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Cap'n Jack Peng and the Black Challenge

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Originally posted by YK2:

Don't just stand there man.... Cut Me Down!!!!!!!!!!!

Ummm...Fair One, I find it highly advisable, when dealing with Boo, to be extremely cautious in how I phrase things. You've done well in keeping the phrasing short and straight-forward but you should also strive to be precise and very, very clear on what you mean.

Basically, my Queen, don't look for Boo to handle all the possible variations of meaning in what you say. All the little niceties of expression. It's not his forte. Short, sweet, and brutally simple is better when dealing with Boo.

He's a wonderful henchman, believe me. Ut-bay ot-nay oo-tay ight-bray, if you take my meaning.

I'd hate for you to shout 'Cut me down', and for him to revert to his 'simple woodcutter from the Fairytales' personna.

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Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

Seanachai I have doubts ... doubts as to your divinity lad. I shall require a miracle to restore my faith ...

Somehow, this seems familiar. I was sitting in the Wasteland, and someone kept asking miracles of me that I might prove my divinity...tempting me...was that you, Shaw?

No, wait, I tell a lie. That was Berli.

So, you want Miracles, do you, Shaw? Well, how about the fact that I have never been banned from the Battlefront.com Forums?! What about that, eh? Wait! There's more!

What about the fact that although I am, without a doubt, a hateful little man, Emma, our Fair Queen, actually likes me? Wouldn't you call that a miracle, Mr. Joe 'Doubting Thomas' Shaw?

And what about the fact that all the nations of the World have surrendered their sovereignty to me, and I currently rule the earth, eh? Doesn't that pretty much fall into the miracle category?

I would think that with proofs like that, even you, Shaw, would have to accept my godhood (however tentative).

Oh, and I'd appreciate if you didn't mention my having sovereignty over all the nations of the earth just yet, as that isn't generally known and might raise a few hackles until we've had a chance to launch the main PR effort.

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Originally posted by Seanachai:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

Seanachai I have doubts ... doubts as to your divinity lad. I shall require a miracle to restore my faith ...

Somehow, this seems familiar. I was sitting in the Wasteland, and someone kept asking miracles of me that I might prove my divinity...tempting me...was that you, Shaw?

No, wait, I tell a lie. That was Berli.

So, you want Miracles, do you, Shaw? Well, how about the fact that I have never been banned from the Battlefront.com Forums?! What about that, eh? Wait! There's more!

What about the fact that although I am, without a doubt, a hateful little man, Emma, our Fair Queen, actually likes me? Wouldn't you call that a miracle, Mr. Joe 'Doubting Thomas' Shaw?

And what about the fact that all the nations of the World have surrendered their sovereignty to me, and I currently rule the earth, eh? Doesn't that pretty much fall into the miracle category?

I would think that with proofs like that, even you, Shaw, would have to accept my godhood (however tentative).

Oh, and I'd appreciate if you didn't mention my having sovereignty over all the nations of the earth just yet, as that isn't generally known and might raise a few hackles until we've had a chance to launch the main PR effort. </font>

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Originally posted by Seanachai:

Basically, my Queen, don't look for Boo to handle all the possible variations of meaning in what you say. All the little niceties of expression. It's not his forte. Short, sweet, and brutally simple is better when dealing with Boo.

I'd hate for you to shout 'Cut me down', and for him to revert to his 'simple woodcutter from the Fairytales' personna.

Should you not practise what you preach Seanacoochie ?

I've been Meeksnapped!!

Dragged from my warm familiar surroundings in the middle of the night with no more than my nightclothes.. I'm aboard this rum soaked vessel with no soap or oils for my bath.. and I've had to clean and scrub the most disgusting things I have set eyes upon... and there's still no sign of Jack... *Sigh*

I've screamed, kicked, yelled.. and... did I say screamed? I've been tied to the bowsprit almost naked, and had my fair skin burnt to a frazzle.... And you... <big>You</big>....YOU... have the audacity to advise me how to handle Boo!!!

