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CMBB - Patch Request


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Hello BTS,

Could you please include "Terrain Grid Lines" in your first patch for BTS. Perhaps, you could add the command to the HotKeys.

It does not seem like a difficult thing to add to the game and would enhance Play considerably.

I believe MadMatts download website called the "Grid Lines" mod a "Must Grab" for CM players, so I am surprised it has not been included in the default programming of the game.

A response from BTS management would be appreciated.



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Cripes - it's only just come out, give 'em a chance. There are a lot of people who detest gridlines and the like and this kind of stuff will all be the target of modding commnunity. They love it and are very good at it. Given a few weeks/months there will doubtless be a number of terrain variations.

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Originally posted by Apache:

Cripes - it's only just come out, give 'em a chance.

Cripes to you. How are they supposed to know what people would like to see in the game if it's forbidden to ask?


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I ain't saying people shouldn't ask. But it has only just come out. Expecting BTS to respond after 2 days of release is a bit unrealistic though.

I stand by what I say on the grids though. Like Louie said, it ain't football, and I suspect there will be alot of people for whom grids are a low priority (like errrrrr never ;) ).

[ September 21, 2002, 09:42 AM: Message edited by: Apache ]

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You'll not see any options for grid lines for CMBB, I think thats pretty much guaranteed. Download a mod.

And I would like to add, some ppl have complained about some vehicles that share their BMPs, let me just say THANK YOU BTS for including these vehicles. Im sure you and modders will remedy the BMPs on a later date, but Im grateful BTS has included the vehicles at all, instead of just cutting them away.

I think BTS have gotten way too much **** coming their way latly with the CDV/Manual/Copy Protection/BMPs etc lately. I just want to say THANK YOU to BTS to making such great games, dont let the whining get to you! It's a miracle your responses havent been much harsher!

That said, I hope everybody at the forum keep posting *constructive crtizism*! Let's make a great game even better! Hell, Im waiting for CMBB myself! :D

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Hi Matt.

I'm REALLY looking forward to the full game!

However, I have one question that relates to the setup functions in CMBO and the CMBB Demo but which I presume is still the case in the full version.

I find it somewhat unwieldy to have to click three times to place units, when this could be achieved in one easy movement ie: by allowing left click of the mouse and holding the button down while scrolling the unit, then release to place the unit, rather than currently having to click on the unit, then click on move or place option, then click again to place (that's the 3 clicks vs 1)?

Or would that type of change only be possible in the future CMII re-write?

Anyway, cheers, and great effort in helping to get the game to where it is today! tongue.gif


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I never did see much purpose in grid lines. You guys just need to spend a little bit more time viewing the terrain at lower views. It is very seldom that I adjust the camera to higher elavation than the lower 2 or 3 settings. Really the beauty of CM is in the lower camera settings with the zoom on.

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Hello MM,

Thank you for your timely response to my question.

May I enquire as to why you feel a "Must Grab" item such as the Terrain Grid is not worthy to be placed in the game under the 'Hot Key' function for those of us that wish to use it.

I was hoping to use the default game mods, rather than counting on other people to do BFCs job.



Originally posted by Madmatt:

We will not be adding a grid line option but I am sure a mod for them, just like in CMBO, will be made soon enough.


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another reason for them not showing up is the amount of VRAM it would eat up. You would need twice the VRAM to hold the textures you would be toggleing on and off. Your system would need to load both the gridded and non gridded textures for all your ground and then toggle between them when hotkeying. You would not be adding or subtracting the grid lines themself.

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Originally posted by Voxman:

Hello MM,

Thank you for your timely response to my question.

May I enquire as to why you feel a "Must Grab" item such as the Terrain Grid is not worthy to be placed in the game under the 'Hot Key' function for those of us that wish to use it.

I was hoping to use the default game mods, rather than counting on other people to do BFCs job.



</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Madmatt:

We will not be adding a grid line option but I am sure a mod for them, just like in CMBO, will be made soon enough.


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originally posted by Voxman:

I was hoping to use the default game mods, rather than counting on other people to do BFCs job.

Don't make mods yourself, do ya? Those who do see this in a different light. It's an unwritten partnership between BFC and it's customers who happen to be art geeks. You can't imagine the horror of myself and many, many others had this game arrived with all the requisite winter textures, vehicle textures, and what have you already present! This very concept can probably be given partial credit to some of the success that CMBO has enjoyed.

[ September 22, 2002, 12:00 PM: Message edited by: Clubfoot ]

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Pvt. Ryan,

Hmm.., I can't agree with your post. When Madmatt is speaking, he is speaking on behalf of BFC, since he is a BFC employee now. From my understanding, CMHQ is an additional private matter of Madmatt's that he has graciously tended to and kept available, but I'm sure he also has to tend the BFC web site.

So if Madmatt says there won't be a hotkey for grid lines in CMBB, well, its more than likely true unless Charles latter gets an itch for it (doubt it). Folks will need to install a grid grass mod. No big deal in my opinion.

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Originally posted by Clubfoot:

You can't imagine the horror of myself and many, many others had this game arrived with all the requisite winter textures, vehicle textures, and what have you already present!


Correction - the horror of WAITING for BFC to spend another six months to a year doing all the requisite artwork for winter, gridded tiles, hex tiles, different interfaces, plus the added costs involved in having to ship 3 seperate CDs.

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Originally posted by Voxman:

I was hoping to use the default game mods, rather than counting on other people to do BFCs job.

Good grief! :rolleyes:

What makes you think that any option you want is BFC's responsability to include? If BFC bowed to everyone's pet fancy the game wouldn't be out until 2004 and cost about $200/copy and you'd be whining because

a) it took so long

B) cost so much

c) included so much crap you didn't want

(ignoring the fact that most people didn't want your grid lines, and that all the other items included were wanted just as much by others)

Seriously. Exactly WHAT part of BFC's job do other people do that they don't.

And another thing. The game doesn't ship with any MODS. Mods stand for MODIFICATIONS (to the game). The game ships with stock textures, to say it ships with mods is just stupid. You play the game out of the box with STANDARD TEXTURES, if you want to change them, you load MODIFIED TEXTURES or MODS.

Your ideas might be a request, but you are whining, complaining and ripping on the company that made the game instead of offering polite requests or constructive criticism. HUGE difference. You'll generally get relatively polite discussions if you talk about them civily, but a kick in the teeth if you sound like another whiny complainer. And I'll be first in line.

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Truth be told, while *I* thought it was cool the rest of BFC didnt seem to think it was neccesary.

Now here are other technical reasons it wasnt done:

There is a VRAM issue to consider if it were to be a toggle that could come on and off you would need to double all the textures pre-loaded as each and every tile would need two versions, grid and non-grid. That includes, snow as well.

There is a space issue to consider. There is no room on the CD for a second grided set of textures.

There is the appeal issue. To be honest, while its a cool mod, not as many people as you might think really use it.

There is a need issue. The terrain in CMBB was designed to not only look pretty but to make terrain elevation deviation more apparent.

And the last but not least, I think we are about out of hotkey combos to even use!


[ September 22, 2002, 01:06 PM: Message edited by: Madmatt ]

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