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I'm P.O'd $50.00 in the toilet. BF please read

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I've been enjoying Beyond Overlord for a few years now, like everyone else here. So the other day I was looking for something on Chips & Bits website and what do I see? Barbarossa to Berlin, so of course I ordered it (tried ordering from Battlefront when released BUT B.F. doesn't take AM-EX cards).

Today it arives and guess what (as if I have to tell anyone) it's the damn Euro version.

Naturally I had no idea I was getting the Crappy censored version............ :mad:

So what exactly are the differences, can anything be done to bring it up to US version ETC......

AND why is this US mail order CO selling this version? I read the posts (after I got it naturally) about the Comp_Usa deal, doesn't the same thing apply to Chips and Bits? Namely they shouldn't be selling this in the US.

Thanks for any help,


[ February 18, 2003, 08:53 PM: Message edited by: sledge_57 ]

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The SS runes on the scenario selection screen were inadvertently restored in the CDV 1.01 patch and this hasn't been corrected in the CDV 1.02 patch, so the only remaining differences are Waffen SS being referred to as Waffengrenadier, a different (more stringent) copy protection system and part of the manual being in .pdf format. Of these only the last really bothers me, but as always YMMV.

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Originally posted by redwolf:

The real question here is - why does Chips'n'bits offer it? Unless something major changed they are not allowed to.

Well the agreement on restricting distribution is between BFC and CDV and has no bearing on Chip'N'Bits (or CompUSA). It appears that some distributor is ignoring BFC/CDV's wishes and selling on to US retailers. Who's to blame is a legal minefield and probably best avoided on a public discussion board.

[ February 18, 2003, 10:09 PM: Message edited by: Firefly ]

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Originally posted by aka_tom_w:

Bits and Chips is clearly in violation.

(I think :confused: )

-tom w

In violation of what? BFC stated that CompUSA were doing nothing wrong by stocking the CDV version and the fault was with whoever sold it to them. Contracts only apply to the people who sign them and unless Chips'n'Bit bought directly from CDV and undertook not to sell outside the EU they can't be held responsible. As no one here knows what has happened, everything is idle speculation and may even be actionable if people aren't careful.
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"....you might try this

offer to pay the shipping and the GOOD folks at BFC just might send you the REAL version as sales of the CDV version in North America are illegal and in material breach of the CDV

distribution agreement............"

This would be great, I won't however hold my breath, it's not really their problem and since I've opened it I can't return it. I guess I'll download the CDV patches, try the Anti-censor mods and hope the copy protection doesn't cause a problem (as it usually does).


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Sledge (Bob),

Do you have Paypal? You could always buy CMBB from someone who purchases it from Battlefront using their, non AMEX card :D .

Or maybe a personal check to someone willing to buy a copy to sell to you.

Or...I am sure there are a few other ways to skin this cat.

Edited to note that Bimmer beat me to the punch! (Damn!)


[ February 18, 2003, 11:48 PM: Message edited by: ACTOR ]

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So they don't take Amex. Jeezus, get over it. Order another way!


Paying By Check and Money Order

You may order by regular mail if you do not wish to order online. We only accept checks drawn on U.S. banks, including U.S. personal checks, U.S. Money Orders, and International Money Orders (in U.S. dollars). Some international banks offer a service called "SwiftCheck", which is also acceptable in U.S. Dollars.

Please make checks payable to Battlefront.com. We do not accept "wire transfers" to either our bank or a Western Union location. Send your payment, along with your address, email, and what you are ordering (be sure to state Mac or Windows version as applicable) to the following address:

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Hi Sledge.

Nobody but us (Battlefront.com) is allowed to sell CM titles in the US (or Canada for that matter; or in fact, to be precise, anywhere besides Europe and Japan; additional to that, Poland and Checz Republic for CM1). This doesn't mean that CompUSA or Chips&Bits are (or were, CompUSA has withdrawn the game from circulation after being informed by us of the infringements) violating any direct contracts, since our contract of distribution is with CDV. But someone somewhere along the line is in breach of the existing contract, and this is where the leak occurrs. We have by now identified that entity, and are taking measures to plug the hole. Additional to that, the game is being sold with CDV and Battlefront trademarks on it without approval, so this gives us another angle on the whole matter.

