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A continuation of the thread found here originally

I would encourage additional discussion in that thread, or here, and we can keep a running tally. Will be interesting to compare our notes here with the official patch.

Incidentally, a Patch has been reported:

Just letting you guys know that we are in the final stages of testing the 1.01 patch and it "should" be ready after we do some more testing on it. (no, I will not clarify that any more).

Looking over the readme I see about 47 items listed as being addressed as well as a handful more that I know Charles did which were too hard to define or explain.

I will try and post the full Patch readme prior to the patch being released but I can't promise that.


These are confirmed bugs or errors worthy of a patch. Some paraphrasing has been done here. If anyone wants me to add anything, let me know and I'll edit this post. Mark Gallear - not sure what to include or not include from yours, you got pretty stream-of-consciousness there for awhile.

Shared weapons bmps are NOT bugs. Nor are shared 3D models. Requests for brand new features are not the same as request for patches.

by <font color="blue">Michael Dorosh</font>

Canadian Armour

Churchills were never used by Canadians in action during the CMAK timeframe and should be deleted entirely from the selection screens.

Sherman I's and Sherman II's were also used by Canadian armoured regiments (specifically the Governor General's Horse Guards of 5 Cdn Armd Div).

MG Jeeps

The data screen shows a "five-oh" machinegun as the weapon mounted on MG Jeeps, but the 3D model shows a Browning M1919, for both Commonwealth and American MG jeeps.

Vickers MG

While the shared bitmap for the gunrack image is understandable, the ingame 3D model for the Vickers is the Browning watercooled .30 calibre MG as used by US forces.

Commonwealth Rank Structure

Squad leaders should be listed as Corporals, and the appropriate bitmap should be shown as such. Battalion COs should really be Lieutenant Colonels. Company commanders should be Majors. (<font color="blue">JonS has also noted this about the New Zealand orbat, it should apply to all CW infantry)</font>

The Platoon HQ for the carrier platoon could be a Captain (if possible) with other platoons being Lieutenants. (This was the historical setup, but would really only be chrome if logistically not possible).

Canadian Helmet Models - late war

Late War Canadian troops appear to be wearing the Mk III helmet. While this may be correct for British troops (though really, the Mk III was never available in wide enough numbers to replace the Mk II in any theatre), I don't recall ever seeing Canadian troops wearing them. The Canadians never actually produced these helmets, they were drawn entirely from British stocks. 3rd Canadian Division received an issue as the assault division for Normandy, and some units of the 2nd Division. Neither of these divs served in Italy.

To correct this, I would suggest using the same Mk II model as in earlier war uniforms.

British tank crew portraits

Some British tank crews have a Canadian unit portrait. Bitmaps 500215 and 500225 have Canadian flags and should really have British union flags.

500216 and 500226 are correct; these should be copied as 500215 and 500225 for the patch.

Free French Infantry Purchases

I've also noted dated in the editor - after the conquest of North Africa - that you can select French and purchase Support, Vehicles, Armor, Artillery and Fortifications, but no selections come up for Infantry.

Hotchkiss Gun Rack image

The gun rack image of the Hotchkiss MG actually shows the Italian Breda instead. I think it wants to point to 25020 but doesn't and points to 25019 instead.

The larger gun rack image should I think point to 2798 instead?

Briefing Typo

In the scenario Airborne Assault on Hill A, there is a spelling error/typo in the Australian briefing; "would" has been mis-spelled as "wuold".

by <font color="blue">Runyan99</font>

Order of Battle Issues

Add German OOB for February (as per <font color="blue">Michael Emrys</font>) -June 1941.

Add captured Italian guns and tanks to the Australian OOB for 1941. Operation Compass netted a lot of Italian equipment, which showed up during the later battles against the Afrika Korps.

by <font color="blue">Speedy</font>

Order of Battle Issues

Also add Australian OOB for July-September 1942, the AIF's 9th Division was brought back into the line at at the start of July 42. (they don't become available until October in the game)

by <font color="blue">JonS</font>

Order of Battle Issues

* UK Paras in Italy should have access to 75mm spotters

* late war CW Bns (British, South African, Canadian, New Zealand, Polish) in CMAK come complete with 6 Wasps. This is good (although 6 might be a few too many), but the number in the Carrier Pn should be reduced by a similar amount - the Wasps were made up from kits fitted to existing Carrier Pn vehicles, not additional vehicles.

