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ROW III - The Boots and Tracks CMBB tourney (Part 4)

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Time to start a new one. As with all other ROW threads this one begins with Treeburst's tourney manual...


Once I have 72 players signed up, I will divide them in a random manner (out of a hat) into three separate tourneys of 24 players each. I will then divide each tourney into 4 sections of 6 players each. This will also be done in a random manner.

Your section is where the "regular season" action is. You will play one game against each of the people in your section. You will also play each scenario one time. This means you will play five games in the "regular season". The sides you play, and your attack/defend duties could very well come out lopsided. You may play the Germans four times, or you may find yourself defending four times. The only guarantee regarding your matches is that you will play each scenario once, and each member of your section once.

The scenarios will be provided by the "Boots & Tracks" design team headed up by Scott Boston. They will be historical/semi-historical scenarios for the most part, and never before seen by the community.

The scenarios may or may not be balanced. Don't count on a fair fight! The scoring system will determine balance. It is possible to "lose" the battle, and still win if you perform better than the standard deviation from the median established for that side of the scenario. I will explain how this works later.

You do not need to understand the nitty-gritty of the scoring system. You need only be aware of the following:

1) Points for contested VL's will be split down the middle. This means final game scores will always total to 100. There is a very good reason for this I'll not get into now. If you think "gamey" you can probably figure it out.

2) Voluntary surrender is ALWAYS bad. Your opponent gets too many points for all the people he captures. You should always withdraw your people from a hopeless situation. This way you deprive your opponent of capture points. The game will auto-surrender you once your global morale drops to a certain point. Every unit that you successfully withdraw off the map will lower this global morale. Try to have all your people step off the map together once you are near the auto-surrender point. This prevents capture of units who would have made it off, but didn't, due to the auto-surrender.

If you score very poorly in relation to the standard deviation from the median for a scenario you will suffer a penalty (your score will be made even worse). This is to discourage surrender and careless play just to get the game over with. If your score is that low compared to others', we assume you surrendered or got purposely stupid. WITHDRAW YOUR TROOPS IF POSSIBLE when faced with a bad situation!!

I'm telling you all this because it is quite possible you will find yourself in a very bad situation due to deliberate scenario imbalance. Do not give up!! Withdraw!! The median score for your side of that scenario may only be 20 points. IOW you can "lose" and still win if you get your people to safety so they can fight again another day.

3) Your goal with each scenario is not so much to beat your opponent (could be impossible), but to get the highest score of the 36 people (three tourneys) who play that side of the particular scenario. Again, winning the game (in CM terms) may be virtually impossible due to imbalance. You never know what hand you may be dealt.


Each player will receive the schedule for his section only. Where your name is on the LEFT you will play the Allied side for that scenario. Along with the schedule of games you will receive a contact list with all the email addresses of your five opponents. When you receive these, the tourney is officially underway.

After this, over the course of the next several days, you will receive an email for each of the five scenarios. For games where you are the Allies you will find two briefing files attached, a general briefing and your Allied briefing. This email will also contain your password for that scenario. Your German opponent will start the game. To open the first file from him you will need to use the password I provide you. This will put you in the Allied setup phase.

If you are playing the German side you will also receive a secured saved game file in addition to the two briefings and password. By 'secured' I mean that the briefings have been stripped out, the game begun, and the passwords entered. This is the file you will use to start the PBEM game. It will be a .cme file, not a .txt file. Start the game just as you would any other new PBEM game. The only difference is that you will have to enter the password I provide you. You will find yourself in the Axis setup phase.


You will have 100 days to complete your games, starting on the day I send out the last file. This deadline will be strictly enforced!

The LOSER reports game results. If you end up being on the weak side of a few unbalanced scenarios you will find yourself having to report most of your games. This is, as they say, tough luck.

