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Rules... I freakin' hate rules.

I guess I should provide some for the more simple minded (that would be most of you)

Treat the Ladies with respect. They are infinitely better than you can ever aspire to be.

Try, try very hard, to engage whatever wit you may have.

Better yet, just piss off

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The rules become more succinct with time. Probably a good thing.

Now that you're here, could I offer you this pamphlet?

It's called 'All Along the Watchtower'. It's about the Church of Seanachai.

It's all about the secret of everlasting life. Well, it will at least feel everlasting.

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Originally posted by Seanachai:

The rules become more succinct with time. Probably a good thing.

Now that you're here, could I offer you this pamphlet?

It's called 'All Along the Watchtower'. It's about the Church of Seanachai.

It's all about the secret of everlasting life. Well, it will at least feel everlasting.

Great tune... it, however, has nothing what-so-freakin-ever to do with the Church-o-Gnome. So, Seanachai, care to annoy me some more aboot the Church-o-Gnome? Remember what happened to Carthage?
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Originally posted by Berlichtingen:

Great tune... it, however, has nothing what-so-freakin-ever to do with the Church-o-Gnome. So, Seanachai, care to annoy me some more aboot the Church-o-Gnome? Remember what happened to Carthage?

I am sure he has trouble remembering the taste of the gruel he has had for diner, let alone anything more complex.

BTW - we did that to Carthage, we only enlisted your services to clean up the mess.



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Originally posted by Andreas:

I am sure he has trouble remembering the taste of the gruel he has had for diner, let alone anything more complex.


No time for accepting honourable Challenges, but plenty of time for knee-pants jeering in the Peng Challenge Thread, eh, War?

It saddens me to see that none of you Four have so far been willing to take up the gauntlet I cast before the hooves of your steeds.

Too busy, no doubt, with memos, power lunches and junkets with shapely Italian admin assistants.

You Horsemen have gotten soft. Middle Management wankers.

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We are not about to let any twit posting on these boards challenge us. Get over it, and get back into the sandpit with the other crybabies.

We are too busy dismembering Elvis and Sergei to deal with the likes of you.

STFU when the Horsemen do the Apocalypso.

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"What I a silly thing Love is," said the Student as he walked away. "It is not half as useful as Logic, for it does not prove anything, and it is always telling one of things that are not going to happen, and making one believe things that are not true. In fact, it is quite unpractical, and, as in this age to be practical is everything, I shall go back to Philosophy and study Metaphysics."

So he returned to his room and pulled out a great dusty book, and began to read.

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Originally posted by SirReal:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Nidan1:

So he returned to his room and pulled out a great dusty book, and began to read.

So Darwinism has once more made sure that horny idiots will ever be the predominant archetype of our race.

/SirReal </font>

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Originally posted by Nidan1:

"What I a silly thing Love is," said the Student as he walked away. "It is not half as useful as Logic, for it does not prove anything, and it is always telling one of things that are not going to happen, and making one believe things that are not true. In fact, it is quite unpractical, and, as in this age to be practical is everything, I shall go back to Philosophy and study Metaphysics."

So he returned to his room and pulled out a great dusty book, and began to read.

Thank you Nidan. So, tell me. How far through "Harry Potter and the Porcelain Throne." are you?
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Originally posted by Elvis:


Now that was actually funny.

Oh, and Seanachai, this one's for you. To bad you don't have tenants to do it for you. If you did, you could sit and look out the window and laugh while they do it.

Leases, they're a wonderful thing.

SSN Hint Of The Day: Don’t shovel snow from your sidewalk.

Now sod off.

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I see dirtyandy has yet to inform everyone of the crushing defeat handed to him by my glorious workers army. His SS hamstertruppen providing superb smoking for my new petersen pipe.

Now his fear is so great he has given me a setup where he plays uber-finns and I get to run round in circles as the Soviets, in the bloody snow.



I can smell your fear even through my smoke haze.

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Originally posted by Speedy:

Hey look everyone, I found a .....

Buggette Thingy

Does this make me a grog?

No, it makes you an annoying little nebish. Oh wait...you always were!

In other news: All the snow has melted under the constant rain and temps of 50 or so degrees*.)

*For you Celcius users, that's 10. For you Kelvin users, that's Blue. For you Kelvinator users, it's too damn warm for the beer.

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To irritate the hell out of everyone and because I on a high over virtually killing 5 in a day on my second day of flying over the krim

Had an awful morning, had to jump up into the air with nachwund Cyber, bloody "black men" only gave us one-way radio as well.

So we went up to cover Peskove versus Soviet intrusion. With the radio cutting out every now and again comms were lacking. Cyber and I spotted a pair of Pe-2 making a run for the town at 4000m, one of the other chaps cut a wing of the 2nd chap while I came in at a low 6 angle and shredded the leader, unfortunately as I pulled up above him his wing snapped off and broke my own right wing off. I hit the chute immediately swearing at the injustice of it all. I landed in the town we were defending and decided to hike to the restaurant for a cheese omelette. Awful day.

