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ROW III (Part 5)

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IMO you are one of the stars of the forum for posting advice and help to players and you were missed in the tourney.

Once it is over it would be good to see what you thought of some of the scenarios and how you tackled them.

I also think whoever should win each group should at least give something back to the tourney by providing some AAR's and thoughts and views on how and why they won through.


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I don't usually partake in the forum chats but I like to read what is said and I do agree with Holien, it was surprising disappointing how many people didn't write AAR's. Now I know this is just a game and sometimes real life may be too busy but I do agree that so much has been given to us that it is just a courtesy to write what we thought of the scenarios. Unfortunately I did not keep my AAR's on file but I did send them to Kingfish who was nice enough to reply back.

Everybody should take the time and write some sort of write up.

Just my two cents...

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I don't usually partake in the forum chats but I like to read what is said and I do agree with Holien, it was surprising disappointing how many people didn't write AAR's. Now I know this is just a game and sometimes real life may be too busy but I do agree that so much has been given to us that it is just a courtesy to write what we thought of the scenarios. Unfortunately I did not keep my AAR's on file but I did send them to Kingfish who was nice enough to reply back.

Everybody should take the time and write some sort of write up.

Just my two cents...

[ June 20, 2003, 10:45 PM: Message edited by: shock trooper ]

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I have to agree that the feedback provided by AAR's is probably the single most important part of entering a tournament such as this. It furthers the hobby, provides a vehicle for improvement, and should be considered the "cost" of participation.

Having said that, I freely admit that I have only written 4 of 5 AARs, and I admit that only two were really to standard. Real Life does intrude, but maybe we should emphasis methods to help members complete these AARs. I remember reading a post from I think Holien, who stated that he writes AARs as he goes, instead of trying to spend the time writing it at the end. I have used this technique in the finals, and it is excellent. An extra 5 minutes per turn in most cases, and you are caught up. Anyway, maybe we need to share ideas on how we can "keep up."

Shock ease up on the force multipliers. Don't you want a close game! smile.gif

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I can think of no better proof of the value of AARs then in what they are providing me at the moment - a well documented description of my scenario, Hosszupalyi, complete with screenshots. Why is this so important? Because I've come to find out that my copy is corrupt. Every attempt at opening it, either in the editor or as a game, crashes me back to desktop. Therefore, I cannot open it to make the final tweaks before releasing to the public. My only option now is to rebuild it from scratch. That is why the AARs are so valuable to me right now. OOB, reinforcement schedules, unit strength and experience, map features, it's all there in the AARs.

Many thanks to those who took the time to write one, and special thanks to those who went that extra step and included screenshots. I really do appreciate it.

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I am guilty to a degree for only having sent in 2 AAR's to Kingfish while the third is stalled (King of Debrecen) at about the turn 12 point due to moving on with these extra 3 games. I certainly will be finishing my AAR for King of Debrecen but probably not for The Christmas Battle as I made it pretty clear that I thought it to be not very challenging for the Soviet player if he plays it safe and waits for his full force to arrive to crush the enemy using overwhelming numbers and firepower.

The last scenario being The Beast was a highly enjoyable one which presents a great challenge to the spartan German force but I have a psychological problem in completing an AAR where I was up against 3 different opponents at various stages throughout the game. I simply can't get motivated to do an AAR where my end results may have been artificially improved (or worsened?) by playing turns against 3 different opponents, it kinda feels like cheating somehow. :(


Jim R.

[ August 11, 2003, 12:14 AM: Message edited by: Kanonier Reichmann ]

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Why bother to bump it, only the same old people that bother to get involved or write anything.

To add something a bit meaningful I have three turns left with Pacestick and he continues to beat me over the head with it.

Mpisi has yet to do the set up. I bet he is like me, suffering from the various contours and problems with mountains..

Ohh how I love mountain maps... Now which is a cliff and which is not??


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Hi KR,

At this rate I am not going to hit the end of August.

I might not have mentioned to Mipsi that I have a slight engagement in August and we needed to get cracking, as a big chunk of August will be taken on other things.

I sent him my set up 20th June. Still no response back.

As you know at least I have the other two games finished.


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When is the deadline?
No deadline has been set. I could set one at a later date, but for now I'll let the finals progress as is. The way i see it, those who made it to the finals did so by finishing out their games in a timely manner, so I don't think a deadline is needed with this group.

Sergio, how is the ezboard going to work this time, since we all have access to it now - how are you going to keep people out until they have finished their games?
The EZBoard has 6 days left until it expires, and I won't be renewing my subscription. When all 12 finalists finish I will start a ROW III finals thread in the scenario forum. Until then we can discuss the scenarios via e-mail. I have the list of those who finish, and can start a group e-mail with those who have finished a particular scenario, adding people as we go along. We can include the designers in the group as well (including the guy who screwed up and forgot to move the reinforcement markers tongue.gif )
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  • 2 weeks later...

This Tourney is dead.

(Some might say it is sleeping, or dormant?)

But it looks pretty dead and only the usual old rogues keep posting inane rubbish to keep this thread barely moving.

Ohhh for the days of JK and witty banter followed up by great AAR's....

Anyway I have sent the turn.

Now leave me alone while I beat up Orcs with my mace in Gothic II and try and save the digital world.

And before I finish typing; you old sod, send me a video so I may marvel at your skill and wonder where it all went wrong.



P.s. I might even gather up enough energy to send you a video or two back....

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Well, it's summer.

I am behind my turns because of too many invitations that I wouldn't like to refuse, my workload in the office is high and I am preparing for vacation.

I think we need to relax our expectations, the typical vacation months were always very slow.

We'll make it before CMAK.

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Just want to add that I’m well into all three scenarios.

(not that it counts for anything)

The problem here is how to say something without giving anything away.

In The High Road I think we have about 13 minutes left. I’m the Germans and it still raining. My men are quite soggy by now.

Sometimes while making my move I turn the ambient sound off and it gets real quiet. Later when I press go I see everybody moving but I don’t here anything so I turn up the volume on my speakers….still nothing……a little louder…..still nothing….louder… then an ear splitting SCHNELL!! or somfink and it scares the bajeezus out of me.

So now I just leave the white noise sound of the rain on.

I maybe wrong (what a surprise) but I think I’m doing OK, but of course Ivan still may have something left up his sleeve (and what a baggy sleeve he has)

I like this scenario. Interesting site and movement lines.

The Kolkov Corridor (or something like that)

I’m the Jerry’s again. Nice to be able to sit and wait. In other words, look, see nothing, just press “go”. Especially after moving in the rain (see above)

There’s 12 or 13 minutes left.

What can I say without giving anything away…at least it’s not raining.


This one gives me the willys.

I’m winning…I’m loosing… I’m winning…I’m loosing…

A sign of a well balanced scenario.

Although I’d like to end that line with “I’m winning”

When did they say CMAK is coming out?

It’s a long High Road.

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