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I purely HATE the movie Sound of Music ... hate it with a passion. Hate the story, hate the actors, hate the music ... but the song "Maria" was as close as I could come so I had to use it ... hate it though.

How do you solve a problem like v42below?

A Squire without a Liege to sing his praise?

A Squire who claims he's given all the quid-pro-quo,

Is he lying? Is he a Squire for evermore?

Many's the quest he could have undertaken,

Many the deeds that he should have performed,

But his Liege has thrown him o'er,

And the reasons we'll not explore,

How do you turn him into one transformed?

Oh, how do you solve a problem like v42below?

What say the noble members of this band?

Shall he be made another's Squire

To brave, once more, the fire,

Though he says that he's completed every quest?

His Liege cannot confirm it,

Thus I'm very loath to trust it,

It's a quandry! It's a puzzle! It's a TEST!

So you see my difficutly here. HE claims he's completed every quest set before him yet his Liege does not acknowledge him ... well, I mean ... would YOU? We can hardly blame Dame YK2 for THAT now can we lads.

Still, he's got a point (see photo on the Official Justicariate Website ... wear eye protection OF COURSE). If he HAS completed his assigned Quest ... a single match with stikkypixie I believe, then we are honor bound to proclaim him Knight.

But he's a Kiwi, and a transplanted one at that, and you just can't trust them.

So what say you lads? Shall he be made Knight of the CessPool or is further testing needed? Personally I'm in favor of having him bring us a living Tasmanian Wolf, but that's just me.


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Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

I purely HATE the movie Sound of Music ... hate it with a passion. Hate the story, hate the actors, hate the music ... but the song "Maria" was as close as I could come so I had to use it ... hate it though.

Well, if I were a person who hated "The Sound of Music", but I still wanted a song called "Maria", I'd go with "West Side Story".

I just booted a clown named v42below,

And suddenly I found,

How wonderful a sound,

Can be v42below

But that's just me.

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Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

I purely HATE the movie Sound of Music ... hate it with a passion. Hate the story, hate the actors, hate the music ... but the song "Maria" was as close as I could come so I had to use it ... hate it though.


I don't hate the Sound of Music, some of the actresses were quite hot, grr. I do hate v42below though, and although he has technically completed his quest, he gets not points for style.

He kept me waiting for 3 bloody months, and he'd still lose.

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Originally posted by stikkypixie:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by rune:

Here, let me help you.

vreselijk = outstanding

afschuwelijk = awesome

ik wens het mijn ergste vijanden niet to = I can't wait to play another scenario!

OK, will be sending one your way.


Time for Nidan1 to get a taste of his own medicine. Prescription medication! Muhahaha. </font>
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Originally posted by Nidan1:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by stikkypixie:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by rune:

Here, let me help you.

vreselijk = outstanding

afschuwelijk = awesome

ik wens het mijn ergste vijanden niet to = I can't wait to play another scenario!

OK, will be sending one your way.


Time for Nidan1 to get a taste of his own medicine. Prescription medication! Muhahaha. </font>
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Originally posted by rune:

I say, make him bring me the head of muffledelfrumproast on a pike, if he succeeds, then let him be a Knight, if he fails, then back to serfdom.


No way am I wasting money on airfares to Germany and the US simply to brutally murder someone who has barely reached drinking age. Furthemore, with the post 9/11 security measures in place it will be incredibly difficult to smuggle a head, no matter how tiny and insignificant, through customs. Add to this the fact that I have already fulfilled my quest and have commanded and fought alongside Cesspool Knights in many a victorious battle for the glory of the Pool, I would have thought that my bill is fully paid and I have proven myself worthy.

However, that is only my own self-interested view, which I am sure some will contradict. All I ask is that you disregard the self-interested views of the other Squires, Serfs and SSN's.

I shall await with patience any decision the Knights, Ladies, Olde Ones and the Justicar may collectively arrive at and shall abide by it. After all, I love the BOOT as much as the next Squire, but not when I'm gettting it from every Knight and Lady simultaneously.

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Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

I purely HATE v42below?

Honour bound? Honour bound?

What poppycock

A squire (who’s never been a Serf) disowned by his liege!

Is it not clear that what we have here is a new classification* of pooler?