Second mission was much better, went up in a scratch schwarm with Mytzu, raff and Ugly. We got the ventrilo radios working between us so it was a Romanian, Finn, New Zealand English and whatever the hell Raff was. Mytzu took control and he decided on a close escort of the recon 88s of him and I. Raff and ugly would climb 1000m above us and provide top cover. Take off was all an individual bash as we flew more like Finnish or Luftwaffe aces, we flew as a group but not in proper pairs, aka "sod yah I'm an ACE, an ACE." Me in black 8 got bored waiting on the central runway decided to take off after Mytzu on the left hand runway. I actually ended up taking off parallel and then before Mytzu, I presume because he was using auto prop pitch and I went on the German text book approach of manual 100% prop pitch and 70% throttle until the revs went to 3000 forcing a switch to auto-prop pitch.

After a bit of a climb and finding the ruddy recce 88s I slipped in just behind the 88s, Mytzu just above while Raff and Ugly were in top cover. The other chaps on outside milled around us, both AI and other humans jerrys. Mytzu reminded us that anyone with ai wingmen should keep them close and tell them to rejoin if they decided to do anything silly like turn fight I-16s. Once we crossed the front lines we sighted a gaggle of bolsiviks at about 3000m on their own recce mission, Mytzu ordered that we all remain at our posts and to release the wingmen ai on the pe-2, the "other" humans and ai's also engaged the bolsivick gaggle. The scratch schwarme (ME) carried on keeping the Junkers clear.

The action began pretty soon after the two pe-2 went down wingless, I closed in on an rata closing with the junkers and gave it a burst that went wide, he dove away and I mindful of mytzu's orders did not follow and instead circled around to cover the Junkers again. Out of nowhere a rata climbing at 60degs appeared high at 1 o'clock. I circled round and gave him a burst that went from his engine to his tail, he fell away hitting the ground while I kept on heading towards the junkers. I called a "victory" and noticed that in the combat all of our voices showed a heightened tension.

After about 6 mins of intense combat the scratch schwarme (ME) all struggled in back to there positions around the junkers, a bit of a hairy moment occurred when Mytzu dove in on a contact he spotted and called, that contact turned out to be my brown and green 109. Close one mates, close one. (I am the German lufftwaffe! You can't shoot me, I AM INVINCIBLE!)

After photographing the area our Junkers made their turns for home, and we engaged in heavy radio chatter calling and giving the junkers new heading. Mytzu noticed that there where a lot of flashing tracers on our return heading, it was an apt worry as suddenly ratas were everywhere. I called and accelerated towards a rata closing in on the junkers, 400m, 300m I suddenly noticed how sweaty my palms were, I corrected with my rudder and open fired at 280m to 200m raking his cockpit and top engine, cannon explosions blistering all over, he fell away dead at his controls, a "human" pilot some fool named polikove, oh the exquiste thrill of fools getting in front of me.

The Skies seemed clear so I tried to link up with the junkers as we started taking flak, suddenly the junker leader cried he?d been hit and they began bailing out, I hope I?m never captured by the Russians. Again I spotted a trailing rata this time at 8 o?clock, I pulled up into a hammerhead and got several cannon strikes on his engine while falling on him. Slipping behind him as he continued to push on to the only junker an gave him a 3 burst into his right fuselage, a great plume of black smoke erupted from him so I disengaged as he fell away and eventually fireballed at 3500m.

Climbing back to 4000m Mytzu again enforced his control stating that all should cover the junker as it dove down to land, he would personally cover. The rest of us stayed high over own airfield, when Mytzu called for all of us to free hunt as the junker had landed. Contacts began being called ?over the crossing? by raf as ai ratas were seen and engaged. I dove down on the swirling dots as Mytzu called out that a Yak had been spotted and someone should keep an eye on it. I closed in on a rata before disengaging as another rata fired on one of the boys heading in the opposite direction, I split-S and gave him a couple of warning bursts, he barrel rolled away and down. I lost him for a moment as he went down to 200m and I high yo-yo?ed to 700m and dropped down.

Raf was hit in the engine and began smoking, Mytzu ordered him down and said he?d cover personally. My target was beating a swift course towards our airfield at 500kp/h, as I slipped in behind him trying to catch up I realised intuitively that the ai rata had decided to kill raf over our airfield. I called it out and said I was unsure I'd be able to catch him. Mytzu yelled he?d boom and zoom him as I sweated trying to close the distance. I kept getting closer, he'd be in gun range of Raf in seconds, and I was 500m from the rata and decided to fire at 300m. He grew larger I gave a unsteady burst that caused a cannon explosion in his wing and two on his fuselage, I lost my firing solution and climbed up and to the left and then down, suddenly a German 2cm FlaK shell tore a whole in my right wing, DISENGAGE! (I AM THE LUFTWAFFE WHY ARE YOU SHOOTING AT ME MORONS, I AM INVINCIBLE!) My mind called as I straighten up and fought for control. Mytzu and ugly were on the case as the rata decided to break off. But the holes in the rata were too much and he stalled in a turn killing the pilot as it rammed the ground at 300kp/h.

Our Flak fell sighlent as first smoking raf and then my poor holed 109 landed, ugly informed that he?d land at the other field to the west as Mytzu provided top cover before coming down himself. An excellent mission, 4 personal kills, the Soviets recon destroyed and our own making it back with photos of a greatly weakened Soviet army. And most importantly of all back in time for kippers and toast.

Great 2nd mission we all survived and were successful.

Cyber I?ll be glad to fly with you again mate.

5 Kills in one day, pretty good effort.

Mission IDs 8308, 8309.

Cess-Patrol: When mere competence is not enough.


TALLY HO!!!!!!

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