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Russians & Germans speaking English

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Thanks for all the great replies to this post. Both for and against the addition of this type of mod or feature for the new game.

I noticed though that many people feel this is a debate or a personal attack against their language. The fact is, its not. The overall census will not add or remove the idea, depending on how many people vote for or against a new mod or feature in the next game. It is just a suggestion!

All that matters is IF a MODER decides to make this type of mod (Or not make it), they will. Will it be used? I believe it will for some people, but not for others. Same as every other mod out there.

And as stated previously, if you dont like a mod, dont use it. There are many outstanding mods out there that I dont use. Of course, I would never tell the person who made them, because they may stop making other outstanding mods.


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Nobody is limiting anything, except those people who don't like others' opinions posted here. People were asked what their opinions are, and people have responded with their opinions.

English must be very difficult to understand if that simple point is beyond the grasp of some posters here.

If you want the mod, go find someone to do it, install it, be happy, it is your game, your life. I still stand by my initial reaction.

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For those who haven't found them already, English translations of the various exclamations may be found here:


I'd still like to see an English voice option. With accents to maintain a little atmosphere, if it can be done well. No offense intended to the German or Russian peoples....if the rules of political correctness are considered, we probably shouldn't be playing with our virtual toy guns at all! :D

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Originally posted by JP Jones:

Ok, so everyone attack me for being a lazy American that can't speak German or Russian, but I for one would like to have an option for English voices with the appropriate accent. I would like to know what my boys are saying.

The problem is not the mod. Just define what is appropriate. Those Hollywood-invented accents are appropriate? Who speaks those accents? Hollywood actors, not Russians or Germans. If you want CM to be the simulation of a 2nd rate war movie, then go ahead, use such a mod. But make sure that any mission where Germans guard some bridge is not winnable for them! ;)

A mod doing this helps spread the idea that all foreigners speak Englisch, yet with some strong accent. I do not think that this idea actually helps the US while they try to get more popular in the world - even with the help of some ad agencies. Most people in the world would like to have the US people learn something about them. Even if it is just that they do not speak English in some strange accents.



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Originally posted by Scarhead:


The problem is not the mod. Just define what is appropriate. Those Hollywood-invented accents are appropriate? Who speaks those accents? Hollywood actors, not Russians or Germans. If you want CM to be the simulation of a 2nd rate war movie, then go ahead, use such a mod. But make sure that any mission where Germans guard some bridge is not winnable for them! ;)

Also, change the speech clips for the Anglophone nations to include utterances such as "Share that among you, sausage-eaters!" and "My God, they got Kowalski!"

Originally posted by Scarhead:

A mod doing this helps spread the idea that all foreigners speak Englisch, yet with some strong accent. I do not think that this idea actually helps the US while they try to get more popular in the world - even with the help of some ad agencies. Most people in the world would like to have the US people learn something about them. Even if it is just that they do not speak English in some strange accents.

Hah! We already know from Star Trek that all the intelligent races in the cosmos speak English with an American accent (except for Ensign Chekhov, employed under a Federation quota scheme for the harmlessly deluded, who suffers from Wiktorow's Syndrome, the belief that the letter "W" exists in the Cyrillic alphabet).

Personally, I would like to see an "art film" option in CM, so that the animation is done in scratchy, flickering monochrome in the best cinéma-vérité style, and the tricky foreign phrases are glossed with subtitles.

All the best,


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I want to see the "News Reel" version of the game where all the films are in black and white and are full of dramatic images of tanks and things crossing streams and pushing through hedges. Of course they would all end with the player's troops waving to the cammera after another well earned victory.

Of course it would have to have the annoying voice over to be complete.

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If Battlefront would go with a Chinese language mod pack they would open the the market of one of the biggest languages in the world (ignoring all the different dialects). That would be a bummer for the English speaking part of the world ;) !


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Originally posted by John D Salt:

Also, change the speech clips for the Anglophone nations to include utterances such as "Share that among you, sausage-eaters!" and "My God, they got Kowalski!"


I am German with not the slightest clue about Russian. So obviously a mod for German would be useless for me and therefore not being installed. An English mod for the Russian .wav files (or for that matter: a German mod) on the other hand could be ok, but would take away from the atmosphere of the game. So, I would probably not install if it would be American English and I would definitely not install it, if it would be some English with a Russian accent.

My advantage over all the people out there with neither knowledge of German, nor of Russian is, that by understanding the German, I know roughly what my Russian pixel soldiers are screaming and yelling. As soon as you can understand one side, you know what the others are talking of.

This is valid for all the Germans on this forum (and for the Russians, of course). To it adds the point that in synchronised American e.g. war movies in German, you will always have the Americans talking German without an accent to each other. In NA most of the (at least a little bit older) war movies have Germans talking with the strongest accent ever. And it seems totally off for you as a German (ok, it is probably to generalised, but you all know what I mean). Knowing that, I would assume the discussion of the usefullness of such a mod could go on forever, because we all have totally different backgrounds for that matter.

Result: If the pain is big enough for all you English speakers out there: Go for it and make such a mod. Hopefully you will find some native speakers that will see the need for it too and will help you with the accents.....but as a native speaker of Russian or German you probably will not see it at all.



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What would be even better, is to be able to switch only one side's voices. That way you could have the Russians talking Russian, and the Germans talking English, and vice versa. That way you'd understand what your troops are saying, and have only a general idea of what the enemy troops are screaming about (since you are not really supposed to know precisely what they are saying).

