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Originally posted by Berlichtingen:

For a lawyer, you are surprisingly unaware of the fine print. Kitty, being a Lady of the Pool works outside the pointless rules, and so if she decides she wants this one, there really isn't much ol' Cap'n Bligh can do aboot it

But Berli, by pointing this out now, you have robbed us of the opportunity to watch the Justicar fume and sputter impotently in front of everyone.

Boo, please make your obligatory impotence joke now (you horrible little man).


[ November 08, 2003, 10:52 PM: Message edited by: MrSpkr ]

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Originally posted by MrSpkr:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Aces_and_8's:

Hell yea!...I'm all over this deal. rune , cant pass up the opportunity for automatic move up the chain to squire...plus, she smells better than you. I hearbye tender my resignation (jump ship) as your serf/squire in training and throw my lot in with her. Pack sand you smegmatic mass from betwixt a rats legs, I'm outta here.

Kitty , my liege, what is your bidding?

Tsk, tsk. I know reading is a strain for you, but you really need to brush up on your MBT history. It would have told you a few things.

First, you would realize that once rune took you to serf, he had rights of first refusal -- you, of course, have no say in this whatsoever. You cannot simply go bouncing from leige to leige like that waterfront trollop you visited in Yokohama last year.

Two, the Justicar and Olde Ones have to sign off on you going to to squire. This is to prevent nongs, has-beens, and never-will-be's from polluting our fair Cess (of course, given that you're a jarhead, that would be a pretty fair concern).

Cee, you cannot simply abandon one quest in hopes of finding an easier way to gain ground. It simply isn't done.

Now, since you are a jarhead, I suspect you will attempt some sly remark, or perhaps an angry response. Just remember this truism (both here and in RL):

You're still wrong.
Steve </font>
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Originally posted by Berlichtingen:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by MrSpkr:

Tsk, tsk. I know reading is a strain for you, but you really need to brush up on your MBT history. It would have told you a few things.

First, you would realize that once rune took you to serf, he had rights of first refusal -- you, of course, have no say in this whatsoever. You cannot simply go bouncing from leige to leige like that waterfront trollop you visited in Yokohama last year.

For a lawyer, you are surprisingly unaware of the fine print. Kitty, being a Lady of the Pool works outside the pointless rules, and so if she decides she wants this one, there really isn't much ol' Cap'n Bligh can do aboot it </font>
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Originally posted by Berlichtingen:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by MrSpkr:

But Berli, by pointing this out now, you have robbed us of the opportunity to watch the Justicar fume and sputter impotently in front of everyone.

But that wouldn't be nice, now would it? </font>
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[... and as the dismal day crawls forward towards another non-event something grey and heavy takes a jaunty trot towards the paddock stable].


[.. and shuts the door. And from inside certain muffled noises can be heard...]

*bang* *crash* *scrape* *crash* *bang*

[... suggesting a desperate search for something lost]

Chucky? Honey-bunch? Me little Titan? Yer little donkey-wonkey has returned...

Come here yer little begger... *crash* *bang*... stop trying to hide from the hungry donkey-wonkey.


[ November 09, 2003, 10:07 AM: Message edited by: Yeknodathon ]

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Hey...I just noticed something. I am no longer a Junior Member but a full fledged Member with all the rights and priveleges thereunto pertaining...*sound of champagne cork and kazoo goes off in background*... Congratulations to me...congratulations to me...CONGRATULATIONS DEAR AAAAACESSSS_and_AAAYAAAATTTTEEES...Congratulations to me. Ta-daaaaaaa!

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Originally posted by Aces_and_8's:

Hey...I just noticed something. I am no longer a Junior Member but a full fledged Member with all the rights and priveleges thereunto pertaining...*sound of champagne cork and kazoo goes off in background*... Congratulations to me...congratulations to me...CONGRATULATIONS DEAR AAAAACESSSS_and_AAAYAAAATTTTEEES...Congratulations to me. Ta-daaaaaaa!

Has the Marine Corps always been so easily amused? Just curious, because I can recall times back at the ancestral trai...er...castle, when my former squire, the former jarhead (or is that Jar-Jar Binks-head?), Nidan would be entertained for hours by my moving a laser pointer over the walls and ceiling. He'd throw himself over furniture and against walls in a vain attempt to ge that pesky little dot of light...

Good times, man. Good times.

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*Oogah* *Oogah* *Oogah*

Attention Scum Dwellers: There is a gamey bastiche in your midst!

(don't all gasp in fright at once)

Yes, your very own Nidan1 has revealed himself for the gamey bastiche he is by taking a humongous first-turn arty dump on my unsuspecting halftrack park! And he's gloating about it in all his mails. "Twisted hunks of scrap metal" blah blah. I can't get him to just shaddap and concentrate on what's important, like winning. He thinks it's just soooo funny to see my crews crawl around like ants.