V42farbelow is a Ronin…

And let him stay that way until he whores himself off to someone else

* Yet another unique classification to go along with most inane, most pointless, most likely to be picked on by stickypiss & the member of the Cesspool who most resembles a sphincter

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Originally posted by stikkypixie:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Nidan1:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by stikkypixie:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by rune:

Here, let me help you.

vreselijk = outstanding

afschuwelijk = awesome

ik wens het mijn ergste vijanden niet to = I can't wait to play another scenario!

OK, will be sending one your way.


Time for Nidan1 to get a taste of his own medicine. Prescription medication! Muhahaha. </font>
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Originally posted by 37mm:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

I purely HATE v42below?

Honour bound? Honour bound?

What poppycock

A squire (who’s never been a Serf) disowned by his liege!

Is it not clear that what we have here is a new classification* of pooler?

V42farbelow is a Ronin…

And let him stay that way until he whores himself off to someone else

* Yet another unique classification to go along with most inane, most pointless, most likely to be picked on by stickypiss & the member of the Cesspool who most resembles a sphincter </font>

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My opinion (if it matters) on v42below is that he be (finally) raised to Knighthood.

He has suffered long being relegated to the shadows during our Queen's reign. Not that it's *her* fault, but is it *HIS* fault if she forsook him? He has been faithful and knows his place. He does not strut around like some popinjay like the odd 37mm and proclaim to delusions of grandeur.

Nay. He's been a perfect gentlemen to the Ladies, he's been adequately (in my opinion) offensive to the rest of you lot. He's played more than the "usual" required number of games.

So either set him one last task. One last sorry lout to have to play CM against OR just get on with it and knight him already.

*throws 2 pence on the table as she goes to get herself something to drink convincing herself it's for "medicinal purposes"*

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Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

snipped yawn snipped

Well back to old ways are we o’ Justicar?

(You know there’s really no need for you to get your knickers in a twist just because I’m correcting your spelling mistakes)

Fine listen to the soothing words of your senile sycophants but do not doubt my holiness.

You can deal with your cold, barren, lifeless secular issues whilst I will revel in the tepid, humid, infested spirit of choice


My acne is much better nowadays


Dear lady, am I not owed a turn from many moons ago?

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You'll get your turn soon enough.

Like when the hubby gets finished with *his* gaming and relinquishes the computer and I've finished making dinner for my hardworking, considerate, wonderful, masculine...is he still looking over my shoulder? Like I was saying...you'll get yours soon enough.

And then you'll RUE the day! Or should that be rouix since I'm a chef? hmmm...

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Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

So what say you lads? Shall he be made Knight of the CessPool or is further testing needed?

Who, exactly? Never heard of him. Make him a kanigget? Has he even played Crodaburg yet? Personally, I don't believe in him at all.

But that's just me.

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If I may respectfully remind The Old Firm of one small note: The Swedish Inquisition did not notice me in my former incarnation when I was raised by Lorak. Not that my raising was noteworthy or really significant, mind you.

Insofar as the Swedish gentleman with the large, bushy eyebrows really only believes in fairies and wee-folk, his not believing in whats-its-name shouldn't really matter much. Still, we wish we had gotten the affirmation from the Old Firm many moons ago. It just wasn't meant to be.

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Originally posted by dalem:

Whatever Olde Joe is fer, I'm agin.

I am FOR being against as well, therefore YOUR stance should be against being for, but since I've not taken a stance on the issue at hand you can be neither for NOR against.

In other words, until I take a stand YOU have ... NO OPINION! That's right dalem ... I'm in charge of your opinion ... I'll let you know what it is at the appropriate time.


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Originally posted by Geier:

But that's just me.

What? Someone who aspired to mediocrity?

Someone who wears a corrective body stocking to the swimming pool?

An object lesson on why some children should be left on rocky, windswept crags for the wolves?

John Merrick's stunt double?

A fecking idjit?

Give us a hint, at least.

As for v42skidoo,

Whatever. It's not like anyone will pay any more attention to him.

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Originally posted by Boo Radley:

I hear that today's Australia Day (Over there. It REALLY won't happen until tomorrow for the correct part of the world.).


