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****ROW V (Part 5)****

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Originally posted by GreenAsJade:

Out of curiosity, why do I have _ded appended to my name?



ded is the username of the guy who took over for you on one of your games. Because the Nabla program requires the same name be enterered for all 3 games TB155 went ahead and merged the two names.
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Ok, feel free to correct me if I'm wrong, but this is what I've come up with so far

Highest Nabla score is 1.09.

4% of that is .0436 (bonus per AAR submitted)

x 3(number of scenarios)= .1308 (max bonus a player can get)

The highest score for group 1 is Victor Charlie's 0.39. The next in line for that group is Green Hornet with -.05. If GH was awarded the max bonus his new score would be .0808, which is not enough to overtake VC.

Using the same process I show the runner ups in groups 2 & 3 as not having enough even with max bonus applied to overcome the leaders in their respective groups.

Therefore, unless I've made a mistake somewhere, the winners for The Rumblings of War V tournament are:

Victor Charlie in Group 1

Walpurgis Night in Group 2

Steve S in Group 3

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Looks like I have a total of 16 AARs, as follows:

BigDog944 – all 3 AARs

BigDuke6 – 2 AARs (no Bear)

Enigma – 2 AARs (no Bear)

Frenchy – all 3 AARs

Jbertles – all 3 AARs

SteveS – all 3 AARs

If this is incorrect, or, if anyone has plans to submit some AARs so they can have a shot at owning a Richie model, please let me know right away.


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Ha-ha! But dontcha see, that was the gimmick. We all were given a game that was already well in progress - starting at turn 80 and finishing at 120. The problem from my pov is one of not being entirely happy with the setup - which of course we couldn't modify since we were given a game already in progress.

But that's ok. Lots of commanders in RL have been put into that position.

Plus the map was a pretty good attempt at getting the undulating steppes down right. The really, really long range visibility made you step back and consider - hmm, I've got a chance for a good kill, but at 1% chance of hitting?!? Nah!

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Thanks again to Kingfish, the scenario designers, and everyone else for their efforts in running RoW V.

Originally posted by Richie:

Congratulations to Walpurgis Nacht, Steve S & Victor Charlie!

Just curious...how can a replacement player who only played two scenarios in the entire tourney get third place?? :confused:

Before everyone tar and feathers me, I have nothing but the utmost respect and appreciation for Victor Charlie for stepping up and helping us to get the finalist round completed. He was a very worthy and gracious opponent.

So nothing at all against VC, I'm just wondering how a last minute replacement player can get third place in the entire tournament.

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Replacement players inherit whatever situation, and scores, the drop out leaves them. 99% of the time it is usually a disaster, as the drop out's strategy goes tits up and he loses interest in trying to salvage the mess he created (or in the case of certain scenarios the mess he was given :rolleyes: ).

VC's case represents that rare 1%.

It also should be seen as an incentive for players to sign up as replacements, because you never know what you are dealt. Most of the time it is a pair of deuces, but there is that possibility, however rare, that you find yourself with aces over kings.

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Either whatever you used to convert your AAR file isn't working, or there's a problem with the .doc to Apple Works converter in AppleWorks 6. Why? In your Tiger Panic (Tiger Valley) AAR, I repeatedly encountered lines of text which had been cut off vertically at page breaks, in one case so badly that I couldn't tell what was said. Worse, it appears that one or more lines are completely missing in several places, making it hard to follow the action, as when you're about ready to open up with your 25 pdr./6 pdr./tank ambush, only to have almost the entire action sequence vanish. All I know for sure, based on a later comment, is that it didn't go well.

May I suggest that you carefully review the file on your end for completeness? If it's not, please be sure to send an intact, fixed version to the B&T people before they post the AARs. Your AAR readers will thank you.


John Kettler

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Time for a little levity and comment, as is my wont in reviewing AARs. The ones from the Finals have been rich in nuggets, nuggets of uncertain origin. I say uncertain because I don't know whether I'm looking at nonnative English users, rushed AARs or both.

