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Just Another CMII Feature Request list thread

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Originally posted by ZealotBurner:

Hey wolfe, I think we were looking for a well thought out list here, not just some random ramblings of a mad man. :rolleyes::D

Mwa ha ha ha ha ha ha!!! :D

[twists moustache and scampers back into the darkness]

Seriously, great post almost everything you said I either thought "of course, that needs to be in", or "I never thought of that, but now I just have to have that feature."
Thanks! I hope BTS finds it and the other posts here useful.

- Chris

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Originally posted by dalem:

How about a "clipboard" text file feature so we could write notes to ourselves in-game for PBEM games against that take a looooooong time.


I think that would be VERY cool

some form of "in game note pad or scratch pad" feature that would allow the player to make "notes to self" like "stickies" in the Mac OS (don't know what have like "stickies" on the PC side) that you could put ANYWHERE on the map.

It should be like labels on the map now that you can do the map editor only the player would do it on the map so that ONLY that player himself would see the note. This would be VERY handy for bigger scenarios and Maps in CMBB.

-tom w

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The complete experience - plugs into a slot in the back of your head so you get the graphics straight in your Brain - mod that Mr Nobby!

NKVD - improving morale by mowing down retreating troops in 1941 - Stalins purges, Hitlers purges - straight in the brain!!! No thats version CM IVCDLX

I will settle for opptional Women Russian soldiers from 1944 and Russian SMGS restricted to recon troops and Russian Recon troops equipped with German SMgs from 1944 and I want it (no demand it ;) )in a patch tommorrow not in CMIVCDLX!!!! ;)

Gone a bit silly - sorry :eek:

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dalem wrote:

How about a "clipboard" text file feature so we could write notes to ourselves in-game for PBEM games against that take a looooooong time.

The ability to export these notes in .txt format at the conclusion of a battle would be neat as well. It would facilitate turn-by-turn AARs. Just type as you go, spit out the result at the end of the battle and fire it off to the scenario designer so he gets some feedback. smile.gif
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Wolfe had many ideas about reinforcements. Here are some more:

Ability to use reinforcements in Quick Battles. One could use the reinforcements defined in the quick battle map, just like it is now possible to use troops of the map. Even better would be if one could also specify player or computer purchased troops.

When setting reinforcement arrival time, a new parameter "Battle" could be used to specify that reinforcements arrive for example in turn 10 of Battle 3. This would be useful when playing several games using the same map and troops of earlier battle are imported to new battle. Then one could have new troops starting from different places in each battle, instead of always using the same setup area.

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1. Borg spotting eliminated

2. Arty FO's that work correctly

3. Multi-player that allows more than 2 players

4. Full play-back movie

5. Dust clouds/rooster tails kicked up by AFVs (requires a particle system?)

6. Dynamic lighting to model dusk/dawn properly (e.g., hour long battles will see the light get darker or brighter).

7. Tree tiles that deform/splinter during various shelling

8. Better representation of Rubbled buildings

9. Some ability to mod the game on the fly (e.g., like adding new vehicles)

10. Mountain climbing (e.g., rangers scaling the cliffs at point-du-hoc).

11. Different battle types (e.g., scouting mission where you record the number and types of enemy you find, without getting spotted, captured, killed or sending in a seal team to wire a bridge)

12. The ability to place the flag anywhere you want during a QB (at least within a certain zone) and not have the other side know about it. Nothing worse than KNOWING where the enemy has to end up eventually. In some cases, it's obvious, but in most cases, it's not.

13. Paratroopers in the sky, gliders.

14. Willy-pete (used extensively in hedgerow country).

15. A hook to an operational level game.

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All of the above PLUS:

1) An integrated in-game "CMMOS-like" System that allows you to choose the different mods: uniforms, vehicle, terrain, etc.; AFTER you have chosen the scenario.

2) Hatch covers that open and close will also make a terrific eye-candy.

3) Night Flares and Illuminating Rounds

4) Building Booby Traps

5) Descending paratroopers & gliders

6) Ability to see airplanes strafe and also to watch them crash.

Cheers !! ;)

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  • 1 month later...

A few more.

* Have two different color Direct fire and Area fire lines each for both main gun and MG. Sometimes it's nice to have a combination of both; I'd like to know which tanks are using their main guns vs. MG only.

* Show AFV main gun and MG ammo as a colored bar like squad ammo is shown in the interface panel. It's nice to be able to glance at this colored indicator rather than have to hunt down a number on the interface.

* Different cost levels in QBs for armored combat. In Armored and Pure Armor QBs instead of setting tank prices as their overall effectiveness, use only a tank vs. tank rating instead. This would make good anti-inf tanks cheaper in these types of battles. For other QB types, use existing overall cost formula.

- Chris

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Originally posted by Wolfe:

A few more.

* Have two different color Direct fire and Area fire lines each for both main gun and MG. Sometimes it's nice to have a combination of both; I'd like to know which tanks are using their main guns vs. MG only.

* Show AFV main gun and MG ammo as a colored bar like squad ammo is shown in the interface panel. It's nice to be able to glance at this colored indicator rather than have to hunt down a number on the interface.

