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Wild Bill's Rumblings of War [Part III]

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A new home for Wild Bill's master piece of scenario craftings! :)


Charl Theron



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OK, the Bald One has done his thing so here's the new thread. I didn't see it and started a new one. This is the one we'll use. Lots of game results have come in lately. We're making good progress overall. A few of you may want to pick up the pace however. It's hard to tell on my end exactly how people are progressing since I only know about completed games. Some may have several near completion so they look behind on paper, but really aren't.

Nabla and I are discussing more minor changes to the scoring system, none of which will affect how you should play your games. We're just tweaking it to better assess players' actual skill. Remember, surrender is bad. Always withdraw your troops and let the program surrender for you when the morale threshhold is reached.

Treeburst155 out.

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We Can't Wait, Resolve At Ranville, and The High Cost Of Real Estate all have two or less games yet to be completed.

Section One,

How about a status report on Ted Sullivan. Has anybody heard from him lately? Ted, are you out there? If you're in Section One let me hear from you, PLEASE. I need to determine if Ted has been captured by the enemy or KIA so I can replace him if need be.

Treeburst155 out.

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I am a bit late with my good bye to George. I am sat in an Internet Cafe in Auckland before going out for a few beers with Friends.

I hope it all works out OK George and many thanks for putting up with my game.

Good luck to the new chap and I see old JK has been silent for a bit.

Off to Adelaide in the morning and will maybe catch up with JKR.

Good to see the tourney is moving into the closing stages and that we soon may be able to discuss certain scenarios...


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Holien, methinks thou needest to visit here more often. I've had a turn from Tom recently, have had multiple E-mails from MickOZ (stepped in for George) and have sent him all the movie turns to get him up to speed, but have had no turn for some time from Peter and haven't heard a peep from my still unfought foe. Time's running out!!! Treeburst155, can you light a fire, please, under my still hasn't reported foe?


John Kettler

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Treeburst155:

Thanks Wade! That still means 3 weeks have passed since anyone has heard from Ted. Have any of you Section Oners heard from him more recently?

Treeburst155 out.<hr></blockquote>


Ted and I started our game about a week and a half ago but I have yet to receive the setup turn. I will send him an e-mail and try and get an update.

As an aside, I am currently embroiled in "Sounds in the Night" with Greg and let me just say there is a special place in the 7th circle of hell for whoever designed this one. I suggest it be destroyed after the Tourney in order to prevent it from escaping and destroying society as we know it. Personally, I am going to need therapy after this game..

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John Kettler,

My records show that all your games in this tournament are either in progress or completed.

You should be currently doing battle with Tom, Mick (George), and Peter Svensson. There are no others. Perhaps you are speaking of the Invitational?

To All,

At Ted's current rate of play he will need two years to finish his games. This obviously won't work. I'll drop him a line and see if he's willing to pick up the pace. It could be that Real Life won't allow him to do so. In that case, we will have to replace him.

Thanks, guys, for helping me out with the info.

Fight On!!

Treeburst155 out.

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Peter, brave soul that he is, tried to send me a turn from Sweden on a friend's XP equipped PC. Not only was the turn file corrupt, but he is missing his mods.

MickOZ and I are now at it after he stepped in for George. The next movie will be intense.

Nothing today from Tom.

Treeburst155, maybe I'm so distracted I can't count. I've fought Holien, Kingfish, CDIC and von Lucke to a finish. Four. I have battles with Tom, MickOZ and Peter in progress. Three more. If I'm only supposed to fight seven battles, then I'm good to go and have repeatedly advertised basic math deficiencies. Oops! Looks as though the way's clear to take up the cudgel against MickOZ in the Invitational, too.


John Kettler

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Evening All,

Just got into Sydney and failed to get chance to meet up with KR. That will have to wait until another day. Adelaide was great and we must go back. smile.gif

I see that the games are coming on a pace and if I could implore TB to send me an updated spreadsheet of results? To my e-mail address would be great as I am now in Sydney until New Year's Day.

