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The passion of the Peng Challenge


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And lo, a holy voice did speaketh,

stop this naughtiness immediately
... and the cesspoolers did wail, and there was gnashing of teeth, and the trembling, and emptying of bladders.

For the cesspoolers did fall to the ground and begged in unison 'forgive us'

And the voice did speaketh again and said.....

ahh sod it! If they've never learnt the rules by now they never will! I'm off to the pub.

[ March 14, 2004, 05:12 AM: Message edited by: Mace ]

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Originally posted by Moon:

Peng thread or not, this kind of link will not be tolerated on this forum. I considered removing it but since everybody here seemed to have to copy it as a quote, I'm going to simply lock the thread. Feel free to start a new Peng thread of course.

SturmSebber, please refrain from posting stuff like this in the future, thanks.


Oh Dear... guess someone was offended enough to complain... I was going to suggest to Sturmy that he should remove the link after it was still drawing attention on the last page..

Hmm then again....

It was Martin who closed the thread... and with a screen name like MOON well hell.... that link must have brought tears to his eyes..

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Some updates:

Elvis the eevil swine has likened my play to that of Hirams. Gawd, that means i'll have to whip up another challenge when I get finished whipping his pants in this Andreas abomination. But still, an easy win coming up.

(Some people have no couth - that's a disgusting thing to taunt with...)

Lurker is about to interupt my Aussie Battlers at the barbecue they have set up on "our side" of the sand dune. If he would wait a few more turns I would invite him over, AFTER we have finished off the steaks. (Another opponent who can hack into the game and "fix" the so-called random parameters to give himself a REAL tank, and me none !)

Calling someone a cheat may be going a bit too far...maybe...sometimes...perhaps...!

Still, an easy win coming up.

Nidan-one is spearing his tanks one by one very successfully onto my trench line. He sends 'em over, we knocks 'em out. Like clockwork. Pretty to watch. Elsewhere, his infantry dig their own graves, and promptly fall into them. Neato ! An easy win coming up.

Part-time-turn-sender, Mace is getting run over by my great purchase of 8 tanks to his none. Oh, he did have an ATG, but that got splattered really early. Another easy win coming up.

Speedbump has yet to learn the elementary tactic when facing Tigers. Run, scurry, cower, hide - but DON'T TRY TO OUT-SHOOT THEM !

Pity his infantry don't know when to quit....

But, another easy win coming up.


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Listening to this now, it's very addictive..

I blame Seanacoochie

Jeanna left town, with the first snow of the year

He drove her to the airport in his Ford.

And he tried to propose, as he ordered one more beer

But the PA drowned his words, and it was time for her to board

So he walked her to the gate, he took his hat off as he kissed her

He needed one more drink to take the chill off of his soul

He said a quick goodbye, then spent two hours in the bar

Finally paid his tab, and kept a dollar for the toll

Everything slips through these cold fingers

Like trying to hold water, trying to hold sand

Close your eyes and make a wish, and listen to the singer

One more round, bartender, pour a double if you can.

It's four o'clock, and the sun’s gone down the drain

It's still late winter, but they say it's early spring

Lewis reads the gas-pumps; Rossi counts the oils

But me I'm done, so punch the clock, and see you in the morning

There's nothing back at home, than ain't gone greasy from the stove

I never laughed so hard as when that typewriter broke

Think I'll stop along the river road, for a half-pint and some beer

Well everything would be okay, if those old dreams would disappear

Everything slips through these cold fingers

Like trying to hold water, trying to hold sand

Close your eyes and make a wish, and listen to the singer

One more round, bartender, pour a double if you can.

The dog can't move no more, surprised he made it till the Spring

His pain won't go away, and the pills don't do a thing

You've known that old hound longer than you've known any of your friends

And no matter how you let him down he'd always take you back again

So it's one tall glass of whisky, one more drink for old time's sake

The dog just lays in bed, and watches every move you make

Wrap him in his blanket, hold him once more close to you

Lead him out behind the barn, with a borrowed .22

Everything slips through these cold fingers

Like trying to hold water, trying to hold sand

Close your eyes and make a wish, and listen to the singer

One more round, bartender, pour a double if you can.

“These Cold Fingers”

-Bill Morrissey

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Originally posted by Berlichtingen:

HA! A new SIN brought to our attention by CavalryMan (not to be confused with that idiot CavScout).

Oh woe is me! 20 months of blameless posting and untold sinless months lurking and I get a quote in the MBT!

Only another 10 years till I have the time and a suitably armoured pair to challenge a squire and eventually a (whisper) knight (/whisper) and get my name bolded.

Mind you the way I feel right now I should be posting in the "other" thread with loads of angry faces.

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Originally posted by CavalryMan:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Berlichtingen:

HA! A new SIN brought to our attention by CavalryMan (not to be confused with that idiot CavScout).

