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Close Air Support in CMBB

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From recent threads and discussions it appears CMBB has been improved in almost every area. I am delighted to see how much attention to detail has been put into the game.

I wonder what improvements, and attention to detail, have been made to CMBB regarding the air strikes?

Some time ago several threads indicated a lot of suggestions for improvements (And what forum members would like to see) such as;

1) Some indication of when a plane is shot down, either audible or visual.

2) A small parachute floating down would be perfect ;)

3) Plane Wreckage on the battlefield

4) To be able to view kill stats for your planes at the end of the battle.

5) In the interests of scenario design and balance, can the designer adjust the certainty of whether the plane will indeed show up? or will it remain random? (In clear weather).

What aircraft will be simulated for Axis and Russian forces?

Can BTS give us any clues to what we can expect?


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I believe Madmatt hinted that we'd get a 3-D generic fighter bomber to replace the present shadow. Don't know about the other things, but I'm reasonably certain we're not getting specific aircraft types and user selectable ordnance loads. Sniff! Thus, no Il-2s, Ju-87Gs, Hs-129s and other fun stuff.

Hope this helps.


John Kettler

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My guesses would be:

1) A 'sound' could probably be put in for a shot down aircraft, but that would be the extent for this suggestion (and I don't know if there would even be this in CMBB).

2) I don't think that the current graphic engine could really handle items floating from some undetermined point above the battlefield and down to earth.

3) Plane wreckage would look a little strange. I could only see it being placed there before a battle, but not during it (since it would have to 'magically' appear).

4) I don't know about this. It could be possible and a nice addition, especially since you can't select the aircraft to view what it killed/destroyed/maimed.

5) This would be a pretty nice feature. TacAIR on the Russian Front was quite a different beast than what was experienced in NWE. There was definitely less coordination between ground units and tactical air units in this theatre however. So the reality would suggest that air support would be even more random. This suggestion basically fits in as an attempt to give the scenario designer more control over what will/could happen in a scenario.

6) This is probably the most interesting question. I've gotten the impression that there may be more air support configurations of aircraft than there were in CMBO, but I don't know how many types or if specific aircraft will be modelled.

Again these are only my guesses. While the effect of aircraft on the tactical battlefield is modelled in a general manner, it would take too much work (changes to the graphics engine, etc.) to put in further details. The primary focus remains the ground combat units.

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My wish list for CAS or CMBB is far a gun camera view. It would simulate the view onewould see from viewing guncamera footage. The gun camera view would only be viewable (by either side)in the action phase. It would show what a forwarded looking gun camera would see from the attacking aircraft's perspective. Tracer lines and bullet impact puffs from the aircraft guns plus appropriate .WAV files would also be cool. It would be no different than the normal camera view that is displayed with a unit when you hit "TAB" except the trajectory would be along that of the aircraft's tracjetory verses a ground unit. This could be a simple straight line wings level dive with a pull up prior to the aircraft hitting the ground. This would not require modeling any aicraft graphics in that the aircraft is not seen in the gun camera view. A hot key could reduce the aircraft speed for slower computers so that the frames don't become jumpy. You can almost simulate this in the current version of CM (for level flight) by rapidly slewing the camera across the map. Even though this is mostly eye candy I think that it would be cool eye candy nor should it be that hard to code. Though I doubt that it could make the CM2 version 1.0 maybe it could go in one of the later updates.

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Heya Guys,

Just to save confusion, John actually has it back to front ;)

In CMBB visually planes wont operate much differently than they do in CMBO, but you will have individual plane types to select from with different load outs. You can even buy a plane just to do a strafing run if you like.

As Ive mentioned before we have chosen features that make CMBB a better wargame over eyecandy, but I think most of you guys will agree that this is the right choice smile.gif


[ February 08, 2002, 12:10 AM: Message edited by: KwazyDog ]

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You dont pick and choose your loadouts as such, some plane types have different loadouts to choose from though. For example one may have a strafing only version or a version with bombs there is also some randomness built in with this as well, you may get a plane with rockets, or one with various bomb configurations or both depending on the planes capabilites.

What planes types? Lots!


[ February 08, 2002, 01:37 AM: Message edited by: Madmatt ]

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So we can now purchase a plane to make a single strafing run ! That would be great since purchasing a plane in CMBO can be expensive when it does not show up ;)

Michael Dorosh said;

Realistically, though, how possible would it be for an aircraft travelling between 100 and 300 mph to crash in the 3 x 3 km grid square that it had just attacked?

