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CMX2, The Peng challenges The Justicar, Round II


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1. This is the home of the Mutha Beautiful thread, treat this as you would any other sewer.

2. It is the Challenge that matters. Use wit, use panache', insult the justicar. Make fun of other SSNs [which you are], or promptly Sodd Off 1977 Peng Limited. Sound like you have a pair, NOT about your pair.

3. Do not disturb the old ones, There is a pecking order, and you are at the bottom. Maybe, Just maybe, if you don't sod off, and actually have wit, may make it to the Knight level. Why? because as Emry's has said, "it's there and i need a mortal enema". He was confused, but you get the point.

Fore! Feel free to make fun of 37 mike mike, or Berli will make everyday a Monday for you.

cinco. If you are still here, mayhaps you have what it takes, no morals or hygiene. If so, go directly to House Shaw , if not, then mayhaps a real Knight may take you to Serf or Squire. Mind you don't step in the Boo on your way up.


[ December 21, 2004, 11:49 AM: Message edited by: rune ]

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No Joebob, I got wise. I posted a fast message to get us to our new home, then linked it, and came back and edited in. You even rate in the rules.


By the way, since I am working on CMX2, anyone know the penetration value of a flint spear on a wooly mammoth at 30 degrees? This is for the neanderthal forces.

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Originally posted by rune:

No Joebob, I got wise. I posted a fast message to get us to our new home, then linked it, and came back and edited in. You even rate in the rules.


By the way, since I am working on CMX2, anyone know the penetration value of a flint spear on a wooly mammoth at 30 degrees? This is for the neanderthal forces.

One can readily understand why YOU were chosen to work on the Neanderthal forces ... that way if someone asks BFC why they used a Human to work on Non-Human material ...


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Damnations all of ya & a fecking new year!

I now know that I should’ve restarted the thread like I was tempted to do… it’d have pissed of that damn Pengless bureaucrat plus it might have woken up that feckin Seanachai (He accuses ME of ignoring him yet I’ve written six posts aimed at him & gotten zilch).

You know I (I being 37mm not 37 mike mike) managed to whinge my way to squire…ship, so there is precedent if I have to start whinging my way to becoming a knight.

Ain’t bloody right of course, I’ve completed one quest perhaps if I complete another one that’d get more attention… that’s right another bloody one. TWO quests’… the secular world fecks me off sometimes…

And another thing where’s that Irish buggar?

Sodden off like the Tasmanian, that ShostiesIV, and that V24below (though that feckhead is no great loss), I tell thee!

I also tell you that we’re losing SSN’s (& potential choir boys) because of poor rules & stuff… I don’t even need to tell you who I blame for that…

(sigh) <font size=1>A bloody soddin lawyer, why a bloody lawyer?</font> (sigh)

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Originally posted by rune:

...because as Emry's has said, "it's there and i need a mortal enema". He was confused, but you get the point.

As usual, you managed to get that completely, totally, and utterly wrong. You do get points for consistency however. What I suggested, and I was merely raising the possibility, was that Dorosh was in fact seeking a mortal enema.

Hope this clears things up in your dim little corner of the world. Sod. Dope. Imbecile.


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Originally posted by 37mm:

...I’ve completed one quest...

But you see, you didn't take long enough. Like an ephemerid, it came and left before it could register on the consciousness (I use that term cautiously) of an Olde One. You should have put a decade or two into your expedition. Like the old song says, "How can we miss you if you won't go away?"


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Originally posted by rune:

By the way, since I am working on CMX2, anyone know the penetration value of a flint spear on a wooly mammoth at 30 degrees? This is for the neanderthal forces.

Front glacis or rear tush?

And did the Neanderthal sharpen the flint? Or just tie it to the stick?

C'mon, pay attention to the details, will ya?

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Originally posted by 37mm:

Damnations all of ya & a fecking new year!

I now know that I should’ve restarted the thread like I was tempted to do… it’d have pissed of that damn Pengless bureaucrat plus it might have woken up that feckin Seanachai (He accuses ME of ignoring him yet I’ve written six posts aimed at him & gotten zilch).

You know I (I being 37mm not 37 mike mike) managed to whinge my way to squire…ship, so there is precedent if I have to start whinging my way to becoming a knight.

Ain’t bloody right of course, I’ve completed one quest perhaps if I complete another one that’d get more attention… that’s right another bloody one. TWO quests’… the secular world fecks me off sometimes…

And another thing where’s that Irish buggar?

Sodden off like the Tasmanian, that ShostiesIV, and that V24below (though that feckhead is no great loss), I tell thee!

I also tell you that we’re losing SSN’s (& potential choir boys) because of poor rules & stuff… I don’t even need to tell you who I blame for that…

(sigh) <font size=1>A bloody soddin lawyer, why a bloody lawyer?</font> (sigh)

Delusions of grandeur Boo, it's quite clear now that your erstwhile Squire is losing it rapidly. Just read the above, note the ACTUAL use of the word "whinging ", self described so there's no room for error.