Oh woe is me! 20 months of blameless posting and untold sinless months lurking and I get a quote in the MBT!

Only another 10 years till I have the time and a suitably armoured pair to challenge a squire and eventually a (whisper) knight (/whisper) and get my name bolded.

Mind you the way I feel right now I should be posting in the "other" thread with loads of angry faces. </font>

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Please note that being quoted in the MBT is not an invitation to post therein, I.E. Sod Off!

[Edited to note that the bastiche was not even quoted - it was a blimmin link!]

(touch forelock) Yes master, sorry master, anything you say master, sodding off now master(untouch forelock)

Wanders off muttering revolutionary quotations from Voltaire

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Cavalryman? Cavalryman? From England? What? You still have cavalry after charging hither and yon during the peninsular campaign? Can you quote "Fiddler's Green" from memory? Do you have a Stetson and a Sabre? Have you ever been in a unit that at one time was the victim of a "massacre"? If not, what kind of cavalry man are you? And stop your forelock tugging, I patented that you cheeky bugger!!!

Rune , Rune , wherefore art thou oh great house leader? Am I to suffer the slings and arrows of such poseurs alone?

Hmm, I see that things here in the pool have degenerated to their pre-NGcavscout conditions, what to do, what to do? I guess that I shall have to take some time off from fighting crime, and preventing the infiltration of FIB's and Minnestroneannies into the blessed Dairyland in order to hunt down that dastardly Swede and teach him the errors of his neutralistic ways! Complain about my purchase of a couple of eentsy weentsy tigers will he, hmmph!

Boggsy, you missed me didn't you? Admit it, you did.

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I don't know about Boggs but for what it's worth, I didn't miss you one bit, oh Spanker of the Swedish (Just what are these Swedish things that you spank and how much do they pay you for that sort of thing?). Hope that makes you feel special.

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Originally posted by YK2:

Never TRUST a waffler

Ah, as opposed to the penguins, which are forever deserving of

endless and unfettered trust. Give all others their walking papers and

a good slathering with angryolized TNT until they beg for mercy.

This is a good thing as it keeps this place clean and tidy.

Of course you penguins are blessed with rather large craniums

and your naturally superior intellect outshines us all as we are

filled with ****e and cannot comprehend the simplest thoughts.

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Originally posted by Snarker:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by YK2:

Never TRUST a waffler

"Of course you ... are blessed ... and your naturally superior intellect outshines us all as we are filled with ****e and cannot comprehend the simplest thoughts." </font>
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Am I now to be considdered "bad company" ?

Shall people make a quick prayer when they see me and cast garlic and wooden crosses at me?

silently being hated for who I am, not hated for something I am not

I'd give it all, I'd give everything I got

to feel stable, to fill the space

can no one see the anguish across my face?

morbid but forgotten, disease will consume me

confort relied only on consistancy

lost all pattern, fell of track

tying every problem with chains to my back

quickly became nomadic, lost on the way to nowhere

life lost all meaning, numb and don't care

erratic and misplaced, hit bottum and still falling

worn down, no strength to keep crawling

remove me, completely obliterate

in the depths of silence, still can't concentrate

Ohw mummy :(

Post Scriptum : Woohoo , i angered the forum-gods! I feel like a Greek Hero-thingy tongue.gif

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OMG it's Sturmy

And look.... Look.... he's naked..


Hmmm.. strange thing is, he seems to have everything he should have, and it's all in the right places...

*Penny drops*

Ahhhhhhh I get it.. he's one of those Gay blokes and seems just a tad too comfortable in his own skin... I mean it just isn't right is it?

If he's made welcome him in the PENG thread then people may not like it and stop posting.....

*Gives Sturmy a slap around the head*

Now play nice with your big gun and throw away that doll.. oh yeah... and stop threatning some of the mens sexuality with those nasty links.. and next time... make sure it's a woman on the receiving end... You'll be sure to fit it then... (pardon the pun)...

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Originally posted by YK2:

...OMG it's Sturmy

Ahhhhhhh I get it.. he's one of those Gay blokes and seems just a tad too comfortable in his own skin... I mean it just isn't right is it?...


Du bist wie eine Blume,

So hold und schön und rein;

Ich schau dich an, und Wehmut

Schleicht mir ins Herz hinein.

Mir ist, als ob ich die Hände

Aufs Haupt dir legen sollt,

Betend, daß Gott dich erhalte

So rein und schön und hold.

smile.gif You're too nice smile.gif





Oh, you are like a flower,

So fair and pure and blest;

I gaze at you, and melancholy

Steals softly into my breast.

I feel I must lay my hands on

Your forehead with a prayer

That God in heaven should keep you

So blest and pure and fair.

(just in case your German is as bad as mine. ;) )

[ March 15, 2004, 05:29 AM: Message edited by: SturmSebber ]

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