Not only that, your very own Nidan1 has gadzillions of those Russian AT rifles, which BY HIS OWN ADMISSION drive him crazy when he plays the Germans. And now they are driving me crazy. I can't even tell which of my vehicles they're shooting at until someone gets hurt. "Mein Bein, Mein Arm, Mein Kopf, Mein Schwanz"... it's enough to drive an honest, hardworking ladder-player mad.

It's just not fair! Couldn't you throw him to the dogs or something?

Thank you.

and gud bles

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Originally posted by CMplayer:

*Oogah* *Oogah* *Oogah*

Nidan did that? Doesn't sound like him at all. Must be an impostor. The mere idea of Nidan managing to do something right is wrong.


[ November 09, 2003, 06:08 PM: Message edited by: SirReal ]

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Originally posted by CMplayer:

Yes, your very own Nidan1 has revealed himself for the gamey bastiche he is...

Congratulations, Nidan1. You have attained the lofty heights only dreamed of by some. I applaud you.

Originally posted by CMplayer:

I can't get him to just shaddap and concentrate on what's important, like winning.

Winning does not mean squat, and you have once again proved your worth in the eyes of fellow 'poolers. I laud your gaminess and true MBT spirit. All hail one who has seen the light.
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Originally posted by SirReal:

Tonight I spent a bit over two hours watching Matrix: Revolutions. What a waste of time. A bit like reading Seanachai posts about his so-called hatred for Berli. Boring, lame and without a trace of a plot, just a lot of expensive fireworks. And when I say expensive, I really mean cheap, just like the author himself.

I don't hate you, Seanachoochie. You've never given me cause to. It's nice that my passing comments about your pathetic existence should bring some light into those dull eyes of yours, but I really don't give a Kitty toy's Yeknod about whether you hate me or not.

That crumbling cupcake you keep between your ears may be capable of dribbling out the odd amusing post, but it's hardly up to the task of insulting me in any meaningful way. So you just go back to your bar, your temple. I'll be in my massage parlour.


Glad to see I'm having no impact on you.

I imagine that when you turn your hand to ignoring me completely, you'll do an entire chapter and finish in tears.

I like it when you cry, SirReal...

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Originally posted by Berlichtingen:

Kitty, being a Lady of the Pool works outside the pointless rules, and so if she decides she wants this one, there really isn't much ol' Cap'n Bligh can do aboot it

Berli's pretty much got the right of it there, MrSpkr.

Besides, Kitty's kinda scary. Better to just let her have the slightly duffed up Marine. Less painful all round, and no more than he deserves. She'll whip him into line.

Quite possibly literally.

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Originally posted by Seanachai:

I like it when you cry, SirReal...

Always glad to be of service! (Chucks Seanachai on the shoulder) No chip on the shoulder, eh? (Chucks Seanachai on the other shoulder) No hard feelings, I hope! Let's all buck up and pitch in for the old 'pool! There's far to much spite and spittle in here anyway!

Cheerio, old chap!


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Originally posted by Berli:

Buzzsaw, as you are likely to be featured highly (head high up on a pike) in the upcoming coronation, I thought it might be nice of me to point out to you that our Glorious Queen hails from Scotland

Look, with all due respect to the Fair Queen, there is really no getting around the fact that Scotland is one ass-backwards country. Maybe instead of inventing games that require them to carry huge Freudian logs between their legs they should just stop wearing skirts.

And lets take the Highland Bagpipe. First off, it is hardly a Scottish instrument, having its origins in the Middle East instead of Scotland. Most other cultures probably tried hard to forget the sound of this instrument and even the Arabs abandoned it long ago, but the Scots apparently preferred it the stones they banged together to make noise, and adopted it as their own. And, trying to stay true to the instruments roots, the Scots developed a truly god-awful style know as Piobaireachd, a sound that more closely resembles the bleating of a goat on a sacrificial alter than anything that could be called music. The bagpipe tunes that some tone-deaf people claim to enjoy are generally jigs, hornpipes, and marches, and owe more to English musical traditions than anything the Scots came up with. Sadly, this would even include “Scotland the Brave”.

I guess you have to credit them with a least having the good sense to adopt ideas from other cultures. Otherwise they’d probably still be painting themselves blue and running around naked.

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Originally posted by Stalin's Organ:

What breed of sheep will be in CMAK?

There are a number of breeds native to Libya and Egyptthat should be represented - Kurassi, Barbarry, Barki, etc.

You probably wouldn't like them tho - they're all fat-tailed varieties with coarse wavy wool.

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Originally posted by Aces_and_8's:

Congratulations to me...congratulations to me...CONGRATULATIONS DEAR AAAAACESSSS_and_AAAYAAAATTTTEEES...Congratulations to me. Ta-daaaaaaa!

Congrats Aches and Apes, we can't begin to tell you how happy we are for you, so we wont.

Here's a yo-yo to play with in celebration. Knock yourself out, kid.

No really, knock yourself out.

<font size = 1> Bugger, don't bloody well tell me I'm allied to this one. I gotta have a talk to Kitty about the quality of serf she's collects *shakes head in disbelief*

But then again he is a Marine Officer...Cannon fodder!!!!</font>


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