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Did Peng Have A Challenging Christmas In 68?


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Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Hiram Sedai:

My little sister, Beth died this morning at 7:40 AM EST.

She was fighting brain cancer since Aug of 2001. It was quite a fight.

Terribly sorry Hiram ...

Joe </font>

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Originally posted by Hiram Sedai:

My little sister, Beth died this morning at 7:40 AM EST.

She was fighting brain cancer since Aug of 2001. It was quite a fight.

Having lost a sister to cancer not long ago, I can feel your pain mate.



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Hiram, I normally don't post condolences, as you don't know me from Adam, so it means little. However, recent circumstances have made me reconsider.

There is nothing that can even come close to the pain of losing a loved one. May you take comfort in the little ways that you, and only you, knew your sister. Cherish the memories of the good times you shared, and she will be with you.

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Calling all gun grogs (I'm looking at you, dalem):

When "going postal", is it better to take an SKS assault rifle with folding stock and 3 30-round magazines, even though it sometimes stovepipes the casings, or a tried and true semi-auto shotgun, even though it has limited magazine capacity?

Should one wear street clothes, or try to look more paramilitary (camo fatigues) when gunning down the evil corporate minions?

Wouldn't want to commit a faux pas when going out in a blaze of glory. You only get one shot at this, and it ought to be done right.

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Originally posted by rleete:

Calling all gun grogs (I'm looking at you, dalem):

When "going postal", is it better to take an SKS assault rifle with folding stock and 3 30-round magazines, even though it sometimes stovepipes the casings, or a tried and true semi-auto shotgun, even though it has limited magazine capacity?

Should one wear street clothes, or try to look more paramilitary (camo fatigues) when gunning down the evil corporate minions?

Wouldn't want to commit a faux pas when going out in a blaze of glory. You only get one shot at this, and it ought to be done right.

First, may I congratulate you on going to a recognized expert for your advice. It's not for nothing that dalem is our resident Right Wing Gun Nut Nut Job. No, were I to pick the IDEAL candidate for "going Postal", dalem would spring to mind immediately with the phrase Right then, the very fellow.

As to your questions I suspect that there's some room for that very special personal touch that defines rleete as HIS Postal Gun Nut and not just another tiresome, tag along shooter of co-workers.

Oh yes, the camo is pretty much de rigeur, but don't overlook the possibility of, say, that lovely light blue camo or even the new Marine Corps computerized camo. Mix and Match? Some may say TOO TOO MUCH, I say it's how you wear it and how much blood you get on it. Don't forget that the last impression you make will either be the footage of your torn and loose limbed body sprawled in the office foyer or the police hustling you into the paddy wagon. What better way to say, I've Gotta Be Me than a daring combo camo look, eh?

I'm no expert on weaponry but I know what I like and I LIKE big banana clips. If you can afford some body armor by all means go for it. Grenades? Too 1998.

Good luck though, I know I'M pulling for you.


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Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

Don't forget that the last impression you make will...be the police hustling you into the paddy wagon.

Oh, Hell no. That is so gauche. Major gaffe.

If you are going to do something, do it right (dammit)! If the police (or some over-acheiver type co-worker) don't do you in with either a head shot or by riddling your body with a hail of fire, you save the last round for yourself.

Either you suck it up and let the corporate minions have their way with you, or not. There's no pleading insanity, or some other limp-wristed cop-out.

There is style to be considered.

p.s. Blue cammo is just too "urban coyboy".

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Originally posted by rleete:

Calling all gun grogs (I'm looking at you, dalem):

When "going postal", is it better to take an SKS assault rifle with folding stock and 3 30-round magazines, even though it sometimes stovepipes the casings, or a tried and true semi-auto shotgun, even though it has limited magazine capacity?

Should one wear street clothes, or try to look more paramilitary (camo fatigues) when gunning down the evil corporate minions?

Wouldn't want to commit a faux pas when going out in a blaze of glory. You only get one shot at this, and it ought to be done right.

Wear a clown suit and bring a seltzer bottle full of your own carbonated urine. That's a much more effective message than simply hunting down the girl who turned you down for a date and then wasting a bunch of other folks.


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Hiram, I'm saddened beyond words to hear of your sister's passing. My thoughts are with you. I've been all too worried for a while that I might be echoing your words, so know that I hope only the best for you and yours in the future.

My best to Morraine, and yourself. Hang in, and I hope the days to come are better. Bless your sister, and her struggle. She was a fighter.

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Originally posted by rleete:

Calling all gun grogs (I'm looking at you, dalem):

When "going postal", is it better to take an SKS assault rifle with folding stock and 3 30-round magazines, even though it sometimes stovepipes the casings, or a tried and true semi-auto shotgun, even though it has limited magazine capacity?

Should one wear street clothes, or try to look more paramilitary (camo fatigues) when gunning down the evil corporate minions?

Wouldn't want to commit a faux pas when going out in a blaze of glory. You only get one shot at this, and it ought to be done right.

I would say the shotgun (use #1 shot) and a corporate suit. Maybe a nice three piece. Spend some money and look sharp.

After all, you want to send a message. And that message is to all corporate VP's that anybody in the office could flip out and kill them all. Not just the low level flunkies that can be stopped by security. Make every evil moneygrubber in the country start eyeballing the guy in the next office and wondering, "If I do the backstabbing takeover of his part of the organization, will he...?".

Besides, AK and camo is has been done to death.

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