And the insistence, like a child in a toy store, that he be given his way NOW ... or presumably he'll be turning blue ... by GAWD there's a sight I'd pay to see.

And we haven't even MENTIONED his sig line.

Boo, this one was a POOR CHOICE ... understandable, even forgiveable since the Justicar of the Peng Challenge Thread has himself made poor choice in the past BUT IT'S TIME AND PAST TIME TO PUT YOUR FOOT DOWN ... or ***BOOT*** UP if you get my drift.

I don't normally interfere in the handling of Squires by their Liege ... not my place in my view ... but this unceasing clamor for Knighthood is not only unseemly and premature ... it's annoying ... please make it stop.

The lad will be made Knight when AND IF he shows the Right Stuff ... and the quests he's to complete are up to his Liege. If you WERE to ask my opinion, and I recognize that you haven't ... I'D recommend the time honored practice of having the lad complete FIVE (5) CessPool matches ... NOT RETROACTIVE MATCHES MIND YOU. That way we can judge for ourselves if he shows some improvement.

Really Boo ... it's for the lad's own good.


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Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

[QB] Delusions of grandeur

Pots & pans & the colour blue spring to mind... or was it red.


Oh & as for my sig line (which I've had for several months now, congratulations on your quick observation skills)... it is 'official', I was blessed by Peng himself of course (& then disowned ... what a total bast££d... oh how I... love him) but more importantly I anointed myself 'Messiah' after realising how badly this place needed fresh blood (IIRC twas a mind numbingly boring post by Berli... no it wasn't even a post it was just an annoying noise).

I'm playing a kick ass scenario called 'trap or something in el gobi or maybe at el gobo or somewhere near a gobi... oh & there’s a trap'.

I recommend it...

[ December 21, 2004, 05:10 PM: Message edited by: 37mm ]

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Originally posted by 37mm:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

[QB] Delusions of grandeur

Pots & pans & the colour blue spring to mind... or was it red.


Oh & as for my sig line (which I've had for several months now, congratulations on your quick observation skills)... it is 'official', I was blessed by Peng himself of course (& then disowned ... what a total bast££d... oh how I... love him) but more importantly I anointed myself 'Messiah' after realising how badly this place needed fresh blood (IIRC twas a mind numbingly boring post by Berli... no it wasn't even a post it was just an annoying noise).

I'm playing a kick ass scenario called 'trap or something in el gobi or maybe at el gobo or somewhere near a gobi... oh & there’s a trap'.

I recommend it... </font>

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Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

Where are the Squires of yesteryear?

The crazed dictator stomped around the room as reports from the front poured in. the litany of disaster was complete, divisions, corps, armies had been destroyed. The lunatic raged to his commanders that 'the army of ‘41 wouldn’t have disintegrated like this.'

The worn general stepped forward… "The army of ‘41 is dead."

D’ya see Joe?

You can’t fool me Justicar I know what you’re up to, you’re scared; you see it slipping away don’t you? I’ve been trying to help you of course… kind of, in my own way… as it were.

Nonetheless you realise your adrift, isolated, your top sail is undone & the Indians are after your scalp, you’re a crazy guy at the top… you see treachery where others see patriotism. You see plots where others see dedication. You see bullets whizzing by your head whereas others are merely getting there eyes tested (two fecking feet).

I understand Joe but you must understand you are (& have been for some time) the old sheriff who’s presence is only to provide humour (usually revolving around the whiskey bottle & waking up in those water troth things), a few wise but cowardly words and to die creating yet another reason for the hero to get his revenge.

I pity thee… in my own way… sort of… as it were

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And now a jolly Christmas tune I unearthed just for Mace, et al...

Dashing through the bush, in a rusty Holden Ute,

Kicking up the dust, esky in the boot,

Kelpie by my side, singing Christmas songs,

It's Summer time and I am in my singlet, shorts and thongs

Oh! Jingle bells, jingle bells, jingle all the way,

Christmas in Australia on a scorching summers day, Hey!

Jingle bells, jingle bells, Christmas time is beaut !,

Oh what fun it is to ride in a rusty Holden Ute.

Engine's getting hot; we dodge the kangaroos,

The swaggie climbs aboard, he is welcome too.

All the family's there, sitting by the pool,

Christmas Day the Aussie way, by the barbecue.

Oh! Jingle bells, jingle bells, jingle all the way,

Christmas in Australia on a scorching summers day, Hey!

Jingle bells, jingle bells, Christmas time is beaut!,

Oh what fun it is to ride in a rusty Holden Ute.

Come the afternoon, Grandpa has a doze,

The kids and Uncle Bruce, are swimming in their clothes.

The time comes 'round to go, we take the family snap,

Pack the car and all shoot through, before the washing up.

Oh! Jingle bells, jingle bells, jingle all the way,

Christmas in Australia on a scorching summers day, Hey!

