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If ye be challenged, enter not the land of Peng

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Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

Actually the HOLE situation, vis a vis It was PROPOSED that he be demoted to Serf but that was in order that he might prove a worthy Stalker for Peng. Peng having thrown him over for THAT honor has washed his hands of the lad. That being the case, and in the absence or even abstenance of other actions on the parts of the Olde Ones I'm afraid that the lad still retains his Squirehood ... ship ... thing.

On the other hand I could be very, VERY confused.

Here, lemme clear it up for ya. He's a squire again... Boo's in fact. Now Boo could make him a knight... but I'm not sure Boo really wants the accolade Sir Fool
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Originally posted by v42below:

Where is the Just-a-carrot when you need him. 37mm - please acquaint yourself with the concept of Coventry

First off it was obvious he was hurtling towards self destruction & immolation so what harm could I have done.

Secondly my insane (but understandable) belief that stickypiss & Dim are one & the same or at least in league, I felt made the situation exceptional to the ordinary rules of Coventry.

Thirdly if you check this thread you can quite clearly see the 'Usurper' piss Dorosh off no end so although seemingly as useful as rleete's tallywhacker Dim did actually have some uses.

Fourthly the very idea that Peng could have disciples provoked me into a blind rage.

Fifthly does any one know the rules any more? They don't seem to get posted, except by me of course, they don't seem to be enforced (except the most piddling & pointless of them) & the shmoe who is supposedly enforcing them is still ‘busy’ avoiding ‘ the Justicar to be'…

More ‘ Dogma of Peng'…

But loathe ye your enemies, and do challenge, and hurl HE, hoping for nothing again;

This I feel sums up what a challenge game of CM should be like remember to buy artillery & as much HE as you can… bullets are cool! I have no problem with bullets, Molotov’s & flamethrowers, yes of course I’d like to cook my enemies I have no problem with them. Running over your enemies with tanks, great idea exactly what tanks were designed for! But HE is important because of its psychological importance.

What are you saying Oh Messiah? Are you saying HE suppression is useful…


NEIN! HE reduces your enemies to shattered fragments, it tends to remove the brain from the body & this can affect the psychology of the receiver, hurl HE wherever you can & no harm will be done… well not to you anyway

You will notice that some of us here think a challenge game should involve lorry driving games & not HE!

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Originally posted by 37mm:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by v42below:

Where is the Just-a-carrot when you need him. 37mm - please acquaint yourself with the concept of Coventry

First off it was obvious he was hurtling towards self destruction & immolation so what harm could I have done.

Secondly my insane (but understandable) belief that stickypiss & Dim are one & the same or at least in league, I felt made the situation exceptional to the ordinary rules of Coventry.

Thirdly if you check this thread you can quite clearly see the 'Usurper' piss Dorosh off no end so although seemingly as useful as rleete's tallywhacker Dim did actually have some uses.

Fourthly the very idea that Peng could have disciples provoked me into a blind rage.

Fifthly does any one know the rules any more? They don't seem to get posted, except by me of course, they don't seem to be enforced (except the most piddling & pointless of them) & the shmoe who is supposedly enforcing them is still ‘busy’ avoiding ‘ the Justicar to be'…

More ‘ Dogma of Peng'…

But loathe ye your enemies, and do challenge, and hurl HE, hoping for nothing again;

This I feel sums up what a challenge game of CM should be like remember to buy artillery & as much HE as you can… bullets are cool! I have no problem with bullets, Molotov’s & flamethrowers, yes of course I’d like to cook my enemies I have no problem with them. Running over your enemies with tanks, great idea exactly what tanks were designed for! But HE is important because of its psychological importance.

What are you saying Oh Messiah? Are you saying HE suppression is useful…


NEIN! HE reduces your enemies to shattered fragments, it tends to remove the brain from the body & this can affect the psychology of the receiver, hurl HE wherever you can & no harm will be done… well not to you anyway

You will notice that some of us here think a challenge game should involve lorry driving games & not HE! </font>

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Originally posted by Boo Radley:

It's time for some normalcy around here.

To wit:

Oh Squire...

<big><big>BOOT</BIG></BIG> How many times <big><big>BOOT</BIG></BIG> do I have to tell you <big><big>BOOT</BIG></BIG> to leave my special brownies <big><big>BOOT</BIG></BIG> ALONE <big><big>BOOT</BIG></BIG> before <big><big>BOOT</BIG></BIG> you <big><big>BOOT</BIG></BIG> decide <big><big>BOOT</BIG></BIG> to post! <big><big>BOOT</BIG></BIG> <big><big>BOOT</BIG></BIG> <big><big>BOOT</BIG></BIG>

Besides, not making sense in a long winded style has already been copywrited by Seanachai.

Now that's the spirit. "Spare the <big><big>BOOT</BIG></BIG> and spoil the squire," as they say. What we need are well-disciplined squires around here, trembling in terror at the sound of our voices and instantly prepared to carry out whatever task we assign them, even if it means landing in a pool of quicklime or a woodchipper.


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Originally posted by Michael Emrys:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by stikkypixie:

Do you think I'm made of worms? They don't grow on my back you know.

Missed that part, did they? Or did you succeed in scraping them off when you ducked into the sewer to avoid the bill collectors?

