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The Laying of the King Before the Altar: The Peng Challenge Sinks Gracefully Backward

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What could one expect from a man who comes from a land where they have animals that are half duck and half beaver? All of the Creators left over parts were strewn about the world and mostly settled in Austrailia. The Aboriginies ruled quite peacefully for many years,until the Limeys

(in their infinite wisdom and arrogance), decided to dump all of their problems on that poor continent. After many generations of the cohabitation of English felons and weird animals we are presented with Flamin' Aussie Jeff.

A testament to Darwin's theories of natural selection.

Edited to add: The Irealeans must be right, we all must be the product of alien experimentation, or God is truly a stand up comic.

[ January 31, 2003, 07:09 AM: Message edited by: Nidan1 ]

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Originally posted by Nidan1:

What could one expect from a man who comes from a land where they have animals that are half duck and half beaver? All of the Creators left over parts were strewn about the world and mostly settled in Austrailia. The Aboriginies ruled quite peacefully for many years,until the Limeys

(in their infinite wisdom and arrogance), decided to dump all of their problems on that poor continent. After many generations of the cohabitation of English felons and weird animals we are presented with Flamin' Aussie Jeff.

A testament to Darwin's theories of natural selection.

Edited to add: The Irealeans must be right, we all must be the product of alien experimentation, or God is truly a stand up comic.

Obviously your education is lacking in the vital area of understanding. Australia is God's Own, (Sorry GrandLiege) and yet many peoples on the Earth, (bolded out of respect for the rest of the planets' misfortune of having PILLOCKS inhabit it) still miss this universal TRUTH. WE have the best place to live. Climate alone provides us with unimaginable reasons to visit the pub, chuck another prawn on the barbie, etc. etc. etc.

Those outcasts needed only space to blossom to their FULL potential. And magnificently they started on the road to enlightenment, and built lots of Pubs. What a great start.

And best of all. You are over there and have no chance of ruining this little heaven WE have created. I think I speak for us all. Thank Berli...!

Now the fact that Sir AJ may not be the "full quid" or; "missing a few roos in the top paddock" is neither here nor there. (Unfortunately he is close-ish to me, but I have the antidote !)


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Originally posted by Gaylord Focker:

*this post was brought to you by the letter A*

Nice to see you're finally learning something in nursery school.

But you had to edit even that?

Now, turn off Sesame Street, put down your woobie blanky, waddle over in your little footsy sleepers, and hammer out my turn.

SSN Hint Of The Day: Reserve compliments for people who can do you some good.

Now sod off.

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....Must. Kill. Aussie. Jeff.


Must. Kill. Aussie. Jeff.


Must. Kill. Aussie. Jeff.

Hey there mate and crikey!

Oi oi oi!

Hey there barby and baaaaaaaa!

Oi oi oi!

"Pop!" Goes the challenge!

Send me one of your gamey setups

that I must slay you

In the lair

of the snow tire King.

Versificationosity will be mine!

....Must. Kill. Aussie. Jeff.


Must. Kill. Aussie. Jeff.


Must. Kill. Aussie. Jeff.....

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Originally posted by Lars:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Gaylord Focker:

*this post was brought to you by the letter A*

Nice to see you're finally learning something in nursery school.

But you had to edit even that?

Now, turn off Sesame Street...</font>

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Originally posted by Seanachai:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Lars:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Gaylord Focker:

*this post was brought to you by the letter A*

Nice to see you're finally learning something in nursery school.

But you had to edit even that?

Now, turn off Sesame Street...</font>

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Originally posted by Seanachai:

You know, Boo and I have had some fine discussions lately about our memories of the program 'Romper Room'.

I think I'm finally connecting with him. He seems very interested in my memories and reminiscences.

Inasmuch how they can be applied to the research paper* I'm presently working on: "Socio-sexual dysfunctions incurred during the formative years in a typical chronically disurbed Minnesotan and how they affect his ability to appreciate anything vaguely Turkish.

* Underwritten by a grant of the Chubb Group of Insurance Agencies.

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So Seanachai ... where is this KING of yours then?

Meeks (nb) is but a walking Shadow, a poor Player That struts and frets his Hour upon the Stage, And then is heard no more; It is a tall Tale, Told by an Idiot, full of Sound and Fury, Signifying nothing.
Did I not proclaim it to be so? Did I not foretell that his past absence would bear witness to his future proclivities? Are you not yet resigned to the fact that YOU CHOOSE UNWISELY IN THIS MATTER? He brings nothing, and indeed LESS than nothing to the sacred MBT. He is a foul creature with no regard for the traditions and honor that is at the center of the CessPool. And worse yet Seanachai ... HE IS NOT HERE! If we must have a King, then let it be one who has put in the time, who has dedicated themselves to the service of the CessPool and who has DEMONSTRATED that they honor the greatness that WAS The Peng Challenge Thread.

It is not too late, Seanachai ... it is NEVER too late to recant. It is never too late to again BE the Soul Of The CessPool. We lesser creatures look to YOU Seanachai for guidance in this and all matters. Will you not set us upon the RIGHT path yet again by denouncing this false King and Absent Apostate? We look to YOU Seanachai ... for judgement ... for wisdom ... for HONOR!

And if you won't then you're just a big poopy head.

The Outlaw Justicar Strikes Again!

Justicar, Justicar, Challenging the Bard

Justicar, Justicar, though the task be hard,

He calls on Poopy Head, To Save the CessPool Thread.

