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2002: A Peng Challenge Oddity


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In other news a yellow bellied Elvisian surrender has handed your old Uncle Stukmeister a mighty 85-15 total victory in the lovely Andreasiasian scenario, 'To the last man'.

I'd like to add that my opponent fought bravely and well in the face of overwhelming tactical ability, but he didn't.

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by dalem:

...no doubt a giant flaming turd will fall out of the sky soon and obliterate all I hold dear, but for right now, things are pretty darned good.

So soon I will be huntinging for more CM games from you lot... I'll sniff out a new victim or two as well.

Hmm, who could it be...?<hr></blockquote>


Seek and yee shall find a Yeknod! Yes me, I'll challenge you and although I wouldn't consider meself a flaming turd... just consider me a cow pat or hardened morsel of yaks dung.

There is an uncanny number of Poolers living in the environs of Minnyopolous. Scunthorpe or Cleethorpes is marvelous for mind and body.


[ 01-02-2002: Message edited by: Yeknodathon ]</p>

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

Oop, it's back ... so anyway this horse walks into a bar, the bartender looks up and says, "Hey, why the long face?"


Upon that day, the Old Ones shall emulate the rhetoric of the junior kaniggets in song, jest, and gesticulations a-plenty. The jokes told by the unwashed outcasts shall be repeated by the supreme justicarrot. Hiramesque groaning and self deprecating whining will echo througout the Mutha Beautiful Thread.

Now, we turn to the Book of the Eagles, Chapter Three.

The McNabb didst toss the skin of the pig with a mighty heaving throw while the Duce (Dooooooooooooooooooooooooooce!!) didst scamper all over the evil Giants.

This ends the reading from the Book of the Eagles. Blessed be the Eagles fan that binds...

Edited to mention that we should all strive to be just like Andreas.

[ 01-02-2002: Message edited by: Hiram Sedai ]</p>

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Stuka:

In other news a yellow bellied Elvisian surrender has handed your old Uncle Stukmeister a mighty 85-15 total victory in the lovely Andreasiasian scenario, 'To the last man'.

I'd like to add that my opponent fought bravely and well in the face of overwhelming tactical ability, but he didn't.<hr></blockquote>

Point of Order from the Consigliori:

Sir Stuka (whose name implies that he needs two men to do what one man ought to do, and usually gets shot down before scoring).

Did you, Sir, not take it upon yourself to recommend to me this Andreas piece of Teutonic Torture named "To the Last Man"? Did you not also mention in your private email that YOU HAD ALREADY PLAYED IT? Does this not mean that you beat poor Elvis UNFAIRLY, having played the game before?

You did, you did, and it does.

You cad. May I also mention that I, foolishly taking your advice, went through a painful mid-summer playing this awful madness with poor David Aitken, who then suddenly disappeared without trace before the game's ultimate conclusion.

It is a sad, sad day indeed, Sir, that you would flaunt your ill gains in this Pool of Gentlesomethings. What say you Eternal Justicar, who never rests from vigilance over the protocols of this Pool?

[ 01-02-2002: Message edited by: Lawyer ]</p>

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Lawyer:

Point of Order from the Consigliori:

Sir Stuka (whose name implies that he needs two men to do what one man ought to do, and usually gets shot down before scoring).

Did you, Sir, not take it upon yourself to recommend to me this Adreas piece of Teutonic Torture named "To the Last Man"? Did you not also mention in your private email that YOU HAD ALREADY PLAYED IT? Does this not mean that you beat poor Elvis UNFAIRLY, having played the game before?

You did, you did, and it does.

You cad. May I also mention that I, foolishly taking your advice, went through a painful mid-summer playing this awful madness with poor {b]David Aitken, who then disappeared without trace before the ultimate conclusion.

It is a sad, sad day indeed, Sir, that you would flaunt your ill gains in this Pool of Gentlesomethings. What say you Eternal Justicar who never rests from vigilance over the protocols of this Pool?<hr></blockquote>

uh, you need to edit cause you're not Andreas either. So there.

Edited to note that the lawyer who is not jdmorse is a bit whiney. Also, please note that all Americans who suffer from being not Andreas should hang their heads in shame.

[ 01-02-2002: Message edited by: Hiram Sedai ]</p>

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Hiram Sedai:

uh, you need to edit cause you're not Andreas either. So there.<hr></blockquote>

I see the Ever Vigilant New Jersey Word Police are on the job bright and early this morning. I WAS ALREADY EDITING IT when you posted. Not being Andreas, I'm not perfect, but I am damned close to it.

How can New Jersey people worship the Eagles anyway? Oh that's right, you're not a person.

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Lawyer:

I see the Ever Vigilant New Jersey Word Police are on the job bright and early this morning. I WAS ALREADY EDITING IT when you posted. Not being Andreas, I'm not perfect, but I am damned close to it.

How can New Jersey people worship the Eagles anyway? Oh that's right, you're not a person.<hr></blockquote>

I hear some rumblings from the Lawyer who is not nor will ever be jdmorse. I could educate you on NJ people, but I bill by the hour. Sound familiar? I bet you're a stinkin Redskins fan. I wonder how Marlow is doing these days.

Edited just because. See definition; Sedai, Hiram

[ 01-02-2002: Message edited by: Hiram Sedai ]

Edited again to mention Andreas. It's called a theme, people! Imagine being German, living in England, and looking Japanese.

[ 01-02-2002: Message edited by: Hiram Sedai ]</p>

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Hiram Sedai:

Edited again to mention Andreas. It's called a theme, people! Imagine being German, living in England, and looking Japanese.<hr></blockquote>

Well, not much longer. My New Year's resolution is to leave these sodding shores and go back to Germany by this time next year.