He came.... he saw..... he brought me water.. Ok maybe he didn't understand my "cut me down" for he went off and left me hanging there... But at least he answered my calls..."He Cared" enough as to my well being, to bring me water. Which is more than SOME have done.

Yes Seanacoochie you may have a fancy ship, and an extra long white plume in your hat.

But you couldn't rescue a dog from the pound never mind YOUR Queen !

Slips message into empty rum bottle and throws it overboard.....

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Lackey Beggin' yer pardon Commadore, but the standin' watch reports sightin' that froggie, Lay Grenola Frantic off the squadron's lee.

Commadore, Sir Berli Notworthadamn Is'e now. Let's hav'a look... *glances through the telescope* Sink me! That dem'd frog is none to bright! He's set his t'gallants and we hav'a gale blowin' up.

Lackey There goes her Mainmast! An' it's takin' the Mizzen with it!

Commadore, Sir Berli Notworthadamn So't'ld seem. Wind'll take her into those shoals. She'll break up on the rocks.

Lackey Should we render assistance?

Commadore, Sir Berli Notworthadamn I think not. Our mission's to save Her Majesty... not save a dem'd frog that learn'd to sail in'a Paris brothel

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Originally posted by Seanachai:

And what about the fact that all the nations of the World have surrendered their sovereignty to me, and I currently rule the earth, eh? Doesn't that pretty much fall into the miracle category?

Arr, and that's why, along with me St. Christopher's medal, me toenail's of the Buddha, me Zoroastrian fan belt, me Shinto bells, me Unitarian bingo card and me Norse runes, I also keep one of them Pagan Church o' the Gnome charm bracelets on me at all times, ye never can tell.

Arrrrr, well, nice chatting with ye lads, but I've got to go scum up the deck so as yer royal trollopness got something to do after her warm beer, soggy corn and frozen turtle neck lunch. Har har har, methinks now that Smythe is here, she's starting to warm up to pirate horse-brutality, er, hospitality.


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Originally posted by Seanachai:

So, you want Miracles, do you, Shaw? Well, how about the fact that I have never been banned from the Battlefront.com Forums?! What about that, eh? Wait! There's more!

Not a miracle. The find you amusing... the way people generally find trained monkies amusing

What about the fact that although I am, without a doubt, a hateful little man, Emma, our Fair Queen, actually likes me? Wouldn't you call that a miracle, Mr. Joe 'Doubting Thomas' Shaw?
Joe covered that one nicely

And what about the fact that all the nations of the World have surrendered their sovereignty to me, and I currently rule the earth, eh? Doesn't that pretty much fall into the miracle category?
Well, if this is true, it IS a miracle! A miracle anyone in that position could be stupid enough to keep George in office.

To paraphrase a gentleman I had dealings with in the past...

You look so small... not a god at all

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Originally posted by Elijah Meeks:

Arrrrr, well, nice chatting with ye lads, but I've got to go scum up the deck so as yer royal trollopness got something to do after her warm beer, soggy corn and frozen turtle neck lunch. Har har har, methinks now that Smythe is here, she's starting to warm up to pirate horse-brutality, er, hospitality.


Granted you can't cook... but it was nice of you to try.

The silver goblets and cutlery where a nice touch even though the beer was indeed warm..

And the candles!!!why I never knew you could be so romantic..

You really didn't have to give me your cabin.. my hammock was perfectly comfortable.. Still your bed is so soft and those sheets pure silk.. I slept like a Queen....

And this morning...waking up to a lovely hot bubble bath and with dalem warming my towels... why it was just like home...

You know Meeks ... in some ways.. you remind me of Jack.. and if I didn't know better I would think you are trying to gain favour...

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Originally posted by YK2:

Granted you can't cook... but it was nice of you to try.

The silver goblets and cutlery where a nice touch even though the beer was indeed warm..

And the candles!!!why I never knew you could be so romantic..

You really didn't have to give me your cabin.. my hammock was perfectly comfortable.. Still your bed is so soft and those sheets pure silk.. I slept like a Queen....

