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Your worst mistake in CMBB

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Just made my worst mistake in CMBB. My Green T34-85 has spotted a hull down STGIII and they start firing at each other. First two shots from both combatants miss. Game turn ends.

He's hull down, I'm not. Don't fancy my chances of hitting him first with a 34% hit chance. I'm a bit too much on top of a rise, so not being all that familiar with 'seek hull down' I order the T34 to 'seek hull down' about 5-10 metres further back, expecting him to reverse back slightly.

But no, being a good computer-brained tank driver, he says "OK, I'll just spin on my axis, expose my butt to that STGIII that's 536 metres away and firing constantly. Then I'll drive down the five metres you requested, spin again, and then I'll start firing again. I'm sure he won't hit me in the meantime."

This is easily, by a very long distance, the dumbest thing I've done so far in CMBB.

Anyone care to share an even dumber piece of gaming, or am I the current record-holder?

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When I first got CMBB, I forgot about pre-planned bombardments and I was given a very painful reminder.....I had about 4 PzIV's, 3 Stug-IIIG's, and a couple of halftracks all loaded with infantry. Needless to say when the 152mm rain began to fall it was muderous: several gun damaged AFV's, burning HT's, and a whole lot of broken and routed infantry...all in 60 seconds!!

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Not sure about it, but I think if you use the hull down command the tank will search a spot where it is hull down towards to where you put the waypoint. Meaning to say if you put the waypoint behind you tank he will turn around and search for a hull down position regarding to the waypoint you set.

Not the tank drivers mistake, but the ones who gave him the order....

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playing against Neutral Party.

Also, tending to skimp on infantry in attacks, makes it hard to dig out the enemy infantry.

Biggest individual mistake, using the Human wave against a trench with 2 squads of infantry and at least 1 HMG 42 in it, with several others covering the approach, and they were in reverse slope Defense, it was ugly, even uglier the third time. Those commissars just won't accept failure.

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Recently i did an assault on a small village.

My men had to cross bridges, there were 3 of them , also some fords.

I dropped a LOT of smoke and 1 arty barrage on the village, and 3 company's went over the bridges with only a few casualties.

But then the smoke cleared and i tried to rush all my men into houses.....BIG mistake.

I had no overwatch postitions yet, the maxim's were not in postion yet and i had my (only) tank in reserve.


All my HQ units were dead within 2 turns, with about 80 % of all men 2 turns later and i surrendered.


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Running infantry in the open. I should NOT attempt that. No. I tried to assault with a battallion of jaegers towards a hill, since the flags were at the root of the hill. It sounds fun but I lacked some elements:

1) Support arty was not available

2) Support elements like mortars, guns or MG's could not draw LOS to the hill.

3) I thought that a flanking rush with German assault guns and a Tiger would suffice vs a couple of IS2 tanks.

Result: All my armor destroyed without them scoring a single hit, a whole battallion worth of jaegers pinned for 20 rounds, under more or less constant HE barrage. When you get 50% casualties to a large formation in such a short time its time to question how valid your plan was... :(

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Biggest mistake

Against the AI early on in CMBO career I had started a defensive QB. The terrain was favourable to an ambush so I set it up and waited, sure enough here comes a horde of German infantry and a few tanks.

I initiate the ambush the turn after they tangle up in my ambush--glory be!

Its then I notice 4 Pz IV coming around my left flank......

Pure slaughter

In another game against a fierce subhuman opponent

I had set up a defense then off on one flank I put my 4 Shermans and 2 TDs as a counter-attack force to hit the enemy in the rear/flank when they went for the object. To ensure they weren't observed I found a nice valley on the far right shield by woods.

The time came to crush the enemy who had gone for the objective --the damned valley slope was such that my armour couldn't get out!!! sheesh that was painful.

Another time, a M-8 Gun howitzer POC, knocked out 11 of my AFVs and slaughtered at least two platoon s of infantry the thing was a demon! Strangely I'd hit and penetrated it a number of times but It just kept going.

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In CMBB: Same mistake as everybody else... using the infantry like CMBO infantry... "Come on lads, first you run 600 meter across this here open field and then you storm the building where you can see all the little barrels poking out..."