* CW Infantry should be able to come equipped with infantry A-Tk grenades as 'special weapons' (c.f. 'fausts or wurfmines)

(and from me:

CW infantry have drop down menus for "anti-tank weapons" when you go to edit them in the Scenario Editor, however, all the options are greyed out. I am presuming that if it was the intent not to include anti-tank weapons, the menu would not appear (there is no drop down menu for Explosive charges, for example). )

* CW Infantry sections and HQs should be using the Thompson until the end of the war.

* CW Bns should have AA Pns during 41 and 42, armed with Brens (twin Brens, mounted on the infamous tripod)

* CW Bns should not have integral Bofors at any time

* CW Bns late-war in CMAK come complete with 6 Wasps. This is good (although 6 might be a few too many), but the number in the Carrier Pn should be reduced by a similar amount - the Wasps were made up from kits fitted to existing Carrier Pn vehicles, not additional vehicles.

* NZ Forces should have access to 2-pr Portees until the end of the campaign in NA

* NZ Forces should have access to Vickers VIB until approx Feb '42

* NZ Forces should have access to Honeys from Nov 41 (debateable), or at least from July 42 (definitely)

* NZ force types should be "infantry" and "mechanised" from the start of the Italian campaign

* NZ Forces should have access to Sherman Kangaroos from March 45 (at high rarity)

* NZ inf bns should include a Vickers pn from Feb 45 as standard

* NZ Forces should not have access to Bofors or Oerlikons after Dec 44

* NZ Forces should not have access to Staghounds after Dec 44

* NZ Forces should not have access to Valentines at any time

by <font color="blue">MikeDwyer</font>

Italian L3/33AA

There is a problem with the Italian L3/33AA, the commander buttons up as soon as an aircraft comes in. This prevents him from firing the AA machinegun which is mounted on top of the vehicle. Could he be made to fire instead of buttoning up every time.

by <font color="blue">SirReal</font>

15cm German Infantry Gun mobility

The german 15cm infantry gun is operated by six men, and has 50 rounds of ammunition, AND CAN STILL MOVE.

Übermench and all, I still think the average german artilleryman was unable to carry a quarter metric ton per person.

by <font color="blue">von Lucke</font>

Graphical Errors

The US sniper is holding a M1 Garand instead of the M1903 Springfield.

The Canadian pistol (1907.bmp) is a Moisin-Nagant rifle.

Hard-coded tripod for .50cal HMG way too small.

CW Order of Battle

North Africa, October 1942: Chruchill Mk IV & V's available for British Armor?

There were only 6 Churchills in all of Egypt --- and they were Mk III's. They were used in the opening days of the "Lightfoot / Supercharge" offensive, then pulled from the line, and eventually shipped to Tunisia in April '43.

Arty Availability

By coincedence I was doing up a British scenario in July '43, and under Artillery there are two listings for both 3in. Mortar and 4.5in. The duplicates are identical in every way (including being listed as having radios), except that one is Medium speed, and the other is Slow --- oh, and the Medium speed cost a few more points.

Is one meant to be wire-telephone, or are we talking about different sized radios here?

Operations Editor

When yr fortification reinforcements arrive in an operation, bunkers and minefields cannot be rotated during the set-up phase --- they all point in the direction of the enemy side of the map. The other fortification units (roadblocks, trenches, wire) all can, however.

(also added by me - the locked camera bug is still present; ie when entering the map during operation creation, the camera always starts from the middle of the map rather than from where it was last left, as in battle creation.)

by <font color="blue">MAsta_KFC</font>

Backblast Weapons Bug

PANZERSHRECK/BAZOOKA/FAUST firing indoors-no supression bug!!!

by <font color="blue">Mark Gallear</font>

1941 QB lists

German mountain and airborne available throughout the year - names not dimmed. You can however only buy support troops, tanks not infantry up until May when they both appear. German Mountain infantry but not support etc, disappears again until the end of the year.

Commonwealth Order of Battle points

Intro date of June 1940, not November

I would like to request that the British North African list should start in June 1940 not November. There was continous combat from this date. 7th Armoured Division was sent to the Cyrenaican frontier and fighting with the Italian army began.

Available Equipment June - Nov 1940

British vehicle availability at this stage should consist of:

11th Hussars with Morris and modified Roll Royce ACs and the 7th Hussars had Cruiser A-9 Cruiser tanks and Mark VI and VIB light tanks.

September 1940 - 2nd and 7th RTR arrive with A9 and A10 cruisers

December 1940 - A13s.

