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I Peng You Everyday in Public and All You do is Challenge Me

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Originally posted by love_rune but:

I'll guarantee that I'll continue improving the quality of this thrwad by any means necessary, once I wake up. smile.gif

Try sleeping on it a bit longer shall we? Say, another 1,000 years or so?

Listen, this 'thrwad' is not your exclusive plaything, dumnuts. YOU are in fact offering yourself as a plaything of we collective scum dwellers. You either join in the muck chucking at OUR level on OUR playing field or you can <BIG><BIG><BIG>SOD THE FECK OFF!</BIG></BIG></BIG>.

We tire of "self-proclaimed-messiahs" come to 'elevate' the Holeyest of Holes to some 'higher plane' of decency {gaaack!} or 'acceptability' {speeeeew!} IN THEIR eyes. We LIKE where we are, thank you very much. I almost nodded in agreement when I saw OGSF's Coventry proclaimed. I think you are fast approaching a crux in your Cesspool future unless you can descend from the drug-induced high-and-mighty state YOU are currently flying in and converse at a more depressingly moronic level.....

-10 points to the birdman.

Sir Aussiejeff

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Well, my brief foray into the black pit of the cesspool was as underwhelming as I expected it to be. Slightly entertaining I must admit,but hardly worth the time.

Apologies offered to Mace, Berli and others with Superior member numbers. The intent was never to belittle other Elders Of The Board but rather to put the riff-raff who seem to have made themselves comfortable here in their lowly place.

No need to pity me for my Canadianess. Dwelling in arctic tundra is good for the soul. Is it any wonder the militaries of the world send their pathetic green trainees here for some good old fashionned extreme weather training and to build a little character? This climate sends seasoned Siberians scurrying home with their tails between their legs crying for their mothers, and yet we Of The North can take it effortlessly and even enjoy the ice and wind slamming against our faces.

Is "fluffy" intended to be derogative? I see nothing wrong with fluffiness. Fluffy is good. Many of the best things in life are fluffy.

So much wisdon, so little time....back to the igloo with me.

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You know, I once bombed coventry once, just to prove to the allies that they hadn't cracked my uncrackable code. Turns out I was smokin' crack. Regardless of such actions, I can see that, again, we've illusioned and subsequently disillusioned another poor sot.

I wonder, why do so many lost souls end up in this cursed place. Don't they know that they can find porn or liberal commentary with a couple deft clicks of the mouse? Why here, and why do they always effect such disappointment and bemused distance?

Could it be we're the unwitting functional representation of spiritual fulfillment? In sight, unattainable, true perfection but requiring more than a physical journey to reach? Oh yes, I like that, yes, I think I will cultivate this particular genus of egomania.

Oh, and I'm still here OGSF, you rotter.

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Originally posted by Elijah Meeks:

Don't correct me, you're drunk!

I may be drunk now,

but I'll be sober tomorrow,

though you'll still be a cow

to your own great sorrow

Sorry for the appalingly bvad poerey, but Im really drunk

oops almost forgot

Deniser richards and a chainsarw (add to poem above)

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What can I say to you lot in my albeit slightly depressed state ...?

Well, for starters, I'd like to thank you lot HEAPS for your sympathies regarding my wife's father. As far as I'm concerned, whether you are from Oddstraylia or no, A FINER BUNCH OF "HONORARY AUSSIE" MATES, there never were.....

Tom's final biopsy results should be known by Wednesday. Please bear with my if I post a little further on this from time to time as the prognosis and future becomes clearer. My eyes are a bit misty right now and it is hard to make any sense..


But, all seriousness aside for a millisecond or two, I must not forget to OFFICIALLY CONGRATULATE the descent *BOOT!* of lenakonrad into Berli's House Of Hell as Squire To Sir Aussiejeff. {yes, yes ... that's ok lad - you can finish licking the greasy scraps from Grue's bowl}. Hark! Is that CLAPPING I hear from the assembled masses?

Squire lenakonrad, in the olde traditions of the 'Pool, if such things still exist since the RISE, DISAPPEARANCE AND FUMBLING of the King Meeks, you are to be "put to the test" as it were, to show your mettle before being considered for the next GRAVE step in your existence here. That is, to be deemed suitable for dubbing into the guise of a dis-honourable Kah-ni-ghett of the 'Pool.

I shall ponder anon what tasks mayhap will set you on the path to true insanity. But I will tip you this now. During your quireship, you WILL be required to interminably taunt and challenge the unlucky squires from other houses of ill-repute and to defeat them in bloody byte-battle. Oh, and also to rip fluffies to shreds whenever the fancy takes you. Just pass the pieces to Grue for processing - IF he can get the blasted nulcher ungunked!