Michael </font>

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Originally posted by Hiram Sedai:

To think that in 1987, when I was going through boot camp at Ft. Dix, my Drill Sergeant asked me "Do you take me for Boo Boo Da Foo?

He may have been referring to our own Boo Boo

I think that Boo was trolling the Cuyahoga river back then looking for snacks.

You know Hiram, I've been given much thought to your new scale model hobby and I think I might have found a solution.

Check out the Homer Simpson car.


It comes prepainted, it's a Snap-Tite, so you don't have to worry about that pesky glue getting on everything and better yet, since it's not really to scale, you don't have to embarrass yourself by constantly stating nonexistant scales (Although I'm pretty sure you're just foolin' with us on that one. I mean, not even a Texan is THAT stupid, right?)

So, think about it Hiram. The box says 4 years, but I'm sure you could put it together in less than two.

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Originally posted by Boo Radley:

Oh Squire...

<big><big>BOOT</BIG></BIG> How many times <big><big>BOOT</BIG></BIG> do I have to tell you <big><big>BOOT</BIG></BIG> to leave my special brownies <big><big>BOOT</BIG></BIG> ALONE <big><big>BOOT</BIG></BIG> before <big><big>BOOT</BIG></BIG> you <big><big>BOOT</BIG></BIG> decide <big><big>BOOT</BIG></BIG> to post! <big><big>BOOT</BIG></BIG> <big><big>BOOT</BIG></BIG> <big><big>BOOT</BIG></BIG>

37mm staggers up off the floor & turns to face Boo his face contorted with shock & barely suppressed rage, both their minds swim with crazed thoughts; “I deserve better”, “just you wait”, “I still need a Judas”, their cold dead eyes meet and in a measured, steely voice 37mm says (with as much contempt as it is humanly possible to possess) “I accept your view oh fri… mighty Lord”…

Mikey wrote...

What we need are well-disciplined squires around here, trembling in terror at the sound of our voices and instantly prepared to carry out whatever task we assign them, even if it means landing in a pool of quicklime or a woodchipper.
Surely you don’t mean our as in “others & I” because lets face it Emrys how exactly is your Ned Flanders-esque pip squeak going to induce ‘terror’…

Actually don’t answer I’ve just worked it out you mean ‘terror’ as in…

"Oh f%@k it's f!%king Emyrs!!! I'm f££king terrified of that f#~king piece of s^!t!!! He always manages to either...

(a) bore my f)&king head off

(B) go all f($king homoerotic and start drooling about mens thighs or male 'worms'...

© bore my f^&king head off"

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Awww! Looks like the squire's a bit grumpy after his lesson.

*tsk, tsk* 37mm, you brought this on yourself. You just would NOT listen when given instruction, so what was your liege to do?

*puts down a fluffy pillow in the nearest chair*

That should help a bit at least.

Now, bring out some more fruit flies or mouse ears and do whatever it is you do. The swelling will go down in time.

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Originally posted by 37mm:

37mm staggers up off the floor & turns to face Boo his face contorted with shock & barely suppressed rage, both their minds swim with crazed thoughts; “I deserve better”, “just you wait”, “I still need a Judas”, their cold dead eyes meet and in a measured, steely voice 37mm says (with as much contempt as it is humanly possible to possess) “I accept your view oh fri… mighty Lord”…


You have NO idea how easily you got off this time. Remember, I was brought up by Croda of The Nefarious Legions! He who would set a Squire to task by giving them the likes of Crodaburg (shudder) to play, or even (double shudder) JABOS!.

Mayhap my present spanking of you in Dien Bien Phu (which YOU picked yourself!) hasn't been enough to teach you... humility.

Mayhaps you need a rune scenario to sink your teeth in. Or maybe a Ker Dessel* scenario can be found, to teach you more than mere humility. To teach you... pain.

*(Ker Dessel - when you want to play CM in the worst way.)

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Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

Hey Berli can we make Boo the Official FOOLE of the POOL ... he'll have to fit it in with his duties to the Justicariate as Junior Justicar Pro Tempore De Jure of the Peng Challenge Thread


Good morning The Worm, Your Hon... Um, hey Berli,

Is there really a need for this redundancy in titles? I mean, really... if you've said Justicar, you might have already said FOOLE, however spelt or bolded...

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Originally posted by Boo Radley:


You have NO idea how easily you got off this time. Remember, I was brought up by Croda of The Nefarious Legions! He who would set a Squire to task by giving them the likes of Crodaburg (shudder) to play, or even (double shudder) JABOS!.

Mayhap my present spanking of you in Dien Bien Phu (which YOU picked yourself!) hasn't been enough to teach you... humility.

Mayhaps you need a rune scenario to sink your teeth in. Or maybe a Ker Dessel* scenario can be found, to teach you more than mere humility. To teach you... pain.

*(Ker Dessel - when you want to play CM in the worst way.)

Hmmm 'Crodaburg' if I remember my notes correctly didn't rleete (!!!!!!!!) hand your ass back to you in that one?

Has anyone made an AK update, could be laugh?

I will continue to unleash my crazed Vietnamese at your Verdun-esque defences once another PBEM game is over & done with (probably in a day or two) then I'll upgrade to V1.03 & I'm away again.

My PBEM with Nidan1 won't last much longer I'll post a nice AAR afterwards with pretty pictures & everything...

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