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I am russian and love playing on the Soviet side. It is so funny to hear those guys start cursing and yelling for help as soon as action starts. Some of the voices used for the game have thick Georgian or Ukranian ascents, which makes is so much more realistic. I do agree that an option to switch the voice files to the player's native spoken language would be good for all those who want it. But instead I advise to go out, travel, see the world and learn something about other countries, like their language. I speak 4 languages, and it opened my eyes.

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Originally posted by Wassermann:

This is valid for all the Germans on this forum (and for the Russians, of course). To it adds the point that in synchronised American e.g. war movies in German, you will always have the Americans talking German without an accent to each other. In NA most of the (at least a little bit older) war movies have Germans talking with the strongest accent ever. And it seems totally off for you as a German (ok, it is probably to generalised, but you all know what I mean).

Well, as a German native speaker living in Britain, I have more than my fair share of exposure to crap German accents in war movies. Still, it is better than getting them to try and talk German (Alan Rickman in 'Die Hard': "Schiess dem Fenster". Indeed...) I have even, on the basis of my own crap German accent when speaking English, been asked to perform as (to wide acclaim) Herr Flick in a short sketch at a company away-day (Brits will know what that is).

People should just learn the smuttering of German or Russian needed to get by in CM. That would have the added benefit avoid the most embarassing mistakes in scenario briefings and titles. Ugh...

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Originally posted by Andreas:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Wassermann:

This is valid for all the Germans on this forum (and for the Russians, of course). To it adds the point that in synchronised American e.g. war movies in German, you will always have the Americans talking German without an accent to each other. In NA most of the (at least a little bit older) war movies have Germans talking with the strongest accent ever. And it seems totally off for you as a German (ok, it is probably to generalised, but you all know what I mean).

Well, as a German native speaker living in Britain, I have more than my fair share of exposure to crap German accents in war movies. Still, it is better than getting them to try and talk German (Alan Rickman in 'Die Hard': "Schiess dem Fenster". Indeed...) I have even, on the basis of my own crap German accent when speaking English, been asked to perform as (to wide acclaim) Herr Flick in a short sketch at a company away-day (Brits will know what that is).

People should just learn the smuttering of German or Russian needed to get by in CM. That would have the added benefit avoid the most embarassing mistakes in scenario briefings and titles. Ugh... </font>

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With all that great effort they've given to have different languages in CM, you want everything in English ?

Shame on you !

If you watch carefully you still can understand if a soldier is running away and shouts "Scheisse!"

icon_bbs.gif Eichenbaum

Ps. to Andreas : Herr Flick is cool. My Co-workers call me that cos I walk like him and sometimes talk like him tongue.gif

[ July 03, 2003, 10:37 AM: Message edited by: eichenbaum ]

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I'm surprised nobody's mentioned yet the HUGE undertaking a translation would be!

CMBB is somewhere around 1.5 gigs, and a large percentage of that is sound files... and a large percentage of that is speech files! We're not talking about just redoing a couple dozen samples. We're talking HUNDREDS of phrases, many of them keyed in to specific events. And you'd need multiple sound actors to keep it from sounding like Jimmy from Brooklyn is playing every part.

This was practically the first mod suggestion to pop up when the demo first appeared, but the final game turned out to be vastly bigger than the demo and the subject was... quietly... dropped.

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I dislike the idea.

The atmosphere and the attention to detail would be degraded by faked "english".

Now as to having an available mod, no doubt a huge project to do, to switch into english seems a nice idea. But ....

My strong concern is it seems to be a form of cultural imperialism - I can't be arsed to guess/learn what the exclamations mean so lets put it into English [with the dangerous thick foreigner syndrome because the characters do not speak proper English ].

I suspect in some countries it would become the de facto standard mod - realism would be lost for what I consider to be an unfortunate reason.

I play CMBB without understanding either language - but the tone of voice and situation the troops are in is normally clue enough.

My pennyworth

P.S. For some of the best spoken English you need to go to India

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Originally posted by Eichenbaum:



Originally posted by Mies:

If the English speaking get English sound mods for non Englisg speaking troops, I want sound mods where all the troops speak Dutch .



Da's Überhaupt niet realistisch!

I can't agree more with you Eichenbaum. That idea is "Überhaupt onrealistisch". If something should be done to accomodate people that want to know what troops are saying a subtitle when clicking on the shouting troops would be a good (optional) solution.

Reading subtitles and listening to the origional voices in their own language would be my way to go.


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Originally posted by MikeyD:

I'm surprised nobody's mentioned yet the HUGE undertaking a translation would be!


Ah, but in the minds of many monoglots, translation is a zero-effort task. That's why people so often expect translation services free or dirt-cheap, and see nothing wrong with asking "Could someone just translate this into Idiomatic Crashbanian for me?" without thinking of offering payment.

Still, I suppose realising that translation needs to be done is one step up from the attitude shown in that deathless Alan Bennett line --

"You'll have to speak louder, he doesn't understand a word of English!"

All the best,


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Although I am fully in favor of the original languages being used, I find it od for Germans to crack down on the Americans and British for the language abilities .... all movies in Germany are dubbed... only in Germany can you see John Wayne enter a saloon and ordering "Einem Schnapps bitte" (I may have got the iclination wrong :D ) for that matter, also in the CIS, movies are dubbed....

In my opinion, there could be a section in the handbook with some phrases and what they mean (kind of like in the Lonely Planet guides at the end smile.gif )

BTW, I am Flemish Belgian and we usually speak a zillion languages (well, we have to, who speaks Flemish anyway, and the Dutch pretend they do not understand us :D )... maybe Biltong...

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