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God Save the Peng and this Honorable Challenge

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Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

Not at all at all my lad. THAT was when you were what you were and not what you are now that you are that. People with names likes Boo_Radley simply SHOULD be Squires ... would Maynard G. Crebs be a Knight, no lad that would just not work ... WORK!


Joe, Joe, Joe Joe Jo-Jo. You who were named after a fried potato wedge, the whole thing just makes me sad.

I had begun to type out this whole long post naming my qualifications, the fact that I've played the five compulsory games, etc, etc.

But, I've decided to toss that out the window with the baby and merely say,

"You don't like it? Tough Noogies." Best be careful or I'll fill your ear trumpet with lime Jello. I'll coat the insides of your Depends with spray adhesive. I'll tell The_Carp you want to be his bestest friend.

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Game Updates:

(That is, theoretically, why we are all here isn't it? That is the birth right, nay, the obligation of the Peng Challenge Thread, is it not? To hear game updates, like those from </font>

  • Harv</font>
  • Boo_Radley</font>
  • Simon Elwen</font>
  • Moriarty</font>
  • MrSpkr</font>
  • dalem</font>
  • AussieJeff</font>
  • Goanna</font>
  • Lurker</font>

The rest of you... Hop to it man... men... whatever.


Seanachai: On the my left flank, it is a game of cat and mouse with my Panther against his Stuart V and Zook team, in the center, well, nobody really goes there, and on the right flank it's a good old infantry hugging the ground, arty 'sploding in the trees, support vehicles machine gunning the infantry kind of stalemate. All good except for the fact that his buggers are sitting on the flags...

Moriarty in DerKesselFinks scenario: Finally, I get to make buildings go boom, and with a machine gun team inside me finks. I also got to watch two Ami squads get eliminated, flat on the back and toes up. Huzzah! As a typical Ami, he has way too much artillery for my liking, but his 'splody things have been far less effective than I feared. Tic-toc, tic-toc, I fear the clock is my main enemy.

[ June 20, 2002, 08:56 AM: Message edited by: Herr Oberst ]

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Originally posted by Herr Oberst:

Be careful what you ask for...

The file HakkoShaw (scary thought there) is on the way. Map speedily generated, units purchased, and file saved.

File to you Yankee-ichiu, as soon as you post an Email addy.

Passwords will be sent via Email.


You could try ethanr@mindspring.com. That might work. Or it might be a cunning plan to throw the enemy off balance...
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Originally posted by The_Capt:



Well, we know he's not playing Mace or Harv, otherwise it would be


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Originally posted by AussieJeff:

The final miserable tally was:

Feckless Boo_Boo (Axis)

222 cas [50KIA] [ 5 cap]

6 guns

2 pillboxes

28 vehicles

SCORE = 53

Brave AJ (Allies)

234 cas [49KIA]

36 vehicles

SCORE = 46

Idiot AI (Obviously Allied to Axis)

0 cas


Hang on a minute........... should I not be able to claim at least 1/2 a loss agin' my Cess tally out of this folly, seeing as how my points is lesser than 'is points?


OK, Australopithicus Jeff, I'm on to your game, you Anti-Ladder climber!!! You're setting out to purposefully lose each and every one of your games so you can be the loosingest Pooler ever! Ah-Hah? Ah-Hah!

How else would the person who designed the scenario, knew the number and starting placement of his opponents forces, could still come out with less points?

There's only two ways that could have happened:

ZED - I am a crafty and highly skilled gamer, who all should fear, or

Omicron-Seti III - You threw the game!

Why, someone with the mind of a four year old child could tell you the answer to that one. Go on, Joe, tell him.

I've got my eye on you AJ, two can play THAT game.

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gamey updates:

losing and winning? Who knows since Aquaperdiddler (he'll be bolded when he resumes at least his avg once a month turn rate) hasn't been seen it these parts since before ....well who cares, Meeks and Croda bugged out before time, and Pawbroom anyone remember him? decided to wear his beret, sip demi-tasse and be so french above it all, forgetting his origins and leaving said game abandoned as a Brazilian street orphan.

Hiram claims I am losing to Elvis because I am beating him less bad than the aforementioned 'wanker' .

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Originally posted by jdmorse:

gamey updates:

losing and winning? Who knows since Aquaperdiddler (he'll be bolded when he resumes at least his avg once a month turn rate) hasn't been seen it these parts since before ....well who cares, Meeks and Croda bugged out before time, and Pawbroom anyone remember him? decided to wear his beret, sip demi-tasse and be so french above it all, forgetting his origins and leaving said game abandoned as a Brazilian street orphan.

Hiram claims I am losing to Elvis because I am beating him less bad than the aforementioned 'wanker' .

