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When Is The U.N Finally Going To Inspect The Peng Challenge?

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Originally posted by Boo_Radley:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by athkatla:

And Nobhead, so I made a slight mistake in identifying who was playing which side! I STILL WON................DIDN'T I???

Interestingly enough, this translates into "I don't know what the hell I'm doing, but I'm damn good at it!"

Are you, by any chance, middle management? </font>

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Originally posted by athkatla:

Do you mean middle management Ohion style, i.e. lower than a snakes belly at the bottom of a 300 foot Derbyshire pothole! Oh sorry, an imbecile of your stature, Bo Diddley wouldn't have a clue where Derbyshire is, now would you?

So scamper off when you sober up, and see if you can find your local village idiot to help you search the net, I'm sure you must have one or two in your town, since you retired from the position!

Somehow, the taunting lacks a certain sting when it's given by someone who quadruple posts by accident.

It's like you're trying to strike an heroic pose with your trousers down around your ankles. Producing more laughs than fear, I fear.

And I'll admit to not knowing much about this Hobbit-sounding "Derbyshire" place, but I can tell you that things pertaining to Ohio are referred to as "Ohioan", you Pommy hairball.

Go shoot a cow or somefink.

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Originally posted by Lurkur:

{snipped for brevity of quote}

I will gladly meet Dame Moraine on the field of honorable combat. Not that this is an issue of her honor, or that I have any myself. Hmm, a taunt is in order, but nothing over the top. Regardless of the people with whom she associates, she remains a Lady of the Pool.

"I wave my hand at you and your puny, silly girlish notions of total war. Hah! If you can keep your troops from playing "he loves me, he loves me not" with the daisy-chained mines then this may be worthwhile. Lowly squire I may be, yet still a member of the Nefarious Legions. We need no excuse to trample the lowly and weak. My House was spawned from a lawyer, established by a Croda, and is now run by Boo. You think you have anything that can make a dent in me after that?"

Madam, you may send me a set-up, how 'bout something urban from 1945? Gotta love that Gotterdämmerung. Just a suggestion.


Ah...then the gauntlet has been taken up. Alright then, Lurkur, expect something in your inbox in the next few days...

I think you'll find my men don't play with the mines, they lay them out in insidious patterns through which nothing shall pass. You will be weeping for your mommy around turn 3 or so and begging for mercy by turn 5.

*rubs hands together* Yesss...another victim drawn into my trap. I shall enjoy this.

[ February 27, 2003, 12:56 PM: Message edited by: Moraine Sedai ]

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Originally posted by athkatla:

Ohhh!! Hahaha............ Egbert!!(not bolded cos a name like that don't deserve it), you have to have a guy with a name like that stick up for you Bo Diddley..............is he the first village idiot you stumbled across in the street?

And would I also qualify for 'village idiot' if I pointed out you are a cankerous, fetid, festering ooze for your pusillanimous posting and attempted raving against Boo? Your puerile remarks leave much to be desired.

Edited to suggest that, perhaps if you'd use BOTH hands to type, you wouldn't suffer these rashes of multiple posts. And speaking of rashes - you oughta see a doctor for that...

[ February 27, 2003, 12:21 PM: Message edited by: Moraine Sedai ]

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Originally posted by athkatla:

... you have to have a guy with a name like that stick up for you Bo Diddley..............is he the first village idiot you stumbled across in the street?

No, that would've been you.

(And Boo slams another one over the centerfield fence. The crowd goes wild.)

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Bit of an update now that I'm over an insidious battle with stomach flu (I hope)...

I just can't seem to take that freaking hill in my game with Elvis!! GRRR!! (mumbles something incoherent about damnable reverse slopes).

But my Germans are looking forward to roasting marshmallows over the burning wreckage of konradical's tanks. MUAHAHAHAHAAA! Oh...*ahem*...that's better. Nevermind that he's taken out a couple of AT guns. No biggie. I have more and to spare. And my MG seems to have his troops in a quandry. I believe I heard a few of them screaming 'run away' in top Monty Python form.