Jingle bells, jingle bells, Christmas time is beaut!,

Oh what fun it is to ride in a rusty Holden ute

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Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

And yet again Boo!

Where are the Squires of yesteryear? The Squires who'd stab a rival in the back for the opportunity to be in the front rank when a Knight of the CessPool, even one such as Hiram strode past with his genuine imitation fake fur cape sweeping through the air and flashing the message "CAPE Lobster Cafe - Two for $30" to all and sundry.

Where are the Squires who'd viciously elbow an old lady in the kidneys to have the chance, just the CHANCE to bow low and knuckle their forehead to the Knight while loudly proclaiming "Make way then, make way for Sir Hiram of the CessPool ... OUT OF THE WAY LADY!"

Where are the Squires who'd stay up into the wee hours of the morning studying their Liege's lessons while buffing their boots and memorizing the Five Steps to Winning at CM - Vol. III. Where are they Boo? Are we to be subjected to this ... this ... INFANT and his diabtribes and claims to non-existent greatness? Have WE not paid our dues and more? Is he to be granted such latitude by his Liege Lord, the man who is SWORN to teach and mold him properly?



......... I'm sorry... you were saying something? I sort of drifted off there for a minute. I was thinking of this real good sandwich I had for lunch today and... well, never mind.

Don't worry, Joe. Everything's well in hand. He IS playing the customary five games. I just haven't seen fit to memo you on this because of your penchant for chewing paper when you get nervous. Oh sure, as odd habits go, it's not as bad as your uncontrolled flatula...but I'm getting off track here.

At my count, he's finished one game and given an AAR that made the angels green with envy, he is also playing me (and doing a credible impression of you, I might add, in that his men are mosly prone and doing the horizontal frug).

I believe he's also playing my former Squire's Squire, Slicky Trixie, or whatever his name is and so you see, everything's flowing along tickety-BOO!

There now. Feel better?

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In fact I've played Nidan two more times & beaten him in both... the AAR’s will be here soon. I’m playing two games with Sticky & expect those AAR to get lost somewhere plus I'm playing that Aussie bloke & the dear Lady. I also technically have a game going on with that Tazzy SSN but he buggared off...

Its not just tickety Boo, its incredi-Boo-ley tickety-Boo… I don’t think that quite worked

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Originally posted by Speedy:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by 37mm:

plus it might have woken up that feckin Seanachai

I thought he had been arrested by the police for doing unspeakably horrid things to his neighbour? </font>
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Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

[i don't normally interfere in the handling of Squires by their Liege ... not my place in my view ...


Pull the other one, Shaw, that one's got bells on it...

Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

The lad will be made Knight when AND IF he shows the Right Stuff ... and the quests he's to complete are up to his Liege. Joe

Bah! I wave my hand at you. I set him a Quest, and he performed it...well, admirably. Hell, it annoyed the hell out of Peng!

I say, it's now simply up to Boo to decide that he's ready.

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Originally posted by 37mm:

I anointed myself 'Messiah' after realising how badly this place needed fresh blood (IIRC twas a mind numbingly boring post by Berli... no it wasn't even a post it was just an annoying noise).

Damn, just hit this one. He's not ready, oh Boo.

Make him grovel in front of Berli for ten or twelve hours (takes at least 7 hours before Berli even notices, generally).

Damn bad form, insulting an Olde One like that.

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"Damn bad form, insulting an Olde One like that."

It was not insult it was fact...

"Mmppmfmmmmmfpmp Fmmmmmppm Pffppfmmpmpppfffmpfmm

Pmfmffpmpmpp mmmpppffmppfpppmpp mmfppfpppmpfpffppfpppfmpmppmpm fppmfffmpmfp fmpmfpmpp mfpmmmpfffmmmfppppmppfmmfmm ppfmpf pffppfmmpmmpmpppffffm ppfppp fmpmfpmpp mfpmffmfmmfp fmmmppmmmfmm, ffmppffmf mmfmmmppp mmpmpp pfmmppfmmfmmmffppmmfffmmfmpmffmmf mmmfmp fmpmffppmmppfmm. Fmpfppppf fmpmfpmffpppmfmfmm mmfppfppmpfmpmfmppfmpmpp ffmppffmfpff pfmmffpffmmmfmpmpp pfmmpppfffmmppfpppmmm: fmmfmpffmpmfmpp mmmpppmpm fmmfppmmmmfmmfmmpppff. Ppmmmmffmmmpmpp mmm pmfmfffmpfmppmfmpp fmpppfppf ppmfmfmmfmfp fmmfppmmmmfmmfmmpppff fmmppfppmmppfmpmffppmmppfmm -- mmpfmffmp fppmfpppf pffmppmmmpmfpmfffm mmfmmmpffmppfmm? Mmmpffpff!"

From http://www.battlefront.com/cgi-bin/bbs/ultimatebb.cgi?ubb=get_topic;f=30;t=002948;p=1

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