And aren't you just the one to be calling the pot black then! The lad shows neither hide nor hair (not that that's a BAD thing mind) for months and months and then drops by to complain about others not being around.

He's spot on about Agua Perdido of course, though I've seen more turns from him recently than we've seen of jd.

Boo_Radley I certainly didn't mean to suggest that you weren't a Knight currently ... only that you SHOULDN'T be a Knight, world of difference lad and another in my long list of reasons why The Justicariate Should Be Given Veto Authority Over All Squires. Yes, yes, technically it's flagellation of an expired equine, but it's MY expired equine and I won't rest untill the right is established.


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Originally posted by jdmorse:

gamey updates:

losing and winning? Who knows since Aquaperdiddler (he'll be bolded when he resumes at least his avg once a month turn rate) hasn't been seen it these parts since before ....well who cares, Meeks and Croda bugged out before time, and Pawbroom anyone remember him? decided to wear his beret, sip demi-tasse and be so french above it all, forgetting his origins and leaving said game abandoned as a Brazilian street orphan.

Hiram claims I am losing to Elvis because I am beating him less bad than the aforementioned 'wanker' .

I'm not dead yet...just busier than Peng at a bar full of women who are ignoring him.

The fact is, I'm actually engaged in a hunger strike. I'm waiting for the long ago promised Battle of Gettysburg map from our very own Justagrog who must certainly have forgotten that he claimed knowledge of said battle and would settle our disagreements on a mocked up CM version of Gettysburg, complete with the Jennie Wade House and General Pickett's Buffet.

Naturally, I've lost enough weight to make Hirsute Hiram look like Not-so-Hirsute MrSpkr, but I'm still waiting.

I do have games going with The Underwear Lizard, Here I am, Shoot Me, Speedbumponalog, Maceter of his own Domain, and maybe even some other people that I'm forgetting. Good news is that I am taking them all to task because they suck like this girl who lived across the hall from me at Penn State.

Never fear, jd, I'm still around in a metaphysical-paraphysical-paranormal sort of way.

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Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

Boo_Radley I certainly didn't mean to suggest that you weren't a Knight currently ... only that you SHOULDN'T be a Knight, world of difference lad and another in my long list of reasons why The Justicariate Should Be Given Veto Authority Over All Squires. Yes, yes, technically it's flagellation of an expired equine, but it's MY expired equine and I won't rest untill the right is established.


Joe, Joe and (everybody sing!) JOE!

Why don't you just go ahead and set a stool down beside this topic because it looks as if you intend to milk it for quite some time to come.

Let it go, Joe. I've fulfilled all the requirements, been given the royal nod by Olde Ones, a Lady of the Pool and various Senior Knights.

If you wanted to veto my Squireship, you should have doddered up to the podium FOUR MONTHS AGO!

But did you? Nope. You wait, gumming your tepid tapioca until suddenly a dim glimmer of awareness lights your rheumy eyes and you hitch your pants up to your armpits and announce to any bored enough to listen to you that I am unworthy of Knighthood!

In this throng of reprobates, I alone am unworthy.

Ya know, I might actually be pissed if the irony of the situation wasn't such a thigh slapper.

Joe, Mr. Justicar-sir, please never change. You are without a doubt, one of the most amusing people i've ever met. You should come with popcorn and a beverage.

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Originally posted by Croda:

Good news is that I am taking them all to task because they suck like this girl who lived across the hall from me at Penn State.

You went to Penn State?

That explains so much on so many levels I am at a loss as to where to proceed.

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The fact is, I'm actually engaged in a hunger strike. I'm waiting for the long ago promised Battle of Gettysburg map from our very

own Justagrog who must certainly have forgotten that he claimed knowledge of said battle and would settle our disagreements on a mocked up CM version of Gettysburg, complete with the Jennie Wade House and General Pickett's Buffet.

Hmmmm, yes I did say that didn't I ... wonder what I was smoking that day?

I have actually made some progress on the map. I've placed Bloody Run (marsh tiles since it's more that than a stream), Big Round Top and Little Round Top and one of the roads near the Wheatfield. So far it looks pretty good, but I want it to be as accurate as the map editor will allow. I may get it done ... or I may not, but you may rest assured that I will do one or the other.

In the meantime I encourage you to keep up the hunger strike and post frequent reminders of your sufferings as that will undoubtedly spur me on to greater efforts.


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Originally posted by MrSpkr:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Croda:

Good news is that I am taking them all to task because they suck like this girl who lived across the hall from me at Penn State.

You went to Penn State?

