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Delta Peng, What's that Challenge You Have On?

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Originally posted by Vadr:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr /> GlenMOrangie

A nit-picking Scot. Never thought I'd see the day...

We expect you to sod off. The hippie failed to stress that in his rules
Indeed. That is exactly why I saddled dalem i feel the need to somehow redress.

Meanwhile, I am impressed...




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Originally posted by Vadr:

{snipped extraneous verbage ... actually not true, had I done THAT there'd be nothing left} ... I suppose it's too much for me to ask for a break? ...

Not at all, at all, my good SSN Fakr, we here at the CessPool are nothing if not accomodating. Now ... would a nice broken arm do or perhaps we can throw in a snapped neck as well ... no extra charge today only.


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Gaylord Focker altered my post. I take this as a positive sign. Notwithstanding, is he truly a Git?

would a nice broken arm do or perhaps we can throw in a snapped neck as well ... no extra charge today only.
Mere words, complete with misspellings, from a (failing?) Justicar...

Darwin in action? Maybe so...



"Your powers are weak, Old Man..."

[ January 03, 2003, 08:49 PM: Message edited by: Vadr ]

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Git Focker writ:

I say he is to be tarred, wooled, and Maced.

More words? Or, are you capable of doing it yerself?

Send the setup then, if you are not hiding behind the power of the Kaniggets of the Cess (or whatever).



Gaylord? Gaylord? Oh Please...

I could tell the joke about "Them Fokkers", but that would be droll...

[ January 03, 2003, 09:21 PM: Message edited by: Vadr ]

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Originally posted by Papa Khann:

I just realized that I am a lowly light beer- drinking worm and I owe dalem money.

He is the greatest CM player ever and I fear him. I fear him like I fear people finding my frillies that I hide in my secret drawer.

I am a pillock of vast proportions.

Ah! Dalem is over at Papa's place and Papa was enough of an idiot to let him near the computer
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Originally posted by Vadr:

Git Focker writ:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />I say he is to be tarred, wooled, and Maced.

More words? Or, are you capable of doing it yerself?

Send the setup then, if you are not hiding behind the power of the Kaniggets of the Cess (or whatever).



Gaylord? Gaylord? Oh Please...

I could tell the joke about "Them Fokkers", but that would be droll...</font>

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Maces? Pikes? Flails?

You boys just really aren't up on modern weapons are you?

Living in the Dark Ages...how sad. Not to mention I'm pretty sure none of you would have the level of physical fitness required to even lift such weapons from the floor.

No matter. I shall send you a setup on the morrow Lord Git. Remember, I gave you the option, and you asked for it.




Medieval weapons from you lot? Now that is a joke...

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Right then, I've seen enough ... I, Sir Joe Shaw, Seniour Seniour Knight of the CessPool, Knight Champion of the MBT, Justicar of the Peng Challenge Thread and CessPool Drain Commissioner do hereby acknowledge and affirm that the SSN known as Vadr (spelt but not bolded) be admitted to the Corps of Serfs of the CessPool. He shall be pissboy to the entire CessPool until such time as ... well, mostly ME I guess, determines that he has shown wit, sticktoitiveness and bile sufficient to be taken to Squire. At that point, in accordance with long standing precedence, I shall have first rights of refusal to be his Liege.

You'd be AMAZED at how the muck in the stables has accumulated since my last squire, and I'm NOT counting Papa Khann about whom the less said the better. He didn't know one end of the shovel from another ... nor, apparently, enough NOT to let dalem at his computer.

Let us all welcome Vadr (spelt but not bolded) to the CessPool and (potentially) to the ranks of The Shavian House ... may Gawd have mercy on his soul.


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Gaylord Focker sputtered:

Bonjour, je suis l'âne gigantesque
Well you got that right anyway (but I question the context, how's your exercise regime these days Mon Brave?).

Sir Joe Shaw etc., ad nauseum, pontificated:

Right then, I've seen enough ...
That's nice...Ummmm...What's a Shavian? I must have missed that (obviously important) part.

Further, the aging Justicar then spouted:

You'd be AMAZED at how the muck in the stables has accumulated
Funny you should mention that; I just bought a horse farm. Yes, I know you don't care, but it should be of some comfort to Git Gaylord and Delta dalem that I will probably actually be shoveling horse manure in-between giving out tactics lessons...

Please do enjoy the mental picture until the next turn arrives.

In closing; Papa Khann is obviously a fool and I could care less if you lot ever bold or not bold my name. Feel free to use all lower-case if it suits you; you will learn your manners soon enough.