Game Report email needs to have the subject, "Game Report". The body of the email must contain the following information:

Tourney Number (1-3), Scenario Title, Your username on this forum, the side you played, your score, your opponent's username and his score. The body of the email should then look like this if you are Fred:

Tourney 1, The Ambush, Fred (Axis) 37, Joe 43

Reporting games in this manner will save me a great deal of time. With 72 people I NEED to have games reported this way. Do not send me final game files. Keep these in a safe place in case of disputes.


No discussion of scenarios is allowed on the forum until ALL players in all three tourneys have completed a scenario. I will let you know when it is alright to talk about a scenario. It won't happen until near the end of the tourney.

No game results are to be revealed on the forum. You won't know who beat who until all is revealed at the end. Think before you post, and remember, no game scores, no blow by blow descriptions of the last movie, no general discussion about the scenarios, etc..


Your game scores will be recorded on an input file for the Nabla Scoring Program, created by Jarmo Hurri (Nabla). The Nabla program will crunch the scores and spit out your Nabla Score, also called your "Tourney Score", for each scenario. Below is what the program does:

1) It first looks for scores that do not add up to 100 due to contested/unoccupied VLs, and splits the difference between the players equally. For example, a final score of 70-20 would be converted to 75-25. Scores will always add up to 100 after this adjustment. There is a VERY good reason for doing this involving agreements between players designed to maximize their scores. Perhaps you can figure it out?

2) The median score for each side of all the scenarios is determined.

3) The difference between a player's score and the median score for the side he played will be determined for all scenarios.

4) The standard deviations from the median scores are determined for all scenarios. This value will always be the same for both sides of a given scenario due to #1 above.

5) The difference from the median will then be divided by the standard deviation resulting in the "normalized difference from the median".

6) The normalized difference from the median is then assigned a Nabla score for the scenario. This is done with a formula created by Nabla that is at work inside the scoring program.

7) The average of all a player's Nabla scores (one for each scenario) is then determined, resulting in the player's final tourney score. The high score in each section is the winner of the section.

Nabla is currently working on an excellent manual for his scoring system (in pdf format) that gets into the principles behind the system and the math involved. It will also contain a section for tourney managers explaining how to organize and run competitions with the system. The work is about 80% complete at this time.


Bonus points will be added to your final Tourney Score if you submit AARs. Each full credit AAR will be worth 4% of the highest player's tourney score (before adding his AARs). If you write five full credit AARs you will receive additional tourney points equal to 20% of the highest player's tourney score.

AARs will receive either full credit or half credit. You must write more than just a few short paragraphs for full credit. I will let you know if an AAR is too short soon after you send it to me. You don't have to write a book either. Just give us a fairly good description of how the game played out. You could choose to write a piece on a scenario that is more of a scenario review than an AAR if you want. The main thing we're looking for is constructive feedback.

You are not required to write AARs. You just get a few extra points if you do. This could put you ahead if you're in a tight race in your section.

The primary purpose of the AARs is to provide the scenario designers with feedback on their work. If you've ever designed a scenario for the community, you know how rare it is to get this feedback. Writing AARs is one way to express your thanks to the designers. Even negative feedback is welcome as long as it's constructive and not mean spirited.

Another thing AARs do is help people learn to improve their tactics. Every scenario is played 36 times in a tourney such as this. There are 36 other people who had to deal with the same tactical situations you did. It can be very instructive to learn how others handled things, especially if you did worse than most. (BTW, all the AARs will be sent to you upon request once you have completed your games.)

Lastly, by writing an AAR (or review) you are doing the community a small favor. This is because the designer can tweak the scenario based on feedback before releasing it to the community. Having a scenario played 36 times by 72 different people is a great test of a scenario. I think it's safe to say that very few, if any, scenarios get that degree of testing before they are put out to the public.

Those of us who enjoy these tournaments need new scenarios (security). In return for these scenarios the designers should get the feedback they like.


Submitting AARs

1)AARs should never be sent in with game results. Send them in a separate email.

2)AARs can be .txt, .doc, or .pdf files. Do not write them in the body of an email.