And this morning...waking up to a lovely hot bubble bath and with dalem warming my towels... why it was just like home...

Har, har, har, I can see ye've been sampling that sorry, earless seadog's cookin', me sweet, fine Emma. Prob'ly shoulda warned ya early that those mushrooms he uses so much ain't yer everyday sort...

Aye, and ye wouldn't like to know how he warmed them towels, neither. The scallywag's got talents, but ain't none of 'em fit fer the eyes o' children.

Still, even I'm forced to admit that the more baubles and jewelry I wear, the more teeth I replace with precious metals, the more yards of flashy clothe I tie to my head, the more devastatin' I look. Smythe, before we reach Cess Island, with its deadly traps and hideous wildlife, let us stop at San Peng de la Sonrisa Santa and see how the whores and scum like our new outfits! Arrrr, ye can even wear one of her majesty's corsets, I'm sure ol' One-Armed Amy'll give ya a great roll if ya show up with'n a thirteen-inch waist!



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Originally posted by YK2:

He came.... he saw..... he brought me water.. Ok maybe he didn't understand my "cut me down" for he went off and left me hanging there... But at least he answered my calls..."He Cared" enough as to my well being, to bring me water. Which is more than SOME have done.

Yes, my Queen. When you asked me to "cut you down in that small, shakey voice, my heart melted. I stopped myself from tossing out some smart-alecky bon mots in your direction. Halted my sarcastic put downs and ribald riposts, for in truth, I could not "cut you down" in such a cavalier manner.

Neither could I free you from your Meeksian fetters, for we were not ALONE!

There was a fly in the ointment, walls with ears, an eye at the keyhole. Yes, even a Balrog in the woodpile!

So, I gave you water...

and bided my time...

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Queen YK2 I have two words for you ... Stockholm Syndrome.

I sense that you are beginning to identify with your captor, to find more and more of value about him and more and more that you actually LIKE about him. It wouldn't surprise me if, against all logic, Team Berli and it's rowboat actually finds you and boards, you might snatch up a cutlass and fight WITH Meeks.

My Queen ... HE WILL LEAVE! He has never been constant ... well he's been a constant annoyance but that's different ... he has come, and left, come, and left, and now he's back again ... AN HE WILL LEAVE AGAIN, you may count upon it.

Drop a bauble upon the deck and knee him in the face when he bends to pick it up. At the best it will drive a splinter of bone into his skull ... won't kill him of course, his brain occupies a miniscule portion of his skull, but it will smart and will likely improve his looks.


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Hello to you of the wee village de Peng,

I've been away from CM for a bit and I believe that whence upon a time this was where you found the weaker players congregating. Insuch that I'm out of practice I thought some of that sorty of cannon fodder might be nice to warm up on.

Are there any of the more sickly sort of CM players still hanging out in here for my sport?

I haven't gotten CMAK just yet, so it'll have to be a CMBB match. I prefer a scenario vs. QB and something smaller to start with I guess. I'll take either side.

As for my own skill level... I suppose on a large enough scale I might be willing to call myself a 10. I'm the sort of player that you might like to pull out of your bag of tricks that little scheme you'd never dare try vs a good player. With myself, litterly anything could happen....

Anyone willing?


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Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

I have two words for you ... Stockholm Syndrome.

Ya bilge, I've got two words for ya, myself... Fancy Made-Up Jealous Lawyer Rambling.

Ta think ye impugn my honor, fer the crusades I've a been, which have taken me away from me beautiful Cess, me beautiful, cozy Pool. Yes, I've left and come and left again, because I had to, sirrah.

Aye, I'm a buccaneer, a scoundrel, a liar, a cheat and, let's just be clear, crazy, but ye need me, alls of ya! Yea, all vices are virtue in war and to keep our Mutha Beautiful Thread saaaafe, I've had to sacrifice those luxuries ye call mental stability and good hygiene.

