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Everything posted by PipBoy

  1. I am also curious why it takes 2 cards to climb sometimes...
  2. Here's a site that can prevent that problem I'm just kidding!!
  3. 80727!! I'm happy to support BTS but I have to say that charging your credit card immediately is really a poor way of doing things. You guys need a modern ordering system if yours forces you to work this way.
  4. Er yeah you sure showed them If CMBB didn't support Windows XP I would be ticked myself.
  5. Of course your tank is killed easily when IT'S BIGGER THAN A CHURCH
  6. There is also a short preview in this month's Computer Gaming World, along with a little mugshot of Charles and his gaming and reading preferences.
  7. Just turn off FSAA. That driver works fine otherwise. Matrox, lol [ September 01, 2002, 05:50 PM: Message edited by: PipBoy ]
  8. I didn't see an option to place ambush markers, is "cover arc" the replacement?
  9. Er which was the "possible spoiler" part? I'm pretty sure people know there are tanks and machine guns in the game
  10. I just installed this today as a matter of fact. The new driver works fine with CMBO and the CMBB demo.
  11. Ah that's too bad since 40.41 gives a good framerate improvement. Hopefully nvidia will address the issues soon.
  12. Thanks... your 50 k/s means I can play tonight, compared to the 3 k/s I was getting from BTS
  13. Definitely return it. AGP is a much faster connection for the video card to the rest of the computer. If you can, exchange it for a non-GF4 MX card. A good value now is any GF4 Ti200.
  14. Definitely return it. AGP is a much faster connection for the video card to the rest of the computer. If you can, exchange it for a non-GF4 MX card. A good value now is any GF4 Ti200.
  15. Hey what was that bangalor thing they used to take out the pillbox (or was it to clear the trench on the other side of their sand hill)? It was a long tube that they shoved some small rocket or mortar round into, I think.
  16. I just like the sound of "marked for death."
  17. For a WW2 newbie like myself the Chamberlain books are great. They're absolutely stuffed with photos. I'm learning all kinds of nifty stuff about the combat vehicles of the era. Plus, the pages smell like my high school yearbook.
  18. Is there any added functionality in this program that OneClick doesn't have?
  19. Not really, I don't think you can do that in the middle of a game. I'm talking about an easy to use planning tool.
  20. Maybe this has been suggested before, I haven't been around that long. My thought is that I'd like to be able to contain my game plan within the game itself by adding a note-taking feature. Right click on a spot on the map, a small text window pops up. That way you could tag a note onto that hill over there "objective alpha--place 2 spotters, turn 3". Of course include a shift key toggle to turn them off. If you wanted to take it a step further, add the ability to draw arrows and such on the map to indicate your ideas for troop movement. If I have several PBEM games going, I may not remember all the intricate details of my battle plans, especially if someone forgets to send a turn for a couple days. Yes, you could print out the map and write on it, but that's a hassle. Comments?
  21. Actually we just finished battle #5 last night with my surrender It was fun though. I guess I need to learn more about setting up effective defensive positions. The Americans "punched a hole" through the village in the first battle, and it was all downhill from there. I lost a couple Panthers to the dreaded "shot trap" on about turn 4, it wasn't pretty. I nearly soiled myself when the Allied air support blew the town to hell, I had never seen that before.
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