3)AARs should not be more than 4 MB UNcompressed. Screenshots can cause you to go over this limit easily. I would recommend the .pdf format if you want to include several screenshots.

4)In the subject line of emails containing attached AARs, write your username and the scenario name. For example: Madmatt, The Ambush


Everybody makes it to the playoffs if they want! However, only the four

section winners from each tourney of 24 will be eligible for the prizes.

The section winners of each tourney will do battle among themselves in a

3 game round robin using new Boots & Tracks scenarios. This means that,

in the end, there will be one winner for each of the 24-player tourneys.

All non-section winners who want to play the Finals scenarios will be

separated into groups of 4 for the same 3 game round robin. The sections

will be determined at random.

These non-prize eligible sections are still important to the tourney.

Their scores will be used to give us an accurate median with which to

score the prize eligible players. Players in these sections can consider

the Finals to be a mini-tourney. Their scores will be crunched and

the section winners announced.

Bonus points will be awarded to the prize eligible finalists for AARs

as described above.


Charl Theron (WineCape), of South Africa, will send each of the three

tourney champs six different bottles of fine South African wine,

shipping paid by him.

NOTE: Since the 9/11 nightmare, laws concerning the importing of

wine have been tightened, especially in the US. For example, in

Arkansas, you cannot receive wine from abroad unless you are an official

importer. So far, only one prize has been undeliverable. That

involved a shipment to Brazil that occurred BEFORE 9/11.

Still, it is quite possible that your state (or country) will not

let you receive the wines. If this is the case, your prize can be

shipped to a friend or relative somewhere else where the laws are

not so strict. WineCape is familiar with the import laws and can

help you find a place if there is a problem. That is the best

we can do.


Incomplete games are the one thing the Nabla Scoring System does not tolerate well. However, considering the new improvements to the scoring system (Standard Deviation), and the sheer size of the tourney, this problem is alleviated some with regard to the tourney as a whole. Below is how MIAs and withdrawals will be handled:

For the first 30 days of the tournament, replacements will be recruited who will take over the games in progress, just as we've done in the past.

After 30 days, no replacements. This will result in unfinished games at the end. These games will be scored by me, based on correspondence with the players involved, and possibly game files. If you have an incomplete game at the tourney deadline for ANY reason, you can count on one of three outcomes:

1) You win at the level of the standard deviation from the median

2) You are assigned the median score

3) You lose at the level of the standard deviation from the median

If your opponent withdraws from the tourney, or is determined to be the cause of the game not getting finished on time, you get #1 above for that game.

If I cannot determine who caused a game to go unfinished (both players?), the game will be scored at the median (#2).

If you withdraw, or have caused a game to go unfinished (slow turnaround) you will get #3 above.

If #2 or #3 is applied to even ONE of your games for ANY reason, you are ineligible to win your section! If you're getting a slow turn rate from an opponent, you need to keep me informed (weekly notes on progress). This way, if the game goes unfinished, I have a history to go by which will likely keep me from assigning the #2 outcome above in questionable situations. I will also email you at the end requesting "your side of the story".

The 100 day deadline for game completion will be strictly enforced!! This is because the tourney is big enough that I can get accurate medians even if 1/3 of the games go incomplete.

Do your section a favor. Finish your games. If you are losing badly, keep in mind that your opponent is winning and probably enjoying himself immensely. Let him have his fun, and do your best anyway. Dropping out of sight when you are losing is desertion under fire!

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Top Posters In This Topic

To be followed by the latest game results...

