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CMx2 bones a plenty (renamed)


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A month or so ago, one of the BFC employees stated that we could expect an (biggish) announcement regarding upcoming games or sumefink at the end of this year.

So.... where is it?!?! Please dont tell me it was that trailer for Dangerous Waters, pretty please!

I was expecting something along the lines of a demo of DiF. Yet another Xmas dissapointment? :(

[ January 13, 2005, 06:42 PM: Message edited by: Panzer76 ]

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Yes and XXX Corps will still relieve 1st Airborne at Arnhem if they can hold on a little bit longer!

Or maybe they meant financial year.

I'd rather get on with life and see the announcement when BFC are good and ready. After all it will still be quite some time (months?) between when they start dropping bones and then the demo and then be able to actually buy the thing!

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Maybe we should start a new thread with a 365 day count down to CMX2

Maybe that is NOT in keeping with the "we will only release it when it is ready" motto but there have been a commitment to have it ready by Dec 31 2005 so the clock is ticking and they have 365 days left if they are serious about the Dec 31 2005 deadline.....

NOW the real question is :

"Are they REALLY serious about the Dec 31 2005 deadline?"


Are they interested in meeting that deadline or not?

Any comments?

-tom w

Originally posted by gibsonm:

Yes and XXX Corps will still relieve 1st Airborne at Arnhem if they can hold on a little bit longer!

Or maybe they meant financial year.

I'd rather get on with life and see the announcement when BFC are good and ready. After all it will still be quite some time (months?) between when they start dropping bones and then the demo and then be able to actually buy the thing!

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There has, AFAIK, been no "official" mention of CMX2 at all.

A few, what could charitably called, "hints" in the forums, spotted by chance. And a vague third-party article which was really something of nothing.

The casual, and not so casual, visitor to this site would have no clue that there was even anything on the drawing boards, other than those featured products from other designers.

For something that is, supposedly, only a year off, it seems very curious not to be even aware of what that "something" is, let alone any details of it. And even more curious why BFC, as the developers, seem in no hurry to publicise it.

It's no big deal; just seems an odd "marketing" ploy. But then, what do I know?

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I'm a bit baffled why there is still this hush-hush around CMX2. Normally this is to avoid competitors to catch on. But given that the 'competition' still cries in fear of coming up with something similar to CMBO I don't get it. No screenies, no confirmation which freaking century it's in!

My best guess is that they are waiting for the press to get rid of the holiday season backlog of reporting to gain maximum exposure for their announcements.

Or just maybe BFC are printing out all the requests for a bone and hanging them up on their walls for their amusement? :mad: :mad:

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Maybe we shouldn't call it CMx2, but should call it CMAFAIK. CM-as-far-as-I-know. Which is nothing. ;)

Didn't BFC have a mission statement onetime that said something to the effect that they wanted to bring the gaming community together? Where'd it go? The lack of any information is causing new folks to leave sooner than later since they don't have much to stay around for in terms of the future.

The situation isn't bringing a hobby that needs help, any help at all.

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That is bull****. The gaming community is not falling apart because there has not been an announcement yet. BFC will make the announcement when it is ready, and all the whining isn't going to change it. I will say the engine is being coded, and being coded so that many theatres can be done, and games can be made at a faster rate. This takes time when there is a single coder. There are other game companies that frequent this forum, and they are in competition. Work is progressing on the engine, and the brain int he jar has its nutrients and chocolate fix. An announcement will come when they are ready to announce something.


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I think Rune did a good job, but I'll add 2 bits smile.gif

Why no announcements thus far, especially considering how we've done things in the past? Because we start talking about it you guys will (rightly so) expect a constant dialog and updates from us. We're simply not ready for this yet since CMx2 (i.e. the new engine) is in a state that doesn't offer much for us to show or discuss just yet. That will change shortly, but for now we're keeping quiet.

As for a "Big Announcement"... we're closer to that each day, but we'd really like to get a few more things ready before we do. However, do not confuse a lack of an announcement with a lack of a plan. The plan we've been following, in fact, was nailed down as CMBB development was finishing up. Yup... we've known what CMx2 and its first release would look like before you guys even played CMBB or CMAK. We think very far ahead! In fact, we have plans for the next 3 years of releases. And no, we're not going to tell you what those plans are either :D

Now, why aren't we spilling the beans? Partly because this sort of thing SHOULD be on a "need to know" basis. We are, after all, a company and it does us no favors to announce stuff to our potential rivals years before we do it. It also gets you guys wound up way too early. Especially if we should switch something around after expectations have been prematurely set. So what you don't know can't hurt!