Your caring Liege,

Sir AJ

[ February 07, 2003, 09:52 PM: Message edited by: aussiejeff ]

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Originally posted by Elijah Meeks:

Oh, and I'm still here OGSF, you rotter.

Noo ye not, ye stankin' matted clump o' goat snatch. Ah'll decide whuch bastarrrrds here or noo, an' Ah hadnae decided tha' ye're here yet. Sae ye kin hae a wee dump an' fall back an at.

An' noo fer some Archbishoppuy ****e....

"Mah Farder's better tha' your Farder at Dominoes"

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Originally posted by Leutnant Hortlund:

Shut up the lot og you!!!!

Ive just returned home from a night on the town and Ive met this amzaing amazing gitrl...


Thank you, Lt., I needed that.

Oh, and as for this "Non-Cultured" person, I agree with OGSF. Coventry for sure.

And as I see that konrad has been lowered to the rank of squire to AJ (Now there's a match made slightly south of heaven), I call all now to attend to the elevation of my squire Nidan1 to full kannigethood.

He has fulfilled his quest. He has annoyed Berli, confused Seanachai and made of himself as much of an obnoxious git as humanly possible since I first took him as squire, lo these many months ago.

So, rise, Sir Nidan1...(Well, you were supposed to be on one knee. Weren't you listening? No, no, no, don't get back down now, it's too late and everybody's watching! No. just get up, take the complimentary fruit basket and get into the receiving line. No, you don't get to hold my sword! Geeze, Louise you can be dense...) and accept the full responsibility and honours that are commensurate with the duties of knighthood.

And yes, we take plastic.

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Now look you lot, I went on the Outlaw trail to PRESERVE the CessPool and it's sacred traditions and I'll not see my sacrifice thrown over when the first pretty face shows up ... well, okay that's a bit over the top when you consider that it was OGSF's face we're talking about ... okay forget the whole pretty face thing. Just because he was the first to post the Coventry idea doesn't mean he has the right to proclaim it.

ONLY the Justicar of the Peng Challenge Thread may proclaim Coventry and that only after the agreement of the Olde Ones met in conclave agree and the appropriate 24 hours has elapsed for full reflection of the awesome responsibility involved ...

hmmm ...

So what time is it now then? REALLY? I'd have figured it for at least six hours. Pity.

dumdedumdedum ...

Okay tell you what, since I'm the Outlaw Justicar then I can do things the Outlaw way right? So howsabout this, from now on ...

YOUKNOWWHO is sent to Coventry by ... uh ... aclimatization ... or something like that. For those newbies who don't know, when Coventry is proclaimed, no Knight, Squire or Serf of the CessPool shall respond (in the MBT of course, I mean who really cares about the outerboard) to ANY post of YOUKNOWWHO on pain of ... uh ... pain.

Now since I'm the Outlaw Justicar it's not OFFICIAL. So that should satisfy the Inquisitor General, it's just one of those "spontaneous demonstration" kind of things. As always, should the Olde Ones rouse themselves from their torpor long enough to read any of this and disagree then the spontaneous demonstration is off.

All right, dammit, this pasty, albino gangsta moron is still here, and my mammy always said, you want to fight a moron, you need a moron. And it's a crisis, isn't it.

Well, so, what would it take, Joe Shaw, for you to accept the return to the office of Justicar? My abdication? My renunciation? My utter banishment?

Meeks (nb) I want what I have always wanted ... more or less. In this particular case, I'm willing to resume my duties as Knight Champion of the MBT, Justicar of the Peng Challenge Thread and CessPool Drain Commissioner if ... IF, you are willing to admit to your prior apostasy and reconcile with this The One The True CessPool. This presumes, of course, that the Olde Ones agree ... I am constant in my respect for the OFFICES of the Olde Ones. Individually they're swine but you salute the rank not the man and can any of you think of anyone MORE rank than those three.

Do this and you will live, do it not and ... damn ... stand by, I really can't finish that without blue paint on my face ... be just a sec.

Damn, no blue in the house. Okay, keep your crown Meeks (nb ... at least for a bit) ... oh wait, you never got it did you. Well deal with Seanachai, it's all his fault anyway. But NO MORE APOSTASY Right? And let's be laying off the arbitrary rulings like Fluffies instead of SSNs and so forth, think of yourself as someone who's ruling by benign neglect or something ... basically just keep doing what you've been doing in other words. Oh, and do stick around this time, you go wandering off again and I can't guarantee that the Outlaw Justicar won't go hunting you down like the dog you are.