You, as the customer, obviously cannot know this when you pick up the game off the shelf. If you want the original Battlefront version, all I can suggest is to try to return the game to whereever you bought it from, and order one from us. Unfortunately, we cannot offer you the original for mere shipping cost for various reasons, including a number of legal issues.


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CDV version is crappy IMO.

1. It loads for ages. Up to 45sec on my system. (US ver. about 5secs or so)

2. It makes my DVD drive moan like for last day. (Actually it quits responding totally from time to time. Even windows cant find whole drive until reboot.)

3. All that censored hardcoded and bmp stuff. (Schoerners anti censorhip loader causes blue sceen crash about 50% of time on my system unless "wait" time is huge. ie. 60sec)

US version works like a dream with no problems whatsoever.

If you have change to buy from Battlefront.com instead of CDV don't hesitate a second.

[ February 19, 2003, 06:03 AM: Message edited by: illo ]

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Originally posted by illo:

CDV version is crappy IMO.

1. It loads for ages. Up to 45sec on my system. (US ver. about 5secs or so)

That's due to the Safedisc version, CDV uses.

But 45 seconds seem way to long to me.

3. All that censored hardcoded and bmp stuff. (Schoerners anti censorhip loader causes blue sceen crash about 50% of time on my system unless "wait" time is huge. ie. 60sec)

That are news to me, that the loader crashes the system (i programmed it very carafully ;) ). If you want, email me, i could try to help you.

btw: if your computer needs 45 seconds to load th e game, the loader can't do any faster, sorry.

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I'm from Europe (Netherlands) and really don't like the CDV version. If the Germans have problems with the SS crap please let it be their problem and not the rest of Europe. I’ve ordered my version via, via in the USA. So my option stick to the old plan of ordering or find an other distributor.

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...So they don't take Amex. Jeezus, get over it. Order another way!.............

Ok, I anxiously await your check to buy the CDV version off me........... :D

But seriously, my point was I didn't know I was getting the Euro/CDV version when I bought it from Chips-N-Bits. I incorrectly thought I was buying the US version. I was buying from a U.S. company, so I figured BF found another venue for mail order customers. If I hadn't been so giddy from the thought of finally getting the game I would have done further research.

When I first posted, I was pi$$ed because I didn't feel I got what I payed for, and I over-reacted, but the BOTTOM LINE is, I installed the game, the copy protection has caused me no grief, patches installed flawlessly and I'm able to play. Which is all that really matters to me.

Sure I'd prefer not to have the P.C. (politically correct) version, especially since I work for a German company and have to deal with their nonsense every day, but it doesn't really matter what you call the SS in the game, they fight and die the same regardless.


[ February 19, 2003, 02:55 PM: Message edited by: sledge_57 ]

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I'm just wondering how here in the U.S., new mexico for that matter, this european-only version showed up on the shelves. I know this particular store doesn't take opened software returns and now the admin comes on ands says BF won't exchange it. Man BF next time actually distribute your product instead of this mail-order stuff, the product is awesome and it will fly off the shelves. Just find a distributer who will sign a contract to stay out of your marketing and business practices and you'll stay "pure". As for me the unknowning customer I am now stuck in the heckhole caused by having multiple productucts of a single product, multiple distributors, weird german anti-free speech laws, etc, etc.

All I want is a good game (thank you), it to load as fast as possible, not to be treated like a software pirate,and not to have german philosophical viewpoints imposed on my historically accurate war sim.



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Originally posted by Jam3:

I'm just wondering how here in the U.S., new mexico for that matter, this european-only version showed up on the shelves.

BFC have explained that elsewhere - it really does not appear to be their fault, they seem to try hard to rectify it, and a little bit of research would have shown anyone it is not the US version that showed up on those shelves or mail-order catalogues/websites. Caveat emptor.
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Originally posted by Jam3:

Man BF next time actually distribute your product instead of this mail-order stuff, the product is awesome and it will fly off the shelves. Just find a distributer who will sign a contract to stay out of your marketing and business practices and you'll stay "pure".

And here we go again :rolleyes::rolleyes:

Read This!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

It's all in there!

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