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Why is Peng Challenging a Centipede?


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This is the Peng Challenge Thread , not "Entymology Weekly", but since insects have six legs...where would one read about centipedes?

SSNs are lower on the animal kingdom list than centipedes....so if you are one, an SSN that is... Sod Off!!!! . If if you must stay, eat a centipede and challenge someone....not a higher form like a Knight or Olde One, but someone of your own lowly position. Better yet just eat a centipede and move along.....

Challenge with flair and wit and perhaps we won't stomp you like the icky lowcrawler that you are.

Be nice to the Ladies , at all times, and keep the tales of your head, thorax and abdomen to yourself. You can discuss those things offline with dalem if you must.

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Originally posted by Nidan1:

This is the Peng Challenge Thread , not "Entymology Weekly", but since insects have six legs...where would one read about centipedes?

SSNs are lower on the animal kingdom list than centipedes....so if you are one, an SSN that is... Sod Off!!!! . If if you must stay, eat a centipede and challenge someone....not a higher form like a Knight or Olde One, but someone of your own lowly position. Better yet just eat a centipede and move along.....

Challenge with flair and wit and perhaps we won't stomp you like the icky lowcrawler that you are.

Be nice to the Ladies , at all times, and keep the tales of your head, thorax and abdomen to yourself. You can discuss those things offline with dalem if you must.

That is pathetic. Hijacking the thread at the count of 244. Wassamatter, lonely or sumfink? No one paying you attention?


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Originally posted by Nidan1:

I was bored with all the silly pictures....isn't it time for you to slam you head in a car door or somefink?

I started the setup for your next thrashing, then the wife told me to go to bed ! ! !

So, goodnight.


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On the subject of insects, I've got a question that's been frustrating me for some time now and I cannot find an answer...even on the "innernet"!

Since we seem to have a scientist (though not specifically, an entymologist), I shall put the question to him and see if he's worth his weight in centipedes...

Mr. 37mm: Can you help me figure out what type of locust I used to see when I was growing up here in the Southeastern US (Jawjuh to be precise)? It wasn't your normal grasshopper.

They were MUCH larger, predominanty black, very "shiny" and had yellow or red markings on them. Some even had white spots or somesuch. Now, this was when I was when I was between 6 and 8 years of age, so that would put it back in 1975 or thereabouts.

If I don't figure out what they were, I may just lose what's left of my sanity. I want pictures AND information on these critters. I assume they were a locust of somesort, but unless they are 30 year locusts (!) I haven't seen them since that time frame.

They were kewl.

If you can help me solve this puzzle, I will owe you....*dramatic chord*...a favor...

Now that's not saying that this favor will be anything more than simply not mangling your name and calling you a prancing git, but it would be greatly appreciated and I *would* be willing to grant some kind of boon as long as it's a reasonable request. I mean, truly...I can't make you smarter or more attractive. That's just *not* how my powers work.

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Boo Radley American Farmer, I do not have the game personally. I have devoted my limited internet time to helping others less fortunate than I and in YOUR case I've been working overtime.

My source for the screenshot of you (in the role of Jess T. Carr) banging garbage pail lids out in the field must, I regret, remain confidential. I would, however, suggest that since the screenshot was clearly from YOUR computer (how else would I get a shot of YOU in the field), you live in Ohio where actual cash money can do WONDEROUS things and since I'm a charming, witty, articulate and persuasive man, it's not beyond the bounds of logic to suppose that SOMEONE with access to your computer assisted in the deed.

Has anyone in your family been forced to spend an inordinate amount of time with you recently ... say more than fifteen minutes? Grudges can cause people to do all sorts of things you know.


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Is Cotton-Eye Joe calling Boo a farmer? hehe

"If it hadn't been for Cotton-Eye Joe

I'ld been married long time ago

Where did you come from where did you go

Where did you come from Cotton-Eye Joe

If it hadn't been...

If it hadn't been...

If it hadn't been...

He came to town like a midwinter storm

He rode through the fields so hansome and strong

His eyes was his tools and his smile was his gun

But all he had come for was having some fun

If it hadn't been...

If it hadn't been...

He brought disaster wherever he went

The hearts of the girls was to hell broken sent

They all ran away so nobody would know

and left only men cause of Cotton-Eye Joe

If it hadn't been...

If it had't been...

If it hadn't been...

If it hadn't been...

If it hadn't been... "

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Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

I'm a charming, witty, articulate and persuasive man.


My flesh actually crawled as I read this statement. I've never had that happen to me before! I mean, sure, I've read the phrase, "...my flesh crawled..." in novels before, but to actually have it happen in real life. Wow.

I guess that proves the old adage; "To know Joe is to experience true revulsion."

OK, it's not really an old adage, but it could be.

And someday, hopefully, it will.

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Getting back to this horrific image.

Anybody else notice that Seanachai is having his usual effect on people?

