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Oo it's get-tin' hot in here - I'm gonna take my Peng Challenge off...

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Originally posted by Walpurgis Night:

I don't understand. What the hell does any of this have to do with CMBB? Seems to me you're all much more interested in masturbating your egos in this forum. Like to hear yourselves speak do ya? FIND A PRIVATE CHAT ROOM!

Oh how I hate the business rule that prevents me from participating in discussion boards while at work.

Regardless, I am now at home and will now let rip in that charming way that only we Aussies know how.


Besides, we have the official sanction of BTS to continue posting on this board in our very own Peng Thread.

In summary: tongue.gif


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Originally posted by Seanachai I imagine that next he'll be in here accusing us of being effeminate, disruptive, and sexually dysfunctional.
What bothers me about that is.. how did he find out?????

[ October 24, 2002, 06:56 AM: Message edited by: Nidan1 ]

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Thus Spoke Seanathustra:

Attention, after all is what Mr. Night so clearly craves. Which is, of course, why it was the first thing he accused everyone else of being desirous of. It's common for accusations to follow the pattern of projecting one's own problems and fixations on to others. I imagine that next he'll be in here accusing us of being effeminate, disruptive, and sexually dysfunctional.

You know, you all are a bunch of barrel-chested, mucho-macho hombres! Why I bet you even have impeccable taste, an eye for art, are well read, and even have a romantic soft-side that only comes at the most infrequent and opportune moments around your life-partners (not that there's anything wrong with that.)

I suspect you lot are highly intelligent and your beautiful spawn are on all the honor rolls in their fabulous schools to boot!

What a bunch of handsome devils you lot are! Sheesh...

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Originally posted by dalem:

Actually I was thinking about trying to squeeze back into the catsuit before I play another game of "Oops! That naughty duster has gone and found its way into my --"


Well, I just wanted to thank you for that visual, so here goes.

Thank you so very, very, very, bloody much for forcing me into regurgitating my blueberry bagel all over the front of my shirt, you heartless, mincing, pouty-lipped, swivel-hipped temptress...er, wait. Now I'm confused. Note to self: Book more time with therapist.

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Originally posted by Seanachai:

Now, I know that some of you have been waiting for some time for turns from me. A few have been waiting an unusually long time, far longer, in fact, than usual. If this is possible. We're getting into Quantum and Chaos theory, here.

Now, I would have had turns to all of you long before this, but I've simply fallen into complete despondency over Dalem's current inability to enjoy the game.

I sit down to crank out some turns, and find myself thinking: What's the use, really? Will Dalem be any happier?

In fact, I usually then slump even farther down, and find myself thinking how inevitable everything always is, and how little anything will mean, and how the whole plan just seems to be ineffable.

Sometimes I end up just going to bed. Other times even that seems utterly pointless, and I just lie down on the floor right where I am and go to sleep. At least I think it's sleep. I'm sure it's the floor, because it's still there when I wake up. Needs a serious sweep, too. But then, as I brush off my cheek, I think: What 's the point of sweeping?

So, I'm unable to get turns out, to take any delight in life, or even to motivate myself to clean up my apartment.

I'm living in filth, depressed, and everyone I have games against hates me because I'm not responding to pleas for turns.

I blame Dalem, of course, for all of this.

Curse you, Dalem, curse you.

You could at least come over and vacuum...

Well Dalem...put on your shiny catsuit...slink on over to the ÜberGnomes apartment...carefully pick him up off the floor....

and vacuum! Maybe do some dusting too...so I can get my feckin' turn! Not that I really want to lose any sooner, but it would be nice to get it over with. Somehow, in the back of my mind, I knew all along that it was your fault for the Gnome's lack of motivation.

CatMen....sheesh! Gnomes......sheesh!


[ October 24, 2002, 08:27 AM: Message edited by: Persephone ]

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Rescued from the bottom of the page AGAIN!

What a bunch of lack-luster, sissified...outerboarders you've all become!

(Ladies of the Pool excepted, of course)

What? Is there a "Golden Girls" marathon running on TV?

I'm not going to be around much for the next few days to pull your little shriveled chestnuts out of the fire, so <big><big>WAKE UP!</BIG></BIG>

Moves out tonight as usual, but I will be working my club's semi-annual rock and gem show this weekend, so turns will come when I get around to them. Accept it!

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Originally posted by Walpurgis Night:

There is a lot of interesting, usefull thought that can be found here about CM, and this constant "Peng" bull**** is always bumping the important thought down the ladder.

[nibbles a US manual and peers down at an important thought and with careful, precise movements, takes a trot around the Paddock...]

Stomp, stomp, stomp, stomp, stomp.... STOMP

*sniff* just thought I'd show me enthusiasm.