(Most of these early points refer to North Africa as I am not even sure what battles and units are involved in the East Africa theatre.)

Option for battalions with scout platoon in carriers and without - this should go all the way through.

No guns in Battalion until Alamein. (For commonwealth - South Africans option of 2pdrs or 18pdrs.) This would be a good date for the Boys AT rifle to disappear, including carrier version. No AA guns in battalion period. PIATS should appear before they do. (Revised - There should be no platoon of Uni Carriers with Boys AT rifle as these merely represent ad hoc vehicles with the gun being fired from under armour.)

The addition of a MG company, would also be accurate and benificial for QB battles.

Missing Morris CS9/LAC AC - could use Marmon-Harrington 3D model.

Rolls Royce is the original unaltered version.

If possible change to type used by 11th Hussars - take turret off put an open top armoured box round it - crew 4 armament Boys and Bren.

If not how about RAF Fordson version - with hole in turret on left side for Boys AT gun plus Lewis AA gun. They disappear as soon as the M-H appears!

Marmon-Harrington gun in the 3d model is far to big it is just a Boys AT Rifle.

CS-Troop "Platoon" has 2 tanks not 3 or 4! This mistake goes right the way through.

NO LEE - get rid.

Marmom-Harrington with captured Italian guns can be organized into 3 car troops, this would never have happened. One squadron managed to have a squadron with each troop's command vehicle in one of these altered vehicles.

Mike's comment - Sherman Fireflies are also purchased seperately instead of as part of a 4 or 5 tank Sherman platoon. Historically, they almost always operated as part of the platoon.

Right versions of Shermans at Alamein - mostly type II. Its first appearance - check arrival times and numbers for rest of time line - looked wrong to me in a number of places - I give a link to a document showing British tank types and numbers through out the Italian campaign for this in an earlier post.

Crusader availability

Crusader I and CS were used for first time in June 1941 (BattleAxe) but game has them appear in July.

Stuart and Vickers availability

Stuart I should appear in July 1941 and replace Vickers light tanks (availability should stop in June 1941). (Side note - tlthough the Vickers AA tanks which are not included in CM continued to be used in real life.)

British Bishop and M7 Priest availability

M7 Priest appears in July 1942, which is too early - In September 1942, 90 M7s were sent to 8th Army and were available for Battle of Alamein.

Bishop appears in June 1942 but were not delivered until July and did not see action until October.

.30 AA MGs on Sherman, option on Shermans at Alamein - not all units used them - probably just troop commander in the few units that did. Practised died out after about 3-4 months. NO MORE AA MGS on British and Commonwealth Shermans after that.

No 2pdr HE, 6pdr HE January 1944 for AT guns only.

Churchill III - first appearance at Alamein.

Vickers VIB is organized in Troops of 4 while all others are in 3. Pre-war paper organization called for a troop of 4. After France number of troops in a squadron were cut. Unofficially number of tanks in troop also reduced to 3. This may be more consistent and accurate.

by <font color="blue">Mark Ezra</font>

Cliff Bug

Infantry Climbing "Cliff" walls...ground floor set at 5 height set at 9. When it occurred at these settings I decreased the floor to 2 and raised adjacent height to 12 with the same results. Manual states height numbers skipped by three create cliffs...ie 1x4 or 7x10. Appears to be incorrect

Dynamic Flags

Exit rules don't seem to activate. I'm working on a scen where the attacking force is going to exit the opposite side of the map. I was using dynamic flags with "attack" set. When I play as attacker there are no units selected to gain points when exiting. I tried changing the flags to static but got the same results. Has this been noted by others?

ALSO (by me) - Computer does not select flags at random when playing the attacker in a scenario with Dynamic Flags; the AI always picks the flag selected in the scenario editor.

by <font color="blue">Mr. Tittles</font>

BAR teams

The BAR can be purchased as a support weapon. Its a 2 man team like the MG34/42.

The only problem is that it has the same ammo and firepower as a squad BAR. It can not assault, advance or throw grenades, etc. Since it takes two men to operate, its actually inferior to the inherent BAR.

by <font color="blue">AntEater</font>

Captured Equipment

I want captured 2-pdr Portees and Bren Carriers for the DAK.

Kradschützenbattalion 15 (later II./PzGren Reg 104) had a Battery of them until El Alamein.

Generally more captured stuff for both sides

by <font color="blue">redwolf</font>

Radio Bug

Some of the early war spotters say "radio" in their description line but don't actually have a radio engine-wise.