King of Debrecen

SlicerW - Mr Byte

Nolloff - Seahawk

SGT CDAT - Wellsonian

Jaws - Joakim_Ruud

Heavy Drop - Mick_OZ

Scheer - Wadepm

Flammenwerfer - Sripe

Juha Ahoniemi - Enoch

a1 steaks - Michael Boyd

Nidan1 - JPS

Bimmer - Spanish Bombs

Anthony Hudson - Major Victory

Endit - Mr Spkr

tabpub - Combined arms

James Crowley - Sgt Gold

mPisi - Fate

jjelinek - Ted

Mark Gallear - Shock Trooper

Jon_L - Frunze

Frenchy - Joe_Cz

MikeyDz - Matt Green

Bryce Baker – Texas Toast

The Beast

Mr Byte - Stoneage

Wellsonian - Nolloff

Holien - Bertram

Juha Ahoniemi - Combined Arms

Jon_L - Jeb

Enoch - Bimmer

Sripe - Jaws

Wapepm - Nidan1

U8led - Texas Toast

Michael Dorosh - Cpl Carrot

Scheer - Sgt Gold

Shock Trooper - Flammenwerfer

Mick_OZ - Pixelmaster

John Stycharz - Lt Bull

Frenchy - Deadly 88

JPS - James Crowley

Seahawk - Cyrano

Spanish Bombs - Tabpub

Lord Dragon - endit

Heavy drop – Fate

A1steaks – Matt Green

MrSpkr – MikeyDz

Dirty Mark – Joakim_Ruud


Michael Dorosh - Holien

Combined arms - Enoch

Matt Green - Lord Dragon

Flammenwerfer - Jaws

Vadr - Cpt T

SGT CDAT - Seahawk

Dirty Mark - Sripe

Stone age - Lt Bull

a1 steaks - Mr Spkr

Nolloff - Cyrano

Nidan1 - James Crowely

Fate - Mick_OZ

Sgt Gold - Wadepm

Scheer - JPS

Juha Ahoniemi - Spanish Bombs

Legend42 - Mr Byte

Ratman - Cuzn

Joakim_Ruud - Shock Trooper

Jeb Callan - Frunze

Frenchy - Superslug

Bimmer - tabpub

Cpl Carrot - Kanonier Reichmann

Ron A - Wellsonian

Heavy drop - The Capt

endit - MikeyDz

Deadly 88 - Joe_Cz

Ted – Gunnersmann

Frontovik – Texas Toast

The Christmas Battle

Joakim_Ruud - Flammenwerfer

James Crowley - Scheer

Seahawk - Wellsonian

Major Victory - Mr Byte

Cyrano - SGT CDAT

Combined arms - Bimmer

Mr Spkr - Lord Dragon

Texas Toast - Cpt T

Seahawk - Wellsonian

Matt Green - Endit

Jukka_Pekka - Wadepm

Sgt Gold - Nidan1

tabpub - Juha Ahoniemi

sripe - Shock Trooper

Jaws - Dirty Mark

mPisi - Heavy Drop

Spanish Bombs – Enoch

Ryddle - Frenchy

Rearguard action

Nolloff - SGT CDAT

Flammenwerfer - Dirty Mark

Texas Toast - Vadr

Nidan1 - Scheer

Lt Bull - Mr Byte

Bimmer - Juha Ahoniemi

tabpub - Enoch

Mr Spkr - Matt Green

Spanish bombs - Combined arms

Jaws - Shock Trooper

Holien - Cpl carrot

JPS - Sgt Gold

Thumpre – Ted

Tero – Jon_L

MikeyDz – Lord Dragon

The Capt - Fate

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And finally the lastest AARs received...

King of Debrecen

Spanish Bombs



Cpl Carrot


Shock Trooper

Heavy Drop

The Beast


Shock Trooper

Sgt Kelly


Lt Bull

Cpl Carrot


Heavy Drop

Texas Toast



Spanish Bombs



The Christmas Battle

Shock Trooper

Texas Toast

Rearguard action


Shock Trooper



Lt Bull


Texas Toast

Regarding AARs, please keep in mind that I can only accept them if they are in either MS Word, Notepad or PDF format.

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One more thing...

I am currently working on setting up a private BBS for the ROW tourneys. It will be restricted to only those players who have finished all of their games (and the Boots and Tracks team), and will feature individual discussion threads for each scenario, an idea exchange thread as well as the latest scores.

