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Where would Peng be without his challenge?


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So, little Timmy, you've decided that you have what it takes to post in the Peng Challenge Thread? Not so fast, young lad. To avoid having your dangly bits stapled to your forehead, there are some things you must know first:

XXX] Your existence is only a figment of your imagination until you display an email and a location in your profile.

#12 This place is about the challenge. Challenge some ONE and do so with panache and flair, throw in a bit of acid hatred and something to amuse us.

re_) Sound off as though you've got a pair, but we'd rather not hear about you pair or any other parts of your anatomy.

fsd_32$] Do not challenge a Knight or an Olde One - you are simply not worthy. The Squires, serfs and SSNs (like yourself) may accept your challenge if you pester them enough. Above all, do not challege Peng for he is already challenged beyond his means.

1. The Ladies of the Pool are sacred, beautiful and mysterious creatures. They are to be shown utmost respect at all times.

C Flat) When in doubt, the best course of action is always to sod off.

[ February 10, 2005, 01:22 PM: Message edited by: v42below ]

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What is the weak and insipid foreign vodka doing starting a <small>penguin</small> thread?

Oh how the mighty have fallen - to have actually been admired by Mistress Pong itself!

You are a traitor oh Murky grain spirit of the south - you have lowered yourself to the level of flotsam, jetsom and pond scum - not to mention the detritus that is too dense to rise above the bottom, so I won't.

I hereby declare yuo EXPELLED from all that is good and wonderful in challenge threads - the growling ferocious toothy fulsomeness that is Mistress Fine Beer, and challenge you to a match of the threads - champion your new home if you can - defy the laws of physics to rise above the wretched remains of human waste that inhabit the cess pool if you will - to be spanked by a real man!

the setup is in the post!

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Originally posted by [TGD] mensch:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Moraine Sedai:

Oh dear...our Queen best make an appearance a'fore Mensch doth drink himself blind.

*holds Sadai close* meh! Aae mayd' a wee mess in yer booties laddie! Aae wurden't tooch thoose wi ah loong stick 'ef Aae wa' ye!

*wanders off* </font>

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Originally posted by [TGD] mensch:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Moraine Sedai:

Oh dear...our Queen best make an appearance a'fore Mensch doth drink himself blind.

*holds Sadai close* meh! Aae mayd' a wee mess in yer booties laddie! Aae wurden't tooch thoose wi ah loong stick 'ef Aae wa' ye!

*wanders off* </font>

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Originally posted by Mike:

What is the weak and insipid foreign vodka doing starting a <small>penguin</small> thread?

Oh how the mighty have fallen - to have actually been admired by Mistress Pong itself!

You are a traitor oh Murky grain spirit of the south - you have lowered yourself to the level of flotsam, jetsom and pond scum - not to mention the detritus that is too dense to rise above the bottom, so I won't.

I hereby declare yuo EXPELLED from all that is good and wonderful in challenge threads - the growling ferocious toothy fulsomeness that is Mistress Fine Beer, and challenge you to a match of the threads - champion your new home if you can - defy the laws of physics to rise above the wretched remains of human waste that inhabit the cess pool if you will - to be spanked by a real man!

the setup is in the post!

For some reason that post made me very nervous.

Found another awesome beer joint that had a full 20 DRAUGHT Great Fat Belgian Bastard Beers and a guy who can make a work of art out of some few basic ingredients: a bit of flour, some hearts of artichoke, an onion, 50 or 60 garlic cloves, and a bit of cheese... I am wracked with sobs of food-joy and beer-happy.

Of course that is floating over the complete and utter hatred - the eternal smoldering ember of loathing that I have for certain slackers at work who have shirked responsiblity and made my life more difficult. Instead of getting home tomorrow at an hour when my girls will greet me and we can smother each other in hugs and kisses, I am due in at an ungodly time when the only critters stirring will be the vermin that infest the dampest corners of the basement. No, that's NOT a contradiction... idiots.

