in little blackened crunchy bits).

To top it all off, the guy gives me the bum's crew rush on my volksgrenadiers (out standing in their field). Of course, everybody targets the wimpy crew while the British paras shoot the snot out of a hapless squad.

He will pay. Oh, yes, he will pay.

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Not only is Croda's phony AAR very funny, it is a fairly comprehensive list of all the unit purchases and tactics that COULD be considered gamey by your opponents. To that end it is a valuable document for QB players who wish to avoid cries of "GAMEY" from their opponents.

Here's a general rule that will help too: If it works too well it's probably gamey. :D

Treeburst155 out.

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Originally posted by Treeburst155:

Not only is Croda's phony AAR very funny, it is a fairly comprehensive list of all the unit purchases and tactics that COULD be considered gamey by your opponents. To that end it is a valuable document for QB players who wish to avoid cries of "GAMEY" from their opponents.

Here's a general rule that will help too: If it works too well it's probably gamey. :D

Treeburst155 out.

Treeburst, good buddy.

The AAR is hardly phony.

That may be the scariest part.

Check Leeo's profile for location.

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Originally posted by Leeo:

1 coy Volksgrenadiers

2 King Tigers

1 quad 20mm AA

2 Sd Kfz 7/1 (20mm)

2 Sd Kfz 7/1 (37mm)

1 Puma

1 Ostwind

1 Whiblewind

2 150mm Rckt spotters

I forgot to buy flame vehicles.

What other Gamey German usnits should I have bought?

Mmm, how about Sturmkompanies and recoilless rifles? Or perhaps a few Jadgtigers, Hummels, Lynx, Hotchkiss, and PSW 234/3, all of which only had ~100 specimens that were observed in the wild?

Its those Polish 4.2" chemical mortars that should worry you...if they are busting out those buggers, who know's whats next...

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Originally posted by Croda:

I tried rushing two jeeps straight down the center of the map, but both of them went 50m and reversed into cover. No matter how many times I pushed them up the map they turned right around. Now one is dead. How am I supposed to flush out his hidden guns without jeep rushes? Stinking Poles just don't know how to drive.

Would anyone car to elaborate on what a jeep rush is?
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Hey Croda, I'm playing him to. He's gone completely over the edge this time with an utterly gamey killer-bee swarm attack on the only weak portion of my brilliant defense. It doesn't matter that the computer picked his stuff, he must have voodoo dolls of us all.

Let's go TP his house... That'll show him not to mess with us!

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