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Russians & Germans speaking English

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Not sure if this has been mentioned before, but its just a suggestion to any sound modders out there.

Why not have a mod where the Russians/Germans or whoever speak English with an appropriate accent.

It would make for an interesting CMBB experience.

What do you think?

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For me hearing Russians and Germans speak their native languages makes the game better. If i dont understand what they say i usually ask someone who knows if it bothers me. But as im swedish, i can understand german without too many problems, and as i usually play the german side, i dont feel i should understand russian.

I never understood why people want to have "dubbed" voices. To me it lends a feeling of second rate american war films (which can be good in their own way, but those fake accents usually kill them for me).

Recently someone mentioned that not understanding what the people on your side say kills the immersion for him. That shed a little bit of light on the issue for me, but being fairly arrogant, i still think if it bothers you then learn what the words mean!

That said, as i dont have to use the mod i say go for it. It cant hurt to make the game appeal to more people!!

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I think this'd be a good mod....if you want to keep the original voices you don't need to install it! I think I'd like to try it. Close Combat gave the option of which language the soldiers would speak, and as I recall I played with English until I got an idea of what they were saying, then switched to the original languages.

As far as the suggestion to look the phrases up, well, I don't know enough Russian or German to even begin transcribing them.

I don't like dubbed movies either. How about a Hotkey for subtitles? :D

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I agree with you about listening to the native languages of the Russian/Germans. I like to hear them. But I would like to know what they are saying during the game.

With an English mod, hey it could be any language mod (ie. All German) at least I could understand what was being said and even be able to switch back and forth between mods to learn a little of the languages.

Thanks for the reply.

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If such a sound mod were available, I would probably download it and use it now and again for a change. I think I would generally prefer playing with the native language voices, but for an occasional hoot it might be fun. I speak German passably well, so I can understand my German soldiers, and I'm beginning to get the hang of the Russian expressions. The Finns and the Romanians are way beyond me, though. . .

What I would love is a set of the .wav files renamed so that the file name is a translation of the meaning into English. That way, I could listen to the sound files a few times though while looking at the meaning. The text translation lists that have shown up on the forum thus far are only marginally helpful to me as I have very little idea how to pronounce Romanized Russian (and don't even know where to start with Finnish and Romanian!!).

Perhaps a project for a slow day at work...



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Both CMBO and BB have been huge language lessons for me! I've picked up quite a bit of the German since I play them almost exclusively in BB and feel I am pretty well versed, at least in combat expressions.

LOL, If I ever visit Germany at least I can yell out in the native tongue now, "Take cover! Find tanks, fire at will! Soldiers, stop firing!" LOL!


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Actually, I'm amazed at the negative reaction to a suggestion like this.

Especially in the light of recent revelations about what the Russians are actually saying, I think it'd be great to hear them swearing in English in a Russian accent.

Lest I be mistaken for an English bigot, I do actually have a smattering of German and Russian (since I work with people in both those countries) but that doesn't mean it wouldn't be fun to have the option to hear what the troops are saying.

How about for CMAK we have a "subtitles" switch: get the voices in their natural language, with translations across the bottom of the screen. :D:D:D

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Originally posted by SFJaykey:

I think this'd be a good mod....if you want to keep the original voices you don't need to install it! I think I'd like to try it. Close Combat gave the option of which language the soldiers would speak, and as I recall I played with English until I got an idea of what they were saying, then switched to the original languages.


I don't like dubbed movies either. How about a Hotkey for subtitles? :D

I think the idea of being able to choose what language(s) are spoken is an excellent one. My only question is how much it would add to production costs. Also, how would you choose which languages to include? Having modders do this work would get around both problems, but perhaps some new enabling code would have to be written into the program.

I'm not too crazy about subtitles, the screen tends to get cluttered enough if you have warnings turned on, but if you make it optional I guess that would be alright.


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What are mods good for?


There are so many topics in this forum where they discuss ideas to make the game more realistic. And this topic seems to me a step back.

I am a German and I would really be pissed off to hear German units shouting English words. And to give them an accents is much more worse.

What you want is hollywood.

If the units would have a long conversation and chit chat I would understand your request. But what they say isn't really interesting or necessary for the game but very important for the flair/realism.