What is a bug is that some Brit Arty spotters are listed as having a radio, but don't (their speed is slow and they cannot embark) (also reported by Waddy_04)

Victory point bug around crews:

If noone ever makes it out of the vehicle alife (that means no crew marker ever appears on the map) then no victory points are awarded.

If some people make it out alife you correctly get points both for those who didn't make it out and for those incapacitated later.

by <font color="blue">Bone_Vulture</font>

Italian weapons models

There seems to be only one model for the truck mounted guns: even the tiny 20mm gun looks as robust as the 90mm doomsday cannon.

by <font color="blue">Porkbrain</font>

QB settings reset

I've been playing a long series of 400 point Pure Armour QB against the AI with all other settings random.

After 2 or 3 QB's the force mix for both sides changes to either infantry or combined arms.

by <font color="blue">Panther Commander</font>

Sherman Mortality

I have been playtesting a scenario with a Panther. That Panther has over a period of playtests killed more than 20 Shermans. Many of them at under 200 meters. Not a single Sherman blew up.

QB settings reset

EDIT Rats, this seems to have gotten deleted. I'll check from home and reenter this one.

by <font color="blue">Snarker</font>

Endless Ammo for German snipers

I've got a game going now where my German Elite sniper never expends ammo. 10 he had, 10 he has. Went through two full turns of firing.

by <font color="blue">Legend42</font>

Disappearing bases

Unit bases disappear on roads, this was in cmbb, not in cmbo. Also in CMAK, but in addition to that unit bases can not be seen on the 1st flr of all light 2 stry bldg. Once they move to the upper flr, the unit base is once again visible.

by <font color="blue">Newbtler</font>

Italian Order of Battle

1.) Please, get the Beretta MAB 38 out!. I've never ever read any accounts of Italians having MAB 38 in North Africa. IIRC, only some units of the P.A.I. (Italian colonial police) had them, not surely front line infantry. 2 out of 4 squads in the standard platoon were armed exclusively with rifles.

In 1943 some units were equipped with MABs in Tunisia but they were the exception.

2.) There were no Radios in the Italian tanks or tankettes in 1940 and early 1941.

I should go and see exactly when they were fitted, but they surely weren't there at the start of the war.

3.) The M13/40 and M14/41 are the same in the game . Actually, in realy life the M14/41 had a more powerful engine of 145bhp instead of 125bhp. The Semovente M41 has the correct data though.

4.) The Macchi C.202 was not available in 1940 and in most of 1941. IIRC it went into action in late 1941 .

5.) Quite important. Please give the Semoventi da 75 their proper HC shells. They were used in moderate quantity and were used to destroy heavier allied tanks.

6.) The Macchi C.200 "Saetta" was armed only with 2 x 12,7mm MG. and not with additional 2 x 8mm guns. And IIRC, the Fiat CR42 used often 2 x 100kg bombs, not a single 550 lb bomb.

7.) Helmets! Pith helmets were used at the start of the campaign and already in 1941 most of the Infantry was using the normal Italian helmet. They could be left to the Bersaglieri only as most of them used this kind of helmet.

by <font color="blue">flamingknives</font>

British and US HT and APC purchases

April '45, the organic HTs in British motor platoons clock in at about 105 pts, which seems wrong somehow.

The halftrack cost bug has cropped up again.

Sept-Dec.'43, US Mechanised forces come with organic M3A1s, when these are not available individually. As a result, variable rarity goes bonkers and consistantly costs the organic HTs at 300-400pts each.

In addition, shouldn't you be able to buy kangaroos (esp. full-squad versions) in platoons?

by <font color="blue">Steve McClaire</font>

US Order of Battle

US Army OOB errors:

- There doesn't seem to be a US 4 tube 105mm division level artillery spotter unit in the game. The only 105mm spotter available is a 6 tube regimental spotter that represents the regimental cannon company.

Other US Army artillery spotter teams it would be nice to have for accurate representation: 3 tube battalion level 81mm mortar (in every tank bn and armored infantry bn) and 6 tube division level 105mm howitzer (armored FA bn).

- US combat engineer units never had flamethrowers as part of their TO&E.

- US AB squad should have 2 x .30 cal LMG (M1919A6) and no BAR. One .30 cal LMG was assigned to each of the two AB squads in a platoon, and the platoon commander controlled 2 more .30 LMGs he could assign at his discretion. The BAR wasn't added to the squad TO&E until (I believe) 1944, and then it was in addition to the .30 cal LMGs. This one was in CMBO too, in a way, though the .30 cal MMGs given to the AB platoon in CMBO made it a wash I guess.