The Outlaw Justicar Strikes Again!

Justicar, Justicar, on the Outlaw Trail

Justicar, Justicar, could stand a bit of ale.

A warm crust of bread, A soft and downy bed.

Justicar, Justicar, Justicar.



p.s. Does this mean I can't have my theme song anymore?

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Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

The Outlaw Justicar Strikes Again!

Justicar, Justicar, on the Outlaw Trail

Justicar, Justicar, could stand a bit of ale.

A warm crust of bread, A soft and downy bed.

Justicar, Justicar, Justicar.



p.s. Does this mean I can't have my theme song anymore?

Higher Office always comes at a price....

Sir AJ

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Looks like i missed the Bone Felcher show, more importantly it apears that Mace the ever bashful watch monster guardian of the dreaded clap gate let another one sneak in.

Who's idea was it to strap one of those barrels with the xxx label around his neck anyway?

*this messege was brought to you by edited*

[ February 08, 2003, 03:03 AM: Message edited by: Gaylord Focker ]

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Originally posted by Gaylord Focker:

Looks like i missed the Bone Felcher show, more importantly it apears that Mace the ever bashwaful watch monster guardian of the dreaded clap gate let another one sneak in.

I'm not responsible for letting them sneak in, I'm responsible for forcing them out...preferably in tiny little pieces through a strainer.

As for blame, I guess I can nominate you as Royal Scapegoat.


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Originally posted by Boo_Radley:

, I call all now to attend to the elevation of my squire Nidan1 to full kannigethood.

He has fulfilled his quest. He has annoyed Berli, confused Seanachai and made of himself as much of an obnoxious git as humanly possible since I first took him as squire, lo these many months ago.

So, rise, Sir Nidan1...(Well, you were supposed to be on one knee. Weren't you listening? No, no, no, don't get back down now, it's too late and everybody's watching! No. just get up, take the complimentary fruit basket and get into the receiving line. No, you don't get to hold my sword! Geeze, Louise you can be dense...) and accept the full responsibility and honours that are commensurate with the duties of knighthood.

And yes, we take plastic.

Well, I'd like a refund of MY portion of your pathetic "Boo's Help Get Nidan1 Out Of My Hair" relief fund. There's just no value for money in such hair-brained schemes these days!

As for the poor sod Sir Nidan1, you realis of course that he has now got to carry the burdenenous baggage of your Liegeship for the rest of his days. Oh, WOE be upon him!

And since I now feel sorry for the poor git having pointed that pathetic fact out, I'll proffer me tankard, scoff a grog and doff me hat to our latest Ka-nigg-ett of th' Holey 'Pool.

'Ear, 'ear!!! *HIC..!*

Sir AJ

[ February 08, 2003, 04:27 AM: Message edited by: aussiejeff ]

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Funny, the eating regimen of a 52 year old man who's wife of 31 years suddenly has to up and attend family business in another state. Like, I cooked meself slabs of bacon and 4 fried eggs for mid-afternoon tea. Go figger!!

And, some verse to get you all "in the mood" as it were.

the following gits does owe me turns,

owe me turns, owe me turns,

the following gits does owe me turns,

earl-y in the evening,

nidan1, and oj too

lenakonrad, even boo

noba lars and croda - who?

earl-y in the evening,

this is the way they 'play the game',

'play the game', 'play the game'

this is the way they play the game,

earl-y in the evening,

bauhaus bleats "it's just not fair"

when my tanks blow up his hair,

egbert claims "you send me spare!"

earl-y in the evening,

dalem's ass begins to clench,

when my splodeys smash his trench,

sgt goody hates the stench,

earl-y in the evening,

oh, this is the way they 'play the game',

'play the game', 'play the game'

this is the way they play the game,

earl-y - in - the - eeeevening!

Thank you, and G-O-O-O-D NIGHT!

Sir AJ

I'm coping. Honestly!

[ February 08, 2003, 05:18 AM: Message edited by: aussiejeff ]

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Originally posted by aussiejeff:

Funny, the eating regimen of a 52 year old man who's wife of 31 years suddenly has to up and attend family business in another state. Like, I cooked meself slabs of bacon and 4 fried eggs for mid-afternoon tea. Go figger!!

And, some verse to get you all "in the mood" as it were.

Mercifully SNIPPED.......

I'm coping. Honestly!

You're only coping because the bottle still has something left. Wait 'til that is empty. Resend your last turns. Pillock.

You stuffed them up !


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