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Bracing for impact - New forum members after CMBB

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The release of CMBB is likely to bring a flood of new forum members and all the good and bad things they'll bring.

The good will be possibly a new batch of modders and clever posters along with new opponents.

The bad will be that CMBB is likely to attract a lot more of the non-wargaming sect than CMBO did, and we might end up seeing a whole new group of twitch-kids attracted by the improved graphics of CMBB, and they'll bring their K3wL d3Wd attitudes with them.

The fact is that CMBB will probably bring more of the latter to the board than wargamer types, because frankly, we are almost all here already.

While I'm sure that through some overtime work Madmatt will be able to keep things in line we might as well enjoy the board as we have it today - We are living in the good old days, and even the 7000 series members will be able to look back and refer to the "way it used to be" and feel like salty, CMBO old timers.

Of course, those of you that were here before CMBO (Or some like Berli, who came with the website, I think) was released have already lived through a population explosion with all us high-4 digit member numbers mucking up the place. ;)


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new group of twitch-kids attracted by the improved graphics of CMBB, and they'll bring their K3wL d3Wd attitudes with them.
You're kidding, right? Judging from the screens, CMBB won't look anywhere close to what you see in today's shooters and many strategy games. Some hardcore shooter fan, for instance, isn't going to rush to play CMBB because of slightly improved visuals. (And hardcore shooter fans are hardly just interested in graphics anyway.) You won't suddenly see a bunch of bunny-hopping, wall-cheat-using CS players storming the gates with their AWP's (remember those? smile.gif ).

I imagine--and hope--that just like CMBO, CMBB will draw more than just a tiny hardcore grog crowd. CMBB might well introduce people with a moderate interest in WWII or people who are curious about wargames to what it's all about. Welcome them and help them out. The genre needs all the new blood it can get before it dies out. Adopting some superior us vs. them attitude won't help wargaming.

The loudmouths that might come should just be ignored and they'll leave when you don't take their bait.

[ February 02, 2002, 08:13 AM: Message edited by: Stacheldraht ]

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What you need is a separate "CMBB is OK, but it would be better in real time, with continuous campaigns, if my poor german tanks weren't so badly modelled that crap T34's can kill them when I can't reply (1941), the game would be better if I could fly the air support, I want to operate the ships in the Baltic, why doesn't it allow me to nuke tanks like Red Alert" thread so we can ignore it. Bit like the Peng challenge really. Or even better a separate forum. Somewhere like www.middleofnowhere.co.mars (fake link guys)

As for whether a vaste new crowd will join:

- not all newbies are bad (you knew nothing about WWII once!)

- I hope BTS will be v happy if everyone who bought CMBO buys CMBB ('cos I would hate them to be relying on a big increase, and impload as a company if they don't get the sales)

- Have BTS thought of marketting it in Russia? (you never know!)

I seem to be having a random rant this afternoon - just ignore me!

[ February 02, 2002, 09:41 AM: Message edited by: Sailor Malan ]

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Yeah, we are still recovering from the arrival of all you new guys. :D Once all those magazines gave CMBO good reviews, we saw a huge influx of people in a very short time. Happily it has leveled out.

Miss the days leading up to the Beta demo and the waiting for the "real" demo and then the wait for the cd's. BTS was pretty interactive at the time. After that it was the betas of TCPIP and the variations of the shipping versions.

You guys have turned into a nice crowd, though there have been times where we were beginning to wonder..... especially some of these loud mouthed jarheads... :D

As you all have said, there will be the insufferable whiners and carpers some of whom will stay and become nice productive members of our little society (off to Peng with them). Others will become bored and go away. Either way, we will need to be patient, restrain ourselves from saying 'do a search' at times and eventually it will all smooth out until the next release. Which of course will never come too soon.

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Just like being the senior on the varsity fooball team, and then all the j-varsity kids come up for the last two games (in Az, varsity had two more games than j-varsity, and the good j boys would come up and play on our team), and you would have to put up with them for those last two weeks!

Optimisticly, I think we may see some very high calliber people come out of this. Some just havnt heard of CMBO yet (I heard about it reading about Close Combat V and how much it sucked, but how good CM was), but with all the attention that CMBB is going to bring, I think some good players will come out of the dark.

Not being optimistic, and being realistic, we are going to see a flux of pimple faced whinney kids show up here. We have some really good 'kids' here now, but I fear who will come soon . . .


