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Peng challenged us to ask, can we impeach the Justicar?


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People, hear yee, hear yee I am a faithful & honourable squire of my liege Boo Radley of the House of Morse.

I know that many new faces browse through our cursed home, the cesspool

They may be frightened nay horrified by the likes of dalem and shocked that we accept ‘lawyers’ like MrSpkr into our bosom…

I say unto you… let fear not quench your curiousness

Dive in for it is warmer hear than one would expect

However before tresspassing be warned for there are rules to any place and this place is no exception…

First and foremost I would like to say… Sod off

Secondly and with much regret I beseech thee to… Sod off

Thricely and with great relish I ask… why have thee not sodden off?

Fourthly this is a place for challenges but not any challenge will do. Nay, we could all challenge each other to see who can, say, hit Lars the hardest or who can put up with stickypiss for the longest but these challenges will not do. Here the challenge must be in the form of a Combat Mission

Fifthly the challenges must be made with wit, style, panache and at least a shred of dignity. It is strongly advised that ye act as if thy precious jewels are most humongous but ye must not necessarily say this directly.

Sixthly though this is a place for challenges those challenges must preferably be amongst equals, as such a newbie or SSN must challenge someone suitably awful and do so with his or her address on display. A squire (unless he is of a particularly high potential like myself) must not challenge a Knight. All Knights must be respected, even more so if it is an olde one or the Justicar

Seventhly it is not only a rule but considered very wise to show respect to the ladies of the pool for they are fickle and cruel beyond reason. However many mistakes have occurred especially with so many effete people around here so a handy bit of advice is 'if thee hear one who seems most powerful but confident enough to not brag about it then ye have probably met a lady'

Eighthly and most importantly of all, ye must keep your petty bigotries outside these walls if ye have a problem with someone’s race*, creed, class or religion then you face a far worse fate than Coventry (which is our own place of punishment).

Finally I ask ye all to provide entertainment to us all and to the olde ones & knights in particular… they are mostly ancient and very little brings them pleasure.

As such try your best and soon you'll learn all the other countless minor rules, regulations & rituals (for full details call at joe.shaw@comcast.net) & ask thyself … “what is the worst that can happen?”


The answer is of course “I could be asked to Sod off”


Alternatively you could be forced to communicate with Nidan1 but then again such communications usually end in his surrender so…

* The exception is a race of people known as the Australians these can be mocked at will; it isn’t bigotry if it’s so obviously true…

[ November 18, 2004, 08:01 AM: Message edited by: 37mm ]

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Weasel words, but you're learning fast.

However, a bit of advice. Before aiming at the Justicar, it's sorta traditional to stab your sponsor in the back first.

I mean, really, he's probably sobbing quietly to himself right now.

And will be for a long time I suppose...

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Boy, what a fun day this has been. Pouring rain, being too soon for class. Spending the better part of 4 hours pushing a button and turning a light switch on and off.

Oh well at least I hadn't patched. For you see I had a dream..a vision in which I foresaw this problem. I saw more than that and I will be releasing my book of predictions, it will be available for €9,95 and you will buy it, it's predestined.

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Rules, shules. What happened to good old vitriol? 'Hate and be hated' was the Cesspool I once knew. Has everyone begun dressing like gnomes and singing campfire songs 'neath the old Willow tree?

The New Peng Challenge Thread! If there's too much Combat in your Combat Mission, come here to lay on a comfy couch and whittle a walking stick.

Daft buggers...you're even letting someone post currency in Euros! Any decent Penger knows that we only deal in Gold Bullion here.

It's evident that this thread has been lacking true leadership of late. Someone may have to change that...

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Rules, shules. What happened to good old vitriol? 'Hate and be hated' was the Cesspool I once knew. Has everyone begun dressing like gnomes and singing campfire songs 'neath the old Willow tree?
Takes off his funny little hat, packs away his marshmallows, puts back on his lab coat & starts measuring the thickness of mice ears (sigh)…
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Ah, I remember my first Thread.

Such a heady experience! There I was, newly made a Kanigget by M'Lud Croda. He looked at me with a twinkie* in his eye and said, "Screw this up and I'll stick the BOOT in so far your breath will smell like shoe polish."

it was a long time before my mouth felt minty fresh again.

Joe, I understand your distress and I take full responsibility for the actions of my Squire, 37mm, for is it not often said, "Birds of a feather are just a bunch of flockers"? And where would we be, any of us, if that were not true, eh?

But the lad has such a fiery spirit and is so full of Moxie, Flopsy, Cotton-tail, and Peter, that at times it seems best to give him his head.

I know you would say, "On a platter!", Joe, but remember, we all were young once and we all cut capers and had larks and spent our fair share of time behind bars living in fear of THE MAN.

You remember those times, don't you Joe?

(*When it came to cake based snack foods, M'Lud's hand-eye coordination was literal and always amusing.)

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My rules are always better.


Everyone thinking of Burger King and those great yellow hats of Olde?

Hold the pair-talk hold the smilies

Hate-filled posters don't upset us

That's why MBT let's you hate us our way

Hate us our way in the MBT

Hate us our way in the MBT...

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Originally posted by Boo Radley:

Ah, I remember my first Thread.

Such a heady experience! There I was, newly made a Kanigget by M'Lud Croda. He looked at me with a twinkie* in his eye and said, "Screw this up and I'll stick the BOOT in so far your breath will smell like shoe polish."

it was a long time before my mouth felt minty fresh again.

Joe, I understand your distress and I take full responsibility for the actions of my Squire, 37mm, for is it not often said, "Birds of a feather are just a bunch of flockers"? And where would we be, any of us, if that were not true, eh?

But the lad has such a fiery spirit and is so full of Moxie, Flopsy, Cotton-tail, and Peter, that at times it seems best to give him his head.

I know you would say, "On a platter!", Joe, but remember, we all were young once and we all cut capers and had larks and spent our fair share of time behind bars living in fear of THE MAN.

You remember those times, don't you Joe?

(*When it came to cake based snack foods, M'Lud's hand-eye coordination was literal and always amusing.)

Full responsibility he SAYS, but full responsibility he does not MEAN!

A PROPER Liege Lord would see to it that CORRECTION was applied when errors were made. That's right Boo Radley I speak now of the ***BOOT***. Spare the rod and spoil the fishing, that's what I always say.

Now if the error was YOUR'S ... in that you did not properly instruct young 37mm, then I fully expect, AS DOES THE BODY OF THE CESSPOOL, that you will STILL apply the ***BOOT*** as this will further instruct young 37mm that error is not tolerated ... even if it's YOUR error and HIS posterior.

Failing that you MAY apply the ***BOOT*** to YOURSELF ... that could be worth a giggle or two.


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Originally posted by Hiram Sedai:

If Joe is giggling and Roo Badly has minty breath, has the world turned topsy turvy? I wonder if Berli will now sing some jolly sing songs.

I did NOT giggle ... I merely stated that seeing Boo try to give himself the ***BOOT would be WORTH a giggle ... those who choose to giggle, not that there's anything wrong with that, may giggle, others may not.

Don't you have some glue fingerprints to apply to your tank?


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