That explains so much on so many levels I am at a loss as to where to proceed.</font>

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Originally posted by Boo_Radley:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

Boo_Radley I certainly didn't mean to suggest that you weren't a Knight currently ... only that you SHOULDN'T be a Knight, world of difference lad and another in my long list of reasons why The Justicariate Should Be Given Veto Authority Over All Squires. Yes, yes, technically it's flagellation of an expired equine, but it's MY expired equine and I won't rest untill the right is established.


Joe, Joe and (everybody sing!) JOE!

Why don't you just go ahead and set a stool down beside this topic because it looks as if you intend to milk it for quite some time to come.

Let it go, Joe. I've fulfilled all the requirements, been given the royal nod by Olde Ones, a Lady of the Pool and various Senior Knights.

If you wanted to veto my Squireship, you should have doddered up to the podium FOUR MONTHS AGO!

But did you? Nope. You wait, gumming your tepid tapioca until suddenly a dim glimmer of awareness lights your rheumy eyes and you hitch your pants up to your armpits and announce to any bored enough to listen to you that I am unworthy of Knighthood! In this throng of reprobates, I alone am unworthy.</font>

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Originally posted by Boo_Radley:

I've fulfilled all the requirements, been given the royal nod by Olde Ones, a Lady of the Pool and various Senior Knights.

If you wanted to veto my Squireship, you should have doddered up to the podium FOUR MONTHS AGO!

We pretty much had to advance him to Knight, Joe. It was one of those 'sorrow and pity' moves that arose when Berli and I realized he was from Ohio.

As everyone knows, 'Ohio' is to America what 'England' is to cuisine.

It also looks to me like Boo has been re-reading M.A.S.H. lately, from some of the versifying he's been doing.

I'm still locked out of my MSN account. Their feeling seems to be 'hey, we're billing you for the access, what more do you want?'

If they aren't able to get me online in the next day or so, I will start bringing my turns into my sister's office and sending them from there.

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Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

{...Mind-numbingly dull pontificating, condescension of a type to make you want to go out and club baby Harp seals and pedantic droolings from a...well, a pedantic drooler...}

And then FINALLY, something of interest.

But least you think me heartless and cruel (I AM of course but least you THINK that of me) I am willing to favor you with a jolly little QB using random everything, AI buys troops, damned small and short (mostly since I can't stomach playing Junior Knights for much longer than 10 turns.) Let me know if you're interested and we'll see how well you do when defending with a couple of barbed wire units, a 75mm IG and some daisy chain AT mines. Ya gotta love the AI buys in these little games.


You're on, homeboy. Send it at your convenience, which means I probably have two or three months to prepare myself.
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Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

Blessed words we are not worthy to hear...


All heed the aged, like a fine cheese left under the radiator of humanity, words of Sir Joseph Defender of Procedure and all that is Proper

He who refered to me as doggie-poo..sniff. I am so grateful for the promotion, I am left undone by the swell of emotion. Here I a poor lowely Squire, undeserved of even the air which wastes in my lungs, have been at best the dung of the Dung Beetle or ****e Squared as refered by some. He who's sloping shoulders, which can barely hold up the K-Mart shirt his grandchild bought him, reeking of Ben-Gay, has lifted me up to only one level of fecal.

I for one will add my voice that He and He alone be given Veto authority over all who enter and participate in the Peng...did I say Peng..I meant the SHAW Thread!!

And let's not let his oily light shine in this poor Grog Darkness but move the Shaw Thread to the General Forum so that all may bathe in his near incoherent wisedom.

I am sure once He has taken his medication and the nurse helps him off the potty He will bless this poor Squires idea.

Let's give Sir Joe all of the power he deserves in a place he deserves. Where he will be free to re-inact all the Civil War battles he likes complete with monkeys and his old long dead war buddies.

Like his soon-to-happen-one-way-trip to visit God, I can only hope He decides to take the voyage to the General Forum soon to ensure that He get's the just reward He deserves.

Now if all will open your Hymn Book to pg 42 and to "He Has Walked Many a Mile with Wrinkled, 6 Toed Feet. Yet He Is Grand and We Still Tolerate Him"...

[ June 20, 2002, 01:43 PM: Message edited by: The_Capt ]

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Some quick notes while I'm actually able to get to the Internet:

Welcome back, Kitty! Although you were away for quite a while, Mace never ceased mentioning your name. The candle he kept burning in the window for you was damn near blinding. It is just as well that you're back, though, because according to any number of his female co-workers, he's been seen mooning around houses of ill-repute. Make him amend his allegiance.

JDMorse fella: I would be happy to resume attempting to place you on the ground at my feet with one foot atop you, striking that classic 'Big Game Hunter' pose. I will send you some sort of setup as soon as I actually have access to email again. If I do not achieve victory over you in our next match, I'm going to add up all the points I've been ahead of you in our innumerable draws, and use that as my score against your points in the draws in which you were ahead.

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