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Can You See The Taunt? Peng, I Challenge You To See The Taunt!


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Originally posted by Stalin's Organ:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Noba:

Stalin's dis-organised, is trying to defend the hallowed turf of Mother Russia with his Fascist hordes. We will most likely draw this one after he refused to "play for fun"...instead opting for a real 'grog' defense of hidden units and something called "hull down".

Look'ere Noddy - the reason all those tanks are hull down is 'cos that's where they were bloody well immobilised by that bleedin' Sturmovik!

I'm fighjting a static defence here so don't you give me none of that gamey criticism stuff - my troops are in entirely random positions depending on where in their move they got hit!!

And still you can't win!

You bin' taking lessons on competitiveness from the Pommie Cricket team or summit?</font>

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I'd like to take this opportunity, while I'm not doing turns that is ... which in and of itself could be somewhat misleading in that it implies that I HAVE been doing turns and am now taking a break and that's patently untrue as I haven't done a turn in some time now, though I have plans, oh yes I have plans to so do ... where was I ...

Oh yeah, I'd like to take this opportunity to confirm what an earlier poster said about OGSF making airplane sounds whilst playing CMBB. It's true, I've seen it in person and a fearsome sight it is too, makes the poor wee spaniel quake in terror it does, or perhaps she's merely having a Spaniel Moment and REALLY needs to go outside.

He does a particularly fine BF-109G, though some might say that his FW-190D is better, especially with his missing 4th cylinder variation.

The downside, of course, is that all the spittle sprayed on the monitor makes it more difficult to actually see what's happening on the battlefield ... doesn't seem to detract from his usual tactical mode of "Hawl oot the auld claymore and hav' at 'em!"

Keys get a mite sticky too.


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And while we're on the subject ... not that we are yet but hopefully we will be after this ... what is the sentiment of the CessPool on the important question of ...

Do You Suppose That Seanachai Actually Takes The Time To Type In Every Single Line Of Celtic Verse BY HAND Or Does He Find A Version On The Net And Then Cut And Paste, Eh?

I may do a turn now ... wonder who the lucky chap will be ... rather like the $300+ million lottery winner in a way ... I think of most of my opponents as some lack-witted, inbred West Virginian who wears a RED cowboy hat for the love of Gawd and insists on tithing 10% of his winnings to three (3) churches no less.


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Any of you clods who have the audacity to root for the Philadelphia Eagles are scum.

All of you are scum anyway, even if you dont know who the Philadelphia Eagles are.

OSGF sounds more like a Sopwith Camel going down in flames,

[ December 28, 2002, 01:39 PM: Message edited by: Nidan1 ]

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"Oh where are the people who owe me moves,

Owe me moves,

Owe me moves,

Oh where are the people who owe me moves?

Are they drunk and passed out in the corner?"

I know it's the weekend, you bunch of frilly girl's blouses, but do you think you could drag yourselves away from your foetid, festering salsa-stained couches ("Chesterfields" for you Canadian scum, "Piles-of-dirt" for the Aussies) and send me a feckin' move???


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Originally posted by Noba:

Jealous are we?

Hey you guys breed good batsmen - we breed great groundsmen - each to the ir strengths.

No - I must've missed that bit.....have they lost by an innings already today?

All my tank commandes died - does that count??

And yet you STILL couldn't win - let it be known - Nobs here LOST to moi 60-40 in as fine a feat of invcompetence as you could want to see ever. Or not want to see - it was still a great cock up on his part.

Unable to outmanouvre immobile tanks and SPG's he charged straight ahead - slowly!!

I like it when both of the good ones are asleep too.
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Originally posted by Noba:

Some seasonal updates.

Aussie Jeff could only manage a 'Tactical Victory' in our Tiger, Tiger match. Not only did he not kill ALL my tanks and guns, he forgot to take all the flags. This was a mirror game. I whupped him good in the previous one.


Alas, dear Noba, you are indeed TOTALLY JUSTIFIED in this critique.

YES, I only killed ALL BUT ONE of your T-34's - only because it ran away from the VL's and hid a-quivering in fear of my UberTiggers...

YES, I only TOOK ALL THE VL's BUT ONE... bugger your INF cowering in fear in that patch of woods near the BIG flag. If it weren't for them, it would have been a TOTAL VICTORY. I am SO ASHAMED OF MYSELF! THE HORROR!!!!!!

