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Gods! It's hot as Berli's breath out here... the Challenge is not sinking Peng deep

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<big>ACHTUNG!</big>, Peng-pucks!!

You off-sods, you wankers, you epic epitomes of GOT-NO-LIFE.....

As your lame-o justicar, Joe Shaw, will attest, I am only an exceedingly rare infestation to your fetid forum -- only once every six or seven blue moons, which still isn't nearly enough. A perpetual SSN to your "society," and happily so.

So what brings me back to your putrid pile of Cess? Especially one so pathetic to banter on & on over a game that hasn't even released yet?

It because your patron saint/demon of induced hatred, Auntie Seanachai, has dared, DARED I say, to issue the following THREAT within the General Forum:

Excuse me while I just arrange to have a number of mimes show up at your house and spend a few days entertaining you, you sod.

Until Amos can at least figure out how to spell 'shrubbery', perhaps he can lead them in neo-Con fight songs on your porch.

It matters not as to how deserving is Agua to such a fate. The fact that WMD (wild mimes, deranged) have been threatened within the GF can NOT be allowed to stand.

Thus, in the true American spirit of pre-emptive action on the slightest and least justifiable pretext, there is no other recourse:


Now..... I will allow that the site of mimes bearing down on you nongs with SMG's might be a bit much for your feeble minds to endure without sleepless nights. So for this ONE occasion, I am posting a follow-up that should be more calming to your "souls":


(from the upcoming Tarantino flick, "Maim Mime")

Now..... if you do not want this Mutha-Bullocks Thread of yours to be further spammed with mime images, you WILL do more to keep your übergnome hate-magnet on a shorter leash.

Now, go die a lot. Ausgang.

(edited because I misspelled Seanachai's name earlier. The guilty should be properly ID'ed, sorry 'bout that.)

[ October 17, 2003, 10:41 PM: Message edited by: Spook ]

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Ah, dead mimes, what a glorious thing to behold.

As my heart leaps with joy,

my liver cries out in agony,

and my mind goes numb for 48 hours.

So begins the weekend.

Bottoms up....bottms of your glass, keep your large posteriors* firmly planted where they are.

Bunch of sassy monkeys.

*Lovely Ladies of the Pool are always excluded from insults.

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Ah, dead mimes, what a glorious thing to behold.

As my heart leaps with joy,

my liver cries out in agony,

and my mind goes numb for 48 hours.

So begins the weekend.

Bottoms up....bottms of your glass, keep your large posteriors* firmly planted where they are.

Bunch of sassy monkeys.

*Lovely Ladies of the Pool are always excluded from insults.

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Originally posted by MrSpkr:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Seanachai:

I bet MrSpkr's wife is a Kennedy Democrat...

She USED to be . . . in fact her whole family STILL is . . . until I helped her to see the error of her ways.

Now, much enlightened, she cannot IMAGINE voting for a liberal.

Steve </font>

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Originally posted by MrSpkr:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Seanachai:

I bet MrSpkr's wife is a Kennedy Democrat...

She USED to be . . . in fact her whole family STILL is . . . until I helped her to see the error of her ways.

Now, much enlightened, she cannot IMAGINE voting for a liberal.

Steve </font>

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Originally posted by athkatla:

{snip} I know you prefer "Royal Doulton", but that's because you tend to confuse the toilet bowl china with any other china and attempt to drink out of it in many of your drunken states.{snip}

The words Pot....Black......Kettle....Calling spring to mind!

Gawd that's piss-weak. I suppose your usual mental state is just to respond by repeating other peoples communications in normal social intercourse.


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Originally posted by athkatla:

{snip} I know you prefer "Royal Doulton", but that's because you tend to confuse the toilet bowl china with any other china and attempt to drink out of it in many of your drunken states.{snip}

The words Pot....Black......Kettle....Calling spring to mind!

Gawd that's piss-weak. I suppose your usual mental state is just to respond by repeating other peoples communications in normal social intercourse.


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Originally posted by Seanachai:

No it's bloody well not. Explain yourself, or face the wrath of the Gnome. Don't make me get 'Uber' on your narrow, Aussie arse, you pillock.

I noticed the time of your last post, Seana-bloodynickwithmorethantwosyllables-chai.

Have you given up on your beauty sleep as a lost cause?

Btw, our national apologies for Speedy - we think he's been on the turps.

Which reminds me I have a coldie in the fridge! w00t!


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Originally posted by Seanachai:

No it's bloody well not. Explain yourself, or face the wrath of the Gnome. Don't make me get 'Uber' on your narrow, Aussie arse, you pillock.

I noticed the time of your last post, Seana-bloodynickwithmorethantwosyllables-chai.

Have you given up on your beauty sleep as a lost cause?

Btw, our national apologies for Speedy - we think he's been on the turps.

Which reminds me I have a coldie in the fridge! w00t!


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Is there no resolution to the Seanachai as a god issue? I'd like to propose that he is made one forthwith. Fanfare and pagentry (along with stenographers) should accompany. I shall explain:

Terry Prachett (bolded out of respect for his work) wrote a very fine book entitled "Small Gods". In it, he explains that the various dieties derive their power from the number and fervor of their followers. The lesser known gods, with few supporters, weaken in response. Those that have fallen out of favor become mere shadows, with little or no power. Many, little known and no longer worshiped, wander off to the wastlands to dream of past glories.

I believe this is the answer we've all been waiting for. Make The Gnome a god (or Gawd as the case may be), and ignore him. In due time, he wil lose any semblance of power or influence, and slink off. Never to be heard from again. It's a win-win situation, right?

The pagentry and stenographers part should be evident to everyone, even dalem.

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Is there no resolution to the Seanachai as a god issue? I'd like to propose that he is made one forthwith. Fanfare and pagentry (along with stenographers) should accompany. I shall explain:

Terry Prachett (bolded out of respect for his work) wrote a very fine book entitled "Small Gods". In it, he explains that the various dieties derive their power from the number and fervor of their followers. The lesser known gods, with few supporters, weaken in response. Those that have fallen out of favor become mere shadows, with little or no power. Many, little known and no longer worshiped, wander off to the wastlands to dream of past glories.

I believe this is the answer we've all been waiting for. Make The Gnome a god (or Gawd as the case may be), and ignore him. In due time, he wil lose any semblance of power or influence, and slink off. Never to be heard from again. It's a win-win situation, right?

The pagentry and stenographers part should be evident to everyone, even dalem.

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