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Originally posted by Herr Oberst:

Does this mean I can have my Marianne back???

You can have Marianne if I can have Ginger.

I guess Mike wants Gilligan (not that theres anything wrong with that), its what I'd expect of a kiwi anyway.

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Originally posted by Boo_Radley:

How I would delight in hearing your squeals of pain.

Or we could do the wood chipper scene from "Fargo". I don't have a wood chipper, but I do have a meat grinder and an infinite amount of patience.

Boo, why don't we split one? I think there is a special at Home Depot! Oh, imagine the sounds as Hiram is pulled slowly in...


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Originally posted by Papa Khann:

And Berli doesn't live in a country either. Hades is not a country. Dolt.


Nowhere more often than here do I feel the visceral impact of Sartre's statement that:

"Hell is other people"

Oh, well, actually, it's even more hideously true on the General Forum, but that's not a 'real' place.

[ August 28, 2002, 10:32 AM: Message edited by: Seanachai ]

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Ahh...Hiram's cat must have been taking a nap and he had no one else to play with but his keyboard.

The list of sycophants of The Nefarious Legion of Croda™ is long and distinguished, much like the rollcall of lice in your hair. Foghorns such as yourself merely serve as a reminder that there is something roaming around out in the haze, though it poses no threat - merely an annoying sound in an otherwise peaceful existence.

Hiram you are such a genetic abberation that I suggest you do science a favor and move yourself to the Galapagos so that you can be studied as a perfect example of how genetic mutation can bring about entirely new lines of pseudo-mammals.

Forked tongue, webbed toes, beady and close-set eyes, horrific stench emanating from over-productive sweat glands, long and umkempt mane, and the inability to breed with other mammals: that is indeed the resume of a hiram-sapiens. I saw one at the Baltimore Zoo a couple of weeks ago. It was odd how people loved and took pictures of all the animals but the hiram-sapiens. This disgusting sloth-like pleuro-pod merely sat in the corner of it's cage trying to shield itself from the barrage of soda bottles and loose stones being hurled at it by the zoo patrons.

'Why do you hate the Hiram so? Surely it does not deserve beating such as this, good zoo patrons!' I entreated the populace.

'Would you look at it? Just look at it! Such a creature laying claim to humanity lessens humanity for the rest of us. We will destroy that Hiram for the sake of the world's children!' a young school-girl informed me.

'Well, for the sake of the world's children. I suppose I cannot argue that point,' I condeded, as to defend the Hiram at this point would be to stand against the children of the world.

'Will you join us then, good sirrah?' the youngster inquired.

'I believe that children are our future. Teach them well and let them lead the way. Show them all the beauty they possess inside and that when they come across things with no beauty (like this hideous Hiram here) - destroy those things.'

With that, I picked up a rock and threw it at the Hiram, hitting it in the left eye which subsequently exploded, spewing ocular fluid all over the cage and the crowd rejoiced.

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Originally posted by Speedbump:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Boo_Radley:

How I would delight in hearing your squeals of pain.

Or we could do the wood chipper scene from "Fargo". I don't have a wood chipper, but I do have a meat grinder and an infinite amount of patience.

Boo, why don't we split one? I think there is a special at Home Depot! Oh, imagine the sounds as Hiram is pulled slowly in...


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Originally posted by Persephone:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by YK2:

Imaginary World!!!!!!!!

*Makes mental note*

Must get a life....

YK2, All that hard work we did redecorating the Cesspool was only our imagination?



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Don't fret ladies, here is a jolly old sing song for you!

