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Will the Peng Challenge Thread be Represented 1:1?

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Well, I've been gone. Away. Off with the fairies. Whatever.

So, here's an update on my games (I know how you all hang on every aspect of my life...):

Geier: I am advancing through endless fields of wheat. Wheat. All that there is in life is...wheat. I have advanced something like a kilometer, and all I've found is field mice, with not a single fascist sympathizer amongst them. We put them to death anyways. Better safe than sorry. Geier is using rockets. That is unmanly.

Boo: Boo is relentlessly...slowly...painfully advancing against me with Halftracks. Fields of halftracks. All that there is in life is...halftracks. He is advancing like a big cream filled eclair. An unmanly eclair.

Peng: I am advancing on Peng. He is cowering in a monastery. The irony of it is simply exquisite. His cowering has been, so far, well...what can I say? It's been unmanly.

Nidan: I am attempting to advance on Nidan. He is hiding behind a fecking wall, a wall of artillery. He is not only playing an 'unmanly' game, he is dancing across the stage wearing a dress and a large hat with fruit on it, making little feminine yipping noises of unmanliness.

Berli: I hold one VL. He holds another. We're both largely 'lying around the other VL' shooting at one another in an exhausted sort of way. He may win. He keeps attacking in a relatively 'manly' way, but his AT guns actually had HE, which was an unfair advantage.

That's all the 'Poolers. Oddly, I am playing almost as many games against Outer-boarders. I'm not sure how that happened. Well, two opponents are a college buddy and his 8 year old son. I may beat the 8 year old, but only because he thinks victory can be achieved by parking a Tiger tank on the third and smallest VL. In a wheat field. As far as his father goes, the bugger is kicking, scratching, biting and hair-pulling my troops in a Berli designed horror. He will win, albeit in a way that cannot otherwise be characterized than 'unmanly'.

I'm also playing the Latvian guy, Ciks. It is too early to tell how that will go, but we are punching and stabbing at each other in a thoroughly manly way...so far. And Wilbell, who's been in here to make mock, is pummeling me horribly with Canadians. He advances by destroying buildings and then advancing through the wreckage. He's also using lots of very unmanly Shermans.

Oh, and in my final game, I am playing Moriarity, finishing up a CMBB game (he returns files even more slowly than myself). He will win. Even my rampant 'manliness' will do me no ultimate good.

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That's got to be the worst series of posts seen in here since the advent of Meeks. What happened to all the Aussies? They're usually good for a laugh, usually in a painfully embarrassing way.

Seanachai! Did I hear you say Moriarty is beating you? Wow. You must really suck! And not just in your normal, moribund way. This time you must be sucking with Gusto and Elan!

(BTW, how are those two buggers, anyway?)

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Originally posted by Aguirre:

I'm bored.

Here are some not at all boring things for you to try:

11. Take a pistol of your favorite make and model. Load it. Put the barrel in your mouth. Squeeze the trigger until you don't hear anything any more. Its sure to break the ice at boring parties.

42. Flop all of the cicuit breakers in the panel to the "off" position. Turn all electrical switches to all appliances, lights, etc "on." Put your hand down the garbage disposal. Send a friend to the circuit breaker board and have him (or her) flop each breaker back to the "on" postition. Try to guess when your hand will be chummed. Sure to break the ice at unelectrified parties.

Mastiff. Take a bath in lime juice. Dip yourself in a big tub of rock salt. Get a huge bottle of tequilla and give it to a Giant. Get the giant to drink the tequilla and then bite you. Sure to break the ice at Giant parties.

Ping.ii-2. Accuse your boss of sexual harrassment. Photoshop some pictures of you, your boss, a goat, coolwhip and a box of condoms in filthy, compromising poses. Sure to break the ice at goat parties.

I hope this helps with your boredom problem. I would, however, recommend that if you want to try them all that you do them in a different order as number 11 can sometimes result in a permanent condition - one which we doctors like to call "death."

Happy Motoring!


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Originally posted by Aguirre:

I'm bored.

