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The Sun Never Sets On the Peng Challenge Thread

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Okay, the last thread, because of an insufferable number of linked photos, became too large. Rules to follow.

That was a shuddering moment of horror. The old thread locked for being too large (MrSpkr: I'm lookin' at you, Jimmy!), but the new one was not yet started.


So, now we have our own Queen, the Emma Rex I, our own faith C of S (Church of Seanachai), and, well, we have become an Empire.

Thus, the title.

Here are the rules.

Amaze us, entertain us. Post something wild, wittey and interesting.

Most of you couldn't do that with an entire choir of sodding angels singing backup and the Bard of Avon whispering in one ear and Cyrano in the other, so if nothing else, try for an amusing challenge to one of the denizens. Most of them will tell you to sod off unless your challenge is quite good. But other halfwits that are newly arrived here, like yourself, might well go for it.

Show all deference to our Fair Queen (screenname YK2) and the Ladies of the 'Pool, respect the Olde Ones, honour the Knights, laugh at the Squires and spit on the SSNs (begin with yourself; if you can't hit yourself, you will always be an SSN).

Finally, keep within the limits of seemliness. We are scholars and gentlemen. The size of your organ might interest the boys at the bar, or be the talk of the trailer park, but here, we'd rather see wit than...well, what rhymes with wit and absorbs all your waking moments, eh?

We have all sorts of ranks and rules and heirarchies and officials and a variety of household pets. You'll get to know what they are after we've told you about them. Sometimes we have to make them up just so we can tell you about them.

Now, be a good lad, and bugger off.

[ November 24, 2003, 05:43 PM: Message edited by: Seanachai ]

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Right, I've edited my original post to add the rules and such. I, too, blame MrSpkr. I say that when Shaw next visits Texas he should kick him in the fork.

Some idjit at work was demanding I do something, so I had to quickly reassert normality by posting the new Thread, and had to add the rules in as soon as they buggered off and left me alone.

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Originally posted by Seanachai:

Right, I've edited my original post to add the rules and such. I, too, blame MrSpkr. I say that when Shaw next visits Texas....

Somebody here mention the great state of Texas???



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Sigh. Pillocks and ingrates, the lot of you.

Except gjk (not worthy of capitalizing, let alone bolding), who is of course beneath contempt.

I bring a sense of culture, of art, a certain bit of style, and you neanderthals are incapable of appreciating it.

Of course, it did work everyone into a tizzy, and left Seanachai discombobulated, so it wasn't a total loss.

Heck, I call that a win-win situation.

Thanks, fellas. I feel better now.


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So you bloody lot are in Africa now, eh? I hate bloody Africa. Makes you say things like 'bloody' a lot. Why? Who the hell knows?

Is there a CMAK cheat code that you can enter to make your guys all yell:

"Rommel, you magnificent sunuvabitch, I READ YOUR BOOK!"

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Originally posted by Lars:

I blame MrSpkr.

That's as it should be.

Happened to notice in Bierce's "Unabridged Devil's Dictionary", the definition of attorney:

Attorney. n. A person legally appointed to mismanage one's affairs which one has not himself the skill to rightly mismanage.

Sums it up nicely, I think.

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Back, vile wretch.

What's that? No, I'm talking to Leeo. What? Well, yes, that description could apply to any number of Poolers. Sigh. Yes, dear.


Oh, the heck with it. Sod off, Leeo, and know that your doom awaits in Sicily, with many long sharp gnashy teeth.


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Ahem. I am proved a prophet.

Well, I would be proved a prophet if I hadn't, in fact already declared myself a god, and by positive acclamation...or, rather, a ragged chorus of 'yeah, yeah, ****e, whatever, you're a god, now bugger off', been accepted as such here on the Peng Challenge Thread...

Do you know, I lost track of that one myself. No idea where I was headed.

Ah! As to prophecy. I said that there would be hard times. We are, in fact, in the End Times.

Witness KwazyDog's locking of our Thread at a mere 257 posts. He locked the Goodalers at about the same level. And, when questioned by the egregious Snarker, he has replied:

Whatever works guys. As I only have time to check the forum every so often and as those threads were probably going to hit the 300 mark before I checked again, I figured Id give them a new start. Generally 300 is fine if there is only one ot two such threads but generally 200-250 would be better.

Ill lock this one up too now

Do you see? Do you see that we will soon be in a battle to the death with the vile Goodalers? BFC Moderators are starting to mutter about 'only on or two such threads'.

The message is clear. There can be only One.

And we will be 'The One'. Rally, all you sons of the Cesspool! The limited resources of the Board are being brought to the sticking point...or something like that.

We must destroy the Cheery Waffle, that covers the body politic like badly flavoured and vermin infested dough.

The Apocalypso is coming. Ask not for whom the steel drums toll, they toll for thee!

By God, and St. Bauhaus, mount up! We ride to battle with the Goodalers! There can be only one thousand!

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Originally posted by Seanachai:

By God, and St. Bauhaus, mount up! We ride to battle with the Goodalers! There can be only one thousand!

Yeah, yeah, yeah, which way to the logger's tavern? Don't you owe me the continuation of your charge across the open into the face of my "Armored Cars El Diablo?"
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Originally posted by Leeo:

Don't you owe me the continuation of your charge across the open into the face of my "Armored Cars El Diablo?"

No. Your setup was found to be naughty in the eyes of Seanachai. You're lucky you didn't end up on the 'Abominations' list.

You'll get the damn return file when I'm drunk enough to justify my horrible tactical decisions.

Now, sing. Sing, Leeo! Sing a song of victory over the Goodalers, you West Coast pillock!

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You utterly repulsive and useless lot of pathetic witless sods! It sickens me to even see you writhe in your worthless existance you call cess. As far as i can tell this lot doesn't deserve the pool anymore. those TNT chucking Goodewaffelers will over run you in no time. Now i may only be a wee lettel SSN. But I've been around since before CMBO was a demo and by God, no not you seany poo sit back down and stop drooling all over Boo, I won't sit here and let this pool be over run by those bloody fools! Shape up or i'm leaving! And then Goodfawaffle will get another TNT chucking minion!

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