I see your point Michael, but i thought i read somewhere (I could be wrong) that map sizes would be increased to 10km x 10km maximum. Also, don't forget that there are Operations ;) where wreckage could appear on a subsequent battle.....wishful thinking on my part i guess.

Maybe parachutes could be a doodad thingy ma jig ? If rain and snow can fall from the sky why not hoards of screaming eagles? (Just my very simplistic view, i do know of course it is much more involved than that)

Great to hear that improvements have already been made. Now we shall have more options when choosing an airstrike :D Very cool indeed.


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Right now there is no more randomness (I believe its a 10% in CMBO) on the planes not showing up. You buy them they will arrive, although I just made a suggestion to Charles that could change this but you will have to wait to see why... ;)

Most planes will give you between 3 and 6 strafing runs depending on MG/Cannon configuration and loadout of course.

Planes also have a durablity rating now that allows damage to them to be better tracked (although unviewable to the player the game keeps track) and just like in CMBO they can get spooked off/damaged by AAA and abort or be shot down.

Planes can also fly at dawn now.

There may be some further enhancements to come (of which I am not at liberty to talk about, so there!). I will say that the plane database is impressive, espically considering the anemic choices in CMBO.


[ February 08, 2002, 01:56 AM: Message edited by: Madmatt ]

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Originally posted by Madmatt:

Planes also have a durablity rating now that allows damage to them to be better tracked (although unviewable to the player the game keeps track) and just like in CMBO they can get spooked off/damaged by AAA and abort or be shot down.

Will the different vulnerabilities of different models be in: Stukas easier to shoot down during the dive and pull up and the IL-2 having a vulnerable plywood tail etc. ? Will there be a difference in the varied proficiencies of the AA stuff based on the year ? By 1944 the IL-2 vulnerable tail gets targeted instead of the armoured tub.

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Terry, hi,

Yes, it all gets better and better. Having some idea of the type of planes will add to the fun. I can see an appearance from Mr. Sturmovik on the horizon!

I tend to the view that “appearance” should not be certain. May be there could be the option of “certain” or “non certain” appearance of air support for the scenario designer.

All the best,


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On my wish list would be aircraft polygon vehicles.

Not flyable of course or even moveable, just simple eye candy to be placed at one end of a scenario's grass runway. Something that could be attacked or defended, shot up or blown up for points.

I'm imagining a partisan-based scenario. "Mission: get through the stockade fencing and past the guard towers and take out that Heinkel bombers parked on the runway!"

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Originally posted by Vader's Jester:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Captitalistdoginchina:

Some indication of when a plane is shot down, either audible or visual.

Plane Wreckage on the battlefield

Yeah! I wanna see Stuka and IL-2 wreckage on my battlefields BTS!!! ;) </font>
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Originally posted by MikeyD:

On my wish list would be aircraft polygon vehicles.

Not flyable of course or even moveable, just simple eye candy to be placed at one end of a scenario's grass runway. Something that could be attacked or defended, shot up or blown up for points.

I'm imagining a partisan-based scenario. "Mission: get through the stockade fencing and past the guard towers and take out that Heinkel bombers parked on the runway!"

That Sounds Cool!

Sure its more Eye candy, and this it would be sort of like CMBB mission creep.....

"Well if the 3D polygon model can just sit there...

Why can't it take off....?

Maybe it could land?

OH Maybe it could CRASH land :D !

Or maybe we could watch it drops its payload :D

Hey Mike, I'm not makeing fun or your proposal at all! I think it would be nice to have other things in the game like aircraft that don't move so we could mod them up and make them pretty too

(and then BLOW THEM UP! :D )

Back your your point though

They are no damn good if you can't blow them UP!


-tom w

[ February 08, 2002, 01:23 PM: Message edited by: aka_tom_w ]

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If those were included, then there really should be trains as well... It could be cool to have special vehicles that could only move along railroad tracks. I don't know how difficult adding that would be, but surely they would be more similar to existing things like trucks than horses. You could have scenarios where partisans would have to ambush a train. All the enemy troops would be first in the train and then jump out once the train has stopped.

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Okay, what other blow-upable but nonworkable doodads would be nice?

1935 Skoda sedans

train engines

box cars

hay stacks (to set on fire or hide behind)

monumental Soviet statuary

giant stone swaskikas (for the top of the Reichstad in 45)


radio towers



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