I'll let you know when it is ready


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For those who are interested the new BBS is up and running. This will allow you a private place to tear the designers a new...uh, share your thoughts and suggestions on the scenarios, as well as the tourney in general. In addition, I will post the latest game scores to show everyone how bad you suck!

Here's how it works: In order to access the BBS you first need to register with ezboard. This is a free and very simple step, but one that is necessary. After signing up you need to find the ROW III BBS using the search function (try keyword: Rumblings of War BBS). It will then ask you if you want to join this BBS. Click yes, and a message will be sent advising me of this. If you have finished all of your games I will then accept and you are in. This extra step is necessary to ensure we maintain FOW in the two tourneys. Please check with the latest game results post to verify that I have all of your games recorded.

Important note: When you register with ezboard please try and use the same handle that you use in the tourney. If it's not possible (it wasn't for me) then send me an e-mail telling me which nick you have chosen.

Thats it for now. Please stop by and tell us what you thought of the scenario, tourney in general, and basically praise the tourney manager for all his hard work and dedication tongue.gif

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I now know what game some people have been moaning about.


Ohhh what utter bollocks....

Ahh well nearly over and then I can let rip.

Of course it is just my opinon and I am sure the designers wanted to create a certain effect.

Ha! Ha! Ha!

Well I shall just prey that my other games stand me in good stead and keep my average up.



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I could say that I lose so in frequently that when I do I often feel something is wrong...


However, as I don't play much tis to be expected and the Cpl's game with T will act as my bench mark.

I will hold off any more complaints and moans until those results are annouced, as I expect the Cpl to be moaning more than me.


Heh Heh Heh...

T is well and truly back on track and we have 8 turns to go. KR has 9 turns to inflict maximum pain and with file sizes over 1mb it is fun filled action...... NOT.



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KR I have had another idea to reduce the file sizes.

How about I just have all my units throw themselves onto your guns and die in a pointless and fashion?

That way the file size will be reduced to nothing.

Ohhh how the Cpl will crow...


I do hope someone has inflicted the same pain on Jim as he is doing here.


Bloody Aussies are winning everything now a days...

No respect for their Mother Country...



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Status update:

Tuomas has returned, we managed to send several turns a day, and finish our scenario.

Even with ISP problems Kannnonier and I managed to finish that battle as well.

The only battle still raging (more or less) is Xmass against Dorosh. That one is standing still for about a month (?) now, due to hardware problems at Dorosh side. Should we put up a collection for a new hard disk for him? The fight only has a minute to go, so when we get rolling agin it can be finished in a day or two at most.


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Hey I'm free on July 12th.

Should I bring the beer?

How about a 5-liter keg of Dinkel Acker beer :cool:

Wait, I maybe TCP'ing a RoW IV scenario that day but otherwise count me in.


[ March 22, 2003, 03:29 PM: Message edited by: Ted ]

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Attention RoW III Section 2-2!

It is with profound regret that I notify you of my resignation from the tournament, which I very much wanted to play. The cause is the continued absence of the new Mac, which has been repeatedly postponed

by an unimaginable series of cascading delays in the key funding. These delays have not only hamstrung the previously mentioned mass computer buy, but have put the financial screws to several

of my friends.

I hugely appreciate your having hung in with me all

this time, but Kingfish and I have agreed that my clock's run out and that it's time for him to assign my replacement. That person will have the luxury of being able to plan and fight the five battles from scratch, rather than stepping into the middle of someone else's battle plans. When my new rig does finally deign to show up, I shall contact Kingfish, who has promised me the same five blind battles against qualified opponents. No wine for me, no matter how well I do! I shall not be viewing any area with RoW III debriefs or AARs.

Thank you again for your belief in me, time and patience. We will meet upon the field of battle yet, just not in RoW III.

Farewell, O esteemed foes!


John Kettler

[ March 22, 2003, 06:15 PM: Message edited by: John Kettler ]

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