YES, I "only" achieved a TACTICAL VICTORY according to the mind-warped AI's thought engine. How a 70pts to 30pts BUTT-WHUPPIN' equates to a pissy TACTICAL VICTORY is beyond me... BFC, FIX or do SOMEFINK with that ruddy AI Umpire!! Or bring in the Third Umpire. {Then again, the twat Third Ump in the cricket keeps giving that pillock Nasser Hussain not out, so mebbe that is a BAD idea...}

YES, you achieved a "slightly superior" result in the aforementioned "mirror" of this game, but then, THIS time around YOU had scads of HINDSIGHT to help your defense. I daresay I would have AT THE VERY LEAST DRAWN the game, had I had a second crack as the Russkies. No wuckers.....

Glad to be of assistance in clearing that little lot up ....


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Originally posted by Boo_Radley:

Just thought you should all know that AJ is back to putting a damn Tiger on top of the biggest hill on the map and calling it "tactical geniusness" again.


He is consistent though, you have to give him that.

Dearest Boo

Consequent to all the CM ass-whuppings I have dealt out to YOU over the preceeding years, it appears obvious that you have developed a HEALTHY RESPECT for my Genetically and Tactically Superiour Genius.

I'm SO happy for you!

Lotsa love and huggies,

Your Military Mentor,


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Originally posted by Seanachai:

Sniffle. I miss Stuka. And Simon.

Seanachi , you miss me , aww thats nice . I've been working away from home for nearly all of December , and I've missed you guys and Ladies too . I hope everyone had a lovely Christmas and got the presents you wished for .

I have pretty well caught up with games in progress , but I owe some setups to Harv and Lars for sure , expect something very soon lads . Is the Capt still around ? and whats happened to Berli's get/got drunk challenge too , has it fallen by the wayside . Is the Gamey Tourney still going ? Hmm So many Questions , I wonder what the answers will be ? .

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Originally posted by Snarker:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Boo_Radley:

Just thought you should all know that AJ is back to putting a damn Tiger on top of the biggest hill on the map and calling it "tactical geniusness" again.


He is consistent though, you have to give him that.

Give him a little credit - very little. Putting it behind the biggest hill on the map would classify as "tactical obtuseness", so maybe he's somwhere in between - like Australia...</font>
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Originally posted by AussieJeff:

Everyone knows that all the continents on this planet originated from GONDWANALAND. Of which AUSTRALIA is the only <U>original</U> piece remaining. The rest of you lot are mere cast-offs, flotsam and jetsum as it were ....

So, WE know our place, even if you DON'T.

And we can spel to.


Ah, AJ...

So close. But not bad for someone who's formal book larnin' ended when his carny folk parents shooed him out of the trailer and told him to get a job and to never darken their towels again.

Cambrian (544 mya) A supercontinent in the southern hemisphere called Rodinia splits. The landmass of proto-North America was called Laurentia and was centered near the equator. Two other continents split were Baltica (northern Europe) and Siberia (central Asia). A large remaining portion was called Gondwana and was made up of parts of present-day Africa, S. America, southern Europe, Middle East, India, Australia, and Anarctica.

No need to thank me, lad. Glad to be of service.

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Originally posted by AussieJeff:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Boo_Radley:

Just thought you should all know that AJ is back to putting a damn Tiger on top of the biggest hill on the map and calling it "tactical geniusness" again.


He is consistent though, you have to give him that.

Dearest Boo

Consequent to all the CM ass-whuppings I have dealt out to YOU over the preceeding years, it appears obvious that you have developed a HEALTHY RESPECT for my Genetically and Tactically Superiour Genius.

I'm SO happy for you!

Lotsa love and huggies,

Your Military Mentor,


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Originally posted by Boo_Radley:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Mace:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Speedy:

I am confused, does anyone know why the writing on web screens has gone 3 times as big as it used to be and darker??

Does your mouse have a scroll button? Press the Ctrl key while playing with the scroll button to see what happens.


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Originally posted by Speedy:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Boo_Radley:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Mace:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Speedy:

I am confused, does anyone know why the writing on web screens has gone 3 times as big as it used to be and darker??

Does your mouse have a scroll button? Press the Ctrl key while playing with the scroll button to see what happens.


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