[ February 27, 2003, 12:52 PM: Message edited by: Moraine Sedai ]

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Originally posted by Boo_Radley:

(And Boo slams another one over the centerfield fence. The crowd goes wild.)

I thought the official non-game of this place was Krikety or some such. Where the heck do you get off just tossing in these gadawful baseball terms.

Next thing you know we'll have aces, holes-in-one and Touchdowns flying around, willy nilly.

We can't have that!!! Chaos and wanton other stuff, flying around, somebody could lose and eye.

Cease and desist, you should know better. Set a decent example for junior folk like..., like me.

With metaphors like that, you're an accident waiting to happen. (Actually, I bet you're an accident that already did happen, but that's another taunt.)

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Upon reflection, I don't feel I've been quite evil enough here yet. Yes, I've provided a few chuckles, a couple of outright vicious onslaughts and countless barbs which have gotten caught in more than one largemouth here.

However, I feel the need arising within me to really make someone weep.

Whom of you lot of reprobates shall it be?...


Front and center man! Time for your humiliation!

Oh wait...take a step back. That's too close - I can smell you now and it's making my nose sting and my eyes water. Gads! When's the last time you took a bath or brushed your teeth?

I'm bored and need something to do. Someone to trounce into the dirt. You seem a good enough target. You boast and brag (read that as: whine and whimper) about your superiority. Now show it! Send me something worth playing. And don't you dare send me anything in a town. I know the secrets to that type of scenario now and would gleefully decimate you in such, but have no love of running around from building to building. That would bore me. And that is a dangerous thing....

Now quit flappin' yer blasted gums in here and get busy!

Time for you to put your money where your trenchmouth is and show this lot you aren't afraid of a 'widdew girl'. ...or are you?... I promise I'll play nice. *innocent look* And afterwards, when you lose, you get to play dress up and have a tea party with me and my dolls. Mr. Kitty can be the waiter since he's already wearing a tuxedo.

I've got a sunbonnet waiting with your name on it. *evil grin*

Consider yourself challenged - mentally, that is...

[ February 27, 2003, 02:48 PM: Message edited by: Moraine Sedai ]

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Originally posted by Moraine Sedai:

However, I feel the need arising within me to really make someone weep.

Whom of you lot of reprobates shall it be?...


Front and center man! Time for your humiliation!

You could not have made a finer choice, M'Lady.

P.S. – you forgot to call him the only French OU fan in Texas.

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Originally posted by Lars:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Moraine Sedai:

However, I feel the need arising within me to really make someone weep.

Whom of you lot of reprobates shall it be?...


Front and center man! Time for your humiliation!

You could not have made a finer choice, M'Lady.

P.S. – you forgot to call him the only French OU fan in Texas. </font>

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Sigh. Moraine, in the typical relationship, it is the MALE'S job to boast and brag and trounce about with aplomb, piss and vinegar.

You are a fair maiden, and have no business engageing in this sort of behavior. You should leave that to Hiram . . . oh . . . I see . . . yes, that could be a pronlem . . . Wearing the pants in the family, are you . . . Sigh.

Okay, but mind you I am fighting my principles here. I was taught never to fight a girl -- of course, I was also taught to help my fellow man, so in a way, by taking you on, I may, just may, be saving my fellow man (such as he is) from a fate worse than death -- marriage.

To arms, to arms, it is time for the fight.

And damned be he that first cries, "Hold, my toupee slipped off!"

Or somefink. Look for a setup later tonight.


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Guest PondScum
Originally posted by MrSpkr:

<font size=-1>Okay, but mind you I am fighting my principles here. I was taught never to fight a girl</font>

No, you misheard. They were trying to teach you not to fight LIKE a girl. In this, as in so much else in your life, you failed.

The one thing I'll grant that you can do well is to play the turns of your doom quickly. Unlike (drum roll of shame) dalem, chrisl, and Noba, who all owe me turns. We hates the lot of them.

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Originally posted by Mace:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Lars:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by MrSpkr:

I was also taught to help my fellow man

How do you reconcile that with becoming a lawyer? </font>
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