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Cap'n Jack Peng and the Black Challenge

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Originally posted by Mace:

Yeh, I'll apply more sun ....argh... lotion on your back, as long as you ...argh... give me the complete massage you ...argh... promised.


Nah. I'm too tired from watching that git work. I'm going to have another margarita then take a nap.


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Originally posted by Kitty:

Nah. I'm too tired from watching that git work. I'm going to have another margarita then take a nap.


Fine then, missy. I'll go lay behind one of those ..argh.. cannon thingies.

*thumps over to behind a cannon and lays down in it's recoil path*

Hopefully I'll get a good workover when ..argh.. they fire it!


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Originally posted by YK2:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Boo Radley:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by YK2:

I'll be lucky if I make it through the night...

Would you like a Perrier, my Queen? How about some zabaliogne-flavored gelato?

Some Fizzies? </font>

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Originally posted by dalem:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by YK2:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Boo Radley:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by YK2:

I'll be lucky if I make it through the night...

Would you like a Perrier, my Queen? How about some zabaliogne-flavored gelato?

Some Fizzies? </font>

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Originally posted by Seanachai:

I just spent an hour and a half shoveling 5" of snow off all the sidewalks, stairs, and walkways of three apartment buildings. By hand.


Really? We all thought you used your prehensile tail.

Hey, Nancy-boy, I'll trade your measly 5" of snow for our 5" of snow with the quarter inch of ice on top.

Minnesotans...what a bunch of pansies in odd hats.

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Originally posted by dalem:

Dunno what boat I'm on, but I will stagger forward with rum bottle in one hand and me cutlass in the other, to cut m'Queen down...


Although it seems like he merely might have passed out drunk on the nearest ship...and awoke to find himself the Right Hand of Darkness!

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Originally posted by Kitty:

Everybody Loves Lar! =)

At least it's a small step up from Gary Shandling. Thank you Kitty...

And Seanachai, it was 8.5" of snow, so you missed a bit. Get back out there and shovel the rest. Just be glad you're not in Duluth where they got 24".

What's that noise coming down the street? Is it? Is it....?

Yep, it's the snowplow!!!


SSN Hint Of The Day: Don’t tell the committee that you canceled the meeting.

Now sod off.

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Originally posted by Lars:

And Seanachai, it was 8.5" of snow, so you missed a bit. Get back out there and shovel the rest. Just be glad you're not in Duluth where they got 24".

You lot out west got it worse than we did in town. We only ended up with about 5-6".

It's only fair that as you crouch in your hugely expensive lake homes, you get shat on more than the rest of us.

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Originally posted by Seanachai:

... Oh, and on that note, I've been giving this whole spiritual thing a lot of thought. I think what the World needs most right now is that Old Time Religion. So, not only is the Church of Seanachai a Pagan Church (and very High Church, at that!), but I will, in fact, be manifesting as a different god every week in an attempt to give proper representation to the many, many pantheistic avatars that go sadly unrepresented due to a general falling off in pagan practice.

If I sign up do I get to nail Boo to your front door?


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Originally posted by Seanachai:


Not quite, me laddo, but 'ee is me faithful Smythe. 'ee don't quite know it, course, that's why I'm always slapping 'im with a bucket o' chum. I'm glad ee's finally cut down our Queenship, it's bound time she gets to carving me a new Mahjong set from these here bleached bones o' me enemies.


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Originally posted by Seanachai:

Now shut the hell up and help my Squires get La Grenouille Frenetique ready to make sail. Berli's well ahead of us in this rescue mission, and I don't trust that bastard Emrys

*Rises from her makeshift hammock on board Meeks ship to the sound of raised voices...*

Unknown Voice:

It took me almost 3 days to get here and now you say you don't need me!


Yeah well.. things have changed.. she's not struggling as much as I expected, and seems to enjoy all the cooking and cleaning I'm giving her.. I thought she may need guarding when I was off pillaging for loot.. but seems she's enjoying the change of scenery!!

Unknown Voice:

I'll still want paying... and I expect at least a dozen cases of rum for my troubles..


As hell as like... you'll have 10 pieces of gold and be grateful...

*Scuffle breaks out and YK2 hears the sound of blades*

Ohhh sounds like Meeks is fighting again ..

Gets up on deck just in time to see someone fall overboard followed by a loud *Splash*

YK2: Meeks... who was that you were fighting with?

Meeks : Don't you be worrying about me affairs and go fetch some more rum....

YK2 walks over to the Stern and picks up a shiney object

Hmmmmmmmm looks like A snuff box!!!!!!

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Now don't get all ruffled, ol' Dalem, me lad, before you go loony-bonkers and try to chew me fingers off or sell me to the Orientals, keep in mind the followin' points:

1) You ain't got no job, this is a job. Ain't any pay, course, 'cept fer booty, but ain't a commission-based system more honest and compellin'?

2) Ya gets ta console the wee Queenie whenever she's a weepin' or lamentin' or considerin' throwing her corsetted little self over the side to shack up with ol' Davey Jones.

More than 2) Yer the one what gets to dole out the punishment to said formerly royal of all delicates whenever she gets a little too mad from sunstroke and reminiscing about her old position.

Also more than 2) It's me or it's Boo, Lars, Seanachai... I'm a loon, aye, but I'm a loon who don't go talking to ya all that much, an' a self-starter like you oughtta appreciate that kind a latitude.


Now speaking a' latitude (And reminding me jolly Olde Ones in case they've forgotten, or maybe Rune, if ee's in the mood), make way for

Cess Island!!!!!!

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Originally posted by YK2:

*Drops from the mast falling on top of dalem*

Ohhh good.. a soft landing!!!

Picks herself up and looks down at dalem who's out cold but still holding onto his rum

Poor dalem...I hope he's ok..

Looks like that rat Meeks is off plundering loot again.. thank goodness dalem knows what ship he is on and took the necessary precautions ..

I can only pray he wakes up before Meeks returns!!

Kicks dalem gently

WAKE UP MAN!!!! it's almost daybreak.

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Originally posted by Papa Khann:

If I sign up do I get to nail Boo to your front door?


Ninety-nine Boo Radley's nailed to the door,

Ninety-nine crucified Boos!

You cut one down

and kick it around

Ninety-eight Boo Radley's nailed to the door!

A suitable donation made to the Church of Seanachai, would, of course, result in a dispensation to abuse Boo Radley, beloved Acolyte Thug. Especially true this week while I'm Usurious, god of Short Term Loans and Lending on Interest, when I delight in all forms of monetary exchange and the sorts of brutalizations that follow non-payment.

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Originally posted by Lars:

I'm really hoping it's not that kind of pagan church...

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