JK I hope your games are going well and you are having a better time. smile.gif

As for the comments about a game that was mentioned previously, that was a nightmare of a game and I was shaking as each turn unfolded. CDIC was my opponent and I am sure that he would concur that game is the most intense of the 7.

Anyway must get back to the BBQ and sink some weak Aussie beer.


P.s. Wreck did you get those AAR's? If so any chance of sending me yours? ;)

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Seems I have had the last contact with Ted, december 12th. One before that was a few weeks earlier. And that was the one game I was winning (wel, not loosing, kind of, hoping).

Most games I am participating in are coming along nicely, with exception of 'We can't wait' (irony) which has just started. The game that has the longest way to finish is 'Crisis at...' , and that one is at turn 21 out of 30.

I have two weeks plenty of time now, will respond within a day to turns.

I started 6 games directly at the start of the tournament. Not to smart, in hindsight, it would be nicer starting half, and finishing faster. The battles tend to blurr a bit together occasionally.


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No news on the Ted front. I've decided to wait until the 26th before I hunt him down and drag him in for Court Martial. :D I have one MIA in each tournament (3) to deal with. I will devote the 26th to establishing status and/or finding replacements for all three.

Holien, I do have several more game reports to log on the sheet. This I will also take care of on the 26th. Once updated I will send you the scoresheet. You'll get it by the evening of the 26th.

Happy Holidays to All !!

Treeburst155 out.

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What is the "deadline" for this round. As I recollect, it was the end of January when this got off the ground. Is this correct or am I suffering from a delusion. I have one game to start and the 3 in progress are 4/5th, 3/5th, and 1/2 done. Should have no trouble, as have contacted final opponent, Andrej(hope I spelled it right... smile.gif and he is ready to go.

.Rant Mode ON

What will be done with MIA's? Seems a bit late to replace to me, but it could be possible. My question is, why would opponents not report this habitual tardiness on the part of their foe earlier than this? My gosh, 1 turn a month average over 3 months? Personally, that boggles my mind... :eek: I am NOT a fan of the IP type game, not cuz I can't handle the speed, just that it is difficult to tie oneself up for that period of time. But when I do sit down, I go. I remember several times playing Juha A. that we were both at computers 8 hours apart and would exchange 2-3 turns in a sitting, just churning them out. That is the way to go, not calculating the angle of incidence of the deflection of a PAK 38 vs a Jumbo Sherman at 440m with an angle on the bow of 44 deg. thru the scattered trees on a windy day...blah, blah, blah. 3 turns in 3 months. Yikes, withdraw then already. If Real Life is demanding that much, then there is no dishonor, but tell someone please.

Rant Mode Off

If replacement can not be found or is not feasible compared to time, can the no show games be not counted? How will that affect the scoring curve, or would it? Oh well, best laid plans and all that, eh??

P.S. Merry Christmas you targets....

(edited to add the P.S. as I forgot what time it was. Got to get back to the sleigh...eek, where does the time go?)

[ 12-25-2001: Message edited by: tabpub ]</p>

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Status update: finished my game with JPS (or rather he finished me, I really hope the others that played that side in that scenario won to, or I am going to need some therapy).

The game with Jon reached a stalemate, with each owning one flag, and is into the last turn.

Greg has me down to my last tank, and send in his M8 scout car to get it dizzy (running circles around my Tiger, that turret will never catch up. I guess he is going to shoot the TC when he opens up to barf ove the side). Although the game is only in turn 17 of 25, he will have me finished soon.

Regarding slow opponents and reporting: the game was actually running fast for the first half, then Ted excused himself, saying he would be busy for a month or something. That would have been no problem, as it was my furthest advanced game. Only now it has been two months and margins are getting narro. Even so, if we pick up now, we could finish it in maybe a week or two.


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If Ted comes back today...OK, tomorrow, I don't think he will have any problem finishing our game anyway.

I don't think TreeBurst will have any problems finding a guy to finish for Ted though. There is nothing so satisfying as being thrown into a desperate situation not of your making and...well, doing something.

Merry Christmas everyone!!!

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