In the meantime, many of you may want to strive to be like me, but the success rate of that will be even less than that of the Taliban AA weaponry. I do feel sorry for you.

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Hiram Sedai:

...all Americans who suffer from being not Andreas should hang their heads in shame.

[ 01-02-2002: Message edited by: Hiram Sedai ]<hr></blockquote>

<Hanging Head in Shame>

/me remembers that I'm not from New Jersey

<Head Returns to Full Upright Stature>

- The enigma: If Andreas was from New Jersey, could he ever have achieved such a state of educational perfection?

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I'm back, and I hope you all had terrible holidays, filled with stale fruitcakes, nasty in-laws, and hotel TV sets with no porn channels.

My computers and their component parts are still scattered throughout the house, but I plan to assemble them Real Soon Now and start doing turns again. Why don't you all hold your breath until then?

Agua Perdido

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Lawyer:

Point of Order from the Consigliori:

Sir Stuka (whose name implies that he needs two men to do what one man ought to do, and usually gets shot down before scoring).

Did you, Sir, not take it upon yourself to recommend to me this Andreas piece of Teutonic Torture named "To the Last Man"? Did you not also mention in your private email that YOU HAD ALREADY PLAYED IT? Does this not mean that you beat poor Elvis UNFAIRLY, having played the game before?

You did, you did, and it does.

You cad. May I also mention that I, foolishly taking your advice, went through a painful mid-summer playing this awful madness with poor David Aitken, who then suddenly disappeared without trace before the game's ultimate conclusion.

It is a sad, sad day indeed, Sir, that you would flaunt your ill gains in this Pool of Gentlesomethings. What say you Eternal Justicar, who never rests from vigilance over the protocols of this Pool?

[ 01-02-2002: Message edited by: Lawyer ]<hr></blockquote>First Lawyer, may I compliment you ({gaaacckkk} ... {GGAAAACCCCKKKK} ... {GGAaaaacccckkkk} ... {GGAAACCCCCCKKKKKK!} well, could have been worse} on your description of Stuka, well done indeed.

However, may I also admonish you for NOT reading and paying heed to the posts of your betters (i.e. ME). Had you done so you'd have noted my expose of Stuka as a Non-Double Blind Playing Gamey Bastiche long ago! Of course had you done so you'd have lost that all important excuse for your loss so perhaps you took that into account. It is, I agree, important to have a plan in the case of defeat ... or even dehands come to think of it.


{edited because I'm Not Andreas but then who is ... other than Andreas that is ... who is ... what is?}

[ 01-02-2002: Message edited by: Joe Shaw ]</p>

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by dalem:

That picture of Hiram is beautiful. I'll have to look through some olde threads and find out who this Patch person is. Very nice work, that.

[ 01-02-2002: Message edited by: dalem ]<hr></blockquote>

Yes, the Hiram work was magnificent.

No need to look further for information. Patch, or from Berli's view, she who must be obeyed, is none other than Persephone (please do not be an idiot and confuse her with Proserpina, who is a mere Roman goddess).

She is the true ruler of Hades, but occasionally she lets Berli out from under the whip, at which times he comes here to torment us all.

I can only assume that, given the recent trend in weather here outside DC, where it is colder than a witch's, err, nevermind. But it's damn cold.

Anyway, I can only assume that at the beginning of the month, Persephone was off visiting her mother before the holidays. But now, she must have taken up residence with her jester Berli, for the weather is cold and mean-spirited as of late.

[edited because resolutions not kept are worthless]

[ 01-02-2002: Message edited by: Herr Oberst ]</p>

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Herr Oberst:

Anyway, I can only assume that at the beginning of the month, Persephone was off visiting her mother before the holidays. But now, she must have taken up residence with her jester Berli, for the weather is cold and mean-spirited as of late.<hr></blockquote>

Rather nice, isn't it. I do so enjoy when the brisk winds from the North extinquish all traces of warmth. Rather refreshing it is

[not edited because I loath conformity]

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Croda:

[Edited to display my utter lake of Anreas-osity]

[ 01-02-2002: Message edited by: Croda ]<hr></blockquote>Uh, you wanna try that again pal? The thought of a whole freaking LAKE of Andreas ... {shudder}

AND it gives you a chance to edit TWICE!


{unedited because I just didn't have time, mea culpa}

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Is it true Stuka that you had played that scenario before we played it? Hmmmmmmm..that sounds gamey to me.

I did send out surrender files to Stuka and LEON last night. Both games had reached the point where I had no chance of winning and would only be wasting everyones time. Stuka has had the decency to send out a new set up file that he says he hasn't played before......I guess I will have to take his word for it.

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Elvis:

Is it true Stuka that you had played that scenario before we played it? Hmmmmmmm..that sounds gamey to me.

I did send out surrender files to Stuka and LEON last night. Both games had reached the point where I had no chance of winning and would only be wasting everyones time. Stuka has had the decency to send out a new set up file that he says he hasn't played before......I guess I will have to take his word for it.<hr></blockquote>

Dear Elvis,

Does this mean you might have some time in your oh so busy schedule for a game with a certain resident who lives about 10 minutes away from you and bleeds Eagles green?

Deep, warm & fuzzy regards,



PS Since we both know you don't read my posts, I'll email, call, or send a carrier pigeon. No, wait not another pigeon in Philly.

Edited to add a post script that Andreas clearly wouldn't have needed because of his superior intellect, breeding, education, social standing, moral fiber, and linguistic ability.

[ 01-02-2002: Message edited by: Hiram Sedai ]</p>

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Berlichtingen:

So, it was an Australian. Figures, I have long suspected you chaps from down under of leaning that way<hr></blockquote>

If he was an Aussie, wouldn't the name be Brice, not Bruce?

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