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Peng me, My challenge is dry

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Originally posted by Panzer Leader:

{snipped some tripe} My tripe is ALL MY OWN {snipped some more tripe}

Prove it, boules de rongeur de Monsieur! Let's see the HARD EVIDENCE, eh?. We want PAPERS, DOSSIERS, the FACTS man, the FAX!!

Not that we'd stop you from indulging yourself in bucketloads of your own bileous tripe. Bleeccccchhhhh!!!

Sir AJ


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Originally posted by Mike:

I feel the tone of the pool is rising to far too high a cultural level, and I have the perfect answer.....AUSTRALIA.

It's an honour to have our country name bolded by a kiwi.

And yes, Australia is a cultural icon.


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<STRIKE>6.00</STRIKE> 7.30 o'clock in the evening on the right side up of the planet and ALLS WELL!

Mmmmmm... and I bet ewe lot can't guess wot I had for dinner with me sweet potatoes, peas, carrots and spud? Mmm-mmmmm... sheep <U>ARE</U> good for something.... {*shhlrrp* ...AJ smacks his chops...}!!

Now for some ABC DIG* muzak http://www.abc.net.au/dig/default.htm to while away the evening while I wait for you PILLOCKS to get yer belated turns in!!...


*Non-Aussies should NOT under any circumstances click on this link. We don't want you getting hooked on top Aussie stuff.

[ August 29, 2002, 07:21 AM: Message edited by: AussieJeff ]

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I just thought that I would share with you all that I'm taking tomorrow off, so I will be having a 4 day weekend. That's FOUR days off. Not one. Not two. Not three, but rather, f.o.u.r. days off.

I hope you all feel sucky now.

If you don't feel sucky right now, I can only attribute it to your collective arrested development.

Because you are indeed sucky.

Thank you.


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Originally posted by Papa Khann:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Lars:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Seanachai:

"Hell is other people"

Hell is other people's kids.</font>
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Originally posted by Boo_Radley:

I will be having a 4 day weekend. That's FOUR days off. Not one. Not two. Not three, but rather, f.o.u.r. days off.

Taking time off---Riight....

Suspended without pay is closer to the truth, isn't it MISTER Radley?

At least we can see you've been coming along on your remedial enumeration classes. Enjoy your time watching Sesame Street. Brought to you by the number 4, and the letters "B," "R," and "P," for Boo Radley is a Pillock.

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Originally posted by Leeo:

( All sorts of uninteresting mutterings and vapid insights)

Leeeeeeo! So, finally awake out there on the Worst Coast, are we? Diddums have a nice sleep? Is we still not too awake yet?

I have to tell you, Leeeeeeo, may I call you Leeeeeeo? It's probably better than calling you Blithering Idiot, or Mind-Numbingly Obtuse Drain On Society, although not as apt.

I read your posts here in the MBT and I have to make the guess that you're a vegetarian. Why do I say that? Because I think you just might have the basic intellegence of your common barnyard ruminant, and face it. How many smarts does it take to sneak up on a leaf? Hmmm?

Just thought I'd share this with you while you sit in front of your monitor, hair all tousled, gripping your sippy-cup of Ovaltine.



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Someone can expline me WTF is that crap of peng challenge threads? smile.gif Just curious

It only seems nosense thread :D

I have been on here for a while, one time entred on one of this threads and left because of the nosense (my poor english maybe helped a bit too).

Please a short explanation of the history and objective of peng challenge threads.

An other questions is why they are allowed to be in this forum (they should b in general forum) but that´s an other question.

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Dear sweet and doltish Boo

If by vegetarian, you mean one who loves to eat red meat that has only recently stopped kicking, then you'd be correct. Surprise, surprise; that is not what vegetarian means, so you are wrong once again. That must become mind-numbingly monotonous for you, assuming (a BIG leap, I know) you had the ability to carry a sense of self from one second to the next.

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Originally posted by KNac:

Someone can expline me WTF is that crap of peng challenge threads? {squished smiley} Just curious

It only seems nosense thread {decapitated this one}

The Peng FAQ

Oh, and césped apagado

{Why does that translate as "dull turf"? Nevermind, take the hint.}

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Ah, poor, innocent, monumentally slow Leeeeeo.

I read your posts and surmise you graduated from the Joe Besser School Of Macho Toughness.

I read your posts and wonder if they make me actively nauseous, or just headachey and kind of sad.

I read your posts and wonder how often you were dropped on your head and if it still continues to happen.

I read your posts and know that I must bow to the inevitable and sometime next week will beat you as if you were a red headed step child in a game of CMBB.

Be a-scared. Be real a-scared.

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Originally posted by dalem:

Did y'all know that I come with wings, dots, serrations, adhesive strips, running lights, airbags, and now five times the absorbant power of the other leading brands?

You poor bastard. How does it feel to be used, then discarded by millions of women experiencing their "monthly visitor"?
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Boo, Boo, hoo. May I call you Hoo?

I will not play you in a game of CMBB next week. I will not be playing the demo.

I will not slap you silly until we've both received the FULL version. You know, the one with more than two scenarios? Perhaps two (2, for you, the enumeratively challenged) scenarios is enough for you. Perhaps drawing stick-figure warriors and crude tanks on paper is enough for you. Perhaps breathing is enough for you.

When we can set-up a nice QB, THEN will I step on you on the steppes, bury you in your trenches, and make your women (HA, like that's ever gonna happen; you with women. <big>HA!</big>) weep.

So practice hard, little Hoo Badley. For a month from now you die.

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Originally posted by Leeo:

Boo, Boo, hoo. May I call you Hoo?

I will not play you in a game of CMBB next week. I will not be playing the demo.

I will not slap you silly until we've both received the FULL version. You know, the one with more than two scenarios? Perhaps two (2, for you, the enumeratively challenged) scenarios is enough for you. Perhaps drawing stick-figure warriors and crude tanks on paper is enough for you. Perhaps breathing is enough for you.

When we can set-up a nice QB, THEN will I step on you on the steppes, bury you in your trenches, and make your women (HA, like that's ever gonna happen; you with women. <big>HA!</big>) weep.

So practice hard, little Hoo Badley. For a month from now you die.

You have no idea how exciting you are when you talk all tough and manly.

I don't know why either, unless it's because it's such a stretch for you.

I'll pencil you into my appointment book.

Note to self: Late Sept. Make Leeeeo cry like a little girly-man...and schedule oil change.

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Originally posted by Lars:

Not really.

You can sleep with other people's cousins.

But then, you wouldn't know that, would you?

Lard, I hesitate to point this out to you of all people, but in fact you can sleep with/marry/reproduce with your own cousins. In many societies, even with your first cousins. The concern regarding inbreeding coefficients is dependent upon how many common ancestors may have been inbred. Then again, Lard, in your family's case, I'm sure prudent limits were exceeded long ago, so it's probably best for you to just forget that I mentioned this.


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