- It would be really nice if there were some way to get a troop & platoon type for dismounted US mechanized cavalry units. The TO&E down to individual weapons is readily available, and would allow scenario designers to create scenarios involving these units without having to 'fudge' using the huge 12 man infantry squads. There's already a "Recon 44" squad type that is close enough to do the job (1 x Plt HQ and 3 x Recon 44 squad), even though the weapons mix is not quite right.

by <font color="blue">Soddball</font>


(Napoleon1944 also reported graphics glitches)

Go to the scenario editor. Set the region as 'All Combined'.

Set the date as December 1942 and the weather and ground to snow.

Go into the map editor and put some trees and buildings and vehicles and the like in.

What do you get?

Wierdness. Vehicles without snow on their tracks or tyres, deciduous trees ablaze with leaves in snow in the middle of winter, and no BMP's for the buildings!

by <font color="blue">Winkelried</font>

French Order of Battle

But I have some more points on the French equipment in 42:

French Helmets

On all pictures I have on the 1e DLFL at Bir Hacheim I could see only British helmets. Not these old French ones we get in CMAK.

Bofors AAG

The 1e DLFL got delivered its own Bofors AAG (12 pieces) in April 42. In addition to the ones in the attached British battery (6 guns).

60mm/2pdr vs 81mm Mortars

My sources for April/May 42 claim, that the 1e DLFL was equipped with 81mm mortars all over instead of the 60mm/2 pdr we get in CMAK.

by <font color="blue">Darknight_Canuck</font>

Canadian headdress

a) Canadian Company/Battalion Commander modelled with service dress cap, same as all other Commonwealth infantry;

B) Service dress cap rarely worn by regimental officers in the field. Most pictures of Canadian officers from battalion level down show the khaki beret to be the proper headgear. According to Canadian regulations, ONLY officers above the rank of Lt-Col were allowed to wear the service dress cap in the theatre of operations, all other personnel wore the beret (khaki for infantry, black for armor, etc). Also, officers below the rank of Colonel were not permitted to wear the service dress cap with Battledress.

c) I suggest using the head model used with armoured troops. I'm not sure how difficult it would be to change but the armoured troops wear a beret already, so maybe it's not difficult to implement that model with the Company/Battalion HQ unit for Canadian troops.

by <font color="blue">Victor Charlie</font>

Gunrack images - German HTs

the SPW 250/10, SPW 251/9, 251/10 and 251/17 use the allied 30cal flexible in the gun rack instead of the MG42 flexible.

by <font color="blue">Treeburst 155 and Winecape</font>

Smoke obscuring FO LOS and inaccurate strikes

One can only hope that the following artillery bug – let’s call it rather a cockroach - which has manifested itself in CMBB already, can be patched in CMAK, to wit:

Treeburst: I've done quite a bit of testing on it too. If, at any time during the delay period, spotter LOS is obscured by smoke (not dust), the strike will be off target. Subsequent green-line adjustments are ineffective. The strike must be cancelled and replotted from scratch.

by <font color="blue">Romulus</font>

Italian 75/18 Gun

In CMAK the 75/18 gun's performance (mounted on the Semoventi M40 and M41) is underated: in the game it is not even able to penetrate a 50mm armor from a 100m distance while it was well known and popular (among the Italian crews) since it had a higher penetration power than the 47/32 gun (mounted on the M13/40 and on the M14/41). There are several AARs that maintain that it could penetrate 50mm at 1000 yards (this is reported even in Greene & Massignani "Rommel's North Africa Campaign" p136). The point is that the Italians did use a hollow charge shell, called "Effetto Pronto" that make a higher penetration power possible for the 75/18 gun.

Another problem about the Semovente da 75/18 (so as the L40 da 47/32) is the lack of the 8mm (bow) MG.

Italian Semovente da 75/32 armament

In CMAK the Semovente da 75/32 is equipped with a 75/34 gun while it should be equipped with a 75/32 gun (guess it is a misprint). Maybe the confusion was generated by the fact that there were two different semoventi: the M41 da 75/32 and the M42 da 75/34 (90 units employed only by the Germans after the 8th Sept 43 Armistice and never employed by the Italians).