Yet another reason for all Aussies to be found drunk, laying on the shore like so many beached cephalapods.

And there is a down-side to that ??

For your edification, a short Poem....

Happy Australia Day.


We are the people of a free nation of blokes, sheilas and the occasional

wanker. We come from many lands (although a few too many of us come from

New Zealand), and although we live in the best country in the world, we reserve

the right to whinge and moan about it whenever we bloody like. We are One

Nation but divided into many States.

First, there's Victoria, named after a queen.

Victoria is the realm of Mossimo turtlenecks, cafe latte, grand final day,

and big horse races. Its capital is Melbourne, whose chief marketing pitch

is that "it's liveable". At least that's what they think. The rest of us

think it is too bloody cold and wet.

Next, there's NSW, the realm of pastel shorts, macchiato with sugar, thin

books read quickly and millions of dancing queens. Its capital Sydney has

more queens than any other city in the world and is proud of it. Its

mascots are Bondi lifesavers that pull their Speedos up their cracks to keep the

left and right sides of their brains separate.

Down south we have Tasmania, In Tassie, everyone gets an extra

chromosome at conception. Maps of the State bring smiles to the sternest

faces. It holds the world record for a single mass shooting, which the

Yanks can't seem to beat no matter how often they try.

South Australia is the province of half-decent reds, a festival of foreigners and bizarre axe murders. SA is the state of innovation. Where

else can you so effectively reuse country bank vaults and barrels as in Snowtown, just out of Adelaide (also named after a queen). They had the Grand Prix, but lost it when the views of Adelaide sent the Formula One drivers to sleep at the wheel.

Western Australia is too far from anywhere to be infected. And that's the way we like it. It's main claim to fame is that it doesn't have daylight saving , WA was the last state to stop importing convicts and many of them still work there in the

government and business.

The Northern Territory is the red heart of our land. Outback plains, sheep

stations the size of Europe, kangaroos, Jackaroos, emus, Uluru, and dusty

kids with big smiles. It also has the highest beer consumption of anywhere

on the planet and its creek beds have the highest aluminium content of

anywhere too. Although the Territory is the centrepiece of our national

culture, few of us live there and the rest prefer to flyover it on our way

to Bali.

And there's Queensland. While any mention of God seems silly in a document

defining a nation of half arsed sceptics, it is worth noting that God

probably made Queensland, as its beautiful one day and perfect the next.

Why he filled it with idiots remains a mystery.

Oh yes and there's Canberra. The less said the better.

We, the citizens of Oz, are united by Highways, whose treacherous twists

and turns kill more of us each year than murderers. We are united in our lust

for international recognition, so desperate for praise we leap in joy when

a rag tag gaggle of corrupt IOC officials tells us Sydney is better than

Beijing. We are united by a democracy so flawed that a political party

albeit a redneck gun toting one, can get a million votes and still not win

one seat in Federal Parliament. Not that we're whingeing, we leave that to

our Pommy immigrants.

We want to make "no worries mate" our national phrase, "she'll be right

mate" our national attitude and "Waltzing Matilda" our national anthem (so

what if it's about a sheep-stealing criminal who commits suicide). We love

sport so much our newsreaders can read the death toll from a sailing race and

still tell us who's winning.

And we're the best in the world at all the sports that count, like cricket,

netball, rugby league and union, AFL, roo shooting, two up and horse racing.

We also have the biggest rock, the tastiest pies, and the worst dressed

Olympians in the known universe. Only in Australia can a pizza delivery get

to your house faster than an ambulance. Only in Australia do we have bank

doors wide open, no security guards, or cameras but chain the pens to the desk.

Stand proud Aussies - we shoot, we root, we vote. We are girt by sea and pissed by lunchtime. Even though we might seem a racist, closed minded,

sports obsessed little people, at least we feel better for it.

I am, you are, we are Australian!

P.S We also shoot and eat the two animals that are on our National Crest!!!!

No other country has this distinction!

HAPPY AUSTRALIA DAY - January 26, 2005.


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yes, since you should NEVER be allowed to drive.

Send the car back to him immediately. Let him keep the money as a penalty stupid tax on your part. Actually, you've no choice - that money is now magically transformed into a yellow carpet stain under the door of the nearest retail store.

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