In CMBO: Ahrg, painful tale... in "All or Nothing" (in my opinion the best CMBO scenario ever, if played as allies) I carefully moved an artillery spotter across a very dangerous field and up over a ridge infected with enemy infantry and mines. Eventually after some 12 or 14 turns I get it in position to call in some heavy duty bad news on the enemy positions. I click on the unit... and realise that somewhere along the way I've mixed up my units, this isn't a spotter... its one third of a squad that got caught in some MG fire... the spotter team is still somewhere out there on the field... I was so disgusted I didn't even log out, I just turned the computer off and went to bed...


[ August 14, 2003, 10:02 AM: Message edited by: Derfel ]

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Uhm, I wouldn't call it a dumb mistake, rather some unconventional, dashing tactic that unfortunately somehow didn't quite succeed...

Andreas was involved. On my side a brigade of T-34/76s. On his side a crack platoon of Tigers and some 75mm PAKs.

After having obliterated some of his forward infantry positions with a well-conducted, rapid combined arms attack I became a tad bit too self-confident.

Result: a replay of The charge of the light brigade.

The memories still hurt...

[ August 14, 2003, 02:25 PM: Message edited by: ParaBellum ]

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I'm still early on in my CM career, but this is the most painful so far..

Situation, attacking a village I leave my 2 tanks behind and move my infantry up to the vilage on 2 sides. I quickly see the vilage is surrounded by trenches (apart from the mined road, of course..)

I get a really clever idea. I decide to sneak up on the trenches. So Side 1 I start my infrantry crawling over a wall, movind some into buildings beside the trench for cover and moving others between the building. The other side I tried to move my infantry throwugh some barbed wire (I hadn't read that part of the manual yet..) and when I figured out the sticky situation aI tried to pull them out and move them round the wire. This is when..

Side 1 A flamethrower guy popped up and went *WHOSH* to the guys in the buildings and

Side 2 a guy with a machine gune popped up and Took carefull aim at the guys stuck in the barbed wire.

OMG it was painful. The guts of my forces dead in one turn To compound things I tried to help by running the tanks up beside the trench and watched as one got stuck IN the trench, the crew bailed out and were promply fried by the flamethrower.

At this point I wrote the Fuhrer a letter about his funny mustache...

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Playing Axis agin the AI. Not sure which scenario. Damp rainy. I had 8-10 tanks/inf assaulting the first line of resistance. I think the goal was too exit. I had a few tanks bogg. I carefully reversed and freed them all. I headed the armor for the road as my inf continued cross country. The my inf did a fine job of pinning his men as I drove the tanks into town. I get a tank immoblized as it entered town. I send the next tank into town - another immobile. A 3rd and a 4th. As this is happening, my inf are driving his dudes from town, killing ATRs and destroying ATGs. And a 5th tank gets immoblized at the same spot. For the 1st time in the battle I get off camera angle #5 and I notice this damn AT mines marker under the 5 immobile tanks.

I still had a long way to go and my forces were shot. Alt-A and I'm starting a new game.

Now I use all the camera angles.

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My worst mistake so far? In a QB I paused a 37mm bofors gun to 50 seconds to fire off 1-4 shots and then cancel the target and hide. I forgot to un-target the T-70 and I ended up wasting a crack at gun.

Oh yeah, btw, T-70s are nothing against 25mm at guns (Sa-Mle 1934?) when flanked, I had one take out a few elite T-70s with side shots as they rumbled past the alley it was in :D

Uber-finns > all

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Hmm where to start.

Losing an entire platoon in fog when they tried to move through an empty (and woefully under reconned) village that turned out to be swarming with russian SMG troopers.

Completely miss timing a 2 StuG manuever and letting a firefly pick them off one at a time without firing a shot.

And last but of probably worst.


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this is just the first one that comes to mind, it's only small scale but it's so damn stupid i've got to tell it.

i had a platoon of T70's facing, at 50m, a single StuG. i knew he'd seen one of the T70's so i came up with a great idea. i had the T70 go forward into the small depression in front of him, then turn 90o & race off. thinking the Stug would see him come out of the depression and start to swivel to face him. then, 4 T70's would dash past him, 2 to a side & get rear & flank shots.

yeah, yeah, no. the first T70 went forward started to turn & it must have been damp ground. the 2 T70's going one way hit it, then it started to move & got hit by the other 2. what this carefully thought out manouver became was a snarl of traffic in a place where there was absolutely no need for there to be one. there was nothing around to hit except each other. which they did. it was like the 5 stooges. the funny part was, when the StuG came over the ridge to see what all the noise was every single T70 had it's rear to it. it really couldn't have been any worse. they didn't last the round.

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