Italian Aircraft Availability

G50 available from April 41 instead of July 40

Macchi C200 "Saetta" available from April 1941 instead of July 40

Macchi C202 "Folgore" available from November 1941 instead of July 40

Junkers JU87 available from April 41 instead of June 42 (the 96th group, deployed in Misurata, was entirely equipped with this German manufactured plane)

The following planes should be left out of the Eastern Africa theatre as they were never deployed there: G50, Macchi C200, Macchi C202.

Italian Aircraft Armament

Ro37 had three and not two 7.7mm MGs

Cr42 did not have any bomb. Actually there was a "CB" version (acronym for fighter-bomber in Italian) equipped with 2x100 kg bombs (and not the single 550 lbs bomb of CMAK) but it was deployed in April 1941. Therefore the Cr42 should not have the bomb load before April 1941 and the bombs should be 2x100 kg and not 1x550 lbs.

by <font color="blue">Wicky</font>

British Mortars and Walls

Playtesting a NA scenario Dec 42 had a British 3 inch mortar team (3 men) and they were unable to hop across a stone wall. Tested it again and with Axis 81 mm team (6 man) who can pass over the same wall without any problems.

[ February 02, 2004, 10:24 AM: Message edited by: Michael Dorosh ]

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Although i only have one list from 3rd Gebirgsdivision dealing with the number of necessary hits until the russian tanks were confirmed as taken out, there seems a major flaw in the hit-model to me.

With the downmodeling of hitting-effects of some calibres this has become more critical:

to me it seems, that the idea behind the current hit-model is, that it fits with the average historical number of hits, until the vehicle was definately taken out.

The problem is, that the real numbers of penetrations are in no way correlated to the effects to the crew.

It only shows, how many rounds had to be pumped into the enemy tank, until it was clearly visible taken out.

A report stating, that there were 10 50mm hits necessary until the tank was counted as eliminated, doesn't mean, that it was eliminated only with the 10th hit.

I'm losing more and more interest in CMAK, because of the ridiculous penetration-model and the unvulnerable Über-tankcrews.

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"Mark Gallear - not sure what to include or not include from yours, you got pretty stream-of-consciousness there for awhile."

What does stream-of-consciousness mean exactly!

Anyway those mentioned above are a good start - doubt they will all appear in the patch anyway.

A lot of airsupport is simply wrong - had ago for the RAF - some of the planes listed did not exist in the Desert Airforce other ground attack aircraft are missing.

The Italian Airforce needs sorting out all the diffrent planes appear at once - rather than the bi-planes at start of period slowly joined and then replaced by monoplanes. Big hint somebody with this specialist knowledge should post here about it ;) .

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Much of this is a FOW effect. Maybe try running hotseat tests where you see what is happening both sides...

The crew (of the hit tank) often goes shocked/ bailing out, even on the first hit (thus eliminating it as a threat) But the other side (esp if at range) doesn't realise this, so continue to pump rounds in. Very annoying with AFV with low ammo load outs!

Only if a vehicle brews up is the AI certain of a kill - a tactical disadvantage to some UK tanks that burn easily, as the opposing TAC AI will change targets quickly, rather than banging away at a disabled tank.

OTOH, I think that penetrating hits that don't cause damage should result in high chance of bail out. Crews shouldn't hang around... I've read reports of tanks being abandoned even after a near miss, the crew not wanting to be around for the shot that is going to hit.

It's been suggested that the 2pdr wasn't nearly as bad as the UK tankers thought, but at range they just didn't know they had managed to penetrate the Axis tanks

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Whilist I am in stream-of-consciousness mode - why doesn't battlefront simply make the Free French - The Vichy French - change the Flag, change the sides, dump the few allied weapons, change dates for the US invasion of North africa.

They could then do the Free French with The British pointy helmet, Free French patch on the arm, mostly British weapons in this period - goes US later on, and a few French weapons.

Just a thought tongue.gif

redwolf Member # 3665 has still not contacted me with a valid email address to send those saves - if indeed he is an official member of Battlefronts bug resolution team?

[ January 21, 2004, 05:27 AM: Message edited by: Mark Gallear ]

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John Latimer in his Operation Compass book repeatedly states that in the desert Bren carriers were armed with both a Bren gun and a Boyes AT rifle at the same time and not seperately. There are pictures of carriers in there showing this, the Boyes is positioned in the hull port, and the Bren is on the top of the hull behind the driver.

If this is usually the case as he says, it would be nice if BFC would include this as it makes a significant difference tactically, especially in the early war.

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Originally posted by Panther Commander:

The AI doesn't defend well at all. It doesn't leave defenders in defense. They come out and attack. May have something to do with the battle selection. They react as though every battle is a meeting engagement.

