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At the risk of turning this into the sad, dead grandparents thread, I have a bit of morbid humor to share. My grandmother died a few months ago. She went peacefully in her sleep, and we all knew it was coming, but when we went over to the house to see her, the book on her nightstand was "Stop Aging Now!!". Later on, we all had a good laugh over that.

(edited because I can't spell good)

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[serious] I will be coming to Minneapolis on Monday Aug. 15th and leaving on Thursday Aug. 18th. During that time I can make myself available pretty much anytime on the 15th and the evening of the 17th.

Here's the dual rub ... I need to get my flights reserved and to do that I need to know what you guys want to do ... if anything.

THIS IS COMPLETELY OPTIONAL ... let me make that clear, I'm coming to town and I either will or won't see you lot ... it's sixes to me either way but I wanted to make the offer.

I know you all have lives and may not be able or willing to get together ... AND THAT'S OKAY, I won't think any less of you ... insert your own choice of remarks here.

Those of you who have taken the time to meet me before can attest to what a lousy party animal I am and I do have to work so my alcohol intake will be limited. If, given that stirling recommendation, you DO want to do something, let me know, otherwise I'll just fly in when I have to rather than allow extra time.

Just checking to be sure I've covered all the bases. [/sERIOUS]

Where ever we end up, it needs to have a metal detector or dalem might consider coming in "heavy" and end my liberal views once and for all.


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Yeah, I'm real sorry. Now let's get back in the spirt of Peng. Lars, you pathetic excuse for a human being, perhaps you feel so cold because you cannot find a woman drunk enough or desparate enough to come near enough for you to touch here. I guess it's not too much of a loss because you wouldn't be able to finish the job anyways(they have pills for that now!), but still! Maybe someday they'll find a cure for whatever horribly disfiguring disease you've got, and you'll have a shot, but I'm sure that your repulsive demeanor and weak attempts at wit would manage to keep them away.

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Originally posted by juan_gigante:

Yeah, I'm real sorry. Now let's get back in the spirt of Peng. Lars, you pathetic excuse for a human being, perhaps you feel so cold because you cannot find a woman drunk enough or desparate enough to come near enough for you to touch here. I guess it's not too much of a loss because you wouldn't be able to finish the job anyways(they have pills for that now!), but still! Maybe someday they'll find a cure for whatever horribly disfiguring disease you've got, and you'll have a shot, but I'm sure that your repulsive demeanor and weak attempts at wit would manage to keep them away.

Oh my, juan_microscópico ... that was truly awful and hardly in the spirit of Peng. Use the foil and not the bludgeon lad. Besides, he's currently going with the lovely and talented Shari ...


So your pitiful attempt at mockery is not only poorly done ... but false on it's face.


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Joe, Joe, Joe… I guess you get points for trying. In the future, though, please do make an effort to insult properly. Microscópico? Please! Even the most elementary Spanish speaker would know that you would want to use pequeño instead. So, if I may quote you, “So your pitiful attempt at mockery is not only poorly done ... but false on its face.”

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Originally posted by juan_gigante:

Joe, Joe, Joe… I guess you get points for trying. In the future, though, please do make an effort to insult properly. Microscópico? Please! Even the most elementary Spanish speaker would know that you would want to use pequeño instead. So, if I may quote you, “So your pitiful attempt at mockery is not only poorly done ... but false on its face.”

Lad your inability to recognize a Peng Challenge Thread tradition is yet one more example of an SSN here before his time.

It is a tradition of the CessPool that an SSNs name be mangled until or unless he becomes a Serf of the CessPool, a lofty position to which YOU have little hope of aspiring.

Further, the tradition of the CessPool is such that WE commonly use words or phrases in a time honored way that an SSN can't hope to understand ... Apocalypso, somefink, bastiche, and Boo Radley are but examples of those phrases used in a manner that might seem incorrect but are, in fact, traditions of the CessPool. Should I choose to mangle Spanish in the same way ... who are YOU to call me false?

You claim to be a student sir ... then may I suggest that you STUDY ... study the works of the Peng Challenge Thread, study the grand and glorious history of the posts of the great ones who've adorned these pages ... mostly me. Then and ONLY then sir, can you dream of posting here and being taken seriously.


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You suggest that I study your great posting so I can aspire to be as great as you? Even the posts of the likes of Boo Radley show more wit than yours. Hell, even Seanachai’s are more enjoyable to read than yours, in a painful, sad sort of way. In fact, I would be hard pressed to think of a forum member whose posts are consistently as insipid, dull, and, worst of all, predictable as yours. You can harp all you like on your fabulous history of so many thousands of posts, but you fail to realize that you’re worn out. You’re yesterday’s news. And now, all you’re doing is just tapping out the same old stuff on your keyboard and wasting oxygen.