Now, would you please all just Sod Off, and I beg of you, as the newest potential Serf, to let someone of wit start the next thread.



Never bring a Pike to a Gunfight.

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Originally posted by Vadr:

...{snipped on account of how it DESERVED to be snipped ... practically sat up and begged it did, pathetic really} ...

In closing; Papa Khann is obviously a fool and I could care less if you lot ever bold or not bold my name. Feel free to use all lower-case if it suits you; you will learn your manners soon enough.

Now, would you please all just Sod Off, and I beg of you, as the newest potential Serf, to let someone of wit start the next thread...

Lesson the first lad ... it is the policy of The Shavian House (Shavian ... Shaw ... look it up) to spell but not bold the names of Serfs but to properly spell AND bold the names of Squires and above.

It is NOT a rule but merely a practice that I follow and encourage. Should you become my Squire you will be required to follow that practice until or unless you become a Knight at which point you can be as large a fool as Papa Khann ... if such a thing is possible.

As to someone of wit starting the next thread, I concur. It must, of course, be a KNIGHT of the CessPool but since the last thread was begun by someone with the last qualification but only HALF of the first ... well, we can hope.

Now ... hold the bucket steady lad, any spillage must be mopped up and I assure you that I won't be doing that particular chore. Keep in mind that it is I who will determine your fitness for Squiredom ... so ... do good work.


p.s. Congrats on the horse situation, try not to annoy people who know people who know how to leave presents in your bed of a morning.

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Originally posted by PondScum:

In other depressing news, I just booked a flight to that great state of my former liege, Minnesota.

How much fox pee should I pack?

Depends. Are you coming to the Twin Cities? If so, don't pack any, and we'll have Lars piss on you directly.

If you insist on being peed on by a fox, we can always contact Hanns and see who he has available.

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Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

Right then, I've seen enough ... I, Sir Joe Shaw, Seniour Seniour Knight of the CessPool, Knight Champion of the MBT, Justicar of the Peng Challenge Thread and CessPool Drain Commissioner do hereby acknowledge and affirm that the SSN known as Vadr (spelt but not bolded) be admitted to the Corps of Serfs of the CessPool. He shall be pissboy to the entire CessPool until such time as ... well, mostly ME I guess, determines that he has shown wit, sticktoitiveness and bile sufficient to be taken to Squire. At that point, in accordance with long standing precedence, I shall have first rights of refusal to be his Liege.

You'd be AMAZED at how the muck in the stables has accumulated since my last squire, and I'm NOT counting Papa Khann about whom the less said the better. He didn't know one end of the shovel from another ... nor, apparently, enough NOT to let dalem at his computer.

Let us all welcome Vadr (spelt but not bolded) to the CessPool and (potentially) to the ranks of The Shavian House ... may Gawd have mercy on his soul.


Oh, nice one Joe. We have way to many SSNs, and what's your solution? MAKE 'EM SERFS! Oh no, wouldn't want to impale the little bastards... much better to have the Shaving House make bloody serfs outta them. You're getting soft Joe. Your inner Meeks has met your inner Croda and confused you. Pike the lad... you'll feel better for it
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Originally posted by Vadr:


.........SNIP: let someone of wit start the next thread.

Ye gods. Save us from the Seanachai voodoo doll. It dribbles in copious quantity, with little quality. Truly a Gnome-Clone.

A little lacklustre to be Serf to the 'pool, methinks. Based on your last sentence, you'll never make the grade. You'll never amount to anything usefull around here....not that that means much in this dive. The place is full of nongs, pillocks, gits and tossers. One more won't sink the ship.


[ January 04, 2003, 01:04 AM: Message edited by: Noba ]

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Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

Right then, I've seen enough ... I, Sir Joe Shaw, Seniour Seniour Knight of the CessPool, Knight Champion of the MBT, Justicar of the Peng Challenge Thread and CessPool Drain Commissioner do hereby acknowledge and affirm that the SSN known as Vadr (spelt but not bolded) be admitted to the Corps of Serfs of the CessPool.


I'm not sure I concur. He has not yet amused me, for one thing. And he was distinctly stroppy with a Lady of the 'Pool (although she took it in stride, gods bless her).

Also, he's from Florida. I hate Florida worse than I hate Australia, and with twice as much reason. Not that he's probably actually from Florida. Nobody's sodding from Florida. Florida is just the big septic tank that fills with new residents every time the East Coast flushes its societal toilet and sends all the scum and losers South to make a new life in the sun.

I say no 'serf' status for him until he tells us where he's originally from, what portion of the Sun Sewer he now resides in, and he says something nice about the Scots.

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