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Originally posted by Berlichtingen:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Gyrene:

Of course, those of you that were here before CMBO (Or some like Berli, who came with the website, I think) was released have already lived through a population explosion with all us high-4 digit member numbers mucking up the place. ;)

Newbie punk smile.gif </font>
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While there is a part of me( a large part actually)that wants all the "#%@*&! newbies" to stay away from the forum and leave us in peace, I feel the need to voice a tiny word of caution. As has been said by others-not all newbies are bad. Granted, many of their questions are, to the "Oldies" aka "Grumpy Old Coots", inane and redundant. They have not sat up nights with CMBO, burping it and nursing it through it's infancy(Remember when PBEM was the ONLY game in town..... :D ) The Newbs wander in, buy their copy of CM (without even having to suffer through the night of the Refreshing Monkeys!!) and then have the nerve to snivel about the lack of (fill in the blank) or why (blank) doesn't (blank) the (blank) when clearly it should. But not all the Newbs come off so rude and uppity, there have been many who have added greatly to the forum as well. I say to the GOC, take a deep breath, avoid at all costs post titled "dOOOd this game sUxs" and try to have patience. You were all newbs once too....except maybe Berli.

ps Gyrene- We need to have another gathering of the Southern Cal players...

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Amen. Actually, I would say that the interregnum of new members have really had a very good impact on the life of the forum. I have noticed that I spend relatively little time posting, I still read all that I am interested in though. I think we have had a large number of really knowledgeable, creative and willing to help newer members. We have also had a fair number of frustrating PITAs that thankfully have fallen by the wayside or been discarded. I truly regret that some of them suffered bannishment as some of them really had a good knowledgebase and could have been really positive contributors had they adjusted their attitude and approach.

And the Marines, well... one makes do with what one is given. :D Have a great day off to chase Cub Scouts for the rest of the weekend.

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Originally posted by Sailor Malan:

- Have BTS thought of marketting it in Russia? (you never know!)

A noble idea, sure, but nobody actually buys games in Russia. They play games a helluva lot, most on homebuilt computers, but they never buy them. At least not from the original retailers :rolleyes:

Pirating is quite high, and it doesn't get cracked down on too much. You would find a pirated CD much easier then a non-pirated one.

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Well, since the subject of Marines has been brought up in the context of FNG's...

If we use the Marine Corps model, it is the duty of the more seasoned forum members to pass on the traditions and attitude of the forum to those who are new to it. This is much more of a challenge to the old hands, as the responsibility rests with them, not the new members.

CM is great game, and the community of talented and dedicated people on the forum add a dimension to the game that is simply not available elswhere. The Marine Corps is unique because of Marines, not because of any special gear or technique. In many ways CM is like that, as there are games that have more eye candy or whistles and bells, yet the basic gameplay package and the community around it elevate it to something more.

The old hands must reach out to the new ones, and pass that "something more" along. Certainly from a sales standpoint, the more the merrier. If that presents a challenge to the forum, I am sure the veteran members are up to the task. Bring 'em on.

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Originally posted by medlinke:

I don't care what number people have as long as they understand they can never be as bald or bad as MadMatt...I tried. You can't pull it off...It's only cool with Matt.

You tried to be like the Madone? I don't know where to laugh or just cry. Anyway the only bad thing that can happen is that there may be more Gyrene's. :D
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Originally posted by Shadow 1st Hussars:

Aslong as CMBB doesn't bring back Maximus2K and gunny bunny I will be happy.

Oh, he won't be back. But in a way he never left us. After all, he's still here now, lurking in the shadows, silently reading all our posts and plotting his evil plots in all their evilness.
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Originally posted by Andreas:

The guy who wrote this has a 7xxx membership number IIRC. I would not worry too much.

Andreas, as you are an Englishman (sorta?) I can see why you think the page is impressive - his research certainly speaks for itself, but the page you have pointed us to is (aside from the obvious deficiencies in layout and aesthetics) horrificly and typically Englishly far too self-conscious and almost apologetic - I thought for a second some idiot had put up a page just to bash John Salt and was wondering what you were pointing us to! Perhaps living in close proximity to the USA has caused me to accept self-aggrandizing bluster as the norm?

[ February 02, 2002, 07:22 PM: Message edited by: Michael Dorosh ]

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For myself, I'd imagine that I will be unable to understand the postings of fully 80% of any big group of new posters. It seems that many intitial posts read like "Thinking wonder I smell the with! Says meager fraction comb -- :(:( Pancakes."

At least, that's what it comes across as to me.

(see, mine didn't make sense and so I edited the darned thing)


[ February 02, 2002, 07:47 PM: Message edited by: dalem ]

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Here is a thought how to take some of the edge of the newbies wildly uniformed enthusiasm and smugness. Add some new Instant Graemlins only attach to them the expected newbie comments. That way when the newbie makes is uninformed comment the veterans can most graciously point him to the appropiate extended Graemlin list and ask him to use them to save his own time and that of the reader.

For example, (HeHe) a varinat of the Gramelin :eek: -5 could be defind to mean "why doesn't a 155mm arty round do more damage than it does when it lands in the middle of an infantry platoon" or whatever. That way the newbies may figure out that their MOST insightful observation may not be quite as original or as astute as they thought it was when they originally penned it.

[ February 02, 2002, 08:45 PM: Message edited by: Midnight Warrior ]

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