Justicar, Justicar, Justicar.



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Originally posted by Seanachai:

Boo and I have had some fine discussions lately about our memories of the program 'Romper Room'.

Romper Bomper Stomper Boo.

Tell me, tell me, tell me who.

Magic Mirror, tell me today:

Did all my friends have fun at play?

Boy...I remember the time that Miss Molly looked in the mirror and said:

I see Sally, and Billy, and Tommy, and little Croda, and...

Perhaps the most formative event in my life.

Now my daughter is bereft of any quality television and is forced to watch Australia's latest attempt at world domination: The Wiggles.

As if I didn't despise OddStralians enough, now they send America these cute little ditties that get all the kids dancing in the family room and all of the parents with hands over ears screaming for clemency.

Hot Potato, Hot Potato

Hot Potato, Hot Potato

Hot Potato, Hot Potato


Potato, Potato, Potato

Repeat add infinitum with "Cold Spaghetti" and "Mashed Banana" and "Vegimite Sandwich."

Now my daughter asks me who my favorite "Wiggle" is. She was quite shaken up when I told her my favorite was the one who would die the soonest.

Henry the Octopus,

Lives down in the deep blue sea.

Henry the Octopus,

He's a friend to you and me.

This is the type of crap that makes you appreciate the versification of dalem, the earless wonder.

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I want you all to know that all this talking about kid shows got my mind to wandering and unfortunately, it settled on one of the more annoying Saturday morning shows ever created. Now, thanks to you all, I have the theme song from The Banana Splits Adventure Hour going through my head.

So now, I want you all to know that I hate and loathe each and every one of you in a deep and unique way and if it were within my power, I would visit random acts of violence upon you all.

Thank you all so very, very much.


p.s. The theme music is very, very close to "Buffalo Soldiers" by the late Bob Marley. As a matter of fact, I believe it predates Marley's recording.

This disturbs me.

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You mean

Tra la la lalala-la

Tra la la lalala-laaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

One banana

Two banana

Three banana


Four bananas make a bunch

and so do many more

Over hill and highway the banana buggies go

Coming up to bring you the Banana Split Show!

Bringin' up a mess of fu-un!

Lotsa fun for everyo-one!

Bringin' up a mess of fu-un!

Tra la la lalala-laaaa!

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Seanachai You have been rather terse lately, I miss the hyperbole...the onomatopea, the clever crafting of alegory and metaphor.

Where is the old wind bag we all know and love?

Is this your new Gaylord Focker personna?

Have pity man....one of those is enough....oh I guess there is AJ as well, but he is truly humourous. (notice the "ou")

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Originally posted by dalem:

You mean...

(SNIPPED because no one should have to see that!)

Right. That tears it. You brought it all upon yourself.

Expect me sometime this weekend. You'll be able to recognize me, because I'll be the one whipping you about the upper body with a car antenna.

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Guest PondScum
Originally posted by Nidan1:

<font size=-1>Seanachai You have been rather terse lately, I miss the hyperbole...the onomatopea, the clever crafting of alegory and metaphor.

Where is the old wind bag we all know and love?</font>

I believe said old wind bag is currently composing an epic ode to his woeful Russian troops, who got slaughtered to the tune of 77-23 (or maybe 73-27, but really who cares when it's a Major Victory) by my brave Uberhamstertruppen defenders. All his clanketty things and all his companies couldn't put poor Seanachai's attack back together again, not when he sent them through a wheatfield in October and expected it to provide concealment.

Other Gamey Updates:

chrisl, once holder of Peng's Name, is currently experiencing the Wrath of an Italian Attack. Stop laughing in the back there. No, really. They're ATTACKING, I tell you.

MrSpkr is regretting the fact that he chose Hungarians (or was it Romanians?) in the little QB that he foisted upon me. Regardless, ONE of those two nations has tanks that pop smoke and run away when they see the tanks of the OTHER nation. And he picked the pop-smoke side.

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Originally posted by Nidan1:

Seanachai You have been rather terse lately, I miss the hyperbole...the onomatopea, the clever crafting of alegory and metaphor.

Where is the old wind bag we all know and love?

Is this your new Gaylord Focker personna?

Have pity man....one of those is enough....oh I guess there is AJ as well, but he is truly humourous. (notice the "ou")

Actually, I do feel bad about this. My only excuse is that I'm at work, and so can only post rather tersely.

If I don't simply stagger home and drink myself into a mean stupor, smashing the empty bottles against the wall while screaming curses against the vicious fate that ever set me to playing a game against Pondscum...

But I digress. As I was about to say, perhaps I shall post at greater length later, when I'm at home.

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Originally posted by dalem:

Tra la la lalala-la

Tra la la lalala-laaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

One banana

Two banana

Three banana



Now that's bringing back memories.


[ January 31, 2003, 04:27 PM: Message edited by: Mace ]

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Originally posted by Croda:

Now my daughter asks me who my favorite "Wiggle" is. She was quite shaken up when I told her my favorite was the one who would die the soonest.


She was probably just getting over the trauma of seeing who she got for a dad at birth and you had to go say that.

Hope you can afford the therapy.


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Originally posted by Seanachai:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Lars:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Gaylord Focker:

*this post was brought to you by the letter A*

Nice to see you're finally learning something in nursery school.

But you had to edit even that?

Now, turn off Sesame Street...</font>

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