It was a hot summer night and the beach was burning

There was a fog crawling over the sand

When I listen to your heart I hear the whole world turning

I see the shooting stars

Falling through your trembling hands

You were licking your lips and your lipstick shining

I was dying just to ask for a taste

We were lying together in a silver lining

by the light of the moon

You know there's not another moment to waste

not another moment

Not another moment to waste

You hold me so close that my knees grow weak

But my soul is flying high above the ground

I'm trying to speak but no matter what i do

I just can't seem to make any sound

And then you took the words right out of my mouth

Oh-it must have been while you were kissing me

You took the words right out of my mouth

and i swear it's true

I was just about to say i love you

And then you took the words right out of my mouth

Oh - it must have been while you were kissing me

You took the words right out of my mouth

and i swear it's true

I was just about to say i love you

Now my body is shaking like a wave on the water

And i guess that i'm beginning to grin

Oooh, we're finally alone and we can do what we want to

the night is young

And ain't no one gonna know where

no one gonna know where

No one's gonna know where you've been

You were licking your lips and your lipstick shining

I was dying just to ask for a taste

We were lying together in a silver lining

by the light of the moon

You know there's not another moment to waste

not another moment

Not another moment to waste

And then you took the words right out of my mouth

Oh-it must have been while you were kissing me

You took the words right out of my mouth

and i swear it's true

I was just about to say i love you

And then you took the words right out of my mouth

Oh - it must have been while you were kissing me

you took the words right out of my mouth

and i swear it's true

I was just about to say i love you

That's the ladies happy, now for My Liege, carrots and fresh fruit from North Lincolnshire for you My Brave Sir "4 Legged" Knight.

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Originally posted by Stuka:

I guess Mike wants Gilligan (not that theres anything wrong with that), its what I'd expect of a kiwi anyway.

Only an aussie could want something that sheep won't touch.

Bo didley squat's insightful comments are worthy of my sig.

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For cryin' out loud, can someone tell him to SHUT UP?!?! Dude, you're not in your shower at home, you are amongst people who would rather not wear out the wheels on their mice scrolling past the cut-n-past drivel you spew. What next, Air Supply??

At least make your ****e up yourself, sheesh.

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I'm all out of love, I'm so lost without you

I know you were right believing for so long

I'm all out of love, what am I without you

I can't be too late to say..


I just can't do it.

Not even to annoy PanzerLeader.

Some things are just too cruel.

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I fel the tone of the pool is rising to far too high a cultural level, and I have the perfect answer.....AUSTRALIA.

Right now that normal service ahs been restored I shall make another contribution.....oooohh....yes, that feels better...there - you don't want to know anything more. trust me.

you and me baby ain't nuthin' but mammals,

so let's do it like they do on Discovery Channel..."

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Back in the late 80's I was at a random festival where the headline band was some big-hair knock-off called 'Nuff Said. Needless to say, they sucked.

I have never pasted lyrics or any other tripe that I didn't create myself in this little white box before me now. My tripe is ALL MY OWN, so you can take your black kettle Mrspkr and brew yourself a big pot o' chai. Perhaps then you could dump it all over your little pointy-head and dance a jig. Then, for once, you would be entertaining, if only for a second.

Oops, just remembered, the band was called E-Nuff Z-Nuff, and they were even worse than plain sucking, they were mega-uber-sucky. Heard of 'em Mrspkr?

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Originally posted by Panzer Leader:

Some tripe or other indicating that Mouse Missed-The-Point yet again.

I just found it interesting that you of all people would scream for someone to SHUT UP.

Struck me as funny, it did.

Guess it isn't as funny if you have to explain it.


[ August 28, 2002, 08:27 PM: Message edited by: MrSpkr ]

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Well, on to more tasteful subjects, namely, another ringing defeat of the Canadians!

Yes, it is true, our own little Focker, Gaylord, attempted to oust my doughty Brandenburgers from the village of Trun (by some Germanboy or other) but my troops had not finished their enjoyable rest, so had to oust them Canucks back out the way they came.

In what the AI deceptively called a "Minor VIctory" (mostly due to the nature of my opponents skill - minor, that is; or perhaps to the 'minor' status of Canada in general) Panzer Leader has shown yet another sucker-of-scum the door.

It is what I'm known for, after all.

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