Panther Commander

It's to do with flag position. Unless the AI in in possession of all flags at the beginning of the battle it will move forces out to take control of those flags.
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Originally posted by Michael Dorosh:

Cliff Bug

Infantry Climbing "Cliff" walls...ground floor set at 5 height set at 9. When it occurred at these settings I decreased the floor to 2 and raised adjacent height to 12 with the same results. Manual states height numbers skipped by three create cliffs...ie 1x4 or 7x10. Appears to be incorrect

Maybe this depends on a parameter set in the editor?

IIRC 1.25m shallow, 2.5m normal, 5m steep.

A difference of 3 resulting in 3.75m on shallow. Not that high...



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Exit rules don't seem to activate... When I play as attacker there are no units selected to gain points when exiting. I tried changing the flags to static but got the same results. Has this been noted by others?

There is no bug with exit points. Unlike in CMBO you have to choose what units are set for exit points. This was changed in CMBB by the way. tongue.gif
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Hi all,

Hope I won't paraphrase someone here or in the last thread.

Here is what I've noticed :


  • Instability of the scenario editor, and the map editor in particular. After a first 3D preview of the map, or a jump to the level editor, the altitude level (the number shown in each ground tile) simply disappears, even when you switch the "Show elevation" on or off. It seems to be resolved by just leaving the map editor and going back again. I never encountered such an instability with CMBB or CMBO before. I did the test with a 800 x 800 meters map (Italy, June 1944)</font>
  • It seems that the "Full" fog-of-war setting appears by default at the beginning of a battle/operation. AFAIK, CMBB displayed the "Extreme" level, which is the most used for PBEM and TCP. Also, I firstly thought the software kept in memory the LAST setting I did, but a select the "Extreme" FOW each time before playing. Not in CMBB.</font>

Of course, I recommend some people there to test what I encountered to clear the situation and to know if these bugs come from the game by itself or from my computer.

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Originally posted by Joachim:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Michael Dorosh:

Cliff Bug

Infantry Climbing "Cliff" walls...ground floor set at 5 height set at 9. When it occurred at these settings I decreased the floor to 2 and raised adjacent height to 12 with the same results. Manual states height numbers skipped by three create cliffs...ie 1x4 or 7x10. Appears to be incorrect

Maybe this depends on a parameter set in the editor?

IIRC 1.25m shallow, 2.5m normal, 5m steep.

A difference of 3 resulting in 3.75m on shallow. Not that high...


Joachim </font>

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Originally posted by Soddball:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Panther Commander:

The AI doesn't defend well at all. It doesn't leave defenders in defense. They come out and attack. May have something to do with the battle selection. They react as though every battle is a meeting engagement.

Panther Commander

It's to do with flag position. Unless the AI in in possession of all flags at the beginning of the battle it will move forces out to take control of those flags. </font>
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Originally posted by Mark Gallear:

"Mark Gallear - not sure what to include or not include from yours, you got pretty stream-of-consciousness there for awhile."

What does stream-of-consciousness mean exactly!

Reams and reams of data and no real correlation to what you think is wrong in the game.

If you wanted to say - briefly and succinctly -

a) what is represented in CM

B) what the reality was

c) the suggested fix for the patch

That would help. Lots of good data there but it started to look like a simple laundry list, or "Mark Gallear's Guide to What Tanks The British Used". That's great, but you need to show what is broken in CM before we can suggest that it be fixed.

Fictional Example:

a) British "Thatcher" tank available in CM from June 1943 to end of war with rarity of 150%

B)Fake source document indicates that Thatcher not in production until July 1943 and first trial models in combat August 1943. First issue to combat units in October

c) Suggest tank not be available at all in June, rarity be increased to 200% in July-Sep 1943 and drop to 150 in October

Or somefink. Makes it easier to see what needs to be patched or not patched than simply saying

"F-49 Bumblebee fighterbombers available historically from July 1941-43. Fix."

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Originally posted by Michael Dorosh:

I'd like to include Treeburst and Winecape's discussion of artillery spotter LOS and smoke, etc., but can't seem to locate it?

Here you go Michael, I'm quoting verbatim...

One can only hope that the following artillery bug – let’s call it rather a cockroach - which has manifested itself in CMBB already, can be patched in CMAK, too wit:

Treeburst: I've done quite a bit of testing on it too. If, at any time during the delay period, spotter LOS is obscured by smoke (not dust), the strike will be off target. Subsequent green-line adjustments are ineffective. The strike must be cancelled and replotted from scratch.
To be found here, 3 posts down.