* Different cost levels in QBs for armored combat. In Armored and Pure Armor QBs instead of setting tank prices as their overall effectiveness, use only a tank vs. tank rating instead. This would make good anti-inf tanks cheaper in these types of battles. For other QB types, use existing overall cost formula.

- Chris


those are good smile.gif

-tom w

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Although the ideas in this thread are excellent and enough for the next 3 CM-games ;) i'm still missing one aspect:


* parachute units falling from the sky

* gliders (will we ever be able to play Skorzeny's liberation of the Duce)?

* the connection between disappearing unit markers and appearing units should be solved in some way, 'cause it gives way to much information.

And after all the big wishes, a suggestion to BFC for reducing their labour (the less work they have with 'standard' jobs like painting or sound-creation, the more new features they can include smile.gif ):

* CM out of the box should come only with the necessary textures and sounds, but the game-engine should be able to handle much more.

The game searches, if the appropriate additional texture/sound is present (i.e. winterized, wet, muddy textures; spoken commands [i.e. dependent on unit's status] , screams [dependent on incoming fire/amount of wounded], impacts [dependent on surface], explosions), if not, just uses the standard ones.

The way mods make CM even better, would be expanded in a tremendous way, with only few additional labour for BTS, compared to the benefits.

IMO it's unnecessary waste of BTS precious time, if they make the textures of early and late war vehicles and winterized versions on their own.

The time could be much better invested in the game engine and i'm sure all the great modders out there will be pleased to offer own versions of the additional, but in the original game missing vehicles' textures and sounds.

[ April 01, 2003, 05:13 AM: Message edited by: Schoerner ]

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I would add to these forminable lists

Inclusion of the Spanish Civil War (yes I must insist)

More smoke and dust - its just too clean of a battlefield. Especially from indirect fires and vehicles moving on dirt roads.

Designers should have the ability to designate certain vehicles and hexes that when hit produce explosions, burning and or smoke. To simulate ammo trucks, ammo storage POL storage and trucks.

Rear area troops or ad hoc infantry

Tents and other sturctures for field encampments and installations, wire fences

"debris" of war, dead tanks, equipment, wire etc - not charged to one of the players but counted as part of the "terrain"

Messages to players (time generated to simulate higher or adjacent units) ie "2nd Bn on your right flank has been overrun" "1st company moving up to support".

Selection of more than one reinforcement spot, entry to be determined by designer set % and if enemy is within LOS to automatically shift to next reinforcement site.

Better arty model (that is ten pages in itself!)

Multi player (god the chaos that will cause, especially in friendly fire incidents)

Pet peeve: Cheaper trucks and transport (plus those pesky horse teams)

A good anti-tank ditch

"Entrenchment points" or "engineer points" that allows a defender to modify the battle field, ie dig in better, lay mines, cut down trees, form a hasty obstacle, set booby traps, more camouflage, lay extra wire, lay out more commo wire, expedient antenna. More points based on situation, time, weather and experience/training level and competency of leaders.

A way to resupply ammo.

"Auto Intel", your elbow S-2 officer who makes estimates on what type of force you are facing.

Ability to set a global AI effect, "defensive", "aggressive", "cautious", "foolhardy".

Reset troop ability as:

Morale (The classic sense)

Experience (battlefield sense)

Training level (How much do they know)

Competence level (A reflection of leaders knowing what to do/tactical ability)

These can be different from troops. ie you can have a new AFV crew that is brave, well trained but never been in combat. Or you could have a Russian partisan who is a natural leader and very brave but has little training, etc.

Nazi SS troopers in Pink Bunny suits - no good reason for this - it just makes me smile.

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Originally posted by Hans:

Inclusion of the Spanish Civil War (yes I must insist)

This might probably best work in multiplayer with more than two players; player 1 taking the Nationalists, player 2 taking Communist Republican militia, player 3 taking CNT/FAI militia, player 4 taking POUM militia, etc. Most Spanish troops would probably be CM conscript level, with the occasional International Brigades, the Spanish Legion and the Condor Legion varying from conscript to green to regular, though CNT/FAI/POUM might get more than the usual share of Fanatic troops.

[ April 01, 2003, 06:35 AM: Message edited by: Engel ]

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Hi Engel

Ah a man who can talk "SCW"!

I've been collecting data for scenarios (two produced 12 in production) and have been looking at miniature games as they tend to look at these issues closely.

Yep lots of fanatic conscripts and greens, plus some fairly formidable international units plus the Nationalist Spanish Foreign legion and Moroccan 'tabors' - its a great area for small battles with weak tanks, artillery and MGs - more of a light infantry war were a weak armoured truck causes panic on the level of a Tiger II!

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night flares (to take advantage of the new lighting system)

tunnels (to simulate the remagen bridge scenario) or the scene from Kelly's heroes.

Victory conditions that depend on terrain features remaining standing (like a bridge or gas depot or train station).

ability to have a pre-wired bridge for demolition

somehow allow units to take fire from off the map sides to prevent the edge hugging phenomenon.

Ability to allow platoon remnants to be folded into other platoons, maybe not during a battle, but definitely in between battles for operations.

Allow different time lengths for the movie phase (e.g., 5 minute movies instead of 1 minute movies). This a good way to simulate a 4 hour battle perhaps.

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