Anyway,I also indulged myself in a bottle of Thomas Hardy Ale - the "Cooler Stock" kind that makes you wonder why anyone would be such a ninny to spend so much on such a little bottle of beer... until one looks at the price of the Vintage 1996 $75, or the Vintage 1987 $150.... I swore to myself that when I get my bonus for this project, and have to return to this infernal city for what ever reason - and it is inevitable on this sort of project that I will be back - I swore that I would spend 75 bucks on a bottle of 1996 Thomas Hardy Ale.

That declaration of course assumes that the project don't go belly-up, that I am still employed (or at least employable) and most importantly that the tightwad bastards I work for reward me with some sort of a bonus worth mentioning... Yeesh I have spent the last 4 months of my life building this thing... and will spend the next two months giving birth to it... THERE HAD BETTER BE A GOOD EFFING BONUS AT THE END.

Eurgh. Time to hit the hotel bar for a nightcap.

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... of course, if I were an owl and stuffed meself full with a plump 37mm I'd grip me roosting twig with me hunting talons, clench me feathered owl buttocks as tight as possible, clamp me beak and make damn sure there was no resurgence...

[rolls the owl pellet for slight amusement]

... pathetic

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Originally posted by Mike:

What is the weak and insipid foreign vodka doing starting a <small>penguin</small> thread?

Oh how the mighty have fallen - to have actually been admired by Mistress Pong itself!

You are a traitor oh Murky grain spirit of the south *snip*

I'll have you know that 42below is made in the big smoke and not in the South.

Originally posted by Mike:

*snip* too dense to rise above the bottom, so I won't.

I'm glad to know that nothing rises above your bottom, at least I think I am.

Now did anyone understand who the hell that challenge was aimed at? Give it another go, lad, taking the time to remove the fush and chups from your mouth before you speak, and someone may, I said MAY, take pity on you and give you the sound Samoan workover you deserve.

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Originally posted by dalem:

As a Seniour Kanigget, Master of the House of Persiflage, and Lord High Hullabalooster of the MBT, I declare that all MBTs from this point forward shall have installed on the premises a mechanical bull.

Dig it.



Now, now, lads, keep your eyes on the bull!

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See, see what happens when an incompetant tries to pull off a heresy? Lame-o. Loser. Baptist.

Look, earless one, you can have your damned, stupid bull. And Hiram can put up new curtains. And Joe Shaw (Who never acknowledged my damned compliment, thereby proving himself to be not only an unmitigated stick of a man, but also an egregiously ill-mannered lout) can install his jacuzzi. And YK2 can bolt in the ol' trapeze, whatever.

Just one thing.

One little thing.

Can we stop posting lameass, stoopid pictures? Not pictures of doofuses for all to mock, but like, glasses of wine and half-nekkid bims on redneck machinery. Mormon wives, UN dogs, aforementioned doofi plates, those are great, but the rest make my eyes bleed. They make smilies look like haiku.

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Originally posted by Elijah Meeks:


Just one thing.

One little thing.

Can we stop posting lameass, stoopid pictures? Not pictures of doofuses for all to mock, but like, glasses of wine and half-nekkid bims on redneck machinery. Mormon wives, UN dogs, aforementioned doofi plates, those are great, but the rest make my eyes bleed. They make smilies look like haiku.

My work here is done. To the Moosemobile!!!
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Originally posted by v42below:

Now did anyone understand who the hell that challenge was aimed at?

So it's true - you ARE thick enough to reside in here!!

Either that or too much of a panty waste to accept - I suspect the later - you've probably run out of Russian Courage! :(

It's sooooo sad when a bad man gets even worse! :mad: :mad:

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Originally posted by [TGD] mensch:

*hic* ey boo.. sod off ye wee faerie git! ye kanne bit me oon arse if ye knoo it. *spits on boos family crest*

*squints at Sedai††* ye goot ta shave lass, th' wee beerd' git ta goo. *looks down* voolup.. ye calls thems knockers?


Gud on ye lad.

†† see this: graphic_pub.jpg

Dude, she's my wife. We got married while you were away in Germany learning...uh...German.

Looks like you're still an idiot Canuckian. Guten tag, eh ya hoser!

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