Yeknod o' tha Thistle and Defender of the Paddock

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Originally posted by Yeknodathon:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Walpurgis Night:

There is a lot of interesting, usefull thought that can be found here about CM, and this constant "Peng" bull**** is always bumping the important thought down the ladder.

[nibbles a US manual and peers down at an important thought and with careful, precise movements, takes a trot around the Paddock...]

Stomp, stomp, stomp, stomp, stomp.... STOMP

*sniff* just thought I'd show me enthusiasm.

Yeknod o' tha Thistle and Defender of the Paddock</font>

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Originally posted by Nidan1:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Boo_Radley:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Nidan1:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by YK2:

Highly recommended for bedtime viewing..

Dog Soldiers...

Boy it sure scared the **** out of me.


Can someone leave the light on tonight!!! :eek:

Is that the one about the mercenaries? or is it a new movie with the same name?</font>
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MrSpkr would have you believe: Foul Joe Shaw is still plodding about in the bocage of the western front. Silly Joe. He says he hates bocage and would rather not be floundering about in it, so I look for our next match to be on the wide open steppes.

Oh yeah -- he learned the hard way that when a couple of buildings are marked 'suspected German strongpoint', it is generally best not to rush a lone squad and an artillery FO in to scout the premises. At least they died quick, and won't have to suffer the hell that IS Joe Shaw in charge. He's losing, and badly.

How many times, pray tell, must I make the same point? THIS is the CMBB board, clearly delinated by our friends at BFC. It is NOT, pay attention now MrSpkr for this is the critical part, the CMBO board!

As a result, any game reports or updates that refer to the game known as CMBO are right OFF topic and shall be ignored by all right thinking CessPudlians ... possibly even dalem too, since he clearly belongs in a whole 'nother category.

In short, MrSpkr ... NO ONE CARES! You have old news sir, dated information, expired knowledge and out of warranty reports.

Besides, I am losing WELL, very well if truth be known, in fact I think it can be safely said that I'm losing far better than has ever been done before.

So you see sir, I give the you lie on all fronts, take offense if you will, but the TRUTH is out there ... much like some recent posters.


OH ... I'm back.

{Edited to correct a small typo, it pays to be neat you know}

[ October 24, 2002, 05:29 PM: Message edited by: Joe Shaw ]

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Foul Joe, you doth protest too much. You know as well as I that those Cess matches ongoing at the point of CMBB's release are grandfathered in to this board. It is not MY problem that you suck at CMBO.

BTW, Boo has already lost our little matchup, 'Kursk You, Red Baron!'. Ker Dessel* strikes again.


*Ker Dessel: When You Want to Play CM in the WORST Way

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Opens large wooden oak door...

Smells fetid air wafting up...

Looks at steps down to hell...

Takes a few...

Timidly shouts....

"Ohhhhh Berli, Ohhhh Berli...."

{Coughs nervously}

"Your turn awaits you..."

Listens to the mad rantings of those down deep...

Slowly turns around before the madness can take hold and returns the way he came from, up to the cold light of a winters day.

Breaths deeply and says, "Perhaps another day".

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Originally posted by MrSpkr:

BTW, Boo has already lost our little matchup, 'Kursk You, Red Baron!'. Ker Dessel* strikes again.


How do you get that head of yours through doors? We have yet to even begin and you shout to all and sundry (And believe me, sundry is the kindest thing I can say for this lot), "HUZZAH! (I've always wanted to say that) I am wonderfulness personified!"

If you win this, it will only be because you designed the scenario yourself. This will put you on the same level as Aussie Jeff, somewhere below krill.

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Originally posted by Boo_Radley:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by MrSpkr:

BTW, Boo has already lost our little matchup, 'Kursk You, Red Baron!'. Ker Dessel* strikes again.


How do you get that head of yours through doors? We have yet to even begin and you shout to all and sundry (And believe me, sundry is the kindest thing I can say for this lot), "HUZZAH! (I've always wanted to say that) I am wonderfulness personified!"

If you win this, it will only be because you designed the scenario yourself. This will put you on the same level as Aussie Jeff, somewhere below krill.</font>

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Originally posted by Boo_Radley:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by MrSpkr:

BTW, Boo has already lost our little matchup, 'Kursk You, Red Baron!'. Ker Dessel* strikes again.


How do you get that head of yours through doors? We have yet to even begin and you shout to all and sundry (And believe me, sundry is the kindest thing I can say for this lot), "HUZZAH! (I've always wanted to say that) I am wonderfulness personified!"

If you win this, it will only be because you designed the scenario yourself. This will put you on the same level as Aussie Jeff, somewhere below krill.</font>

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