We understand you guys are all anxious to know, and better yet SEE, what we are doing. The core engine itself is nearly complete and the game design is almost completely hammered out. Things should move rather quickly in the coming months. And when the time is right, you'll be the first people to hear what we have to say and see what we have to show. For now you'll just have to sit and wait a bit longer.

As for a bone... here's a small one:

Rune reminded you guys that we're making the new game code flexible (for us) so we can give you guys more games in a shorter period of time. 6 years of CMx1 development yielded 3 games that were largely the same as each other (same time period, same general theater, same core graphics engine, etc.). 6 years of CMx2 should yield about 8 games with no boundaries on subject matter and fewer limitations on improving the visual/audio elements. The new engine will allow us to do WWII, sci-fi, current, fantasy, Civil War, whatever... and do it without it taking years to release. If one of our releases doesn't float your boat, it is likely that a few months later you'll get something that will.

More importantly, for you guys in particular, is the fact we can do this without compromising game quality. CMx1 gave us 6 years of lessons to incorporate into CMx2... you'd be a fool to think we haven't fully taken advantage of this great opportunity to make CMx2 able to do what CMx1 wasn't.

We're very excited about what CMx2 will do for gaming. Soon we'll be able to show you why.

That's it for now smile.gif


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The new engine will allow us to do WWII, sci-fi, current, fantasy, Civil War, whatever... and do it without it taking years to release.
Wow, that sounds great. I was worried you guys would go off and make an excellent game engine for a war/era I wouldn't be interested in. Thanks for the reply, all previous hints did more to muddy the water then clear things up.

But go on admit it, you guys LIKE being a tease. ;)

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*Fan boy mode active*

Steve is back , and better then ever :D !

Is this guy verbal or what. Everything he writes reads as a cigarette commercial, you just want more of that addictive stuff ! smile.gif

Rune you rule too but I would never admit it cause it goes straight to your head ;) .

*Fan boy mode off*

...but (there's always a but) as excited as I am about this new engine that can cater to fantasy-fans and WW2-fans alike , you can never please everybody all the time so stick with what you know lads smile.gif .

Well, it's way to early to predict or say anything like this because we fans know nothing about nothing. But we are still entitled to an opinion (unfortunately) :D .


Wishing the Battlefront crew all the best

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Not to worry about the "trying to please all people results in pleasing none" danger. We're well aware of it. The fortunate thing is we took this into consideration before we started coding the CMx2 engine.

The great thing about the new engine is that we can "outsource" development to others. For example, one team could be working on Space Lobsters of Doom (love that title ;) ) while I work on CMOWW2B Part XI - Combat Mission Obscure WWII Battle Part 11. And if we find that some subject matter simply won't work with the engine... we can skip it. Tons of other good ideas in the pile so no point in messing around with something that is bound to disapoint everybody (including us).

Charles would simply be there to incorporate specifics to make each have the features it needs. Because the engine is being written with very few assumptions, the code for Space Lobsters might only take a month instead and yet yield a game that feels completely different than CMOWW2B.

In other words... we can delivery many cakes that can all be eaten smile.gif The tradeoff is that it will still take at least 8-10 months to produce each, though this is partly compensated by the ability to do parallel development. Something completely and utterly impossible with CMx1's engine.


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Originally posted by oneirogen:


Which moon? You do realize that the Jupiter moon grogs will be all over you for this lack of specific detail?

Great news, we can only hope for an early release.

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Originally posted by rleete:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by oneirogen:


Which moon? You do realize that the Jupiter moon grogs will be all over you for this lack of specific detail?

Great news, we can only hope for an early release. </font>

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Originally posted by Salkin:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by rleete:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by oneirogen:


Which moon? You do realize that the Jupiter moon grogs will be all over you for this lack of specific detail?

Great news, we can only hope for an early release. </font>

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From On High:

6 years of CMx2 should yield about 8 games with no boundaries on subject matter and fewer limitations on improving the visual/audio elements. The new engine will allow us to do WWII, sci-fi, current, fantasy, Civil War, whatever... and do it without it taking years to release. If one of our releases doesn't float your boat, it is likely that a few months later you'll get something that will.
What excellent news!

It suggests what the fans of John Tiller's games have been getting: a solid core engine adaptable to new theaters and deep data, with a new title released every six months or so. I like that!

Of course, the first objection will be from players who want the engine opened so that they can make their own theaters.

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