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Originally posted by Black Max:

Why not have a mod where the Russians/Germans or whoever speak English with an appropriate accent.

What do you think?

It would be useless, and the " appropriate accent " part would be absurd.

Subtitles could be acceptable, but i don't think in CM the player needs to understand what the troops are saying.

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Originally posted by Pyewacket:

What are mods good for?


Actually, mods are good for increasing enjoyment of the game. (I'm still waiting for the 114th Zombie Battalion mod).

I for one think that I would enjoy to hear the soldiers cursing in a way that I could understand.

I can very easily sympathise with someone who would not want to hear that, but I can't really understand the strong negative reaction ... sheesh, if you don't like it, don't install it!


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I used to play Combat Flight Sim 2 ( European Theatre - I think - I gave it to my dad anyway ) & this was something that really irritated me. The voice overs always sounded so "corny" ( phony German & British accents ). If you play the game ( CMBB, I mean ) enough you get to recognize what most voice cues mean. Also you can pretty well tell who's in trouble among your troops just by the tone of their voice(s). Having troops speak in their native language also gives the game that extra bit of realism as well.

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Seeing US movies where Germans (or Russians or anybody else) speak with some "accent" usually makes me laugh and cry at the same time.

That foreign accent is a pure Hollywood idea to

a) imediately tell the viewer (err... listener) which country that guys come from. As such, it is a clever idea.

B) It is however, an insult to the intelectual abilities of the other country - hey, they can't even speak properly.

c) the audiencc believes it - which in turn shows how interested in world affairs the audience really is and how much it knows of the real world. And I am desparately trying not to use the words "ignorant" and "dumb" - but that's exactly how most people (say those 5.4 out of 6 billions all over the world that don't speak English as their mother tongue) see the US audience regarding this. Especially as US foreign policy seems to be just the same.

A better idea: Learn Russian or German, then you might be able to understand what they curse. ;)

Andreas reply is shorter, but that may be the only way not to start a flame war on this topic.



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Originally posted by Black Max:


I agree with you about listening to the native languages of the Russian/Germans. I like to hear them. But I would like to know what they are saying during the game.

You would hear lots of inconsistiency.

Like MG crew shouting: "Enemy infantry! Load HE! Fire!"

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What I would like to have, is the ability to have a "subtitles" of what the soldiers screaming. Preferable with some hotkey to switch them on/off.

Of cause this could not be done by mode, it require game engine modification.

Storing this subtitles in the text files with the same names as sounds but different extensions would do the subtitles "moddable" or "translatable".

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I studied Russian for a year. I remember a smattering of words and phrases. The ones most clearly remembered are "I don't know" and "I don't understand". That's because I used those two phrases to answer 90% of the questions asked of me. That was over 10 years ago. My Russian linguistic abilities have not improved over time.

My German is limited to asking for basic directions, ordering beer, and trying not to go for scenic strolls through minefield belts. smile.gif I have learned many nouns through reading many TO&E tables. None of this helps me understand my poor Landser.

I love the immersion of the natural languages. That adds to the game. I hate that I have no friggin' clue what they're saying. That detracts from the game.

A mod which translates it would be great!! (For those who point out that written translations are available, that is of no help. It assumes I could hear something, transcribe it mentally to a written equivalent, then find it in the translation listing. I certainly wouldn't be doing that in the midst of a game, would you?) Like any mod, once I've learned that "Hilfe (?)" means, "Arrggghhh, I've been hit!", I can go back to the normal WAV files. Mod-in, Mod-out.

A mod is a mod. You German, Finnish, Russian, Hungarian, et al., speakers, I envy your ability to know what's happening. If YOU don't want the mod, well, don't download it, don't use it.

If someone offered a zebra-striped Panther mod, would you ignore it? Or go on a crusade deriding it and try to quash it? Probably not. This idea of a language mod is the same.

Choice is a good thing. Don't be so arrogant as to limit my choice in how I enjoy this game.

Thank you,


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Ok, so everyone attack me for being a lazy American that can't speak German or Russian, but I for one would like to have an option for English voices with the appropriate accent. I would like to know what my boys are saying.

I think it is a wonderful idea for an option. If you don't like the idea, then don't select that option.

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