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Jules Gumpy, or whoever the feck you are, I'd research* the history of the great Peng Thread Civil War ... Our Justicar here was a really annoying bastiche in that conflict (I know, I know) but the idea of a mad nutter like Meeks being King must've given the shakes to any sane Cesspooler (I know, I know)...

I was going to write history of said conflict once but decided to have a few beers instead... one of my better decisions I think

* I could've taught you but I'm being a criminally negligent Messiah at the moment (far more fun than being a plain old Messiah).

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Originally posted by juan_gigante:

You suggest that I study your great posting so I can aspire to be as great as you? Even the posts of the likes of Boo Radley show more wit than yours. Hell, even Seanachai’s are more enjoyable to read than yours, in a painful, sad sort of way. In fact, I would be hard pressed to think of a forum member whose posts are consistently as insipid, dull, and, worst of all, predictable as yours. You can harp all you like on your fabulous history of so many thousands of posts, but you fail to realize that you’re worn out. You’re yesterday’s news. And now, all you’re doing is just tapping out the same old stuff on your keyboard and wasting oxygen.

And where are we to find the wit in your posts lad? Anyone can disparage, make mock of that which they are too dim to understand or seek to demean another through crass comments about sexuality or age, but it takes a CessPooler to do it with panache, with style with, dare I say, wit. Yes, yes you must sound off as if you have a pair (even if, in your case, the evidence does not support such a conclusion) but you must never sound off ABOUT your pair if you get my drift.

The steel fist inside the velvet glove, the rapier thrust disguised by the feint that follows the ripost, the judo like turning of the opponents very words against him ... these are the tools of the Knights of the Peng Challenge Thread ... always excepting Boo Radley of course as he does well simply to pound out random words separated by the odd punctuation mark.

I have little hope for you lad, but the optimist in me insists that I make the effort to mold you into a proper Serf of the CessPool ... or perhaps it's the proctologist in me ... you being the pain that you are.


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Originally posted by Boo Radley:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

... these are the tools of the Peng Challenge Thread ... except Boo Radley.


Why, thank you, Joe.

That's the nicest thing you've ever said about me and that's not saying much. </font>

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Originally posted by Speedy:

After a long hard fight my Grandfather died last night, I hope you can all hoist a few drinks to him - he'd get a kick out of a bunch of people he never knew downing some grog in his honour. Being both an ex RAN man and an Aussie he did so enjoy going on a bender (especially those of the multi day variety).

Speedy, lad, sorry to hear of your loss. Because I only have cheap beer around here, I will drink several of them to your Grandpa's memory tonight.


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Originally posted by juan_gigante:

Lars, you pathetic excuse for a human being, perhaps you feel so cold because you cannot find a woman drunk enough or desparate enough to come near enough for you to touch here.

Actually, Lars has a sweetheart. And, having met her, I'm in the position to tell you that she could rip you roughly in half and use the heavier bit to beat the lighter bit into a rather bland and uninteresting salsa.

I am pleased that you find my posts 'painful and sad'. Genius is seldom recognized or acknowledged by the talentless and mundane.

Those who can, mock. Those who cannot, disparage. It is far easier to deride another's talents than it is to display any of your own.

Still, every puppy begins with a 'yip'. We shall have to see if you will eventually be able to bark with the big dogs, or whether we're going to have to endure a period of ankle-biter yapping.

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Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

I know you all have lives and may not be able or willing to get together

What the...you must be talking to Lars. Or maybe Papa Khann.

Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

...Where ever we end up, it needs to have a metal detector or dalem might consider coming in "heavy" and end my liberal views once and for all.


If the worthless little neo-con trull hasn't shot me during the most recent go-rounds over the pettiness and criminality of that PR whore Rove, he's unlikely to shoot you. In any case, Papa and I wouldn't let him shoot you for your political beliefs.

I'd much rather he shot you for playing golf.

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Originally posted by Seanachai:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

I know you all have lives and may not be able or willing to get together

What the...you must be talking to Lars. Or maybe Papa Khann.

Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

...Where ever we end up, it needs to have a metal detector or dalem might consider coming in "heavy" and end my liberal views once and for all.


If the worthless little neo-con trull hasn't shot me during the most recent go-rounds over the pettiness and criminality of that PR whore Rove, he's unlikely to shoot you. In any case, Papa and I wouldn't let him shoot you for your political beliefs.

I'd much rather he shot you for playing golf. </font>

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Originally posted by Yeknodathon:

[marches across the paddock in a sombrero and tight flamenca pants]

Ladrido, ladrido, ladrido, ladrido

You know Yeknodathon there have been times when I've questioned a post you made. At times I had a thought that you had not completely considered all of the ramifications of your message.

But on this one I have to admit ... I'M STUMPED. What in the HELL are you on about lad, what have you been smoking and did you bring enough for everyone?


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