Ya see, Mr. Shaw, we live in a world that has walls, and them walls need to be guarded by rapscallions with sabres, dynamite, wits and spoons. Who's gonna do it? Ye? Ye, 'justicar' Joe Shaw? Aye, me own responsibility be greater than ye can possibly fathom. Ye weep for yer precious queenie, and ye curse ol' Mad Meeks. Ye have that luxury. Ye have the luxury of not knowing what I know -- that me leaving the pool, while tragic--damned, terribly tragic--probably saved the Pool; and me existence, while grotesque and incomprehensible to ye, saves the Pool. Ye don't want the truth because deep down in places ye don't talk about at the weekly Pool Pinochle game, ye want me leavin' and showin' up again ta steals yer womenfolk -- ye needs me ta do it.


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Originally posted by Javaslinger:

Hello to you of the wee village de Peng,

I've been away from CM for a bit and I believe that whence upon a time this was where you found the weaker players congregating. Insuch that I'm out of practice I thought some of that sorty of cannon fodder might be nice to warm up on.

Har, har, har. Ye not only don't 'ave a pair, me laddo, ye wouldn't even know a pair if'n Hickock himself kicked ya in yers.

Get ye to a cheery waffle, and bother us no more.


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A deck, a wooden deck, a wooden deck upon which stand straight, tall and soaring masts, masts that scrape the sky and leave the repainting to Gawd. And upon that deck strides a giant of a man, scorning a shirt, his massive chest flexes with the twisting of the deck ... left, right, left right left ... his bronze skin is covered by tangled golden hair and has the sheen of manly sweat. This man is a "particular friend" (as Jack Aubrey might say) and First Mate of the short, tubby, pale Captain Meeks ... not that there's anything wrong with that ... the friendship that is, there's LOTS wrong with Meeks.

Mate: Cap'n the men be gettin' restless sur, they be saying yon doxey (he casts a thumb toward the trussed and artfully dishelved ... though exactly how she was coaxed down from the shelf is not known ... Queen Emma ... the Queen picks up his thumb and casts it back to him.} be setting a curse upon the ship.

Meeks: What? (the Captain's brow ... such as is it, low slung and covered nearly to the eyebrows ... artfully hung atop his overhung and protruding, sloping forehead ... stippled with cold, nervous flop sweat} The men would never, never stray from my command ... where else could they go and get flower arrangements by every bunk?

Mate: Aye sur, there is that o'course ... and the poetry readin's go over right fine they do. But the lass sur (the Mate rolls his eye at the bound and strategically exposed Majesty ... she catches his eye and rolls it back to him ... she's a game one she is.), she's trouble sur. Them Peng bastiches be coming fer her sur, ye can count on it ye can.

Meeks: (nervously) I can? How far must I count, if it's much over ... (he pauses and does a quick, inaccurate inventory of fingers and toes) seventeen I may have a problem there.

Mate: Sur, it's like this sur ... perhaps ye just let the lass go sur, she's ... she's trouble sur, she's not fer the likes o' us sur (the Mate drops his head in shame ... it doesn't roll far enough for Queen Emma to pick it up however and the Mate retrieves it.).

Meeks: Well ... I SAY SHE IS ... besides we'll be safe enough unless ... unless HE should come for us.

Mate: Aye sur, that's what the men be mutterin' sur, what if HE comes ... what if (the Mate drops his voice ... it bounces a couple of times and finally stops between the devil and the deep blue sea.) the JUSTICAR should come?

Meeks: (runs to the scuppers and loses his lunch to the sea.)


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Originally posted by Lorak:


as for a new system, depends on what your using it for.

I'd go for a p4 3.0

1 gig ram

and a 9800 ATI graphics card(not se, they suck).


Thank you Lord Lorak ... minimal but informative. It's mostly for gaming, flight sims included (although in the case of IL2 it really ought to be referred to as a Flight S&M).



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yea, i would type more, but limited to onr arm makes it a bitch. Those are the basics, you really should hit netwings or one of the Flight sim sights to ask. Here is bad, because it takes nothing to play cm.


i run a p4 2.6 with a 9800 non-pro. Ihave no problems with anything out right now.


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