Charl Theron



”They were always late by a year, by an army, and by an idea.”

-- Rivarol’s comment on the émigrés and their foreign allies during the French Revolution

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Originally posted by Bogdan:

Hi all,

Hope I won't paraphrase someone here or in the last thread.

Here is what I've noticed :


  • Instability of the scenario editor, and the map editor in particular. After a first 3D preview of the map, or a jump to the level editor, the altitude level (the number shown in each ground tile) simply disappears, even when you switch the "Show elevation" on or off. It seems to be resolved by just leaving the map editor and going back again. I never encountered such an instability with CMBB or CMBO before. I did the test with a 800 x 800 meters map (Italy, June 1944)</font>
  • It seems that the "Full" fog-of-war setting appears by default at the beginning of a battle/operation. AFAIK, CMBB displayed the "Extreme" level, which is the most used for PBEM and TCP. Also, I firstly thought the software kept in memory the LAST setting I did, but a select the "Extreme" FOW each time before playing. Not in CMBB.</font>

Of course, I recommend some people there to test what I encountered to clear the situation and to know if these bugs come from the game by itself or from my computer.

Do you have a Radeon 9000 card by chance? If so have a look at this entry from the Troubleshooting guide:

Problem: I have a Radeon 9000 video card and while editing map elevations in the scenario editor changed elevation numbers do not display.

Cause/Solution: Alt-Tab out and back in to the game. The proper elevation numbers should now be displayed.

Note: You might want to try the new Catalyst 4.1 drivers that were released the other day as well.

As to your second issue. I just started a battle, set the FOW to Extreme and then played one turn. I then exited the game completely and reloaded it. I then started a new QB and the FOW was still showing as Extreme, so it appears to be working as required. If for any reason you ever delete your Prefs file that setting would get reset to Full though. Note, that was tested using the 1.01 version of CMAK so if it doesn't work for you that way it was probably something Charles fixed in the patch but didn't document.


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Originally posted by Madmatt:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Bogdan:

Hi all,

Hope I won't paraphrase someone here or in the last thread.

Here is what I've noticed :


  • Instability of the scenario editor, and the map editor in particular. After a first 3D preview of the map, or a jump to the level editor, the altitude level (the number shown in each ground tile) simply disappears, even when you switch the "Show elevation" on or off. It seems to be resolved by just leaving the map editor and going back again. I never encountered such an instability with CMBB or CMBO before. I did the test with a 800 x 800 meters map (Italy, June 1944)</font>
  • It seems that the "Full" fog-of-war setting appears by default at the beginning of a battle/operation. AFAIK, CMBB displayed the "Extreme" level, which is the most used for PBEM and TCP. Also, I firstly thought the software kept in memory the LAST setting I did, but a select the "Extreme" FOW each time before playing. Not in CMBB.</font>

Of course, I recommend some people there to test what I encountered to clear the situation and to know if these bugs come from the game by itself or from my computer.

Do you have a Radeon 9000 card by chance? If so have a look at this entry from the Troubleshooting guide:

Problem: I have a Radeon 9000 video card and while editing map elevations in the scenario editor changed elevation numbers do not display.

Cause/Solution: Alt-Tab out and back in to the game. The proper elevation numbers should now be displayed.

Note: You might want to try the new Catalyst 4.1 drivers that were released the other day as well.

As to your second issue. I just started a battle, set the FOW to Extreme and then played one turn. I then exited the game completely and reloaded it. I then started a new QB and the FOW was still showing as Extreme, so it appears to be working as required. If for any reason you ever delete your Prefs file that setting would get reset to Full though. Note, that was tested using the 1.01 version of CMAK so if it doesn't work for you that way it was probably something Charles fixed in the patch but didn't document.

Madmatt </font>

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Originally posted by Wisbech_lad:

Crews shouldn't hang around... I've read reports of tanks being abandoned even after a near miss, the crew not wanting to be around for the shot that is going to hit.

...And I've seen this in the game, but only with HE not solid shot. No apparent damage to the tank, just an Abandoned notice.


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Originally posted by Michael Emrys:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Wisbech_lad:

Crews shouldn't hang around... I've read reports of tanks being abandoned even after a near miss, the crew not wanting to be around for the shot that is going to hit.

...And I've seen this in the game, but only with HE not solid shot. No apparent damage to the tank, just an Abandoned notice.</font>
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