The return of the feck…

This is the Tazzywhatsitmothherfeckker who challenged me first so many moons ago... strange thing is this feckless little smear of an oddstralian ****e actually managed to bash away the finest challenge I’ve yet heard (one day it may go into the ‘challenges of history’ on Joe ‘the bog standard fare’ Shaw’swebsite).

I also notice that the Tzzywhatsitmotherfecker has managed to smoke out a comment or two by Peng himself (I’d prostate myself before you my lord but my back is sore)…

If I was a knight (which I am on SOME level & would be definitely if it wasn’t for an UNHOLY alliance of BOO, JOE & expensive digital cameranessosityness) I’d make him a serf… heck how bad can he be?

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Thanks for the tips. I've tried the thing with the giants, but they just started licking me, which was gross. Actually, and I mean no offence here, but perhaps you should try to perfect a few of these techniques before passing them on. It would be a shame if someone followed your advice and something went wrong. I recommend that you practice number 11 first.


No amount of grovelling is going to bring your StuG back. Ha. Ha ha ha. Muhahahahahahaaaaa!

Gefreiter Facht: Zo, Hans, your seory is zet if ve zit on top zis hill, but are very, very quiet, ze enemy von't notice zet ve are here.

Unteroffizier Zwergesser: Also, our commander must have known vat he vass doing. I mean, zey don't let vun order people about visout, you know, zome basic kind of tactical competence...

(Unteroffizier Zwergesser and the rest of the crew dicover just how big 85 millimetres is)

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Originally posted by Seanachai:

My friend Melissa is a big fan, and likes beer, and wants to come to it and marvel at our 'Male Wargamers Revelry'.

How sad... but I guess that's all you can manage out there in the gutter... perhaps she really wants to marvel at is the heat that would be available inside dalem's hovel. I'm sure that she will find it preferable to the cold, snow-swept back-alley where you bumped into her and made her your fan by offering her your last spittle-ridden swig of Thunderbird...
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Originally posted by Aguirre:


Thanks for the tips. sneeep perhaps you should try to perfect a few of these techniques before passing them on.

You are far too kind for the likes of me to make such a fine suggestion. However, these techinques are for the relief of boredom. I live such a vital and vivacious life with exciting events happening every day, all day that I don't need to add the items on my list. It would be painting the lily so to speak. Oh, well except the harrassment accusations, of course. Where do you think I get the money to have such a fantastically rich and varied lifestyle? Sure ain't from hookin computers together and stuff.
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Originally posted by Aguirre:

I'm bored.

Hmmmm less' see! *read's profile* Manure's profile indicates he's a Tasmanian student.

Tasmanian student?


That's sort of an oxymoron, isn't it?

btw Misfire, I'll add to Pengy's helpful hints for dealing with boredom with a local one:

Board the Spirit of Tasmania, get drunk (which is a given because you're an Aussie, albut a Tasmanian one, and by gawd being drunk is expected of we Aussies), when half way across the Bass Strait yell 'Woman and children first' then dive over the side.

Of course it's best to wait when the Bass is at it's chopiest.


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Originally posted by Herr Oberst:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Seanachai:

My friend Melissa is a big fan, and likes beer, and wants to come to it and marvel at our 'Male Wargamers Revelry'.

How sad... but I guess that's all you can manage out there in the gutter... perhaps she really wants to marvel at is the heat that would be available inside dalem's hovel. I'm sure that she will find it preferable to the cold, snow-swept back-alley where you bumped into her and made her your fan by offering her your last spittle-ridden swig of Thunderbird... </font>
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Originally posted by Lars:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Herr Oberst:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Seanachai:

My friend Melissa is a big fan, and likes beer, and wants to come to it and marvel at our 'Male Wargamers Revelry'.

How sad... but I guess that's all you can manage out there in the gutter... perhaps she really wants to marvel at is the heat that would be available inside dalem's hovel. I'm sure that she will find it preferable to the cold, snow-swept back-alley where you bumped into her and made her your fan by offering her your last spittle-ridden swig of Thunderbird... </font>
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Originally posted by Boo Radley:

WE keep it at 65F here in the house. If we get cold, the Lady Rose and I...exercise.

It’s winter on your half of the planet?

You should get ya asses over here where summer has just begun…

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