My favorite phrase so far has been "...and every halftrack in the Afrika Korps coming my way." Now, that paints a picture! The town of Fondouk has been a mother lode in and of it itself, with my favorite garble, of a whole string, being the rather suggestive "Fundock." Believe I also saw a "Funduck," and no, I don't want the details!

Homophone errors, which standard spellcheckers will never catch, have been abundant to the point of near incomprehensibility of the text. In one memorable example, there were three in one sentence, making for several rereads and much head scratching. In another case, "grognard" came out "grogand," made more noticeable by the use of italics, and for some reason, I immediately went from that to "grosgrain," like in ribbon, briefly shorting out my brain. The hazards of being an AAR judge!

Fearsome armored beasts became cuddly Tiggers in what I took to be deliberate choice by one writer, and in another, the level of technical description of one AFV, a Bishop, I believe, was so extreme I had to put it through my "translator" to decipher what was being said. Some of the descriptions were priceless, too, with one 2 pdr. Valentine stalking an impenetrable Tiger, conveying a concept on par with a mouse stalking an elephant--with rape intent. The ordeal of the truck with the 25 pdr. in the cemetery was frighteningly reminiscent of my own experience in the rocky desert in ROW IV? (the DAK convoy under AC escort), and the Sisyphean ordeal (pushing the gun to the top of the hill) awaiting the gunners once said gun was in the trench made me cringe.

From what I can tell, no scenarios in the Finals had aircraft, depriving me of a rich vein of colorful comments from the equal opportunity victims (the owning and nonowning players). Sigh!

I've seen normally great players wiped out in a few turns not just from unfortunate decisions, but the difference between a hand paddled canvas and wood assault boat vs. an armored, MG equipped landing craft. I've seen things execute perfectly, then watched others where everything should've worked, but nothing did, and the force which should've stomped its target got wiped out instead. I've seen Horatius at the bridge and Chicken Little on full display, with some fighting to the last man and in others, whole squads fleeing in terror. I've seen Tigers emasculated by 2 pdr. fire and halftracks unfazed by six AT rifle hits. Unless they were through and throughs,

would you stay after the first? Remember, it bounces around! And where would we be if our armor didn't bravely point its butt at the foe--while in LOS--and the AI didn't make a hash of carefully planned armored movements?


John Kettler

[ January 16, 2006, 03:21 AM: Message edited by: John Kettler ]

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Tried E-mailing you privately, but it bombed, so am asking here. Ref Tiger Valley, was the game a draw?

Am guessing it was, but you didn't say directly. Also, your AAR indicates the Hook Force? was destroyed in a single turn after you finally got it into position, but you fail to say what killed it, and the screenshots are way too small to tell.


John Kettler

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Originally posted by GreenAsJade:

BTW, do we need to do something to help get the next round of AARs up on the web?

I just need to find the time to PDF the handful that aren't PDF files, then I can upload them. Didn't Robert have to do some coding first? Is he still available to do that? It's been so long, I've forgotten the process.
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...Using the same process I show the runner ups in groups 2 & 3 as not having enough even with max bonus applied to overcome the leaders in their respective groups. Therefore, unless I've made a mistake somewhere, the winners for The Rumblings of War V tournament are:

Victor Charlie in Group 1

Walpurgis Night in Group 2

Steve S in Group 3


Do you mind forwarding the winner e-mails to me so that I can start preparing the freight of wines to the winners' respective addresses?


Charl Theron

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Originally posted by WineCape:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />

...Using the same process I show the runner ups in groups 2 & 3 as not having enough even with max bonus applied to overcome the leaders in their respective groups. Therefore, unless I've made a mistake somewhere, the winners for The Rumblings of War V tournament are:

Victor Charlie in Group 1

Walpurgis Night in Group 2

Steve S in Group 3


Do you mind forwarding the winner e-mails to me so that I can start preparing the freight of wines to the winners' respective addresses?


Charl Theron </font>

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