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Tis the season to Peng Challenge


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Merry Christmas! Let me take your hat and coat.

Sit down, make yourself comfortable.

I've got a present for you, all nicely giftwrapped. Open it now, please!

It's some rules.....


If you can’t handle insults, Sod off.

If you’re just here for a friendly chat, Sod off.

If you can’t put a good challenge together, Sod off

If you’re here to insult our fine ladies, Sod off.

If you’re here to discuss the size of your old fella (and we don’t mean dad) or you just want to display your knowledge of genitalia terms, Sod off.

In summary, <font size =8>Sod off</font>!


Oh. I just remembered, I hate you.

*swipes back the gift*

That's for someone more deserving!

Now take your things and varmoose!



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Originally posted by Mace:

Merry Christmas! Let me take your hat and coat.

Sit down, make yourself comfortable.

I've got a present for you, all nicely giftwrapped. Open it now, please!

Oh. I just remembered, I hate you.

*swipes back the gift*

That's for someone more deserving!

Now take your things and varmoose!



Can I have their hats and coats then?


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Boo haes gwin doon tae tha river bank tae wash haes shame awah. Mah HT, PkwII an' single platoon were confrontaid bah haes AC, single platoon an' a feckin' INVINCABLE T-34!!!!

'cept at widnae sae invincable afore mah tactical acumen an' canny wahs o' dwin things. Ah haid Gunther kill at wi' a stick.

TOTAL VICTORY tae tha Clan OGSF, 90 tae 10.

"Ah cudnae di' nought wi' mah tank daid lak that!" hae cried. Troo laddie, af'n ye cudnae beat an' ootgunned foe wi' a poxy INVINCABLE T-34 tae ye name, ye stood a span'ls poot ain Kansas after Gunther killed at wi' a stick.

Ah'm sae feckin' grrreat an' Boo's haid caves ain whain hae taks a wee dump!

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Originally posted by Noba:

Dear Mace.

A sodding merry christmas to you, too. Send a turn, or two. For those awaiting for me to send a turn. Tough. It's another glorious beach day - 29 heading to 40 !! on the weekend.

Did I say, Glorious ?


Oh, large deal. Today it started around 35 and got up to 47.
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Originally posted by Elvis:


Elvis, you crotch-scented idiot savant with genius-like wanking abilities:

Your troops will die but once, but you will suffer the manifold deaths of a loser.

So let it be written, so let it be put on the general ballot via the gathering of petition signatures as provided by the initiative process.

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Originally posted by Mace:

...Now take your things and varmoose !...


Varmoose? I dont remember arriving with a Varmoose. Sounds large, messy, and suspiciously like a weak attempt at foisting your problem off on the rest of us. I recommend lottsa newspaper placed strategically about your hovel.
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Dear Noncaring Public,

Game(y) updaates......

Leeon is a no good cheating scum. However he has proven to be an easy mark for me and I am once again teaching him a thing or two. When we finish and he has stopped crying I will grant him a rematch. I say this hoping that it really is true although any sane person looking at this map would have commited.

Andreas says he is having modem issues and will be out the hunt until 12/30. Probably just as well for me.

Peng, hee hee hee....oh that was a good one.

Ms. Sedai hasn't sent a file in a few months. I must assume that Hiram has poisoned her mind and given her some (possibly all) of his bad habits. Let's just hope that he hasn't given her his hairy back as well.

Kitty continues to hide and avoid playing a game. She is probably still pissed about our last one (I really didn't mean any offense and have said I'm sorry).

All my other battles are against real people.



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Originally posted by Aces_and_8's:

The minimalistic approach to floor covering might work well in your place of accomodation and be very suitable for a Marine like yourself, but here it will just clash with the curtains...and we thimply can't be having that now, can we?


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Originally posted by Mace:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Aces_and_8's:

The minimalistic approach to floor covering might work well in your place of accomodation and be very suitable for a Marine like yourself, but here it will just clash with the curtains...and we thimply can't be having that now, can we?

Mace </font>

Oh ho ho Mr Hoitey Toitey...a bed sheet tacked above your window does not a curtain make, its still a bed sheet; no matter the color or pattern.
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[serious]Thanks for the best wishes. Today has sucked.

First, Dad got mixed news. The good news is that two of his cardiac arteries are still open, which means his condition is not life threatening. The bad news is that he needs to be exercising to keep them open, and he can't. He has a leaky valve (inoperable at this time due to the scar tissue around his heart) which prevents him from exercising. Hopefully, laser surgery will develop to the point that it will be an option soon.

I got all that news this morning right after I got two BAD rulings on a case I am handling. So, instead of having a nice easy week, I have to do a ton of research and draft an immediate response to this ruling. Sigh.

So, with all that weighing on my mind, the wife decides to stop in and take me Christmas shopping. Like I'm in the mood.

We went to the Dallas Galleria (very upscale, but nice), and after moping about for a bit, we decided to stop for lunch in hopes that a bite would cheer me up. We had just finished, and my mood had noticably improved, when we got a phone call from our nanny.

She told us our youngest daughter, Katie, had "fallen out of the upstairs window, but was okay. And that the ambulance was getting ready to take her to the hospital."

Huh? Yup -- she seemed okay, but my 13 year old daughter thought Katie was acting funny, so they decided to take her to the hospital "just in case".

Five hours and a bunch of x-rays, a cat-scan, and various other tests later, including (oh joy) a urethra cathetar, we find out she is okay, just bruised a bit.

We managed to get her home, and fed her a little chicken chunks from a nearby food-stop.

We didn't realize how nauseous the Tylenol-Codeine had left poor Katie.

Do you guys realize how disgusting processed, regurgitated catsup, chicken chunks, and waffle fries look on new, beige carpet?

Katie has thrown up two or three times, and had dry heaves on and off.

And tomorrow, we still have to do Christmas shopping, and I have about 13-14 hours of work to finish up.

Sigh. Thanks for your prayers, though -- without them, I'm sure today would have been worse.

Thanks for letting me vent. I'll try to be back to normal in a couple of days.


[ December 23, 2003, 12:27 AM: Message edited by: MrSpkr ]

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Originally posted by tiny_tanker:

May ye all get exactly what ye don' want fer christmas.

Looks like you get your wish, you're still posting.

Oh wait, It's not Christmas.

Sorry 'bout that. I was a tad premature with my scorn.


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