Look at the gal in the background. It's hard to tell if she's laughing herself to death because of him or just weeping quietly at the inhumanity of it all.

Could be doing both at the same time I suppose.

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Originally posted by Boo Radley:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Lars:

Anybody else notice that Seanachai is having his usual effect on people?

It's hard to tell. If there are people stunned into a comatose state they must be off camera. </font>
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Originally posted by Moraine Sedai:

On the subject of insects, I've got a question that's been frustrating me for some time now and I cannot find an answer...even on the "innernet"!

Since we seem to have a scientist (though not specifically, an entymologist), I shall put the question to him and see if he's worth his weight in centipedes...

Mr. 37mm: Can you help me figure out what type of locust I used to see when I was growing up here in the Southeastern US (Jawjuh to be precise)? It wasn't your normal grasshopper.

They were MUCH larger, predominanty black, very "shiny" and had yellow or red markings on them. Some even had white spots or somesuch. Now, this was when I was when I was between 6 and 8 years of age, so that would put it back in 1975 or thereabouts.

If I don't figure out what they were, I may just lose what's left of my sanity. I want pictures AND information on these critters. I assume they were a locust of somesort, but unless they are 30 year locusts (!) I haven't seen them since that time frame.

They were kewl.

If you can help me solve this puzzle, I will owe you....*dramatic chord*...a favor...

Now that's not saying that this favor will be anything more than simply not mangling your name and calling you a prancing git, but it would be greatly appreciated and I *would* be willing to grant some kind of boon as long as it's a reasonable request. I mean, truly...I can't make you smarter or more attractive. That's just *not* how my powers work.

My lady Moriane.

Even though I am but unworthy to preath the same continental oxegen as you, I may be able to help you with your horrible delemma. I hereby present my poor efforts to help you in your hour of dire need. Please dont roast me in the fires of yoru perpetual displeasure if I'm wrong.

If I may be so humble, the insect you describe sounds like the black form of the Romalea Microptera, or Southeastern Lubber, which is one of the largest of all grasshoppers (females having been measured at 80mm)



I regret that I have little more information to give, but I'm sure your superb intellect will bave no trouble in chasing down more information.

Your obediant servent.

(Edited as angelfire does not allow remote hosting. The B******S)

[ December 13, 2004, 11:50 AM: Message edited by: Nightwatch ]

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This is a horse lubber load of nonsense... shiny, black, yellow stripes.

Looks like nonsense probably is.

For extra nonsensical info it can be 6cm long that’s big for an insect (In Britain it'd probably be top predator) in my opinion but as you refuse to give me an idea of how big an insect your looking for (size of a cat? Size of a centipede? Size of a car?) I’m not able to say this with any conviction…

You know when fear strikes sometimes people remember things bigger than they actually were (shudders at the memory of a certain ‘incident’ with my liege a while back)… actually I don’t know if that’s true sounds like a load of nonsense I made up on the spot.

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OH! I could kiss you both! But as I'm married, I shan't.

I have been googling for about 2 months off and on searching out all manner of grasshopper and locust pics and info and could NOT find anything on these guys. Though the information given indicates that Georgia is not their "normal" range, it is the same critter.

I used to play with these things as a kid. And as to your comment 37mm...I *did* say "big for a grasshopper" did I not? I think I did. So take your normal grasshopper and make it...well...bigger! *sheesh* I remember them being about as long as my 6 or 7 year old palm, so that was pretty big to me at the time.

Again...THANK YOU!

Now...in thanks, I'll even grant either or both of you a...*suspensful music ensues*...game. If you so choose, that is.

I'm not a *bad* player. I'm not a *great* player. But win or lose, I do so with enthusiasm. Excepting when my other half either switches computers or misplaces the disc for months.

P.S. - Nightwatchimacallit: Angelfire does not allow remote hosting.

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Originally posted by Moraine Sedai:

Though the information given indicates that Georgia is not their "normal" range, it is the same critter....

Now...in thanks, I'll even grant either or both of you a...*suspensful music ensues*...game. [/QB]

Err which of the two critters was it mine (which looks like a kick ass grasshopper) or his (which certainly looks as if it befits an SSN)?

Either way I just finished a couple of PBEM so I'd love a game... send me a set-up or I can send you one later... I'll make an AAR afterwards as well.

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I've not perused CMAK scenarios much, so pick one of your choosing. Since it was a combination of the name of his and the pics you gave with links, I have decided to be gracious and allow *you* to decide the manner in which you will lose.

And I offer the same to the new guy because *I* was new once and remember...

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But my pics are of the horse lubber grasshopper my dear... his is this one but black?

Unless the black version he speaks off is the Horse Lubber... but that sounds like a load of nonsense...

Hmmm you know if the Justicar started talking about bugs I'd criticize him no end for being Pengless, but in this case I got a game of CM out of my transgression. So even when I appear to act Pengless I instead become even more Pengfull.

Truly am I blessed!

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